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Since Taking Tig Ret Treatment
in "Fruit 44 4es"
‘thie 3. tf' ' ,cr--.7. Mrs. J. M.
P nington JT,w ek1and, P.Q.
"In 1919, I en with Broil -
Asthma and no are knows what
erepli, during the winter. I began
Navin; coking spV is and would just
isIp for breath an4 could not speak.
e doctor said be could do nothing
In the spring of 1920, I started
tilting "Fruit -a -Um" and soon the
choking spells became easier and I
have not had one since May 7th, 1920.
It is such a relief to be able to go to
bed and have no thought of having
to get up in the night for an hour or
more as I did all tUat winter, but
nem have to now, all because 1 take
a Trait -a -fives" tablet every uiglrt, 1
25c. and 50c. a box -at all dealers
or sent . postpaid by Frtut•a-trves
:dance': 37.2: " ° 14liss;,d
Jr. III A honors -Ruby Stone 92,
Burton Donnelly 86, Florence Cor-
nish 8'3, • Marion Davis 82, Dorothy
Davis $2, 1VTarguerite -Cann 80, TJ,
Clarke 79, Constance Jennings .7 8.
Pass -Edmund Wethey 74, Allan
Fraser 73, Jean Penhale 71, Wm.
Burke r 0, Edith Kestle 68, Thos.
.Ellerington 68, Helen Salter 67, W,
Chambers 67.
Jr. III, B honors -Florence Ste-
wart 82, Chester Cornish 76, Ken-
neth Hockey 7:5. PassHoward
'Kerslake 74, Jean 'Ross 73, Lucy
Pornret 73, , Dorothy Luker '64
Ruth Fraser 61.
Sr. II honors -Edith Clysdale 91,
Adeline Stone 85, Lois McDonald
85, Jean Pilon 84, James Sanders
82, Jack StanburY 79. Pass -M.
Simms 73, Vera Kestle 70, Allan
Quante 64, Russel Crews 63. No,
on roll -41. . Averageg attendance
i\Iiss H. M. Kinsman, teacher
Limited, Ottawa, Ont ROOM I
Class V honors -- Bernice Del-
-e- Advocate
Sanders & C.re>e.:h. Proprietors
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, ' 1924 •
malagamation, the cusorners of the i
Molsons bank will have even great-
er security for their deposits than -
formcrly, and will have at their dis-
posal the much greater facilities of
the Bank of Montreal, with nearly
600 branches distributed through
Canada, the United States, West In-
•dia Islands, Mexico and Europe,.
ROol.i; 4
Seni,•rr 3rd A -Raymond Yryde 87,
Gerald Skinner 83, Joe Creech fill
Margaret Martin 79, Madeline Stewart
78., Grace Christie 78, Roe Jennings
77.. Jean Sheere 77, Jae Jackson ;'7,
B Fass-Grafton. .Cochrane 74, Wal-'
lie, Seldom 73, Hazel Bloomfield 73i
Justin Kuhn 71, Ruth Coll..n. soled 70,}
Melville Simns mo69, Donothy Cox 68,
I1esta Kcstle 68, Lloyd Freckietoi 05,
Richard Trumper 65, Cie 1ys Hutchin-
son 65 , \Tar y Cann 64, Gladys .Smith
64, Cecil Lain 64, Kenneth Ward 64,
Lis.:. Statham 62, Margaret Ellerington
62 Harry Cole 60, Helen Stanbtuy 59,
Marguerite B1oonrfield 58, Hugh Wal -
per 5i, Muriel Kaye 56, Helen Vale
56, 'Ruth. Bnikwill 54, Merna Sims 56,
Clayton Batton 54, Billie \els,on. 52,
Helen Heywood 51, Jack Heddan 51
Kennett. Vale 32, No, on roll 39;
average attendance 37.3.
Jean S. Murray
Sr IV. -Honours, Irene Riesling 82,
Grace Chambers 80, Jennie Pacmor?.
