HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-02-25, Page 1548 Coming Events KATRINA RELIEF TEAM Information meeting, Thursday, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m., Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Don Albrecht will be on hand to explore the possi- bility of sending a team. - 09x COMMUNITY SHOWER Fot• Erin O'Keefe, bride-to-be of Mark Van Diepenbeek. Saturday, Feb. 28, 1 p.m., at St. Joseph's Kingsbridge Church. - 09cc TEEN CHALLENGE FARM Learn about their program, focusing on free- dom from drug addiction. Bring a friend and be inspired by a message of hope and God's power to change lives. Lucknow Community Church, Place St., Sunday, March 15, 1�0 a.m. 09,10,11 ar BEEP SUPPER & VARIETY. CONCERT Mark your calendars for this event for Lucknow United Church, Sunday, March 22, 5 p.m. at the Lucknow Community Centre. Variety Concert starting at 6:30 p.m. Adults $12, 11 and under $6, preschoolers free. Advance tick- ets available at McDorogh Insurance, Armstrong's Bakery, Everlastings Flowers & Gifts or Elaine Seer (519-528-2709). - 09ar WOMEN'S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday, March 6, 2 p.m, Trinity United Church (Ashfield). All welcome. - 09,10 ST. PATRICK'S DAY BAKED POTATO SUPPER Saturday, March 7 at 6 p.m. at the Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Youth talent show to fol- low at 7 p.m. Many toppings for the potatoes, salad and dessert. Tickets are $10 each (chil- dren under 10 are $5). Contact Tom Downey at 519-395=5190. - 09,10ar COMMUNITY COME AND GO Bridal shower for Alicia deBoer, on Saturday, Feb. 28, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the basement of the Lucknow town hall. Everyone welcome. She is registered at Home Hardware and the Bay. Hosted by Lorene Casemore and Cherie Conley.' - 08,09 INFORMATION MEETING For proposed Lucknow retirement home on Thursday, Feb. 26 in the basement of the Lucknow town. hall. at 7:00 pm. View the blue- prints, ask questions, and give us your input.— 08,09 - YOGA CLASSES New session begins Friday, Feb. 27, 9:30 a.m., multipurpose room, Lucknow Arena. All fitness levels welcome. Cost $48/six week session. $10 drop-in. Registration and information, call Jocelyn deBoer, 519-357-9928. - 08,09xmc Lucknow . Community Christian Reformed Church 293 Place Street, Lucknow www.lucknowccrc.ca 519.528.3133 Pastor Rita Klein-Geltink Services: every Sunday morning at 10_ a.m.- • Sunday, March 1: Our Lenten series begins this week with Unlikely weapons: 5 smooth stones • Sunday, March 15 - Guests Teen Challenge Ask us about our programs! 398`6541127 4 6 1 2 9 7 3.5 8 5271`.38649 9458'7 r3261 2 8 3 5 1 6 9 7 4 7 1 6 4 2 9 8 3,5 674.98251�3' 1 3 9 7 6 5 4 6 2 852341 796 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Celebrate Papua New Guinea, Friday, March 6, 7 p.m. St. Peter's Parish Hall. All are wel- come. - 09,1 oar STRAWBERRY SUMMERFEST '09 All interested persons are invited to the meet- ing, Wednesday, Feb. 25, 7:30 to 9 p.m., Lucknow Legion. Past, present and new mem- bers are urgently needed to help keep this event going. The support of other service clubs and the chamber would be greatly appreciated. - 08,09ar LUCKNO DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE • Main Hall • Kitchen Facilities •-Meeting Room Available Seats 80 FOR INFO OR BOOKINGS CALL McDonagh Insurance 519-528-3423 Discover where to buy it, sell it, fix it, furnish it, pack it, explore it, hear it, compute it, eat Lin the Lucknow Sentinel Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - Page 15 Cold and flu bug going around Jean Hedley visited with Jessie Moon in Owen Sound on Family Day Monday. Jack and Joan Barr helped grandson, Jason Fair, move into his new home in Kincardine on Tuesday. .- The cold and flu bug is making the rounds. 1 hope those who are ill will soon be feeling better. The sympathy of the community goes out to the Colling and Nicholson families on the passing of Judy Colling,. of Ripley. Helen (Ray) Stanley, of Kinloss, is an aunt. • - Sara Haldenby, of Cochrane, visited friends and family in the village of Kinlough. Sara, Erlma and Raven visite d with Angela Fraser ` and twins ; Alyssa:. and Alexis. in Bernie o Friday:: Sara and Raven Haldenby left last Saturday morning for their home- Kirtlough In arida IaIlaalv ward trek. A storm delayed their trip by two days. I guess Wiarton Willie was correct on his prediction this year. Snow was a plus for the 23rd anniversary celebra- tion sleigh rides at . the Holyrood Store. Allan and Lucy Miller said thank you° to their customers with help from the Murray and MacDonald farms and Shotgun Red. Lots bf warm drinks and treats were found inside the store while you picked up the specials. Thanks to the Millers and their helpers. Congratulations to the Lucknow Legion dart team who won their division at Owen Sound on Saturday, They now try for the Ontario Championship, Members " of the team are Eric , Haldenby, Patrick Ritchie, Allan Stanley and Jason Stanley. Glen and Shelley Haldenbywent to St. Thomas for the weekend to visit Mitch Tiller and attend the funeral of Mitch's fatter. Brad Engel and Lea - Anne Haldenby attended the wedding of Megan Tanner and Nick DeJong on Saturday in Guelph and on Sunday they visited with friend, Donnie Monk, in London. The Ripley Winter Carnival had lots of enter- tainment ntertainment and good food. Thanks goes out, to the organizers. Merle and iGerald Rhody had granddaughter Dawn Sullivan and; her girls from Azilda and .Elaine Ellis and son Tyson, of Ripley, for a visit recently.. Erlma Haldenby visited Michael Arenberg and Helen Classen in Teeswater on Saturday afternoon. etwork Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! 100% AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL - We can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your circumstances are. Drive a little and save a lot. Over 300 vehicles to choose from. Apply online www.gables.ca. GABIES AUTO SALES, 250 Springbank Dr., London, ON, 519-472-8815. AMAZING NEW PRODUCT! NATURAL ENERGY MINTS & GUM! Many people switch from energy drinks to our productl Huge CASH income potential! FREE Brochure :1 Samples' 1-800-681-1832. www.energlservending.com. CONVENIENCE STORES IN GRADE "A" ENCLOSED MALLS. Shefieeld EXPRESS has lottery, slush, tobacco +. investment $200,000. to $400,000., depending upon Location. Ceti 1-800-663-4213 Ext. 118. EXCITING FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY' FORMAFENCE - Vinyl Fendng, Decking, Railings. Operate and own your own busi- ness.. A proven & successful concept. 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