HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-11-13, Page 4"' • - ' - • •
Mr. and Mrs. henry Brown and POO
. . Ci44 ,, Mieh„ •spencline .the holiday, •• • I
The Exeter Advocate andHert1.31.0.0,11, motored, to 13rown
Sanders & Creech, Praprietors Mr....and Mrsac earicker and Gerald
. ' spent the holiday ire NowHambgre I,
.., .T.E-TURSDAY,. NOVEMBER 13th, .Z921 Mr, each Mrs. G. E. Wenzel end lee,
. Emerson..Wein,,neotOred to. Li8 tOwei. to
spend the holiday.
Mise Ethel McKay spent the holiday
'le - Local Doings with her. Parents in Seaforthe
Ms 3 'Trellis Hodgins of London,
,e- Another good way to teach fi, 1,0A, spent the holiday with her parents,
the art of defending himself is to let '.XI and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins.
him wear long curls.Mrs. J. H. Heltzman, and Miss Vera Stephen Council
Holtzman, spent the holiday la Lon-
Anaehar eareei, mernery test, is to try don.
and remember the things you were 111r. Ezra Oestricher of Windsor
worried about yesterday. sPent the ' holiday in the village.
s spending three Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Palmer and family
Miaa Verde, Vale i
weeks ialls of Port Stanley: visited relatives in
n Meritor and Niagara F
Citon over the holiday.
1,vith her uncles, Wilbert and Weeley ree
le, The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
Vaper will be observed in the ;Methodist
Donald, the seven year 034 ,,,,, of church next Sunday evening. Subject
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Stanlake, who. has 'And Jesus Drew ihear."
been in Victoria Hospital, London, was Mr. Hugo Shenk spent the holiday
removed to Dr. Hyncimen's libspital visiting Intends in London.
here on Wednesday of last week, and Mr. and Mrs, 'Richard England and
.. is now improviag nicely. . sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Math. Eng-
. land. over the holiday, returning to
Thirty-three members of tale 'Teen Niagara lealls on Monday evening.
Age Organization of James Street Mr..Harold Young of London visited
Methodist Church enjoyed a glorious over the holiday ia the villaee,
hike on Thanksgiving Day. Primitive alias Eva Oestricher spent the boll,
methods were .employ,ed far eooking day with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. H.
e dinner in the woods on, Mr. Wrn. Ker- Oestricher
nick's farm in Usborne and everybody ,dr. C Tily Gearld of the Canadian
ilad a good time, Bank of Commerce visited at his home
Lindsay over the holiday,
Mr. Wm. Hooper 4of Huron street
last week lifted an enormous turnip —
which was solid all through He only
had an old fashioned ball and beam
scale to weigh tit and with top and Dashwood
all it registered 40 pounds.. Mr. -----
Hooper wasn't sure whether the :.‘cales
belonged to an iceman or not but from . Miss Grace Kellerman spent
tha feel of the turnip on lifting, it Thanksgiving in London,
. must have been very close to being ' Miss Mina Eliers, of Kitchener,
accurate. visited at the home of Rev. W. J.
Yager over the week -end.
ANNUAL PLAY AT t\fT, CARMEL Miss McCaltn, of Toronto, spent
Those who have witnessed any of Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs.
the precious productions of the Mt. C. Finkbeiner.
Carmel Dramatic Society care looking Mr. A. Zimmer has had a radio
forward with a great deal of pleasure installed in his home,
. Mr. and Mrs. A. Manz, of Ta,vi-
to the fourth annual production of this
a' now well known Dramatic Club, This stock, visited friends in. town on
year the three act play, "Bride and
✓ Grooin," has been. chosen and it will Sunday,
e be presented in tha hall. at Mt, Carmel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther of
on. Friday, Nov. 14th, next—two per- Windsor, spent the holiday with the
pt, •formanc.es being given --one in the former's parents,
afternoon at 2.15 and one in. the ev- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold, of
e.ning, at 8.15. "Bride and Groom"'is London, were holiday visitors with
a well-written farce-com,edy—a laugh Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold.
from start tot finish. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Guenther of
London, and Mr. Homer Guenther
of St. Thomas, and Miss L. Der -
Greenway backer, of Kitchener, attended the
Edighoffer-Guenther nuptials on
We regret to report that Mrs. Jas. Monday; .