78, Alda McDonald 77, Willie Sander,
76. Pass-lzadaelene Dearins 74, l uc_
en Powel. 71, Kathleen Raid 71, Alf -
ford Hutchinson 71. Geergena Nelsen
70, Wilma Kay 70" AIS -in Pass nate ,
68, Hilton Laing 64, Tom %a: 62*
Stanley Walter 61, P-oy Batton 5o*
Jr IV -Honours, Gladys Hunkin 79,
Violet Gambrill 16, Mary Wells 78,
Ei,lcrngton 75, Pass-Geraal to
Burke 7.4; Helen Penhal- 73" Mablci
Sadat 73, Ru ell Snell 71, Dorothy 1
Dinney 70 Willie. Balkwrli 70, 11'4 idle ,
Lee 69, Clarence Boyle 67, Rmsell
Collin ;wood 63, Lilian Payne a3", Cl, f • •
bridge -86, Vera Donnelly 54, Jessie
Jennings 78„ Pass -Betty Corn-
plin 74, Gladys Stone 70. Class IV
Pass- Annie Cox 72, Raymond
Smith 68, Charlie Snell 65, Mary
Van Camp 62, Jack Bernick 60, fail,
Ivan Webber. Class III, honors -
Marjorie Kernick 86, Mildred
Quanco 78, Pass -Harry Kestle
62-, Billy Penhale 60. Fail' Lloyd
Stanlake 45. Class IT A honors -
Marjorie Foote S0, Cecil Smith 76, Mr, and Mrs. H. Little incl !'amity
Lorne Howey 75, Pass -Robina visited with relaitavea a a New Ham -
Lorne on Sunday. Mr, G. Holtzman_ spent a few days
Hankin 73. Gordon Hewlett 65, W. Mr. Rebt Higgins was lin Gader_ch at Kitclrerrer this week.
Davis 61. Class II B honors -Plot- on business o1r. Friday, Mr. Harry Ross of Windsor, was a`
ence Snell 83. Pass -Ola Reid 60, Mr, John. McEwan visited in Stratford tveek-end visitor with his mother here,
Eileen Sims 60, Lloyd Geuther 60, on. Sunday, • Rev, 5, G. Litt spent last week is
Bordon Sanders 60. Class 1'..k. -hon- Mr. John McDonald is visiting for a Kitchener.
Kit -
ors -Violet Luker 82, Pass -Ger- fete days with relaatives is Toronto, Mise Lela Siebert is visiting in Kit-
t.rude Complin 72, Irene Van Camp blies Grace Scarlet .visited at her c etnerMr 5obn Thirsk days,or a few f Blake left last
65, Florence • McDonald 60, Fail bane in, Seaforkh aver the weekend.
Mr R E. Cook is visiting with bis week for Scotland' to visit with Tela-
David Nestle 52. Class I B honors sister in Toronto, aowes and friends, Jack's stay may be
Orville Webber 89. Pass -Gerald Mrs. Chrich of Clinton is visiting some time.
Cornish 7 0, Ronald Rowland 60 her sSs#r iiVlrs. John Murdock,. There passed away at Markham,
Fail -Joe Gooier 56, Marion Wal- r
Owin to the fowl supper :,n The Ont., on Oct. 24tb, Lydia Schwartz,
per da No, enrolled 3 S. Average ` monthly meetinghof the c�ouncilthe � va, y arrife s and 9 monthoil Mr Ed. s. She and herd49.
