HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-02-25, Page 5No story told more than birth of child
No story will be retold more than the story cf your
child's birth. We "experienced" husbands call these
LABOR STORIES. They have nothing to do with
LABOR DAY. For your reference, each story
will be different but contain the same basic ele-
The wife is the heroine -she has just fully real-
ized -that the basketball in her tuminy has to
come out somehow.
For some reason, the doctor has picked this
day to golf.
The husband is a minor character.
Nothing this man says today will be intel-
ligent. In fact, all the funny parts of the
labor story will probably center on some-
thing the husband did or said or thought.
• Here is how it really happens:
3am-Contractions always start at 3am.. The wife
will wake up the husband and tell him: "This is it!"
3:10, 3:20, 3:30, 3:40am.-7Wanting to share the
experience, the wife wakes the husband up for every
contraction. After a "discussion" they decide that
maybe he should sleep. • -
3:50, 4:00, 4:10, 4:20 --The wife wakes the hus-
band up for every contraction.
10am-Contractions are every five minutes.
Husband is afraid to announce he feels sick to his
stomach. Both her mother and sister are coaching her.
12:30pm--Things are happening faster and hard-
er...for. her. He suggests that it's time for lunch and
gets dirty looks from the coaches and a punch in the
head from her.
--The doctor was at s office. Husband
remarks that he didn't know golf cleats were
hospital issue. Wife gets a shot of NU -BANE,
allowing her to sleep for 30 seconds between
each contraction. Her positive affirmation is
"No more babies. No more babies."
3:30pin--Wife is holding husband's
hand and has her arm around his shoul-
Wife has husband in a tight headlock
and is biting off his thumb. Nurse saves him. -
4:30pm--The true nature of both husband and wife
are coming out. The wife apparently is prone to vio-
lence and likes to talk like a sailor. The husband
promises to do whatever she says if she'll just stop
hurting him.
5pm—Delivery begins. The wife finds the softest
part f the husband's flesh and pinches with all her
might. With the next contraction she sits up and belts
the doctor. The nurse saves him.
5:30pm-A new little baby comes into the world. All
is well. -4
Mark Thrice is our nationally syndicated humor
columnist. • .4.
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - Page 5
Wind farms still having negative impact The Lucknosv and District Kinsmen provide:la(tetZtftvrirEtcc:11
Dear Editor,
• •
I want you to try to imagine
your home being invaded by loud
noise and/or humming vibration,
night after night. What would
you do for your children, or your
pets? Howwould you feel if your
significant other or your elderly
parents had to go through some-
thing like this, night after night?
At some point I think you would
• have to find a way to stop it. At
some point it would drive you to
yell out loud that you don't
deserve sthis. That nobody
deserves, this. And yet, here we
sit, week after' -week, putting up
with it. •
• No more. We are one of many
• &milks that have, and continue
t� be, negatively •affected by
these wind . farms that you still
consider the jewel of your crown.
I hate to guess at what makes a
group of men force terrible living
conditions onto residents, with
nary a thought; You call us
NIMBY's. I believe every one of
you is weak. If you can't stand up
for what you know is right and
look after the people of this
province, then your whole pur-
pose has been a sham.
I know my husband and I are
one of very few who are 4)ealc.-
• ing publicly about this now. Why
• is that, you ask? Very simply it's
because we feel we have to. We
have crossed .that line. We tried
to be quiet to protect our biggest ,
investment, our property. But
• sometimes doing the right thing
has to come before any other
• thing, including money. People
are tired. People arcso disillu-
sioned that they have given up on
• having anyone actually take their
problems seriously. They mitke
their complaint, only to be told
they are the only ones complain-
ingand that everything is in line
with the guidelines set by the
Ministry of the Environinent. If
these levels are within the guide-
lines then you people had better
start your research all over again,
because I know you would not
tolerate for yourself, or your
families, what you are putting
residents through.
Every new wind farm brings
more distress .to people, and yet
you cannot wait to have our
• whole landscape dotted with
these machines, from east to
west. You show absolutely no
• consideration for people, domes-
tic animals, wildlife and birds.
As I write this, my dog is pacing,
barking and whining because this
vibration is driving her mad.
How do I know that? On the days
when the turbines are not running
or are very quiet, she is perfectly
normal. With all due respect to
those in the world, who are living
in conditions I cannot even imag-
ine," this vibration is a new form
of industrial torture, taking place
right in our own home. Do you
know how it feels to try to sleep
with a deep humming coming up
through your pillow? tried to
sleep with my head at the foot of
the bed, hoping the vibration
• coming through the walls would-
n't be so strong if I moved from
it. It didn't help. Nothing helps,
and I can't shut it off!
Tifisitas to stop. implore you
to talk to the residents in this
province living in wind farms.
Don't discount
talent to showcase their talents, when the -organization spon
telling you. If they are having
problems, only to be told there is
nothing that can be done, _
because all of- your guidelines
have been, met, then what are
what they are
they to do? Where do they go
when they are dismissed? My
husband and I have nothing left,
to lose now. Our house is worth-
less as it sits. We put a lot of
time, effott and funds into our
house to update- it since we
moved here, and for what?
How can you even begin to
support these companies that
promote the idea that living in a
wind farm increases land value?
Give me a break! You know bet-
ter, and yet here we still are, lis-
tening to you tell the masses how
wonderful these wind farms are
and how many jobs you are
going to create. I ask you, how
many of these jobs are long
term? What happens after the
roads are built aend the turbines
are up? How many real jobs,
long term, have they created? I
am sure you have the research
froth somebody to back you: up.
Was that a government initiative
to work out the job creation num-
bers, or did someone help you
with that? .
• I am 'going 'to stop now. 1 am
wide awake, which is the noun in
• this house now. Chances are you
are all having a restful sleep.
Lucky you!
Barbara Ashbee Lormand aid
Dennis Lormand
335498 7th Line Amaranth
RR1, Shelburne, Ontario
t ' .
sored a Family Day Music jam, on Feb. I 5.Those who partidpat
ed gave great performances.rtile the number of attendees was
not line, Kinsmen Luke Smith said that as this was the first year
he was happy with the numbers.Watch next year for this event.
It riskily is amazing how manytalented young people are in our
community. Seen here is singer Natalie Irwin. -.
* * *
2 9
4 21
6 9
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puzzle, every number
from 1 to 9 must
appear in:
• Each of the nine
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• Each of the nine
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• Each of the nine
Tx 3 boxes
• Remember, no
number can occur
more than once In •
any row, column
or box
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