HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-11-6, Page 1IRTY-SIXTH YEAR, EXETER O TAR ) H URS1 .\ NOVEMBER 6, 1924 • • Corner By a majority of almlast live to one,), Our Corner the ratepayers of Ft. William passed aby-law to $200 000 for the , grant3 Two can. live as cheaply as one till builethding r of the Collegiate Institute: bills come an, ••' ee Importations !af dried fruits are to t dolls+ will plat �o as far as it lbe inspected at ports of every, Samples ;to, tat £t will go much taster o4• dried peaches, pears and apricots wall be taken from the cases and for- warded to the dominion; analyst at Ot- tawa for testing, If the; samples si;ow 'adulteration the consigntnenita will .not dee permitted to enter Canada to be used as food. A used Where do the lovely autumn, leaves go?., Have` a 5c cigar. e You can't keep gasoline dors by stepping on it. It takes alatne tailors to made a man one dressmaker to break him. r There are sounds that the human ear can't hear but unfortunaltely,none are made by the ladies' tongtt,es. Woman's waist line moves up and down; man's expands in a horleee tai line only. Its queer the authoriedes can't find fake stocks when the sucker .finds them so, easily. .Dutch girls dress like their mothers, over here et is just the other ..way around. 'rush is not only stranger than fic- n but aleo it is a stranger to more people One reason why people, do not have more respect tor• laws is that the supply or laws exceeds the demand. There are two periods when fishing is good at the summer resort -before you get there and after you leave. If paint is as effective as advertise- ments say, flappers should reach a groat old age. a Another good memory test is to try to remember the things you worried about yesterday. In "detour" the accent is on the last syllable. So, many. people place .it on the d---. New demands now being made on the barbers' conversational activities suggest that he take an interusive course with a ladies, sewing circle, There is one constolation for ped- estrians. thousands of people who would make reckless drivers are still confined in asylums. ,1VItm, has so thoroughly conquered the air that he can do anything up there if he. has luck and nothing hap- pens. qtr !_rfagtAifrilsil'a4, 1114 THE PUBLIC ElfE REPAIRS NEW ISSUE OF SHIN -PLASTERS Thee third issue of 25 -cent paper bilis, commonly known as "shin -pias - tera," to appear jell the, fifty years since the billls were ttrst• :issued, is now being put into circulation ehe new bills are comparatively neater and more artistic Stn design, and show a, decided improvement over the old type of bill. Local News Mrs ' Richard Horn. and child have beee..visitang an London this week. Mr. Ge Wren of Hibbert purchased this week, a new special Grey .Dort six from Mr. T„ H. Nelson, 'The ladies' Aid of the James Street - Church held a succeastui bazaar of homemade cooking, sewing and candy in the Town Hall last Saturday after- noon. It attracted a large attendence of buyers and there was little difficulty in disposing of the excellent specimens of the ladies' handiwork. On Friday evening last waggons,. buggies. gates and in fact pretty near everything moveable around town seethed to suddenly contract wander-: lust and decide to camp •els,ewltere. They presented a rather ludicrous ap- pearance on Saturday morning. How - eve: it was only the Hallowe'en pranks. of the -youngsters, most of which wen: eoanparatively harmless: HUNTING TRIP Four huntsmen of Exeter, Messrs W. Snell, Jack Snell, Lloyd Schroeder and Wm. Waring kit out Tuesday of than week: for a hunting trip to Bededoere Bay, near Wiarton. For their comfort on, the trip they had built a special body one Ford chassis, which wile ac- comodate 'them with sleeping quarters. It is