McPherson has had to returrOto the •. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eidt, of
hospital. •Ingersoll, and Mr. and Mrs. Eidt of
M.r. an•d lielrs. Tho•s. Bullock enter-
tained their family on Thanksgiving Ailsa Craig visited with Mr. and
day and the men of the party ehingl- Mrs. C. Stade over the week -end.
ed the roof of the .house. Miss Myrta. Hoffman, of- Kitch-
Mr and Mrs. Robert McPherson aad ener, spent hthe holiday with her
family and Mrs. Bull of Buffalo, Mr. parents.
and Mrs. Elgin Webb and family of. e
. Mr. and Mrs. Stadelbouer, • of
Grand Bend and Miss Emma McPhee- London, and, Mr. and Mrs. Heywood
... .,
.—.....— i, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. P. 'Kraft.
Vv'halen • Mr. and Mrs. Art Dian, of Thed-
_ ford, spent SAnday in town.
On. Monday last Mr. John Parkinson On Wednesday evening of last
of Granton, formerly ,ef this vicinity week the C.. G. I. T. met at the
passed away after a. lingering illness. Evangelical 'church and enjoyed a
Deceased had been illt for some time very pleasant meeting. During the
but death came quickly at the last evening Miss Euloeen Guenther,
}Ie was lx)rn in 1...Thborne township near bride -elect was given a duster sho-
Winchelsea, afterward's he farmed for
wer. Dr. Taylor gave an interesting
several years on the 10th c•oneession
of Blanshard. He is survived by his talk and, demonstration on first aid
wife, formerly Miss Eliza Gunning, and a pleasant evening was enjoyed
daughter of the late Wm. Gunainge'one by all.
of .Blanshard's pioneers, a family of six Mr. and 'kis. E. Flynn, of Lon-
--Geoege, Frank and Harvey, Mrs. Chit don, visited ',kith friends a few days
tick, Mrs Whiteford and Miss Adel- last week.
aide at home, He was a member of Mr. and Mrs, W. Graybeil, of
Grantor. Methodist Church. The fume'
eral which was private was held on Woodstock, visited the former's par -
Wednesday, services being conducted ents over the week -end.
by R e v. Reid, a former pastor, In.- On Tuesday evening about sixty
temerie was made in Zion cemetery. people of the Dashwood Evangel -
The regular monthly meeting of the idea congregation met at the home
W.ial.S. will be held at the home .of of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Oestreicher
Mra. John. W. Hodgson an Nov. 12. for a miscellaneous shower in hon -
Ur and Mrs. Aylmer 'Morley of or . of Miss Euloeen Guenther whose
Brantford spent the holiday with the
fornrer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John marriage took place on Thanksgiv-
•Morley of Woodham. ing Day. While Miss Dorothy Balk-
; Miss Reta. Squire is spending a few Will played the wedding march, a
days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morley clideorated wagon containing the
, . , .
of Stratford. ( • numerous gifts was drawn into the
Mr. and Mrs. John Riau of Woodham living room by Master Donald and
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. •
MissEunice 7 'Oestrecher dressed as
. E•
a ininiature bride and groom. Miss
....—.-0,....._•.—. *lice Hoffman delighted the gath-
ering with a -vocal solo. The re-
., Centralia naainder.of the evening was spent
ek' in 'games, closing with refreshments
:Edighoff or—Garenth er—A pretty, wed
A. hot fowl supper will be served in ding took plate at highentoon on
the basement of the church on Theirs- I:0th at the hornet of Mrs. Jane Game-
,. _de*, Nov, 13th. , . .ther,.When her teldeitadaughtere Dale -
Mrs: Heighway of Londtonespent the een-,V., became tha•lifirdeIS'IYd..
holiday with her sister„ Mrs. j.' Ess,ery„ •Ehoffer, .son, of Mt. end Mr. Geo.
