HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-02-25, Page 14Page 14 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 25, 2009
46 In Memoriam
In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmoth-
er and great-grandmother, Viola Rose Hallam,
who passed away five years ago, Feb. 27,
If roses grow in Heaven, Lord,
Would you please pick a bunch,
And place them in our mother's arms
And tell her they're from us.
Tell her we loveher and miss her
And when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek,
And hold her in Your loving arms,
Til the next time that we speak.
Because remembering her is easy,
We do it every day,
But there's an ache within our hearts,
That will never go away.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
your family. - 09x
In memory of our sister-in-law, Shirley Scott,
who passed away Feb: 29, 2008.
We miss her in so many ways
We miss her srhile and gentle ways
With secret tears and loving thoughts
We hold her close within our hearts.
Lovingly remembered by brothers-in-law and
their wives. - 09x-
In loving memory of Shirley Scott, who left us
Feb. 29, 2008:
Your cheerful smile, your heart of gold,
You were the best this world could hold,
Never selfish, always kind,
These are the Memories you left behind
While you sleep a peacelul sleep,
Loving memories of you we always keep.
No verse, no flowers, no tears can say,
How much we miss you every day.
Lovingly remembered by husband Don, and
family. - 09x
47 dards- of.Thank=
A big thank you to all young performers who
shared their enormous musical talents and to
the appreciative audience that came out to
head them. We raised $124.20 for CFI Thank
you also to Lee Grant, Scott Chow and Ernie
King of Wingham for their help in putting on the
Music Jam. See you again for the next Music
Jam in 20101- 09ar
We would like to express our appreciationto
the following Lucknow businesses and owners
for the birth plate for our new baby Tristan . -
Hodgins Home Hardware; Knechtel's
Foodland; Lucknow District Co-operative;
Lucknow Travel TPI; , Willits Tire Service;
MacKenzie & McCreath Funeral Home;
McDonagh Insurance and Trillium Mutual; Paul
Zinn; and Lynn Johnston. Thank you, Sara and
Frank. 09nx
Thank you to everyone who attended my sur-
prise 30th birthday party and made it a little bit
easier turning 30. A BIG thank you goes out to
Dan, mom, Julie and Sandra for all their plan-
ning and hard work. Also thanks for all the
cards, gifts and donations made to the
Dungannon Ag Society. It really means a lot.
Aloha! Kelly. - 09xv
We would like to thank everyone for all their
help whether physical or financial in the main-
tenance of our skating rink in Dungannon.
Thank you again for all your assistance. - 09ar
A sincere thank you to everyone who remem-
bered me with cards, phone calls, flowers, vis-
its and food. Your kind expressions of sympa-
thy is very much appreciated. Thank you.
Margaret. - 09
47 Cards of Thanks '
Home at last! I want to thank all the people who
have helped me during the last eightmanths.
The young fireman from Stratford who shooed
me back into the car, climbed in behind and
held my head steady until his own hands
shook. The ambulance people who handled
things efficiently and as gently as possible and
the two young policemen whose kindly manner
really impressed me. To the many people in
orthopedics at Goderich hospital, doctors and
nurses galore, therapists, cooks, cleaners and
even some patients who encouraged and
cheered me on. To the folks at Pinecrest nurs-
ing home and Dr. Shubat for your care and
companionship. To my friends and relative who
came with strengthening words and gifts to
cheer and encourage me. To my family: for car-
ing for my affairs and needs in spite of being on
a tight "schedule.. To the Count/ services who
are making being at home possible. Thank you
all from the bottom of my heart. Myrtle. - 09ec.
Thank you to family and friends for the support
and kindness shown to all of us atthe time of
Judy's passing. The flowers and donations
made in memory of Judy were overwhelming
arid: greatly appreciated. Thank you to every-
one for their visits, phone calls, hugs, cards
and food delivered to our homes. To the
"kitchen ladies", thank you for keeping us fed
and organized. We would like to express our
gratitude for the care and compassion shown
to Judy over the years by the wonderful nurses
and lab techs at the Kincardine Hospital and
Clinic, her nurses and doctors in London, the
VON, and especially Dr. Boron and Dr. Scott.
Thank you to Amy and Mary Ellen for their.
guidance and understanding, Gail Caslick for
the beautiful flowers and Rev. Diane Dier for
the comforting service. Judy was an extraordi-
nary lady who touched the lives of many peo-
ple. She took a little piece of all of our hearts
with her, but left a small piece of hers for each
of us. She was a loving wife, miter, sister, sis-
ter-in-law, friend and adoring grandma who will
be missed forever but remembered always.
