HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-11-13, Page 8EXETER Al1YEJG ATE, T•HU1 T1AT, Exeter Markets Local Doings CHANGED b,V.ERY WEDNESDAY Mrs E Rowcliffe visited, Jn London 1.27 Wb eat Oats 45 Barley 80.. Manitoba Flour ,,. 4.90 4,65 1,90 2,25 1.60 Fatally 1,1otsr Pastry Flour Feel Flou: &an hort`.,,,„ ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, , 30., 4'u 50, .a5 Eggs al Creamers Butter 34 Dairy Butter 22 24 9,00 Lard Hogs 1-IAVE THE, BEST ALWAYS When buying a newspaper the same, rule should apply as when buying goods. You want the best for your money. There is one• "best" in Canada and it should be in every home. You shoal have your own local paper with- out doubt, but you should alae have the Family Herald and Weekly Star of: .21ontreal. It is undoubtedly the Great est family anal farm paper on the emi- ts/sena and at the low price. of Two Dollars it is a wonderful bargain. This year the Family Herald is giving so each subscriber a chance. to win as much as Five Thousand Dolllars cash, and •each subscriber rec,ervves a large, calender with a fascinating picture that would adorn any home. For those who secure new 'subscribers there are some scr very handsome cataloguesoare btainablefree. The W. M. S. of Main St. Meth- odist Church intend holding a Ba- zaar in the Town Hall on. November 21st. Particulars later. Coal, Coke, Insurance I solicit a share of business. Try me with next order. your your Es J. Christie Exeter We Buy Wheat Oats Barley Peas WE CLEAN GRAIN. IIGIIEST PRICES PAID. PHONES— DAY 90; NIGHT, 2 R. G. SELDON last week, 11r `and Mrs, Dr, Ward, spent giving in London, Mr. M. Broke•nshire of Fergus spent the holiday in town. ala, Wilfred Tursubu11, of Stratford, visited an, town over Thanksgiving. Mr, Well Johns left Tuesday morning for Whitechurch on a huntiii,gtrip, • Mrs, Wm. Wbiteford..is visiting with friends an London over Thanksgiving. Frank Delbridge •and family motor- ed to Forest and 'spent the boliclay. Alas and Mrs. W, S. Cole and :,on. Harry spent the week end in, Lucar . Miss Ella (Link of Walkerton, visited with Mr, and Mrs.. Kuntz for the 1io1- iday, Alias Amy Johns of Hanniltoss, spout Thanksgiving with her parents ,Mr, and Mrs, Well Johns. Mr. Irving Dinning of the Bank of Commerce spent the holiday at his home in, Strathroy. hiss Tate of London was a Thanks- gvin4 -visitor at th,e home of ,Mr. and M. John Preszcator. Mr. .and Mrs, A. Parkinson of St. Marys 'pent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Allen Parkinson, Mr Brace lledd of the O. A. C. Guelph, spent the holiday at the .home of his parents here. Mrs, Geo, Steacy and daughter, ;Miss Ida, of Toronto, are visiting with .1r, and Mrs Albert Camila Misses Annie and Minnie May of Toronto visited with fr2iends ;sand rel- atives over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest :Buswell, and family of Lucknow, vdsated relatives in town over Thanksgiving. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parsons of Us - borne wish to express their thanks and grateful apreciatioMn for the many acts of kindness and sympathy ex- tended them during the illlrness and subsequent death of their daughter. DARK HONEY FOR SALE. Good quality for 7c. a ib. JOHN CARRICK, Lake Rd. 0. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. illustrated lecture, on Europe will be given in James Street Methodist Church by J. M. Southcott next Tues- day night, Nov. 18, under the auspices of the Young People's League, Ad- mission 25c. and 15c. FOUND a pinery, along old river bed at Grand Bend, young black and tan hound; Owner can have same by ap- plying, to Ezra Brenner, Grand Bend. Mrs. Louisa Horton who has been quite ill is improving. :Miss Helen Wetbey is confined to her bed through illness. Mrs. LB Billings of London, visited. in town over the holiday, Mr Alex. Stewart of London, spent the holiday with his family. MVlrss Myrtle Willert is spending a week's vacation in London. Mr Arnold Marchand is visiting his daughter, „Mrs. C. H. Sanders, Attend Coles One Cent Sale for real bargains. Sale now on,. Mr Will Manson, of Forest, visited his parents over Thanksgiving. .Mr. and Mrs Sam Sweet left last week fora visit in Tilisonburg. Mr. Walter Dearing ofLoindan spent the holiday with friends ion town,, Nurse Leavitt of Windsor spent the holiday with relatives in town. Miss Inez Tuckey of London spent the holiday at the home of her parents Miss Pearl Stone of Parkhill spent the week end with ,Miss Celia Christie, Miss Fern Short of London visited with her parents over Thanksgiving. Miss Doroth Balkwill: of Stratford visited her parents over the holidays‘ Postmaster filton,P1a£f has been, off duty for several days owing to illness. Mr. Wm. Edmunds of St, Thomas visited friends in town over the holi- day. Mr Borden. Cunningham of London 'visited with 'his parents over the holi- day. LOST.