Miss Lois Richards of London was gAghoffer ofaMitc hell e.The.cereiriony.
.at her home over Sunday. . was .Performed by the leride'Selingle,
i.VIss Eula Abbott of London spent ReceS.12.„"Kaileghtel of New liambarg.
the holiday at the home,of her aunt The.: lerilde entered the parlour orialeiliet
Mrs. W. Pareone. , — • arm of her 'enother,, through ansatifsle.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson, and baby of ribbon held by the bride'a aistert
visited at the home, of the latter's ear- MiSe.`"Grate Guenther and Mr. . Albert
eats, Mr .and Mrs. George Essery;tv- Stall' Of. Icitchener, which led ta, an
er Sunday. . arch of evergreens dotted with yellow
Mrs, Chas. Fairhall a.ttended the fun- baby mums and lembanked with ferns,
eral of her brother, Mr. Morgan of wh,lle iVlisa Elilabeth Rennie seng very.
"Flint, Mich, who was buried last Fri- appropria.tely„ •The bride 3.00ked very.
day. charraing"in. a gown of .carmel satire
:Miss Helen Hodgeris spent the hol- cannon trimmed with Iceland fox ; far
day with her cousin Miss Wanda Willlia end' amber crystal button's,. and ' carry -
Mr.• Rex. Millis has been rellealne ',nee e bouquet, of white 'mums,: She
this week at 'the depot for IVIr.Thomp- was atterededy her 'sister, MiS.S (....:41ad*--
:eon, who with his wife and baby', was Ys, who wote pioudre blue satin, teini-.-
in Brantford for a few days. ' reed avitisesilVier lace and buttons, and
Mr. Albert Parsons spent the holie cal-rying Plinli-;•• .enums. ,, ,Miss Blaache
day at the home of his brother, Mr. W. 'Edighoffery,siater of • the groom, Tpade
.Parsoits. .•, a eha.rining•'flOWer giel dressed ineose
Mr Earl I-1.6dgson of Leamington Catineoarryinglethe rerig in a baeket Of
• spent a few. daysj at 'the home of hes pink baby 'mania. Mr. George E.,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dt. Hodgson. Bleic,Of!•Viiiindsor acted as best . man.
Miss Kathleen Hicks of , Victor/la The. larides-,'„travelling suit was of
.HosPital spent Ole weiek- end at ' her eockel;'-Velva'sneele -trimmed amith
home- here, linikY4'f1tehesitthiehat, shoes ;Ileneand
veil. Th
, krnek e presets . were
• •
nurnerokte: and •costly, showing the high
esteem tin whiela the young couple, are
Crediton field,f, Slie:iaat been' a faithful' ni.,`:
bier 'Of the -Evangelical cAuttch, Veit
Proinitient •;ai''teattle',' Preiicienteiliort
eles, Tupper Andersen spent • ',the
Ieade?, 'Stud:a* School teacher,' '' and
• .
week end with friends in Lorridoti. .
11., is .A(36, w,pb.§.ter et LucknOw, Miss leader .,,Of the..",c.G.LT....jiist organized.
Thehappycouple before leaving on a
Francia.,Webeter Of the General Hos-
',Ieeneynionbe'frip to' Toronto and Mon-
aeitale Toronto, and Master Chas. An-
;fieal..:w,cie:se.iliiettled by the Dashwood
clereen, Of Lucknow . visited•:,'IyIr. • ancl
Eland".".%i heartiest congratulations
son or ,Londosi, epettit the weekeart.
