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Lucknow Sentinel, 2009-01-28, Page 11
Robinson, new Ag Society president At the annual meeting of the Ripley Ag Society last week, Mark Robinson was named the new president and the new home craft president will be Gail Vanderhoek. The theme for the upcoming fair is "Have a beary berry good time at the fair". Kelly Helm, Liam and Nolan, visited with their aunt and uncle, Deanna and Morley Scott last week. Tammy and Brad Puipk Gwe -IY The Women's Institute Murray, Damon and Dylan, visited with Wilma and Cecil Sutton on Sunday. It is good to hear that Mary Beth and Leonard Kerr, Michael and Paul are now - enjoying rural life again on the 12th Concession.. 1 Mary Anne Kukoly recently visited with Marj Reid. Mary Black and Mary Anne also visited with June and Ear Elliott, "o Wingham, last week. The Jan. meeting of the Purple Grove WI held at Fran Farrell 's home started out with a potluck lunch, fol - owed by business and ending with a number from each f. • Monday - HS & HT: Lisa Lawler, 230; Theresa Flood, , 542; Ron Elliott, 327, 740. Other over 200 scores: Ron Elliott, 237; Eric Taylor, 266; Rob Beirnes, 277; Richard Elliott, 213, 218. Standings: Road Runners, 45; Tweety Birds, 33; Tasmanian Devils, 32; Wile E. Coyote, 25. liresday - HS & !it: Sue Biopics, 198, 508; Richard Elliott, 359,818 Other /over 200 'scores: Brad Engel, 213, member. The. February meeting will have Marilyn Reid speaking on her recent trip. Bruce and Kathy Aitkin, of Bracebridge, and Christina VandeSype, of Guelph, visited with Jim and Fran Farrell Over the weekend and John Forester recently visited from SudbUry. On Sunday evening Jim and ran had supper with Lloyd and Shirley Kuntz, of Formosa, along with Don and Liz tobo and Les and Mary Nichols. 231; Tom Downey, 217; Ron Elliott, 212; .Kevin Finnigan, 201; John Andrew, 206; Richard Elliott, 276, Emerson Howald, 236, 201; Gerry lioggarth, 215. Standings: Bert's Butt Kickers, 45; Tom and Jelly's, 41; Dave's Harem, 40; Gracie's Boys, 39; Tex's Rangers, 8; Luke'sAtigels, 22. • Town & Country - IIS ar ,HD: Lorna Guay, 201, 360; 1Zon Thompson, 217; Harry George, 382. Other over 175 scores: Shirley Kennedy, 177; Emerson Howald, 215; Harry George, 209; Wayne Snyder, 203. 114; ..faer :rat ir Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 28, 2000 - Page 11 Meals on Wheels The Lucknow Meals on Wheels held their meeting in. January at Pinecrest Manor in Lucknow. Committee mem- bers Irene Haldenby, Ruth Alton, Gertie Henderson, Alice Ritchie and dietary supervisor Leanna Baker were pres- ent. Meals on Wheels currently have six clients and in 2008 they delivered 1,561 meals to their clients. The drivers and runners who take time, at least once a month, to deliver hot meals to area resi- dents are greatly appreciated. It is their dedication that makes this service so success- ful. New drivers are always needed. Anyone wishing to help out once or twice a month by driving or anyone interested in obtaining meal tickets, please call Irene Haldenby at 528-2190 or. Ruth Alton at 529-7496. ivisINTEE Ruth MacDonald, Broker Office 519-395-0374 Kincaid,* Branch Office 1-888-995-0374- viivw.RealEstateKincardine.com fudtbieliffewhicadn"°rn OPEN HOUSE, SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1' - 3 P.M. Brand New 3 BR home in Port Abet/ 2x6 con- struct*, full basement, attached garage, & much more. Please call Ruth for directions. Network Ciassifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! • REPOSSESSED PRE -FAB HOMES!! SAVE 50%+++III Can is Manufacturer's USA Order Cancellations. Brand New 1260SF Pre -Engineered Package originally $29,950.00, LIQUIDATION $14,975.0011! Other sizes - SACRI- FICE PRICES! GREEN -R -PANEL Building Systems: 1a-800-871-7089. SPRING/SUMMER DELIVERY AVAILABLE! . 1111111111111111111am CLEAN DRIVING RECORD? Grey Power could save you up to $400 on your car insurance. Call 1-877-505- 0487 for no -obligation quote. Open weekends. ,,,..z.,„.,,.1111111111111111 #1 HIGHSPEED INTERNET $18.95 / Menth. Absolutely no ports are blocked. Unlimited Downloading. Up to 5Mps Download and 800Kbps Upload. ORDER TODAY AT wviAv.acanac.ca or CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-866-281-3538. