The Exeter Advocate, 1924-10-30, Page 8;1Ni EXETER ADVOCATE, T'HUNSI]AY, OCTOBER 3O, 1924 Exeter Markets. I CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat 1.30 1 Manitoba. Flour 4.90 J Fancily Flour' 4.65 ' Pastry Flour 4.15 Feed Flour 2,25 1 Bram - 1.60 Shorts 1.75 36 .46 Creamery. Bgs utter ....,.. 41 ' Dairy Butter . 34 37 i Lard 22 24 ' Flogs 9.50 1 7 Goal, Coke! Insurance i S I solicit a share of , your l business. Try me with your • 1 next order. a Ee J. Christie Exeter c c r,re Buy %, . S Wheat ' t: mOats , Li 'Barley• Peas f WE CLEAN GRAIN. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. , PHONES- DAY 90; NIGHT, 2 i c R. G. SELDON 1 a StAAV S STRAYED. t There strayed unto Lot 13, Con 13, 1 Steoben, two sows, about Oct. iOth t Oarer can ha'.e same by proving prop t erty and paying expenses, -David Lip- 1 pert Dashwood. t KEYS LOST In Exeter a bunch of keys. Finder will confer a favor by leaving same , at this office. r DARK HONEY FOR SALE. Good quality for 7c. a lb. JOHN CARRICK, Lake- Rd. i Hay P. O. The Annual Meeting of The Huron County Children's All and Humane • Society will be held on, ''Tuesday, the ' 4th of November, at 3 p.m. in the 1 Children's Shelter, Cameron St., God- , erich. Mr. J. J• Kelso, Provincial Supt. : is 'expected to be present and give •aa address. ,. The public are invited. i THE .EVAPORATOR. The Evaporator Company are fixing ,, uw the plant in readiness to operate , about . Sept. 1st: Prospects are very bright for a big crop of apples. A number oi hands will be required and t hose wishing to engage will regiister at the Evaporator, DR H G. FLETCHER, L.'Vf.C.C. Licentiate of the College of Phys ians and Surgeons of Ontario Office in the residence of iblr. A. Carom, 31ain St. Phone 156 Exeter, Ont. 'G S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontaritois and Un- iveasity of Toronto. Late. District Dental Officer, Milkf- a,ry District Number cave, Lonudom., Ont. Matta Office -Dickson Block, Main Street, Exeter ,Ont, Hours 9 to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34, Exeter. AT ZURICH Tuesday telly. Phalle 79 Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Alla Tailoring MEN S SUITS Cleaned and Pressed 75c1 Pressed only 50c I Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.001 Dyed and Pressed $4.00 LADIES' Suits Pressed and Cleaned $L.00 ' Dry ' Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed 5t c We also Make and Trim Suits with First Class Trimmings for $20.00. -• I AM NOW P1tEPARED TO GIVE YOU A REAL Cartage Service Our Express Service from Lon- don. to Exeter is now operating. Livery in > connect_,on. L H. BAGSHAW. ji Local Doings Mr. Wni Newcombe,: who has been i,ere visiting •his mother and -other rel- rtives for the past couple na!omit,b' eft Monday moaaaai g on his return trip :o Spokane,, Washington. 4IV1, THOUSAND DOLLARS CASH How would nen like to wake up some morning and find you were the winner of $5,000? Some person „s Ding to get it, Why not you? The gamily Hezeld and Weekly Star of Ylantneal are offering Ten Thousand ollars. n, cash prizes to those who rake the best estimates of the total antsier of votes to be polled at the next Federal'Electiion. ,T1a,ere were 3,- 119,306 polled out of a total of 4,- 35,310 in 1921. The next •electiion, is Lot far away. How many will note? t costs nothing to make an estimate. £ you ane a subscribes to that great weekly for 1925. The Family I-Ierald ras a wonderful program this season. t is admitted to be. the best family nd farm paper on this continent„ A eery handsome art calender is also riven to each- subscriber.. It is the igest Two Dolllar•a worthever of- ered in Canada. Writee fon a, sample opy oz leave you: subscription at this flice, You will neves regret R. AZAAR The Hurondale Womens' Institute ill hold a Bazaar of h,omet-made and poking, candy aserving et the° own Hall, Exeter, on Saturday, Nov, th. STRAY` HEIFER There strayed onto the premises of he undersigned, Lot 16, Con, 2, Use orne, a 2 -year-old roan heifer with. orns. Owner can have same, by prov- ag property and paying ,expenses. Charles Godbait 021 SALE. A thoroughbned Jersey Cow and a uantity mangolds for sale. Apply to V. J. Statham, town. ROYAL CECIL AND WILT ON OURT HOTELS, Jarvis and. Dun as Streets, Toronto, Rooms with ath-Single $1,50 to $2,00 -Double 2.00 to $3.00. Garage, Dining Room. APPLES WANTED People havicug. winter apples for sale pp . - - y Iv to Exeter orn Canndn� Cam for nformation as to prices and quality 1 fruit wanted. APfMS FOR SALES 1;E1 acres -8 acres of bush and 50 ores