with Mr, and rs E. YiePhe,f$4,'?..:-.4 and be -St 'Neliek 0. With them to their
asere:, ,14 T,, Eilleer-cluring the halide
hew` ' home '"'`'-• • ' '
°1111.145 Safest
and best
f• amily medicine
The counril of the Tomnship of Ste-
phen convened in the Town Hall, in
Crediton, on Monday, November 3rd
1921, at 1 p.m. All members were Inspected Warship
At Torquay the U. S. battleship
Present. The minutes of the ' pre-
ious meeting were read and adopt- West Virginia was in the harbor and
ed. the sailors were enjoying leave in
Hayes—Goetz: That whereas
j. relays to visit the -Wembley exhibi-
W. Mallon, Esquire, Inspector of tion. A number of sailors were
gistry Offices -for the Province of seen about the city. The morning
Ontario, has requested the Council while we were there the Atlantic
of the Township of Stephen to have squadron had steamed into the har-
e plan prepared of all portions of bor. We had visited the fleet at
Lot 1,in the Lake Road West Con- Weymouth and on this occasion we
cession of the said Township of Ste- were to have the privilege of going
phen (known" as Lake View •Park aboard one of the big battleships.
At the invitation of the Commander
sub -division) heretofore sold, pur-
suant to sub -section 10 of section 88 in -chief we were taken on a lighter
of the Registry Act. to the Revenge, one of the largest
Be it therefore resolved that Geo. ships of the navy, soon to replace
A. McCubbin, Esquire, 0. L. S. be the Queen Elizabeth as the flagship
and is hereby requested and appoin- the latter going on a cruise to A -
ted to forthwith prepare a plan of merica. The Revenge won fame
the lots sold in the said Lake View during the war at the battle of Jut -
Park sub -division pursuant to the land.
request of theAs we came alongside this great
gistry Offices. said Inspector of Re -
mass of grey steel and then set
And be it further resolved that foot on the great fighting giant one
when and so soon as said plan has gets a very vivid impression of the
size and equipment of a modern
been prepared as aforesaid the
Clerk of the Municipality shall take warship. For the next hour we
all necessary and proper steps to were to try our skill at climbing
have the said plan approved by the ladders and peeking into all kinds
Ontario Railway and Municipal of corners and devices, led by one of
Board and when so approved, re- the officers. We were divided into
gistered in the Registry Office tor small groups and went off on our
the county of Huron. Carried. ' tour of inspection.
A petition was read signed by .Mr. Guns that shoot 20 miles
W. B. Oliver and a majority of the Among the objects of interest
owners of lands affected under the aboard this levithian of the deep
Ditches and Watercourses awards, were the searchlights, the range fin -
Nos: 41, 114, 138 and 175 asking der, and several other instruments.
the area of lands affected by the The scullery with its large ovens
said awards may be repairing, he_ labor saving machinery attracted
proving and extending the' said a- great attention but the interest of
wards under the provisions of The most of the party seemed to centre
Municipal Drainage Act. in the large 15 in. guns that weigh -
It was moved by. Mr. Sweitzer se- 100 tons each, of whicli there eight
waded by Mr. Snell: That the said on board. Each gun is 60 ft. long
petition be received and that Geo. and they stick their muzzles out
A. McCubbin, Esquire, 0. L. S., be through steel turrets weighing 600
requested to make an examination tons; tiie front of which is 15 inch
steel, Squeezing through a ratan -
of the area to be drained, the
streams, creeks or watercourses to hole at the base of the turet we saw
be deepened, straightened, widen- sights that is seldom the privilege
ed, cleared of obstruction or other- of people in this country to gaze on.
wise improved according to the An officer and. two men explained
prayer of the petition and to prepare the working of the guns. In the
a report, plans and specifications bottom of the boat the ammunition
and estimates of the drainage pork is stored. A lever vontrols the car -
and to make an assessment of tb,e riage that brings from the bottom
lands and roads within the said ar- the shell weighing 1920 lbs. An -
ea to be benefited and any other other lever starts the mechanism
lands and roads liable to be assess- that opens the breach; the shell is
ed as provided by the Municipal rammed into the barrel; the charge
Drainage Act. Carried, weighing 400 lbs. of cordite is put
The following orders were passed: in place and when fired this mas-
Alex Neeb, selecting jurors $4.00; sive shell is hurled through space
Joseph ,Guinan, selectcing jur. $4.; for a distance of twenty miles. The
Henry Eilber, selecting jur. $4.00; cost of firing one single round is
Lloyd England, pt. account for post- about $1500.