attendanee cG, postponed till Thurs. tevenung, The band had been residents, of Zurich for
Olive M. Taylor, teacher school board will also meet Thurs, cve, a number of years till nearly two
Mrs Duncan from Har•ristan, is vis- years ago, when they moved to Mark -
ROOM 2 'ting her parents J 1r. ' and Mrs. John barn• She is survived by her husband
Jr'. IV- A -Honors, Eileen Snell R3, Mune-
oung and only daughter, Kathleen. The re -
Helen Wolper 82, 1tl'argaret Taman 81, Mr, and Mrs, el, Ri. Rename visited mains were interred len tib.. Crediton
peat Simmons 78, 'Teddy Batten, ''S, in town on Tuesday. Evangelical Cemetery,
Pass -Mavis Spencer 70, Billy Walter ;.i1rs Wni Russell o•f Exeter hatted There passed away at her 'Tome here
64. for a few days in town this week, on Oct 23r4, ,Mrs. William Midler in
Jr. II B -Honors, Ray Creech 82, Mrs Thos. Hudsoat who has been her 57th year, Deceased had been a
Helen Trumper 80, Rowe Dismay 79, visiting in. 1Toacton for a couple of i sufierer of diabetes foul a number of
Myrtle Lee 76, Ray. Hutchinson 75 weeks returned home Monday evening, years She is survived by her hus-
Ir ne Mooney 75, Pass -Dorothy Sim; } _Quite a number from Hensall attend- band, two daughters and four sons,
73, May C,tuance 66, ed thefowl supper at HHillsgre,ent (
Promoted to Jr. II C. -Honors, May 1 Mr Wm. ?Moore of L,ondom 'v --
Sims 92, Grace Baker 91, Edith Cann • town on irriday on business. •
84, Eileen Cornish 82, Clifford Heys 1 Large quantities of sugar ;Teets, -on -1 Cromarty
wood 81, Fred ElIeringtoa 776. Pass- ;,ons and gram. are being shipped from i __
Jack Prydr 69, Hazel Clark 65• Our slider, daily' l On Sunday, Oct. 26th, occurred the
�ti atter. Sanders 83,r Harold Zto s 33. A eton 85 gliranh s �rChurch, Hensall,ftwiz ; a1dl1 death of Robert McKellar• in his 51st
Gordon May 82, Charlie Compile. 81, sale of work In the basement •ot. th'ir,year. Deceased had been a great
P.-I%arry Penhale 60. c'..urcl, on Sat. .Nov. l2, Stile so. :.am- sufferer
for the past three months
J. 1, -Honors, Jean Stanbury c94, m•eacc at 3 p. nr;, AS 15c, lunch
twill ffrr thfugange attendant at vachurs cli always
Jeanette Taman 92, Phyllis Bierling 88, be served. Don't forget the time and
Elizabeth Foote 80, Charlie Cox 79, place, bleaves to mourn, their Boss four ,'stets
Gertrude Roeveliffe 76. Pass -Harry Mr, John Bender of llashtvo,od de-1-�Ir.'•
Panes Ballantyne, Mrs. R. G.
.Beaver 74, Vivian Elliott 65, Kathleen a f eted ` this beck to •L'bby, gala .rl I•Ioggarth Mrs. John Scott and Mrs
Gcv,icr 64, ititunber on: roll 46, Aver- • and Libby, at tnier• pickle station at Kenneth Drake; .and five brothers,.
age attendance 43.1, llent:rril ttva loads of eaulillotwers the Alexander, Donald, Neil, Duncan and
N. '� 1_ reside . 'n this
r Medd, t r r Archie, e a of whom r e a. t
. �I teacher • etlatl o which has never been. ween - r .r-, , d ll a,cl
in t part of the country. Same of neighborhood. Interment took place in
S. S O. 6, STEPHEN theLeads neighed s:wen pounds. Flom 'Cromarty cemetery,
The following is the re ort of a les., than a quarter acre he has delis -- i -..-...� _.--.
3e S Stephen, p month e:vd Gana ton, Jir. Benda bas the sec-
.:10.6 S.epherv, for the tnioar.ar of ret of producing the very 'rest. tins
turnip: tweigl n a' much as sixteen
Sr 111.-i)orotIry Smith, Thelma and orae -:•Tal: pot,:'•; and .he .has come
tr 111'11,11
The Safest and Best
Familyie Licu w
llllli?lllliiUll'lilllulllla;i' dila;lis:#. ,lr:,! allininiilimli[IllliP,il!IIIII
f -oat Vancouver to Dawson City, .a
solo. with guitar accompaniment by
Mrs, A. Dougall. Mrs. N. Raney, rep-
resenting Bachelor Sciuibbs, gave sev-
eral amusing readings. The meeting
closed ' with several contests after
which lunch was served and a social
time spent. The next rii,eeting wilt, be
held at the home of Mrs. H. ILeddy
Ra.J Call -"Different .lairds".
• s
Mr anal Mrs, 'E, Otterbeiin are vis
itina in Kitchener.
Misses Salome and Loul;eda Fiaikbeia-
er together with Mr, and Mrs. Fsii
Heywood of Exeter, motored to Lon;
dory on Wednesday.
Grand Bend
Mrs. John Stevens . from near 1 -len -
sell awl Mrs. bred Slant from near
Dashwood visited last Tuesday atthe
borne of Mrs. Ed. Gill, Sr.