—Redbone Fax Hound with one white spot. Answers do name of "Puppy". ANYONE FOUND DE- TAINING THIS DOG AFTER THIS NOTICE WILL,, BE PROSECUTED. Suitable reward on information that wi111 lead to recovery of above clog. 7ohxu Taylor, Exeter. DR H G. FLETCHER, L,bLC.C.. Licentiate of the College of Phys •• ians anal Surgeons of Ontario Office in the residence of Mr. A. Camra, Main St. phone 156 Exeter, Ont. G. S. ATKINSON, L.D,S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal, College Dental Surgeons of Ontarilou, and U iversity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Milk - icy District Number one, London, Ont; Main Office—Dickson Block, Main Rtreet, Exeter ,Ont, Hours 9 to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34, Exeter. 'AT ZURICH Tuesday only. Phone 79 WANTED NOVEMBER 13, •1924 Mrs, E. J. Christie is seriously ill at her home, being under a nurse's care. ss Miss Dorothy Bedford of London, visited with -relatives in town over the holiday. ,s\lr, and Mrs. Henry Gould motored from Windsor to spend the holiday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Grieve and4 family of Strathroy holidayed with re- latives in Town, Miss Ruth. Lamport of London Nor- mal spent they holiday at the home of her parents. ONE CENT SALE Thursday Fri- day, Saturday at Cole's Drug Stare. See Bills! Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis of Tor- onto visited relatives in town over Thanksgiving, 1liss Edith Hogarth of London Nor- mal spent the holiday in town with her parents. \ uses Hildred and Alberta Horton of Toronto, spent the holiday n town with their parents. • ,i lis.s Margaret Penrice of London, spent the holiday in town at the home of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and son Charles 'of Brantford are visiting ;friends in and about Exeter. Mr. Abe Davis of London spent the holiday at the home of his brother, Mr. Ernest Davis. The Misses Bryson of Springbank at the home of of London spent parents, Mr, and District agent for our Trees and Shrubs liberal pay, free. equipment. Write now. Welland. Nursery Co., Weiland, Ont. of ESTR APED' HEIFERS There strayed from Lot 16, Con. 8, South Boundary, Hay, 3 yearling heif- ers, Information as to the whereabouts can. be left with .Clayton Wildfong or at the Advocate Office. APPLES WANTED People having winter apples for ,bale apply to Exeter Canning Company for information as to prices and quality of fruit wanted. FAPMS FOR SALE.,. 150 acres -8 acres of bush and 50 acres pasture land. Good clay soil; ten acres .;own in fall wheat; gotod brick house; bank barn 40x84 with water connections;. shone foundation, ; drive shed; hog pen; hen stable; rock well Hall mile from Mount Carmel Separate School; :7 miles from Cen- trails. Station,n. Apply to C. J. Regan, R. R. No. 8, Park Hill, Ontario. Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring MEN S SUITS Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only 50c Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Dyed and Pressed $4.00 LADIES' Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2,00 Skirts Pressed 50c We also Make and Trish Suits with First Class Trimmings for 520,011 I AM NOW PREPARED TO GIVE YOU A REAL Cartage Service Our Express Service from Lon. don to Exeter is now operating, Livery: in connection. H, BAGSHAW, INVEST YOUR FUNDS IN THE GUARANTEED INVESTMENT. Receipts of the Toronto General Trusts Corporation bearing interest at the late of 53 per cent. payable half years"y Apply to • • • ERNEST ELLIOT, Office—,Main, St., Exeter were holiday visitors Mrs. J. B Prydef Miss Mildred. Norry the holiday with her Mrs, John Norry., Mr, and Mrs. Elmer don visited with the over thy holiday. W. R. Goulding A 'T, C. tM Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of- Pians, Vocal and Theory. instaructor of Music