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Page 4 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 14, 2
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Is losing good soldiers worth
Is the war on terror worth losing our
Canadian soldiers? Over and over, we
as -a nation read in the newspaper or
hear on the radio of a soldier being
killed in Afghanistan.
I'm just wondering if it's .worth
I do agree that terrorism has no
place in the world, but is sending
in ground troops to terrorism
heavy areas, -the answer?
I _ don't see how all of the
terrorists in the world can l
defeated. It's just not a war
that can be won.
What other strategies could there be
to eventually eradicate terrorism?
This question eludes me.
It's like America's war on
during the Reagan years.
cracked down on drugs, but weie con-
tinually fighting a ; war that couldn't be
Iknow the Canadian government
wan..-ts to do their part"to stop P`terrorism
in the world, but at ` what cost.
Throwing money and _ soldiers at the
Problem won't stop a person - from
strapping himself with a bomb and
entering a crowded marketplace. It
won't stop an insurgent soldier from
setting up roadside bombs.
There will always be evil people in
the world who don't care about life
and all they want to do is see the
world burn:
The terrifying fact of the mat-
ter is that these evil people think
they ` are doing the work of God.
What kind of God would
ow his his people to kill and
for him?
don't want to live in a
world. ` .that . -is like : that, but
'm a realist. We live : to a
world where innocent people
and thePe op le sworn to protect them
die everyday.
Being a history major, I have stud-
ied a lotof military histo__and I think
the most courageous people in the
world are soldiers.
put ut their: lives on the line for
little pay and fight for ,a country they
so.that their_families :and:all
es. Canada can live safe lives.
families-: u
Jjust want to know if fighting a war
that can't be won is doing that. Are the
families of these soldiers better off?
I giVe total support to our Canadian
troops. I just don't want to read about
another dead, soldier
• ?
Economy based on
40 years ago -,Tq ' L 1999
- The new municipality of Huron --loss held its inau
meeting on Jan. 5 despite blowing and drifting snow.
The new council decided it will make use of the empty :base-
anent its the former Huron Twp.. municipal offices and storage
- The Lucknow Juveniles are International Silver Stick
Division C champions! In a great team effort, the local champs
won threegames and f tied one during Silver Stick play in
Ashfield Twp.; council. supported the bid by the City of
hot the 2008 Summer Olympics. Council voted in m acs.
Toronto to - S Y P
favour at the Jan. 5 1999 meeting.
yoars quo: -,January 11. 1989
Power was interrupted on the south side of the village Jan.
the building where Valle
- stripping the roof on �l Y.
: �� work crewstrrpp g �
Flowers is housed apparently p
Careen , missed the truck and
debris broke:a power line. Town crews and W.
UC were on the scene repiairing the damage. ..-" . .
a onced
Chris- = -Ward recently Education Minister nnu
school` boards: -for their
increased fundingfor the province's
to Dece December 1989.
bud eY - ear of January
you've seen the main street lately will have
the former Button's. Meat:.
a new�sign, to Market, announcing
the :opening March :1, `1989 of Kranenburg's Butcher Shop.
yearslanuatry 14;
At the conclusion of the inaugural meeting of the Lucknow
Municipal Cc until on Monday, Jan. 12, Reeve George Joynt
his recommendations:for aplanned works
summarized Pro-
gram in 1959. Some items- are definite action;projects, others
are matters for consideration- and action if and when feasible.
- At the inaugural meeting of the Lucknow. Public -School
Board, principal Stuart Collyer reported a further increase in
attendance. I3nrollment at the start of the New Year was ~ ""
an increase of eight overthe-September figure of 25.
Dear Editor, : and Jongng ago producedfar more stuff
I don't know about you but. I'm grow- than :most of us need so that the growth.
ing W of the parade of . economists enthusiasts spend b' Foos of.dollars on
mgthe collaps- advertisingto manufacture trivial wants
ing wringing their hands about c p
economy and then coming up with to take our dollars and our time.
`proposals for how to revive it. The prob- As a _ society we have ENOUGH.
lem I have is that they want to rescue the Most of us have more than enough. Our
bubble blowers and the speculators at the lives are cluttered with material stuff and
expense of the rest of us. They want to our belts are a little tighter than they need
revive theP roblem not solve it. to be. If we face "tough times" maybe
Weg et lectures that the moving forces we should be thinking about "redistribu
in the stock market are peed and fear tion" rather than "growth". Can we
And because of a massive run of greed imagine a giant Canadian Potlatch and a
which has now been replaced by fear us massive . "fre-ecycle" .
ordinary folks are lectured that we need - What if we decided to rumour econo-
to cut our living standards and stop silly my on the basis of Joy and "Generosity.
spending. Then the lecture goes on that rather than Greed and Fear?` If we saw a
we need 'Government to bring about contracting economy as an opportunity
inflation to get rid of the bad debt of the - to bring our economic activities into a
speculators and bubble blowers, so they sustainable balance with the_ global
can stopbeing fearful and go back to' ecosystem within which we must live?
. g
being Greedy; Of course that kind of . If instead of giving Trillions of dollars to
inflation. will devalue the savings of fru- .
gal folks brit that is just : the "collateral
damage" required to - get the bankers -
back" on their feet. We are told we need -them down to realistic levels.
to get the economy "growing" again and We have a real economy with skilled
the rest of us buying - like crazed con- workers in manufacturing, farming,
sumers. medicine, education, and a whole range
What fools are we to let the specula- of people with essential* valuable tal-
tors blow thes out of the real econ- ents -for our comrntuuties' and country.
omy that makes real goods, provides We have equipment and :. we have
actual services,P uts food on the table resources. Tony MoQuail
the folks who blew up the bubble we
declared 201Q a' year of "jubilee" and
forgave all the debts? Or at least wrote
Submitted photo
The grandchildren of Lois and Grant Farrish were enjoying a visit
to Lucknow on Sunday Jan. 10, 1999. They particularly enjoyed
the huge bank of snow in front of their grandparents' home.The
blowing ...snow was no deterrent for (From the top) Ryan
Versol, "Leanne Elston, Andrews Versolatto,'Emily Elston and
Tessa Vorsolatto. (File photo)