also, leer +ricpped with a coloking. stone, supply cabinet and other son- veniences. "I'he outfiU was unique and we predict that the boys will snake soine goad bags while away. - Mrs. Archie Campbell who has been visiting her daughter m Hamilton re- turned home on Tuesday •ev;emi4 - Mrs. F. G. Manning, atter several w•ee1t's ves,i,t at the home of .her slater Mrs. J. A, Stewart, xeturned•et;o her home in Bowmanvi)1e on Thursday last, Mrs. Stewart accompanied her as far as Galt and spent the day there. A pear of rather unusual nee wa s presented to the Advocate this week. It measured 51 inches in height, 1.1 Meshes in circumference and weighed threw quarters.of a pound. It was was grown, in the orchard of Mr. Fred yuth,ern, Huron Street. A. very pleasant everting was spent by • the members of the .,aven fres- uyteri,an. Young People's Guild at a Hallowe'en Party'held. in the basement of the Church on Wednesday even., !mg,. Oet 29. Fortune telling was a teeters of the ,evening and games and refreshments typcicalof the nagh.1 were iuuch enjoyed. Hallowe'en was celebrated by the t. nls' Junior Auxiliary giving a Hal.iaw- ,e•'eat. party in the Trivitt Memorial Sun- day School The party was for the. younger members of the congregatitan arta they all, appeared an costume. Games and refreshments ionised the program and it Howse, were any stand- ard el judging the youngstera certainly had a Cherry time. On Friday eves ing the Girls' Senior. Auxiliary held a Hallowe'en party in the Trivitt elemoiial Sunday School Anyone coming out of costume was promptly arrested, hauled before the treeak and was fined. Several games and contests were played after which a Halloween Cafeteria, served refresh- ments. A good time was enjoyed by all. On Sunday, November 9th the Great War Veterans of this district- will hold church parade to - the Trivitt ;Mem- orial church. The local militia in training here will parade with them They will assemble at the cornier of Main and Huron streets at 10.30. All veterans are cordially invited to at- tend. After church there, will be a We are ,now prepared to do'all kinds short servitce at the monument at th of repair work 'on benoken frames!, Town Hal: by all the congregations o wheras before we had to send, them to town in honor of the. boys of th`a, London or •,esiewhere. district who were killed in action ' the Great War. e. in Heavy Shell Frames to Your Own Lenses While You Wait $3.00 Broken Shell Rims Replaced While You Wait Spectacles, Large Lenses $1.00 up. DR. JOHN 'WARD CHIROPRACTOR and OPTICIAN Phone 70 is Main St., Exeter DANCE AT DOME ThEATRE Wed., Nov. 12th At 8.30 p.m. sharp 1VIOLSONS BANK Alefel.LO•AMAI`ES present manager Mr. T. S. Woods WITH BANK OF MONTREAL assumed charge. It was a great surprise to the peo-.been known as one of the soundest The Molsons Bank has always ple of Exeter and vicinity when the and most conservative of the Can - announcement was made on 29th of adieu Banks and this amalgamation October that an amalgamation of with the Bank of Montreal, long re - Montreal Molsons Bank and the Bank of cognized as the premier bank of reasons real had )been arranged. The Canada, will give great additional easons leading to this step were strength. A joint meeting of the Anglican and Peesbyteriatt Young Peoples' Societies was held on ,,Morn. evening_Nov. 3 in the Anglican. School Hall The main feature of the program was lanternslues. The first series showed part of the work done by the St. Christ- ophe� Settlement Hous, .n Toronto and the, slides were ably explained by :Miss Hale. The remainder of the .;ides were devoted ter tate story of 'Ruth'' and were explazned by Mr. Foote. A solo by bliss Pryde was much enjoyed,: oy the gathering., The meeting was closed wash prayer about +9.30. On Wednesday last a party of ladies consisting of Mrs,til. R. Complete Mrs.. W, W. 