pastime land. Good clay soil; en, acres sown in fall wheat; good ride acres bank barn 40x84 with eater' connections, stone foundation ; lrive"shed; '119 0* pen; hen stable; rock Yell ' Hall mile .from Mount Carmel ieparatc School;' •7 miles ,from Cen- ralia Station.. Apply to C. J. Regan, . R. No. 8, Park. Hill, Ontario. The W. M. S. of Main St. Meth - dist Church intend holding a Ba- aar•- in the Town Hall on November lst. Particulars later. The• Ladies' Aid of the James St. hu'rch will hold a Bazaar in the 'own Hall on • Saturday, Nov. 1st. egix ping at. 3 o'clock. There 'will e home-made• :cooking, home-made andy, needle•, work and child-ren's lothing. Tea will be served in the fternoon and supper from 5 to 7. lverybody .welcome. 0 YOU WANT.LIFE INSURANCE? Mrs. J. W. Powell was operated • on in Victoria Hospital, L,onvdo;z, .for in- ternal head trouble. last week. Sae. .is now improving ,nicely. Mrs. Jas Beer is iii proving ,nicelyl at the, home of leer eon, ;Mr :W. J. Beer following an accident at the home, of Mn Chas Johns; Usborne. Mrs. Moses Bechler of'Lisbtoirne had the misfortune on, Wednesday of last week to ruin, a swinemachine needle through the nail and deeply into the finger. It caused her much pain and distress for a time.. A numbereof juveniles: in, town, par- ticularly ar-ti ularly at the; south .end, are making themselves obamxitous by ri,ngin.g door bells and then rimming, away. The par- ents should see that their children are checked of practice - The r ac ` this e ruse ,. The plowing .match to have taken place on Mr. Clayton Frayne's farm, Usborne, on Wednesday of this week has been postponed indefinitely, owing to the very dry weather of late, and the unfit condition of the soil, The house put up by auction, on Simcoe Street under mortgage sale. on Saturday, the property of John Beer was purchased by Mr. Walter Cut - bush, who now resides on the corner of ,Main and Simcoe street. The price paid was 5800.00. Referring to the item, in The Ad- vorate last week regardmvg Mr. Elr- worthy's stolen; car, Mrs.Elworthy in- forms us that the greater peat of the goods stolen was wearing apparel, fuss, club bag, etc., and not dry-g,gods which might be taken to Mean store purchases, HAD WRIST BROKEN. • vIr. LloydlBaynham met, with an un- fortunate and painful accident on Teton- last about noon, which will lay him off duty for sometamest He was cranking his iceoup,e where et bank -fired with the result that the crank flew back with terrible force and broke both bones in his wrist. COLE-McNALLY. A quiet and pretty autumn wedding took place on October 16th, at eleven, o'clock a.m., ,t the home of Mrs. E. A. McNally, Bruce street, Goderich, when her daughter, Agnes Pearl, be- came the bride of Arthur L. Cole, popular optician, gen, of VIT. a,ndtMr's. John H. Cole of Exeter, Rev. R. C, 'iMcDermid officiating. Mr. and. Mrs. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole of Exeter attended the wedding. 1HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ? We have corrected our mauling list up to October 23rd. Look at your label and if it does not indicate the date to which you think yteur sub. is ' paid, come an or write in and tell us about it. If the date Indicated is riot a forward one you are in arrears. This as a good time to nettle arrears and pay for a year isv a' va�nce. Some of our subscriptions are already paid up to January 1st, 1926, le yours one of them? Raving disposed of a part of my mplenient,, business I shall devote my Mee -to writing . insurance for the Can - da Life Insuranace Co. if you ars. :onssdering insuxairce, give me a call o trouble to'give you figures. Prem- ums.•received and forwarded to the ompany. B. ,M.: FRANCIS, Exeter. ESTRAY HEIFER. There strayed from a farm on. 8th Con, of Hay, a white 2 -year-old heif- er. Any person returning same, or giving information, that will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. Alvin Baker, Crediton P.O., phone, Crediton, 36r5. - STRAYED—From lot20, Con. 19, Stephen, 4 oalves, 1 black and three red. Any information gladly re- ceived by A. Devine, Grand Bend. W . R. Goulding A. T. A.T.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster James St, 1 ethedist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and; Theory. imistructoar of Music din the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EXETER Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a•m,-"The. Power of the. Gentle- ness, of Grad." 7 p.m, -"Keeping Things First." Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th., Rector. €AVEN. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, 13. A.. Minister 7 p., ea.—Services as usual. 11 .a. m•.—Services as usual. The Minister Boy Scouts •meet Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. E• Donnelly, B. A:; Pastor Sunday November 2nri, 11 a;m,-Quarterly Communion.. 3 p•in.-Survday School.. 7 ,p.m. -Subject;; Forward Movetnent. BUSINESS CHANGE. Mr. W.0.. Statham, who has for the past twenty-three years conducted a bakery and confectionery business here. last week sold out to Mr. W. J. Lock- wood of Em.bro, who will take pos- session an Monday next, Nov. 3rd. During Mr. Stathan>,'s business career by his `honest and straightforward dealing he has enjoyed a liberal pat- ronage and made many warm and .lose: friends, who will regret to :earn • *JO his retiring 'from the business: circle' of Exeter. Mr. Statham has not de. cided as to what will be his future ocrupatian, but we trust that he will. continue to be a resident of Exeter-- Miss Jessie Creech visited in, London.. Saturday, Mr. Rich, B,isse.tt visited with rela- tives here Saturday, Mr. Peter Robertson of Stratford visited here, Sunday. Mrs. Anderson, of London, visited with ,Mrs, J. A. Stewart last week. Mr. .and 'Mrs. Freeland of Londton are. visiting with Miss Vosper and Miss Sanders. Mrs. .Dickson of Leamington visited with AVMs Vosper and Miss M, Sanders during the week. Mrs. McKenzie and grandson of St. Tholnas are visiting with the former's sister; Mrs. John W. Taylor. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lewis of Lon- don were guests" of Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Sweet and other friieauds : lin town. Mr. and•Mrs. Chris. Ziuefl e of ';lint,` ;Mich., is visiting among relatives and. friends here and en, Stephen Twp. Mrs, W. S. Thompson and Miss Be. Atkinson of.. London spent a' day or two in towaa, with Mends last week. Mrs. C. F. Grafton and daughter Vla:y of London visited .over the week end with Mr. an,d Mrs. G. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Brand of Alvin. -- sten visited here with. the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mawhiinme'y. Mrs. Thos. White and daughter of Windsor visited at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Wickwire .du ing t'he week. Mrs John, Seell left .on Monday for Grinnnel, Iowa. to spend the winter with her" daughter, Mrs. G. H. Mc- Donald, PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Congoleum Rug Week Oct. 20th to Nov. 1st Get our Special Prices ora Congoleum Rugs for this Special Sale. Week The new Fa111 patterns have iust arrived, This sale means considerable saving to you, Shown in all the popular sizes. Ask us for an official entry blank for the 11,1000 Gold Seal Congoleum Title Writing Contest. It is open'to everyone free. Tapestry Bedroom, Rugs• clearing at S14.75 ;each. Madame X and Nemolastick Reducing Corsets We have la stock the new self -reducing, all -rubber corsets. .These are positively guaranteed to reduce. We sell these models much lower than mail order houses, Heavy Coating at $1.50 yd. Heavy Coating 56 in, wide, shades brown and grey, suitable, for both lad- ies' and childrenfs coats, very special valwc at $1.50 yard. Clearing of ,Wool Serge Skirts at $1.95 .� We have a few odd serge skirts, in, good quality serge, odd eiizes, •-- tnostly navy in: collar, clearing this week at $1.95 each. Pure Linen Table Cloths at $2.75 Here is a real bargain in table cloths ; a clearing line just arrived from the wholesaler, size 66 in. x 66 in.; absolutely pure ]dxnen damask - only a few to sell at 52.75 each New Eider . Down Kimonas Ladies' eiderdown ki'moines, all sizes, good range of colors art&patterns, satin trimmed, very special value at $7:50 each. Dinner. Sets We have some very fine patterns in dinner sets, at very prices, We will bel glad to .show them to you,' attractive' EXTRA QUALITY ALL WOOL BLANKETS AT S9.85 PAIR. 14 JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES Mr. W. D. Sanders went to Toronta 'On Tuesday morning. .. Miss Celia Christie of Stephen is • apenudimlg a few da,ys In Parkhill. Mrs, Thomas Elliott left on Monday for a visit to Flint and Marquettte, µV1 clr, Mrs. Hayes and daughter of Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting with Mr. and ,Mrs. Jos. Green, Dr. W. A. and ;1VIrs. !12cDowell and two sons of Atwoodtvisited on Sunday et the home of Mr.'W. J, Bissett„ ;c14iss Ella Wares has returned from her holiday trip to London and Tor- ointo. Her mother also spent a few days in London. 