HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-02-25, Page 3Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - Page 3
50 acre farms will not be a part of the new official plan
From Page 1
Bruce County is
dropping the fight
to get 50 acre farm
lots included in the
new Official Plan.
The plan. was
always a controver-
sial one, but the
planning commit-
tee wanted to rec-
ognize acre
farms the
Walkerton and
Kincardine area,
where that was
original survey size
for some farms.
The move got
strong resistance
from the province,
which has a 100
acres minimum
farm size. The
county could spend
$80,000 fighting
for the 50 -acre
farm designation
with slim hope of
winning, said con -
"Council needs
to give serious con-
sideration to the
public cost and
benefit of continu-
ing with this work
in light of the.
Ministry's position,
" Dyment said in a
"We should cut
our losses," said
Saugeen Shores
mayor Mike Smith
after hearing
Dyment's report.
Planning- chair
Charlie Bagnato
agreed the county
has little chance of
success in its battle.
"The province
has let us know in
no uncertain terms
that they would
fight it, and when it
comes to taxpayer
dollars we have to
be prudent.
And the consult-
ant -- when he rec-
ommends that we
cease, I think we
have to listen to
him," Bagnato
A tougher stan-
dard for noise
from wind turbines
is part of an official
plan update for
Bruce County.
The noise formu-
la isn't the one the
province uses, but
is in response to
residents' concerns
about health effects
said Councillor
Mitch T volae.
"Obviously z a five decibel.
penalty to account
for cyclic variation
is in .direct conflict
with the policies of
the ` Ministry
but I think it's due Energy in . regards these types of situ- c i a l l y - funded tanee,
diligence on behalf to wind farm devel- ations and try to get Home Ownership The social assis-
of Bruce County opment," planner more information _ Plan has helped 42 tance caseload in
and the eight David Smith said on them," he said. families get their Bruce County is
municipalities to in his report to It's worth. trying first house. growing.
look into some of planning commit- for the tougher Applicants have December and
these issues a little tee. standard because of to meet income cri- January saw a
bit further," Twoi Twolan also residents' concerns teria and buy a noticeable increase
said. wants Bruce about wind farms, house in an from the same
A proposed County to support a Twolan said. approved price months a year ear -
amendment to the resolution from _Housing range in order to lier, with 489 cases
countyofficial plan Prince Edward Bruce residents qualify.. this January com-
adds five decibels County asking the havejust
about a Habitat isfor pared to 423 a year
to the calculations federal and provin- month to take Humanity among ago.
of sound emissions cial governments to advantage of free those interested in Recent job losses
from turbines in research the health money to help get a the program. It are driving up the
wind farms, to effects of wind newhome. wants to build four number of applica-
account for cyclic farms. The county has houses in South tions for social
variation or the "Obviously with $132,000 left from Bruce Peninsula, assistance. Most of
`whoomP ' sound of some of the con- a $400,000 fund and said ;the Home the job losses are in
the blades. cerns we have in that gave eligible Ownership pro- the unskilled trades
"It should be H u r o n- K i n l o s s would-be home- gram could help sector, according to
noted, that the. with some of our owners money for get that- project off a report from Bruce
ment to add ratepayers we have a down - payment. the ground. county _ social serv-
requireP Y
to listen to some of So far the provin- Social assis- ices.
we've heard from
Ministry of
Municipal "Affairs
they're probably
not m favour of it
We're tired of swe ing snow off these v
come in and check our 1
rives to Wingham hospital
Stormy winter
weather couldn't
keep excited IPM
and Hospital
Foundation volun-
teers away from the
Community Centre
on Sunday, Feb. 22
as $500,000 was
awarded to local
health care proj-
Early in the plan-
ning stages of IPM
2008 a commit-
ment was made by
the : group to sup-
port health care in
local hospitals.
Health came is a
common need for
residents in every
corner of Bruce
County, both rural
and urban. To help
decide on how to
disperse the funds,
an information
meeting was held
in early February.
of this year when
Foundation offi-
cials provided a
variety of detailed
equipment propos-
- als requiring finan-
cial support.
The Wingham
and District
received $75,000
in order to . pur-
chase a new
"SonoSite - Turbo
Ultrasound Unit"
for The hospital.
Costing about
$60,000, doctors
will now be able to
more accurately
and rapidlydiag-
nose patients
increasing : hospital
efficiency and sav-
ing lives. ; Funds
will also be direct-
ed towards the cost
of .a Philips iU22
Ultrasound System.
already in place at
the hospital.
Stock #t LT3406
SE: $399 +taxes per month for 4 years.._
with $4500 plus taxes down, 20,000
�tia= � Z
Lucknow 'fes..,
• Kincardine
Photo by A. Joanne Osborne
Bruce County International Plowing Match 2008 executive committee members gath-
ered with Midwestern Ontario health care representatives Feb. 22 at the Teeswater
Culross Memorial Community Centre. From the proceeds of the match, half -a -million
dollars was distributed to health care facilities in Bruce, Grey and Huron counties.
• J
"think Spring! New arrivals are perfect
for that trip south!