Gerald and Family. - 09
We would like to thank everyone who came out
and supported our "Hockey Day and Spaghetti
to Hodgins Home
Hardware and rtsaholics for the door
prizes. The winners were. as follows: Support
our troops stick Kayla Murray; Support our
troops stick - Ryan Boyle; Easton stick -
Braden Smyth; Sherwood stick - Kenzie
Simpson; Sweatshirt - Madisoh McLean;
Sweatshirt - Shirley Christiansen; Sweatshirt -
Braden Smyth; Hockey Pa its . Lyndon
Johnston; Hockey, Pants - . Donnie Irwin;
Shoulder Pads - Jason Cranston. Thank -you
again to everyone for your support. Branch 309
Lucknow Legion. - 09ar
airshea WI
The February
agricultural meet-
ing of the Kinloss
Kairshea WI was
held at the
Lucknow town
hall with president
Irene Haldenby
opening the meet-
ing with the WI
grace. Donna
McBride and
Andrea Feeley
served cheesecake
tea and coffee
which wag-reatly
Irene welcomed
everyone on such
a stormy day and
read "Farmer
takes a wife",
R o e l y
read the Scripture.
The minutes and
treasurer's report
were given and as
it was so stormy
there was no
speaker and only
10 answering. the
rollcall on
changes in the last
10 years of farm-
Humerous read-
ings were given
by Roley,
Roberta, Andrea,
KareAl, Alice and
WMS ladies hold their meeting
The ladies of the
Lucknow Presbyterian
WMS met recently in the
gathering room of - the
Shirley Hawthorne wel-
comed everyone and
opened. with a reading
"There is a promise" and
'All the Way' was sung.
Joanne . Lennips had the
variety numbers entitled
`Buzzards" are circling:' and
Valentine facts. Shirley led
in prayer and read an article
on Margaret Henderson's
retirement from the church
office on Wynford Drive in
The rollcall, a gift for hos-
pital patients, was answered.
The minutes were read
and the business discussed:
It was decided to put a
plaque in honour of Maudie
Fisher on the bench in the
narthex of the church. World
Day of Prayer will be held at
the Anglican Church on
March 6.
Erlma Haldenby had the
program and worship on
Solidarity. Members joined
in with the presentation after
singing = 'What does the Lord
require of me? Each person
molded a symbol of what
solidarity meant to " them
from play dough and placed
it on the alter with the"
colours of north, east, south
and west and the healing cir-
cle. The group ,discussed the
Mayan culture working with
physical, spiritual, emotion-
motional and intellectual_ aspects of
life to bring the women to
dignity and self-respect. It
was compared to the aborig-
inal experiences in our
country where healing circ,
cles are restoring hope, free-
dom and justice.
Aboriginal leaders are try-
ing. to heal. through social,
political and spiritual means
where the Spirit of God pre-
vails in the relationship with
Aboriginal. people and the
The worship study on the
story of the parable of the
unjust brought a dis-
cussion an how we can find
oriportunities of solidarity in
our E:ieighbourboods.
A litany followed with
everyone j offered a blessing
as a shawl was
wound each person.
'May the God ofHope go
with us' was sung. A time of
fellowship ;followedwith
the hostess being Grace
Huron - Kinloss
The Township of Huron -moss is seeking a qualified person for the position of
Landfill Attendant at the Kinloss Landfill site.
This position is 4 hours on Saturdays from April toOctober (inclusive).
Applicant must possess the following:
• Good communication skills
• Ability to work unsuper`v:sed
Qualified applicants are invited to submit a confidential detailed resume with references
:no later than Thursday, March 5th, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. Sealed envelopes should be clearly
marked with the position title and addressed to:
Township of Huron -Kinloss
P.O. Box 130, 21 Queen Street.
Ripley, ON NOG 2R0
Attn: Hugh Nichol, Director of Public Works
Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. fn accondance with the
Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, personal information is collected under the
authority of the Municipal Act, R.5.0. 1990, c.M45, as amended and will only be used for the
purpose of candidate selection.
The first installment of the 2009 interim tax levy is due on Monday, March 02, 2009.
Taxes may be paid through pre -authorized payment, telephonelinternet banking, the mail
or at the`Municipal Office, 21 Queen St., Ripley, between.8:30 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Monday
through Friday.. For your convenience, Interac as well as post dated cheques are accepted
at the office. There is also an after hours drop box located at the front of the office.
Taxes not paid by the due date are subject to interest charges of 1.25% per month.
Please ensure your payment is received in the office by the due date. When making
payment through Telephonellnternet banking & Teller/ABM payments please allow two
(2) business days for payment to be received in the municipal office.
Any ratepayer who has not received a tax notice is advised to contact the
Township of Huron -Kinloss Municipal Office at (519) 195-3735 as soon as possible.
Huron M Kin oss
21 Queen Street, P.O. Box 130, Ripley, ON
NOG 2R0 519-393-3735
hurontwpw Iiturontel.on.ca • to ‘\ \\ Ai H t"OA i tlloss.(oni