1Ir. and Mrs. Percy Greensides, their little daughter;, IVfiss Nellie and Mr. George Cox,(all of Atwood, spent last Sunday at the Mahn Street parsonage, Poweil's bazaar Plain Price Sure We have a little motto beside ,our telephone which reads r "He, who fol- lows another is always behind." "You can never do heavy-weiglt jobs with light -weight stunts." There is more in theselittle sayings than the credit that is giver,, them. The matching, of ;hese saying is what is bringing this Store to the front as the Bargain- C.eniter of this Community. Yana Will Always. find us with the Best Selling Goods at Moderate Prices. We Invite You to come. in' and Look Around.. The Better You know Our Gloods and Prices the More we will Sell You; thats our Busi- ness to sell . Goads... Our Prices are Verde auamed. l?lai;n fi-know at Miss ti erda Box returned borne enonce whinat you aregures expecteyoud toy pay. Thursday after .spendirsg a couple -We have rrasry beautiful suggestions Ford,aria her sister, Mrs. .Ivorrnan for Xmas, already we Have: "l;,•tid away" Ford ,7117, D,etrodt. � many articles for .aur customers., A Small Deposit will secure, anything you waist, till nearer Xmas.. Ask to See our Xmas Handkerchiefs,. new Dinner- ware at $27 and up. Will your 'home have a Phonograph this Xmas? We leave:. some beauties at very raesornable and Miss Alice Hbnrlfo•rd ?vir. Hand prices,; ford is an Exeter old •tuoy w•.,e, are al•-;, ways glad toi see-'returs, toe Vireet thee?: --- old fteends. Hc reports a Neely el FRIDAY—SATURDAY SPECIALS action campaign in his adopted coun- try with many ixidierc.wrrenes thae s Peanuts, roasted, salted willaftect the vote en the vareette :. Cloverleaf Cups and Saucers at 19c Feesh ;Marshmellows. 112r. Samuel Truernner and `- scn Arthur and his wife and Mrs. Heist of Detroit are visiting relaatives and friends . here (this week. Mr., aqui Mrs, Thomas Handford a:nd daughter of Donusma s Wis., are vis- iting this week with Mr, Handford's mother' and sinter, Mrs, Silas Handford States. OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey IVCs Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneeriaig. Spec- ial Course taken in Registered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured, Write or wire 18-93, Zurich. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Dit A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDc cell's Stables, John St„ Exetea (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w • ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. P.ni,cces neaslonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter ° Ontario L R. Darling, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc lemma. Investments . Insurance Office. Calling Block, Main St. Exeter Dr. G. F. • R outs 6otn, L. D. S, D DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large,amount of private funds to loam on farm and village prdperty at low of interest. GLADMANs8i STANBURY" Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Hanoi Graduate Torontto University .atfice-,over Godman & Stedbury', Office, Main Street, Exeter. e. A•RTHHR WEBER A.uctiio leer - R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co Farm and shock sales a specialty; The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known, on appScationn, Stray Animals -Dore insertion 500,, - three insertions $1.50, Miscellaneous articles of not more than five limes, For Sale, To Rent„ Wanted, each. insertion 50e. Lost arida Found locals 25c, an, insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. ,per line per insertion, No notice lase than 25c, Card of 'Thank's 58e. Auction Sales 53 far one insertion and 51,50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches is length.. Legal advertirseng 10c. and 5c. aline: Farm or Real Estate for sate S.Oc. each itreertion foe one month of four insertions, Furniture A real opportunity to save. money RIGHT NOW. Just when. you are planning your fall buying. Come itt early and make your selections from our large stack' of Quality Furniture, ;,Style and prices are sure,. to please.` Phones Business 20w Hovae 20j. R N. ROWE DR, H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich; every. Thursday and Saturday Main, Office,- Hartleib Block,: DASHWOOD, ,ONT • JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer _Sales conducted in any locality. Farm stock >sales a specialty., Satisfaction, guaranteed. Charges moderate. Or- ders left at this Office pramprtly at- tended to. Phone-Kirkton 54r2 Address -I erkton R. R. No. 1 FRANK TAYLOR Licensed' Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, •, Eceter, Ontario 4,