'lemma Mrs.E. Fowell, Mra. T. S Woods, Mrs. R. U. Seldon, Mrs. W. J Heaman, Mrs, J A, Stewart, Mra g: f Manning and J. G. S. Atkinuon m,rrto,'ed to Strathroy and spent a very enjoyable afternoon. After having lunceeeor at the nome of Mrs. atup- lan's mother, .tite .euperin:endent of the nospital, Miss Norton,, conducted them through a new wing of the hospital \ower hau never been opened and also through the new lemoreal Home,for the nurses. Atternvon tea was then by ArraComplirs's another and the party made a safe journey bac to Roeser again, RIVERS-HUESTON Good Orchestra in Attend'ce DOME T ET. Friday Saturday, Nov. 7th and 8th SANDERS & ' CREECH B1. sTHS Rosa-lri St. Joseph Hospital, Loudon on Oct. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dune can G. Ross of Letcarn, a son. t ightly.-ln Londoert, on Nov. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonord Knightly, nee Olive Willett, a slaughter. • MARRIAGES fully set out in the statement of Mr. The .;President of the Bank of Rivers-.Hiteeton-At the Main Sireeet F. W. Molson, the President of the Molsons Bank, to the shareholders at the annual general meeting held in Montreal on 3rd inst. Briefly the reason was that the Directors hada good property to sell and were able to secure a good price for it. That reason. principally in- duced them to accept the terms of- fered by the Bank of Montreal. • With this amalgamation, the last of the "Family" Banks of Canada passes out "of existence. The Mol - sons Bank was founded in 1853 as a private institution and two years lat er it received a charter and com- menced business as a chartered bank on lst October 1855, For some years it was conducted as a purely local bank in Montreal, but in ,1870 the first branch office was opened in London, Ont, and other branches were opened as the development of the community warranted. In 1873 a branch was opened in Exeter under the manage- ment of the late Mr, E, W. Strathy, and from that time to this The Molsons Bank has been very closely identified with the business develop- ment of South Huron, serving the financial needs of the community through this and other branches subsequently opened in the district and affording a safe depository for the funds of its customers through good times and bad; through all the vicissitudes of business - life for aver half a century. During that period nine managers have conducted the local affairs of the Bank. In 1877 the late Mr. Strathy was transferred to the branch at Owen Sound, and succeeded in Exeter by Mr. H. C. BS 1 quiet and pretty wedding took place Tuesday morning, at,. teno'clock at the Alain Street hiethadlst pal son - age, wher, Miss Marjorie, youngest daughter of Air. and Mrs. Henry Hu:eston wasunited in marriage to ,Me Harper Rivers, son of Mr., and Mrs. Wm. R_vers, of Exeter. Rev. Air. Cly sdaltc officiated ,un raga presence of the groom's 'brother, Mr. Bruce Rivers and the bride's sister, Mass E. I -lues - ton. After the ceremony the happy couple left for their honeymoon trip by motor and will visit Harnililom, Nie gara Falls, Toronto; etc. "lite Advocate loins lin all god waeshes to the -"-appy couple. ENTERTAINED PUPILS On. Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Aluert Etherington eatertainied, all]. the pupils and the teacher of S. S. No. 1 Usoorne, to a Hallowe'en party teem four to. rune o'clock, - The room; were artistically decorat- ed with shaded lights and Jack 0' Lan- terns in keeping" \vette , the occasion. From four to, six all kinds of games were arraaged-•by the host axed were thoroughly enjoyed by the children. At six o'clock about 40 children sat dawn to a real banquet, served ey the hostess, assisted by the teacher. Music contests and Hallowe'en pranks Bleed the remain. -der of the evening till n; ne o'clock when the ele dreai retired to thear respective nomes, after speeding once of tate saltiest evemines of tL.eir lives. ustr:'r Keaton in "Our Hospitality" School children should not miss it. It is history. and roaring comedy. A spark of Feudal hate bursts into a hil- arious 'comedy. See the America of 1830 in "Our Hospi- tality". Barnhams has nothing on this picture. 