Mrs John . Sims and ;children who
was halting, her parents lett for her
h,orne nu Crediton on Thursday,
Mount Carmel
The death of -Richard Patton took
place .,at his , home +ant he loth con.,,
McGillivray on Saturday evening last
after an oiliness of several months at
the age of 70 years.. He is survived
by two •daughters, Mrs. '.Chealon ,of
Detro t,and ,1\'.13,33 Lucy at home, Also
Mr. Geo. Stare, who spent the um- one son at home. The. funeral took
mer in Detroit has returned.
Mr. Clarence Yager of Toronto :is
visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs
Mr I. Weltin spent the week end
in I:,itch.ener,
Mr E. Bender'entertained his Sun-
day school class ttq a :fowl sapper on
Hallow e'en
ATiss Is, Hooper, after spending a
few weeks with her sister left on Fri-
day for her home in London;
Mrs. Magwood lof Sarnia 33• gni^:ting
her mother, Mrs, H, Bender.
place to the R.. C. cemetery. an Tues-
day monn = at 10 o'clock.
Mr. Richard Rowland on Monday fell
from the roioi of a barn on the farm
of Mr, James Carey, breaking both his
wrists and fracturing his collar bone,
Mr, Rowland avin4 be confined 't.o his
home for some time.
Judge Coughlin, of Vv-inds,or
spending a few days at the honle .of
his brother Frank Coughlin,
Mr..John Hayes was in London, Fri.
day on business,
A number from here attended the
tail supper•. at Crediton ors Thurs-
day evening.
ford Larrrpart 62, Nelson, Wells t :J
Ncei, Dorothy Dietrich, Alma Ratz trotatoe weigain„ two and one-half The death of Mrs. Laura May Hod-
Loretta Little 60, Jean e"4 alper 50.
Failed -George Andrew 59, Cha:liz
Local -2r 58, Harold M'. Donald 55,'Ray
Sar , ert. 41'. Number on roll 38.
O. tc:ber' I +.Cali
"1 simply
to use Lo
"1 have sold as rna•py as 32
customers in one morning
by Long Distance. There is
little difference in the cost
of sonal letterLo
Distance messagesad the
advantage is all on the side
of Long Distance. Compe-�
tition in our line is too keen]
t0 take any chanceq."
When good customers are
not too plentiful, why run
chances by taking the time
to write a letter that may
have to be followed by
another to straighten out
some 'unexpected difficulty?
Bemaster of the situation. Call
aa. p your prospects by Long
Distance and settle things im-
the a z. ' noun:ls.
1 gins occurred at Viking Alberta, on
Sr III. --Gordon; Raiz, tck,Robert Flynn, , Oct, 29th. where she had Jived with
1 Dietr ie tiEdw Pians pet, E Alex. ` her husband, W. ,5 Hodgins and family
mine , Edward Lippert, Earl Rata. + for the past 18 years_ Corning Wes+
r- I n :1906 ,from Lucan, Ont, she joined
1 Jr. III --Cobert Dietrich, Lloyd Lip- red1tO he husband on the homestead, having
pert, __ the distinction Of being the first w,o-
Sr: II, -Roy Ti�alllert, Mildred Neel-, Sunday Nov, 2nd' anniversary I man settler between Lake Thomas and
Irene Flyrnrr, In - n Ratz, Helen Kinnservices were observed in the Metho• Wainwright, is Alberta. During early
diet church R,ev, Dr. Knowles cif St. •tQdag'et,trshe medical
a e lied the 44countryside as t
Jr. II,-,.'tlonut a Dietrich, y Dalbert tMar y's,, a former pastor spoke loth :in, tb,e capacity of a nurse, and mother
I�at ny, Clement Hilda
bear Culbert, mornuns and evenin ,
Jean LVallert, Kilda Colbert. a d giving a splen `to scores of people in •ne d of help.