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don't Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll -Free 1-866-884-7464. ADD AND SAVE on home phone reconnection. Bad credit - no problem! 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Excellent wages, bene- fits and opportunities to travel the world. March 2nd -March 21st/09, March 30th -April 8th/09. Contact: 1- 866-807-3960, www.mdslimited.ca. TRAIN FOR A NEW CAREER in Medical Transcription. Learn from home! Earn from home! Contact CanScribe today for a FREE informa- tion package. 1-800-466-1535, www.canscribe.com, info@can scribe.corn. • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • It's Effective • One Bill Does It All • All Ontario $429 • National Packages Available! www.netwotimItissified.org Got a news tip? Call Garit at the Sentinel 519-528-2822 - iisINTEE • tb .11/4.fl Amanda McClenaghan - Sales Rep. Tel: 519-528-3129 Cell:. 519-525.8600 E-mail: realestate@hurontel.on.ca PoInttlark - Affordable Lakefront Cottage, 3 BR, main- tenance free with many updates. Asking $269,900. Peint.Ciark - Sprawling 5 BR home/cottage close to - beach and boat launch, double lot and heated shop. Asking $209,900. Lucknow - Shows like New! 2 BR bungalow, attached garage and conc. driveway. Clean, neutral decor and convenient location to downtown. Asking $174,900. .Lucknow - Stone Church transformed to an amazing 3 BR, 3 bath,Oome. 3500 sq ft of spacious liv- ing. Asking $329,900. Listowel - Custom built home in Hamlet of Briton. 6BR, 2 Bath attached garage and detached shop on .65 Acres. Country like -living with many quality features and recent renovations. Asking $324,900. - • Belfast Residential lot over 1/2 acre located in the country. Pole Shed/Workshop 32x56, driveway and level lawn are all waiting for you. Asking $44,900., - • Lucknow - Residential building lots, no develop- • ment charges, $45,000 and $39,900 take your pick. - Vivvw.HuroniiirucellealEstate.comi VIRTUAL TOURS AVAILABLE ON ALL MY LISTINGS • www.mcintee.ca Paul Zinn, Broker Phone 519-528-2411 Cell 519424-0264 - Fax 519-528-3523 E-mail: Iticlulow@mcintee.ai LUCKNOW -.2,000 sq..ft brick commercial zoned •• building. New windows, doors, dry -Walled throughout. . Good solid building suitable for a multitude of uses. 576 Willoughby St. $125,000 090155 50 ACRES • Kinloss - 4 BR cedar home with walk out ..bsmt, 40x50 shop, 20 workable with Dickies Creek. 981 Grey Ox Ave.. -$ 499,000 083620 20 ACRES - Hobby farm - Huron Twp. New 56x58 barn with 8 stalls, 5. acres fenced. Century 3 BR 'home renovated in 2001. #44 sideroad 20. • NOW $330,000 083259 ACRES - Two commercial zoned buildings 40x100. . Both heated, 2 laneways. 119 Bruce Rd41. $269,000 083228 GOUGH ST.- 5 BR home, family room addition with fireplace, 30x24 garage on double lot. $179,500 083120 59 ACRES - Restored 4 BR home with inground pool, heated shop, 30 acres rented, 25 acres mixed bush with stream and ponds. 37975 Amberley Rd. Reduced to $415,000. 081810 - • 98 ACRES - Ashfield, 70 workable, 5 BR brick home, large barn and shed, St. Helen's Creek, Belgrave. Road and Lucknow Line, NOW $425,000. 082774 BUILDING LOTS - Havelock St. - 66x165 and Ludgard 75x138. $ 32,560 each. 082639, 082640 BRICK/VINYL BUNGALOW - 2 + 2 BR, 2 baths, walk -out finished lower level, open concept with 2 propane fireplaces, carport. 330 Place St., Lucknow. NOW $189,900 082638 5.86 ACRES - CULROSS - 4BR home, country kitchen with island and cookstove, in ground pool, detached garage. 1494 Bruce Rd # 6. Reduced to $218,500. o81686 • 522 OUTRAM ST. - 6 BR plus office area. Formal dining room and living room, hot water heater. $130,000 081174 300 ACRES - licensed for gravel extraction; 4 BR fieldstone home, beef feed lot; $1,250,000. 073863 LUKE SMITH, Sales Representative Res: 519 528-2685 Ce11:519 525-8984 Email: vashtar@hurontel.on.ca 601 HAVELOCK 3 BR - house backing onto mill pond, hardwood on main and second floors, 200 AMP service w/upgraded wiring/plumbing, most windows repl., partly finished bsmt., and large utili- ty room. Public park across road. 1902 AMBERLEY RD., RR3 LUCKNOW - 1.5 storey fieldstone home situated on a 0.47 acre lot with mature trees, pine floors on main level, cathet drat ceiling with skylights, electric forced air, wood - stove, low maintenance soffit/fascia: NEW PRICE $185,000 • •