age etc. $35.00; Sweitzer and Geiser The same evening we stood upon
pt. contract of Shipka Drain. $400.; one of the high cliffs looking out
Samuel Lamport, Com'r, bik. 5. rd. over the harbor and the scene in
2, $5.75; Richard Davey, gravel front was one of grandeur. The 70
$11.45; M. McKeever, rep. culvert or 80 odd ships were all lit up with
bik. 1. rd. 12 $3.00; Newton Clark, searchlights and signals flashing out
repairs to buggy $6.50; John Pres- over the peaceful waters. It was
zcator, gravel $98.00; Exeter Agri. a magnificent panoramic view.
Society, grants for 1923-24 $30.; Morning we were awakened by a
Exeter. Salt Works, Ltd., salt $4.; salute from the West Virginia when
James Willis, Comm'r. bik. 2. rd. 4, nine guns were fired. This was an -
$2.75; C. N. Railway, express 75c.; swered by the flagship "Queen
Dr. J. 3. Williams, account re. Al- Elizabeth" and the thunderous
ma Williams $19.50; Henry Clark, tones and vibrations left an. im-
grading and rep. culvert, bik. 6, rd. pressions upon the visitors.
2. $20.50; Jos. Glavin, Commuted Off for Exeter
Statute Labor $25.50. On Saturday, July 12th at ten o' -
The council adjourned to •meet clock the party left by motor cars
at the next regular meeting to 'be for Exeter. The date added inter -
held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on est to the fact that it was over this
Monday, the • 1st day of December same road that William of Oran e
1924 at 1 p.m. • and his troops marched, when he
Henry Eilber, Clerk came from Holland to claim the
• throne of England. However there
was no evidence of aby demonstrat-
ion. The distance of 25 or 30 miles
from -Torquay to Exeter was made
in about two hours although the
The monthly meeting of Usborne time alloted was an hour and a half
Council was held at the Township and we arrived in the city a half
IIMIa`on Saturday, Nov. lst with all houlr,elate. The motor drive waseae
(the Membersepresent • glo4us trip through rural Devon-
efThe,, *Thinlites of the previous shire, and up hill and downl*e
, • ,
We passed a great naval college
where the naval cadets get their
training. On the way up what was
at one time the home of Sir Walter
Raleigh was pointed out. The riv-
er while quite deep, was very nar-
row being less than a stone's throw
across at some point,s At Totness
we again took motor cars for Tor-
quay, arriving in time for luncheon
at the beautiful new city hall.
• Usborne Council
Our policy is to assist farmers in in-
treasing their live stock holdings,
• and to secure a
Better Grade of Stock
Call and talk the matter over. 0,
Capital Paid Up $20,000,000
Reserve Fund $20,000,000
Exeter Branch - M. R. Cornplin, Manager
Crediton Branch - - G. G. Maynard, Manager
CAPITAL - $4,00,000
RESERVE - $3,000,000
No matter whether your account is larg•e or small, you
are certain that your banking affairs will be handled
with equal promptness and courtesy by all employees
of The Masons Bank.
T. 5., WOODS Manager,
Big Bargains in Furniture
At Gardiner's
Director of Funeral Services• •
Day and Night Service.
Business Phone 74w
Motor and Horse Equipment.
Opera House Black.
Night Call 74j
meeting weree.read, considered, and
approied on motion of Skinner --
orresponclenee-e4Biographies Li-
mited -*—filed: Notice of meeting of
Western Ontario Boards of Trade
November 13th.
Ballantyne — Hanna That, the
Reeve and Clerk attend. Carried.
The 0. A. C. Engineer's .Award
on the John H. Prance • Drain A-
greement, fully signed was received.
the county and township per cent
shares noted; and a copy of same
placed in the 'Clerk's" care.
Hanna,—Stewart •That the fol-
lewing bills be pasSed and orders is-
sued for the payment of same, viz:
George Dunn, crossing road 11,
4 in. tile drain, $6.40; James Ball-
antyne, tile on ,Usborne Hibbert
boundary $14.00; •The Reeve, sel-
.ection of jurors $9.00; B. W. F.