1onday. and Tuesday, Nov. 10 and 1 Douglass McLean' in ro "Going Up" A wi&zung whopper of a screed conned,, skyrocketingg,roare of, laugh-. 'ter, Love and -laughter scale (tizzy la+eights' do the wildest sped ielm of e' thyear, sewer. ix years later Mr. Brew er was appointed Manager of the Branch at Clinton where he served for many years until he retired on pension and is now spending his de- clining years in Montreal He was .succeeded in Exeter by Mr. A. A. C. Denovan, who is still in the employ of the Bank at the head :Office in Montreal, he being the oldest officer now active in the service of the Bank. In 1889 the late Mr. R. H. Archer was appointed Manager and two years later the late Mr. N. Dyer Hurdon succeeded him. Mr. Hurdon conducted the business of the Bank in Exeter continuously for 25 years except for a few months in 1894 when Mr. E. E. Ward was in charge. Mr. Hurdon retired on pension in 1915 and continued to reside in Exeter until his death oc- curred four years later. He was succeeded 'by Mr. W. D. Clarke who was transferred to the Branch of Richmond Quebec, in 1919, when the Montreal has stated that the present staffs of the Molsons Bank will con- tinue to conduct the business at the various branches. Through the a - Continued on Page 4. HALLOWE'EN •D.A.NCE A successful Hallowe'en and "Mas- querade Carnival and Dance was held in the.Dome Rink on Wednesday ,even- ing last. A goodly crowd attended the dance and the many colorful '.;iostumes presented a pleasing ' Prizes were awarded as follows : Couple in best National Costumes Mr. Donald Davis anal Mess Kathleen Hearnen„ Couple in best Conein Costume, Mr. 11i1cot Russell.. and Miss Florrle Dien - hey. Best Exhibition Waltz, Mr. 'William Davis and Miss Wanda, Von Waacmmski. lest Exhibit on lox Trot, lir. Earl Russell and Miss Florence Vincent. Seat Exhibition Clog Dancing, Mr. Cooper McCurdy. • Tare judges were 1VIr, Frank Boyle Theo. Walper and Mr, Frer). THRESHING ACCIDENT parsonage, Exeter, on. Tuesday, Nov.. 4th by Rev. Clysdale, ,Mr. Harper l.,ivers son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rivers to Miss Marjorie Huestant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hueston. CLAIMS $700 - A county court writ has been enter- ed by Bruce Bosaealbury of Grand Bend, against George Webb, of Stephen Twp, through his solicitor, Norman F. Newton of Parkhill. The plaintiff is claiming $700 damages for datnage to his auto caused by negli- gent driving of the defendant of his servants or agents. • • FIRR AT GRAND BEND SATURDAY NIGHT Fine of unknown origin la the pinery at Grand Bend seriously threatened the cottages on the London side and might have swept into the village itseelf, For- tunately however the, wind switched L'o the,north and with the heroic ef- forts o,nf the villagers, some Londono cottagers and a number from Exeter the lige was controlled and o build= engs were'^destroyed. Another tor- tun,a.te feature was That the fire re- mained lathe underbrush and the 'ries. did not take fire, otherwise there: is no• telling where the damage. might have ended. A very serious and ea feet what might have proved a fatal ctecident oc- curred atthe farm of Gottreich Ween near Crediton,, az 4 o'clock ,'Monday Afternoon. :Mr. Harry 'Erick %veto has been operating a. threshing otyttiet alt suntnvet; Was applying a coinpour d to keep a belt from slippang, when it caught his arm and threw lhira euito a pulley After spinning 'him around �c�veral times it threw, hint to thee fleaoa. When be was picked up it was found that b,otls bones of his 1oreann, were 1'r.io.tured, the bows coming through the i1e '.