to address, The church yeyng .adle l , ,..as a worker in social and religious
Ft. IT, --Evelyn ,McCann to capacity both servtier, l'he ;aro
Sr. I, -Ilton L' reeds of. the day amounted to about
• 'circles Mrs Hodgins was a,lwa:sys ac-
ippert, Gladys Isr;nny $1.85 00
tiv,e, and up to the Barre of her si%h-
Jr. 1, -Glad y, Ratz, Mans Lippert,
kris nz ^men past
week three of our 1 seri^angness aa identified
sciraalath alteacher forurch
Audrey coal Pearl h-arrr ffer'd by •evere
gall Flynn. accidenits. Mr. A, W„ •Morlock .brolce { the past few year's. Mrs. Hodgins was
the bones of his hand while cranking ' born at Lucam,, in,.1879, the eldest dau-
a tar. 12r: Harry Trick sttficrcda.,_gl-ter of the late Thomas and Alice
conspatur�i fracture of his right arm `3b'bott; of Luton Bine was married
wbitc working on his bean thresher. ;='n February, 1902. Besides her bus
Mr. Sylvester Wuerth 'rad ha,; band band; she leaye,w three children•, foex
barfly burned by gasoline while, work= Ibroth,ers and two sisters all living in
ing on'his ,engine, "a bad fire was nar- i Alberta except Lion, of Granton, Ont:.
r•owly averted. Clandeboye
`lime regular meeting of the Wom,ens'
t - he totvc supper at Credut•an, last Institute ss lltbe helicl on Tues. Nov 10 Horse Falls in Well -Ansley Neil
Thursday ,evening. at 3 sa m whena report of *he 0071,- of •McGaldnvray last a valuable horse
Mrs, L. Shrader spent at few ;lays venLuon held in -London this week will recently. In some, unaccountable, men -
et the home of W,, Yearley of Cred- be given. A good .attenrlance is r e- ne • the animal. f ell into a, well and
mtom• quested. brake its neck..
1?r. 1411i,erd Deatr elr and sisters, Special Thanksgiving Services lir the oke sneplowing is iffecult on nearly
Alma and Lillie spent Saturday in Methbdisi Church next Sunday even The,
1arrxr•,on account of lack of rain,
with the
.,n tsitar• ' c
arm, tzar e
c,Pa. b , a The bu the .long dry spell gave: a gorod
'Mrs. tlIc1Cemzue and grandson o' St subject will, be "Tine Galea of Thank 1.chamoe to apple picking and other
Thomas spent. ,the week end at the giving". or things to be Thankful :farm wort. gett,islred up. Mclieatzne Ironre. For''. 1 A successful sale of liouselsol,d ef-
;Mr anal Mrs E Keyes • calledice- 'Air. McTav'slr Toronto this
Number on roll 34. Average at-
, tenr.iance, 28.
Flprence Turnbull, teacher •
Gaulle' a number front here actendedt
.a tallied on °.T r,.- L is in oran>t 4 nt1 is
fads',..far m implements find Stock was
friends near Stanley last Sunday. week- attending"the Centenary Celebrat helot on Wednesday last, is •ttlie farm
Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. 5, Scott attended Toa 01 theMethodist- Church- •wh.i,e.h oectLpnecb be Wednesday
Percy Uautycey, `first
the anniversary services. ;it Brinslsy is beinglr,ela tin,LVlassey Ha r+
on, Sundaycomcessidn McGillivray. Tire cattle
Mrs. Urquarattothatt has been, visit- sold especially well, being in good cm -
and Mrs. H. Hazleton, visited at n�` far a mogtth the, home of Mr. dit�oar.. ' It ws tutvderat�olo,d Ghat' Mr,
.of .Mr, an,d Mrs. L. Anie's, and Mrs Edward Pahner returned to at:rvice arrteavds` diDo Lout,drouv:
of near Briinstey on Sunday. her home in Sanaa on Friday last.' D y• moving
Miss Clara Feltner sof Crediton spent Miss Madeline Deatr^img -visited with all'Els SII `H AND AEM4LIU
Tuesday with Miss Irma F arkbeiner.' her cousins Inez, Dorothy and Cattle PL TFARVIS CONVICTED AND
Hal1lowe-en passed off very quietly Palmer, for a few days last week. J SENTENCED
with very little damage done. Mrs. John. A. Humble, of Sarnia; v.us-
Mr;anti Mrs. C. Lochner sperm last it•ed leer sister Mrs. Ed. Falmer fo•r Hon. Pieter Smnth ex-Pror,"i,nc'al
Thursday se Exeter. a few days the ,past week, Treasurer, and Aemitius Jarvis were
Miss Dorothy Mellott and Muss Hynes each found gualty'of conspiracy- to de-