Beavers, repairs assessors case 25c.
Harold Hunter and 'others, gravell-
IYour Ford Lacks Pep;
Cranks hard; Has Poor Lights—
Your Magneto needs
Chambers Bros.
Mr. H. Lloyd Parry, - wore his wig
Sir James Owen, owner of the Echo.,
mayor of the city during the years
of the War,who was largely•respon-
Bible for the entertainment accord -
us, stated that we had been received
' y veffifor with all the -honor and
respect thatleact been paid t& royal -
travelled, • through: • small-"tillagee' rtY
• itself. .,
over windingg roads. splendieroads • Ancient History °f Exeter
.., , .
Mr. ' Parker, who is a•-.histaTian of
they 'are, t00...butinaryow in. places.
Nearing Exeter there Is a'Iong fair: the city, gave a brief outline, of the
ly steep incline that tested the en-` history ,of.-E7c4er, while ;on ,ta table
durance of the motors and at the
ga.thlired some heather.. During the ar44. 0 Chas nge
top the leading motors stopped until
all had come up. At this- point
there is a moor "and here the party
trip we passed through 'thp, Devon-
shire' pottery district With:its .fara-
ous white clay. This clay. is shiPPOd
to Many parts, considerable of it Having leaSed:the Baker premises on the
coming to America.
Received with Honof of Royalty •c'ornir of Main and James Streets and.
...., . ,
baring the visit of the Car:laden i , • moved .,therein with my equipment,, this -
Weekly Press party to DeVonahire-
WeStern Federation n‘f the NewsPa- will be my f,utura place of bu.siness, where
1 will continue to do general auto repairing
we 'Were the guestS of the Smith .
per' Scociety. ,Ela,borate and eXtell-
busse's far our ' drive :from Torquay ""• •
form -
for' out entertainment. The motor e" dlr. •,.• ,•
sive ,Pveparations :had been made 'wkql..tile BAIP, high-class service as . .
to Exeter were provided through•‘
in narrow; road $63.75; Ira Mar- the hospitality 'of a Miss Wille, of
shall, -Cement, for Kirkton sidewalk Torquay. Upon reaching ,Exeter the GasOlis and: all Auto A.ccessorieS Supplied.
25;C :1
IJS:,-, shere $45.50;, :Ross '1',aylor o: prtyi. was taken tdethe ,ii da 1
,Material for bridge' -railingete$,22.wait,* the yam' o.PLh
,,P., "''' ',`";" ''''A.cilti,t for ONtarland and Studebaker Carso
Win., Moodie and: others, work on F. rnOsvvell' exten4efle,,d,'.%nrest' cordial
Tp. roads for Sept Oct $d 5 9.9 0 ; and., lofficial w,eIconie, ` The Mayor '
'Wm. Moodie and. others , e Mayore''""'were attired in
tis --Hibbert Bdy. $3,1.8.00`worke ' Car.on andethSS
their. civic robes and areod 'un -their ,,,„„ee L Asolidit a
.a continunce of yOur.ratron4ge.
Council adjourned to eneAt Sat. nedigl wore the striiiiie4iiiiina of '''''''-''." - ''' ' ' - , .'• ''" - - "", -I e ,-,
Decenaber 6th, at 10. o'cloelt la.ni. offfai .,,..0ther..,.pfeisers zere nresent
e- ce - Fa-- e,. • ..„,e- , ,. . V
' Henry Strang; Clerk withkilietglailki-aVib -:Valf-rf,"0 - ..., .
,,..--.?F`:::-,L .. : :';,e. .,,,,,•-• ,-----6 - 4r
were a number of historic and price -
There was the charter granted by
Henry II which was a confirmation
of the existing rights granted bY
Henry I; the state swords presented
by Edward IV and Henry VII. The
macesereflie ,mayor's hat and some
silverWare :were bre'sentatiOle to the
city many years before. One of the
seals of the corporation has :been
their lerissession since 117g and i
stillused occaionally. The city have
Continued page,l.