tin the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EX,hTER Tuckey. of Lon- form,er's parents Miss Rose Inaell of London, spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Jim. Wallis of Stephen. Mr Ed. Davis of Strathroy visiited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sirs., Trivitt Memorial Church Davis over the holiday. • Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of: Sarnia spent the holiday with Mr. and. Mrs, Geo. Anderson. Mr. Luther Kectle and son of Toron- to, visited at the home of Rev. Mr. Kesile for the holiday. Mrs. Mortimer and daughter visit- ed at the homes of Mr., and Mrs, Wm Dunsfor•d for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coulter spent the holiday with the tatter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Preszcator. Mr. Beverly Acheson of Toronto, spent the holiday with, his paaenits, ;,'11r. and drs, W, T. Achteson. IVIr, Ned Preszcator of London vis- ited his parents, iMr. and Mrs. John Preszcator for Thanksgiving. Miss L. Ford of Detroit visited her father. Mr. John Ford and brother, Mr. Hilton Ford over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gowie, of Sarnia, spent the holidays in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Love: 11 ant -"The Possession, of the Spirit" 1 p,ni.-"In the Hand of the. Potter" Rev. A. A. Tramper, L. Th., Rector. FIAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH B v. James Foote. B. A., Minister 7 p: m.—Services as usual; 11 a. m,—Services .as .usual, The Minister Boy Scouts meet Friday evening: TAMES'. ST. METHODIST CHURCH, Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A.,•Pastor ANN1VERSAR'Y SERVICES. Will bie,teld at snide 7 pins. en Sunday next, Nov. 16th, The special preacher for this occasion will be Rev. T. Franklin Ray -craft of Brantford. Miss Winnie Hueston of Dunnville spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hueston, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Routledge oft Dutton visited 'the latter's paresis Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rivers for Thanksgiv- ing.. PHONE 32 JONES& ; • IYIAY rN en's and Boys' Overc�ats in Smartest Styles and Colors Navy or Brown Chinchilla Overcoat;, the very latest colors for young men. We have them; in a variety of styles. Also grey, fawn, brown and other shades in the papular plaid -back cloths. .We invite you to come in and/look over our beautiful range of co.aaf. Youths' Overcoats $10 and $11 •See our special fawn and grey overcoats for btoys . in sizes, 27 to 35 special at $10 and $11. Also juvenile overcoats at $7.50 up to $10, Boys' Suits at $7.50 to $10 Good serviceable suits for boys all size; up to 35 at 7.50 up to $10. Also better ones at $15. 30 pair men's solid leather brown work boots, anew stock at $3.75. 30 pair men's fine long life shoes the. old reliable at 53,75. Men's Boots Special at $3.75 a Pair Weston make, 15 pairs youth's sizes, 11 to 2 shoes. You can't beat these for wear, to clear at S2.75. Ladies' & Misses' Coats Greatly Reduced in Price We place On sales this week the balance of our ladies' and misses' coats at greatly reduced prices. WE: have over sixty beautiful coats to select . front. Come early and sen these bargains. Ladies' Coats at $9.85 lfl only ladies' goad quality coats, not this season's make, but good styles to clear at $9.85. Reduced Prices on Ladies'. Dresses EXTRA QUALITY ALL WOOL BLANKETS AT S9.85 PAIR. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES 4 Mr Robt, Mawhinney is laid up for -flee time being with illness. Rev. and ;Mrs. Fear of London spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Wea. Howey, Miss Katherine Inwood of London, stent the holiday at the home, of •Miss M. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Soloman Hardy left Saturday morning for a visit in Strat- ford and New i. Hamburg. . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. McDonald of Essex visited•withs Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCurdy over Thanksgiving. • Miss Alma Armstrong of Toronto visiting for the week at the home 161 a\1r, and Mrs. R. N. Rowe. vlr. John. Lamport with his daughter and granddaughter of Detroit, spent Thanksgiviang at the home of Mrs. Marshall iVlr. and Mrs. Dick. Treble of Lon, - don visited with the litter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Flynn for Thanks- givaiag Miss Jessie Manson of London vis- ited at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs, George Manson f,or,Thanks- giving , Mrs, Jean McTavish and daughter Isabel visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor for Thanks- giving. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bradt and family of London, visited with the litter's parents, Mr.:and Mrs., Jas. Jewell, over the week end. Mrs. J. Henley' and her nephew Jack Horton spent the holidays in St. Catherines with her brother Mr. 3. C. Horton. : 1\1r.' Galbraith and daughter Miss Galbraith and son Mr. Elmer goalbraith of Stratford were holiday .visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, ' J. W, Taylor, Mrs. Vetinary Sweet has greatly i-in- proved•:theappearance of her proiperty by adjusting her line .fence on the north side ;next to Mr, Thos. Hattori resit' enc e, Last Friday the Exeter High ,School, Girl's basketballs tear, journeyed to Clinton andsuffered defeat' in, a gain', basketball from Clinton High. Seigb1 heath The score was 28-2, Powell's, Bazaar Plain Price Store Above our telephone • reads "this is the hest Day the World has ever seen. To -morrow will be better." These words are daily coming more true with this Store. Dull seasons are becoming "busy" for the Simple Reason that we are out to do more business. Our $27.00 set .of Dishes is :a win- ner, Our "tumbler sale" continues with those wonderful values at 5c. and 10c. Oui• plain white porce- lian nappies tea plates, Dinner plat- es and porridge dishes, platters and bakers at 5c, up cause our cus- tomers to rejoice Hooray! We have But One Price—And that THE LOWEST POSSIBLE. We have received a shipment of Gold Fish Fish grass, sea shells, nets, Aquar- iums, and food tsars week. FRIDAY—SATURDAY .SPECIALS 1608, Globe, 4 10 -cent fish, piece of green, box of food, all for 89c, OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auct,laneering. Spec- ial Course taken in R•egil,;dered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich;;' Oscar Klapp, Zurich, Ont. DR. A. E. TENNAN'T Veterinary Surgeon tifcDomell'i Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr, Vin) Phone 26.w ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEhR FOR HURON COUNTY,. Orders left with Advocate ar art the Central Hotel, Prices rieasionable, Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Isasuratnce Office, Casing Block, Main St. Exeter Dr, G. F. Rouls torn, L. D. S., D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law 'Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount. of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S. Honor Graduate Toronto•Unsiversity )ffice--over Gladman & Stinbu y't .1ffsee, Mmhl Strbet, , Exeter, . The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made know on appitcation. Stray Ani¢nads—Osie insertion 50c., three insertions 51.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than Lire liti1es, For Sale. Te Rent, Wanted, each iarser!t8ion 50e. Lost and Found (locaals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. ,per tine per insertiaru No mioltisae Tess than 25c. Card of Theink's sec. Auction Sales 13 for one insertion and 51.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fivte inches In length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c, aline, Farm or Real Estatte for sate 50c eatehinsertion fora one month of Sour insertions, ARTHUR WEBER` 4.uctiorueer — R. R. No. 1, Daastiwood' Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and sack sales a specialty, Furniture A real opportunity to save Gooney RIGHT NOW. Just when you are planning your fall buying. Cenve in early and make your selections from our large stock of Quality Furniture. Style and prices are sure to please. Phones Business 20w, House 201. R N. ROVi7E D.R. H. H. COWAN, L,D;S„ D.DLS. Dental Surgeon, at McGormi,clk Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturdsy Marin Office,— Hartleib Block, 'DASHWOOD, ONT JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Fagan stock sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, -Charges moderate. Or- ders left at this office promptly '?t-, tended to. Phone—Kiirkton 54r2. Address—Kir•.ktom R, R, No, 1 FRANK TAYLOR Licensed. Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Pb'oold 138, Meter, Ontario