HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-01-28, Page 51$14, 41,1 ‘ . # 4 ' 1 i 44 4 -.I. 4 4 A f i 6 ' I,- it i 4 il -A i v 4 f 4 ,` e r• f 4 i; — ,_• - t t V i 4 1 .i ! 4 t 4' A 1 i -, a• ,1‘ i ", 1 4 a tititt**,/§. .f.- $ ' fiffirsWirtir Coping with all the movies kids love • • • "Daddy! Whitt are we doing tonight?" "Hey!" they said to themselves, "Mark's kids That is what I love to hear from my kids! They aren't obsessing anymore. He must be almost well •are still young enough that they love to spend time again. Time for a new movie! Pass the mouse-fla- with their old man! Nothing can come between a vored cheezies!" Now the big difference between loving father and his children. this production and past ones is that you won't hear "What would you like to do?" I reply. "OH any of the songs from High School Musical on the DADDY! HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL TWO IS ON radio, sung by famous artists. This is probably a AND WE HAVE TO WATCH IT! !" "Oh." For those of you who haven't heard of High School Musical, possibly because you have been on Mars or have recently been deceased, let me explain: High School Musical is the lat- est phenomenon to be implanted in the brains of children everywhere by the parasite that is Walt Disney? And it will be the death of me. Now don't get me wrong. This is another high quality production from the Magic Kingdom, standing comfortably in the ranks of Snow White, Mary Poppins and The Lion King. They are ALL Worth watching. "This isn't so bad." You will think to yourself. "I can watch this." But could you watch it one a week? How about once a day? How about once in the evening and once at night, with a sprinkling of the High School Musical soundtrack thrown in, every dity for -the next eight months? Sorry, 1 think I'm drooling again. You see, I thought that as soon as I made it through the endless repeats of The Little Mermaid, The Lion King and The Jungle Book, I would be safe. After all, my,kids are finally too old to tie obsessed with movies anymore. Apparently, I took ole 'Walter's marketing department for granted. good thing, since getting it at home AND in the car causes such side effects as sobbing, teeth grinding, receding hair lines and erratic driv- ing. One guy I knew just blew up... Unfortunately, the songs WILL stick with you, including the hit "We're All In This Together" whose lyrics I have slightly modified: We're watching this forever And you know you'll break down And give up once you see that We're watching this forever And we'll but all the stuff To make Disney's dream... come true! Me: "Mom, my kids are driving me crazy, obsess- ing over the new Disney movie that's out!" My Mom: "Do you mean that stupid Nacho Libre movie? I can't stand it either!" My Wife: "Oh no. Nacho Libre is the movie that my HUSBAND is obsessing over. High School Musical is the one that the kids can't get enough of." Me: "I don't know where they get that from..." My Mom: "I do. I thought 1 was going to go crazy, reading Chitty Chitty Bang Bang over and over and over. Pete's Dragon still makes me feel nauseous." Me: "You look okay now. What's your secret?" My Mom: "Laughter really is the best medicine . -I just love watching you deal with your own obses- sive kids! It makes it all worth while!" Crime Stoppers month shows success Each year Crime Stoppers pro- grams around the world celebrate Crime Stoppers Month in January to highlight success and proinote their crime fighting initiatives. In 2008 Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce Inc. reached an impressive milestone as they surpassed the $30 million mark in seized drugs and stolen property since inception in 1987. Gary . Murphy, the president of Crime Stoppersinternational is not only amazed at the success of the program but is -also pleased with the expansion of more than 1,200 programs in some 24 countries worldwide. Cumulative totals of the 1,200 programs have also resulted in the seizure of drugs and recovery of stolen property totaling in excess of $9 billion. Letters of recognition have been received from .Rick Bartolucci of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Premier Dalton McGuinty, OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino and Prime Minister Steven Harper, all extolling the great success of Crime Stoppers programs through- out the Province. Crime Stoppers is a civilian community organization devised to acquire infoxmation that assists law enforcement agencies in the resolution of crime. Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $2,001) for information lead* to. the arrest of criminals, recovery of stolen property and/or seizure of illegal drugs while maintaining total anonymity to the caller and complete confidentiality of the tip." The Crime Stoppers Program is made up of three essential ele- ments: the community, the media, and law enforcement. The com- munity is involved through its local Board of Directors and through those community mem- bers who provide tip information and funds for the maintenance of the program. The media publicizes case re-enactments or details a))out a case not yet solved or a person wanted on a warrant. Law enforcement receives the anony- mous tip information from our office staff and follows the infor- mation through to its conclusion In Grey and Bruce Counties the local program was formed in May of 1987. It is a fully functioning, registered, incorporated charity. All of Crime Stoppers activities in Grey Bruce are paid for by the fund-raising activities of the Board of Directors, made up of concerned volunteer members of our commu- nity. The day-to-day activities of the program are overseen by OPP Constable Dean Rutherford, who is "on loan" to the program on a full- time basis as its Coordinator. 2008 ushered in technical advances for Crime Stoppers as they introduced ."web -tips" which allows anonymous tipsters' to report crimes anonymously via a secure server on the internet. The web -site is crimestop-gb.org "So long as there continuedsbe illegal drugs in our communittAve at Crime Stoppers of Grey. Bruce will be there to assist the policein their investigations." Constable Rutherford also added, "Crime Stoppers month stows us to publicize the success of our program through statistics and also allows our program to say thank you to the citizens of Grey and Bruce. Because we guarantee the anonymity of callers to our pro- gram we cannot' advertise individ- ual success stories' by telling the media that a particular major crime was solved as a result of a Crime Stoppers tip. I can however tell you that over the course of the past year we have shut down major drug operations, arrested several wanted persons and provided police with valuable intelligence information as a result of tips to our program." If you are interested in having a guest speaker talk about Crime Stoppers or wish to learn more about how to get involved in the prow= you can contact the office at 519-371-6078 or visit their web- site at crimestop-gb.org Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesdaydanuary 28, 2009 - Page A Photo by Rachel Sanderson Syice Husk of LCPS sends a bump over the net missing the Huron Heights players and leading to a point to put Lucknow ahead in the same. 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