• He sui£ersd severe body briar•. as well as cuts about the face, elr. 'heck is well and •favorably krtowi fiNeter, its having conducted the tel-, ep':one, office, here foe• some time.. Ties tnaay 1r n is o ntle w.isInnis hint a coin- p1an.,1 speedy recovery, are thank- ful that ed.., lite w}a • spared .,n seem of all the ,dire possi+lbeei; ies =n anetraridetut of such a character, Let- Us Help You. To See Better. 1 Phone Delivery HARVEW'S Service Grocery CORN FLAKES TOOTH PICKS PCKG. 10e. i BOX 05c. SHREDDED WHEAT SEEDED RAISINS 2PCKGS, 25c. 2 PCKGS, 25c. BLACK TEA (bulk) PER LB. 35c. 1 2 LBS . .................... 2 5 c. BULK DATES LAUNDRY SOAPS MAT FIGS 5 CAKES 35c. 2 LBS. 25e. ,mas.,M•a.�.a.a. ....emaurozamcoasommerer Special Delivery Service We are starting a service for the convenience of homes with out phones or other means of ser ding in orders. Our wagon will cover the down town route on Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday mornings and the north route • (north of the Eng- lish Church) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and will carry a supply of Neale and Hensall bread at the same time taking orders that will be delivered the sante morning. - This service is for all and if you have been overlooked we would he glad to bear from you and will appreciate your business and co-operation. SEEDLESS RAISINS AMMONIA POWDER 2 LBS. 25c. 3 PCKGS. 25c. I';LENZINE • LAUNDRY STARCH 33 PCKGS. - 250. 24 LBS. 25c. CORN STARCH NEILSONS ROSE BUDS PCKG. 10e. PER LB. 49c. TOILET SOAPS 3 CAKES 250. IODINE SALT PCKG. 15e. HARVEY & HARVEY TWO STORES a c� of ,1+'e.a, "- r.., itA f !.Atte,,.• In order to do slo we have a Test Room Equipment with, the most mod- ern, Optical lnistrements, and the know- ledge of how to use therm, backed up. with 28 years experience at Sight 'Test - Lag and Spectacle Fitting. We can help you; ' Satiefacction Guaranteed. S. FITTON 12EGIIThRED OPTOMETRIST Phone I iw STEWA'TS3 Grocery Prices As Low As The Lowest WHY NOT GIVE US YOUR ORDER THIS WEEK WE WILL APPRECIATE IT AND WE WILL GIVE YOU GOOD SERVICE? 100 Pounds Redpath Sugar $8.40 Kellogg's Corn Flakes .... 10c. Puffed Wheat ........ pkg. 14c. Shredded Wheat :. 2 pkgs 25c. Grape Nuts - pkg. 18e. Bran Flakes 2 pckgs, 25e. 5 lbs. Quality Oatmeal for 25c. Three 15c. Boxes Tasty Cheese - 25e. lb. Crispy Soda Bisouite 15c. pk. Mixed Sweet Cakes .. 17e lb of Matches for 25c. Special Cocoa ............. 15e. ib. Special Coffee 40c. lb. Special Mixed Tea 69c. lb. 3 Bars Laundry Soap for 20c. 7 cakes Castile Soap ......... 25c. 3 Palm Olive Soap 25e, Good Light Brooms 490. 3 pkgs. Ammonia Powder 25c. Lux Lux Lux 11c. Med.-Polished hdle brooms 69c 2 lbs. Choice New Dates for 25c. 2 lbs. seedless raisins for 25c. Large'Carnation Milk ,. 12%c. Small Carnation' Milk. 6c, Large Muscatel Raisins 171/ c. Royal Yeast Cakes .... 5c. pkg. 3 Jelly Powders 25c. All 15c. Plug and Package Tobacco for 12 1-2c. Large tin Pink Salmon .... 15c. Large tin Red Salmon .... 25c. Large Maple Leaf Salmon 35c. y tin Pink Salmon ..,..... 10c. 1/2 tin Red Salmon 15c. 1/2 tin Maple Leaf Salmon 19e. Money Savers 1-2. doz. Odd White Cups for 49c. Men's Work Shirts 98c. Men's All Wool Sox 49e. Men's Leather W. Gloves ..45c. Men's Leather W. Shoes $3.90. Men's Fine Print Shirts - $1.49 Ladies Cashmerette. Hose 35c. 54 in. wool Hotespuns $1.49 Ladle House Slippers special kid with robber heels .... $1,75 36 in. waren Flanuellette 25e..