HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 2009-01-14, Page 2Page 2 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Help fund Alzheimer's research today. Husk will have rely on practical experience From Page 1 Husk will have to rely on her practi- cal experience she has obtained from being a nurse at Victoria Hospital in London, ON, since her graduation last June. She can also rely on her job experi- ence working at Community Living Kincardine and 'District from 2002- 2007. There she was able to have a lot of productive humaninteraction with develomen- tally delayed chil- dren and adults, which in her own words, has helped her be more com- passionate and. patient with alt walks of life she encounters as a nurse. This is. always something Husk has wanted to do and she is now at a point in her life and career where she feels comfortable to take on a big . challenge such as this. "I just wanted to get the timing right. With the practical experience :I have now, since I have become .a nurse, I think I'm better prepared mentally to take on this chal- lenge," said Husk. Husk is also tak- ing an unpaid leave from her job as a nurse and footing the majority of the expense to go on this trip. There are many personal reasons 6 o� deft 1 only - SEL V6 AWD, auto, moon rQpf, -4,-- audio tiles sound system, rear park assist $22,5OO+or&f'sT 2 - SE 4 Cyi., b speed standard transmission, sport package $17,3i'0+ osr& Lucknow 519-528-2813 • Kincalne 519-396-3436 why she is doing this, but one of the main reasons is to let the people in Uganda know they are- being support- ed. "A lot of these people don't have access to a hospital, so I'll be able to come in and see if they need help. With my experi- ence with places like Community Living I'll also be able to communi- cate .with thein on an emotional' level," said : Husk. The non-profit organization Husk will be working. with is Give International, which provide. s trained a health pro- fessionals (MD, RN, RPN) : to vol- unteer from 4-12 weeks m existing health clinics, .hos- pitals :and materni- ty wards. Through these placements, volunteers are able to -:provide training and .mentorshtp to East African health personnel. Husk chose Give International because it deals with one of the poorest regions . of Africa and it has a good global reputa- tion. It also . provides a safe environment for all of its volun- teers. They provide a full-time country representative who assists with . the management of projects and is Submitted photo Seen here is "Union localAshhl Husk during her graduation in June from McMaster, =University.::_ Husk graduated as a registered nurse. She'll be going, to Uga n A ica:in- March for four weeks through ::the organization Give International. She'll be using her �e as a nurse to help -,Those in need. "It's alwa. s sonata= nz knowledge to av�tlable _ . .:for , . y � .. . � :„ advice encourae- -thin I've war ted hel those in need,. , . g -.thing .., said dent, and allows to do and it would said Hus the volunteer to be great if I could If anyone would acclimatize with pass along the like to donate to the region. experience." make things furan When Husk, is Husk is nervous cially easier for done with her four- and excited : at the Ashley Husk and week volunteer same time atiout her trip to Africa, placement, .. she what her time `. in they can donate by wants to bring her Uganda might be, contacting her experience back but one thing she through her email and share it with knows is that it will a t her fellow col- be a life changing ashleyhusl@ymail leaagues experience for : the .com or by :calling "1 want to get my better. Not only for her at 519-719- , colleagues interest- her, but for the .peo= 7599. ed in maybe help- ple she will be There is, also a ing out with under- helping. donation sheet at - developed coun- "It will open my the Lucknow tries, similar to horizons and I'm Sentinel if anyone what I'm about to really grateful for is interested in do," said Husk. the chance, to use donating that way. THE NEUSTADT ARENA Thousand; and Thousands of Square Feet of VERY hilt and PREFINISHED nail down SOLID HARDWOOD flooring. Top Name Brand flooring, engineered Real Hardwood Floating Floor, AWESOME SELECTION OF LAMINATES. Great in the Kitchen, Bathroom, Dining Room, Wilco, Bedrooms, Hallways, even Workshop. GREAT OVER CONCRETE. www.BaileyAu All Must Go Sale Day! 519-364-1336 Csoh, Visa, MC, Debit - 15% Buyers Premium ions.c.m Submitt photo The Saugeen Maitland Lightning Bantam AA -girls came home with gold medals after a hard teeght tournament in Scarborough last Weekend.