af Lorndoa visited : a day the pial wze'.t 'raid, the Ontario Government at the
with Mrs, Ed. Fahner-, A.ssrzc Court,• Toronto.; Smith was
HISISOikDALE Miss Has Woodall, entertained a sentexnced, to s erve three • years -'3n
number of her _friends at a Hallowe'en .Portsm,outh penitentiary and Tarvis to
'Thu Huronidale W.I. met at the hone 'porta on Friday eventing last. The little six months In Toronto jail. In, ad -
,1 Mrs. n 'Kestle on Oct: 30th with folks were all in costumes and spent dition atfilne of 55600,000 was imnp,o,sed
_re Exeter Institute as guests, Final e lolily tame, jointly out; Smith and Jarvis and they
ranngensents were made regarding the 1'''''On, Friday evening Nov,' 7, Rev bit.' 'were to acontinue in pras;on untii4 it was
_czaar to be held at the, Town Hall can Donnelly of Exeter will give his, pop. ,pavd. Judge ,Merecli,th int sentencing
at Nov 8. Miss Carrie Oise and ;Miss ulam- lecture .Scrape at the Evangel- Smithj read him the fbilgw,nng stern
rattle Etheri,n,gton, were, named its de, veal Church The orchestra will ettew-rd lectnad:
sae --
sates to flat London Conventso`mn";, 'Th.e h& Roy Wolfe. has refu.rnedt home "I'-eter Smith, it is nemther ;my rightlintimismaganygmstwas.
i4ran:g E'en) th,u West where, h has spent, nri deed>;
oe nsiste•d ,oaf an'interesti.n pent tiro riga• my duty to'recount your
-- . �.--_._._. _,•talk' by ,Miss' S, Jeckeltl on . Jrer trip" last two months; or to say. one .word that twill add to
ted to be a sign of a weak; and
self-denial of a •'strong character.
Are you building up both your char-
acter and your Savings Bank account
by thoughtful ecoxioinies and the de-
posit c.+f all your surplus wages each
pay day. sas
We welcome account, loran
Capital Paid UpR000
esee Fund $20,000,000
- M, R. Complit , Manager
- G. G. Maynard, Manager
Exeter Branch -
Crediton Branch -
CAPITAL - $4,009,000
RESERVE - $5,000,000
Our service in 1855 was up -to -date -or even
ahead of the requirements of those days. In
this year, 1924, we offer the public all modern
banking facilities offered by a courteous and
efficient staff in our many branches through-
out Canada.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Big Bargains in Furniture
At Gardiner's
'::rector of Funeral' Services
Day and Night Service.
Business Phone 74w
Motor and Horse Equipment.
Opera House Block.
Night Call 74i.
IF Your Ford Lacks Pep;
Cranks hard; as Poor Lights--
Your Magneto needs
Chambers Bros.
your punishment But in •order that MITCHELL 7YIAN IS i
yotr-may not think there is any dis- INSTANTLY FILLED,
parity betweenthe penalty which is to John Simmer of liitcbell was instant-
imposed on ylou and that which is ty killed at Wellesley Friday afterrnaoci
to be imposed upon your co-conspir- last when he touched a i�ngli=va1tagc
ator, let me say to you; *you were aware while at work ors a bridges v,ath
chosen by the people of thescoutstitd the A. Hill Constructt,on Co, gang,
tbeaucy in thiel you live to serve them' It appears that a crew of five or six
and to serve the proviurce honestly, was arsworking om, the particular tvoix
A.entwer Jarvis was ,not so, chose'. gird in plaicnmg an his bream; don place&r
You were made � what
of the Crown ran• e un comitac['dwith the wire,, How
You vrame made what 'us commonly the others ascaped injury is tiOt clear.
known as the 'watchdog of the 'Trews- Besides .his (-widow he is survived by
ury: Yon made a solemn oath .which one son Alvin, now attending school
you violated. in Londonn.
Drage change
Having leased the .Baker premises on the
corner of Main and James Streets and
moved therein with . my equipment, this
will be my futur3 place of business, where
I will continue to do general auto repairing
with the same high-class service as form-
erly. ,.
Gras, Oils., and all Auto Accessories Supplied.
A:pnt for Overland and Studebaker Cars.
We solicit).continuance of' your patronage.