HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-10-23, Page 8EXETER AliV'U ATE, TFJEJ:HSDAT LGTIB.ER 90, 191'04 Exeter Markets CHANGED I±,VERY WEDNESDAY . 1. 53 90 4,90 4.65 4.15 2.25 1.60 1.75 34 44 41 34 20 to(22 $10,00 Wheat Oats Barley !Manitoba Flour .,Faintly Flour' Pastry Flour Feed Flour Bran Shorts Egg=s Creamer} Butter Dairy Butter .. . Lard Hogs Local DoanPS `1"he past fete clays the autumnal t1nts of tlxe forest trees have made magnificent pictures. Mr F. W. Gladman of London +on Saturday had the misfortune to fall down the cellar stairs, breaking a, wrist and di:sloeating liivs+ elbow. He wy11 be laid up for a time. It is said that 513 school fairs have been, meld in Ontarlio+ this year. As it is only a few ye,ara suncei the school. fair was •introduc eri in this province its rapid spread has been truly won- derful. Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Follick, of Exeter announce the ,engagement of their only daughter, Edna, to ,hlr Leslie Hearts, of Simcoe, sotto of ,Mr. and l\lrs, L. Hearts, of Hamilton the wedding to take place at the end of this month, The open season for partridge this year will be from Oct. 15 to Oct. '25 inclusive, 11 days only. The original order permitted ,shooting of partridge up till Nov. 20th but owing to the scarcity of birds; in the west the sea- son was shortened. The case of SamL Sorkin, of London and Harmon Gill, of : Grand Rend was tried in London, on Thursday last. Soskin sued for $905, the amount sof two promisory .motes. (The judge gave a verdict intfull against, the defendant allowing interest 'on thernotes and the cost of the . action.. It is likely the case will"be, appeased. ;Airs. Cobbledick, widow of the late Rev. George H. Cobbledick, a former Brussel% wont., was found drowned near Edmonton recently. She was clothed only in a nightdress, with a coat thrown over, and wearing beet -- room slippers, Th,e husband, who was a former Exeter man, and a brother of the late 'Joseph Cobbledick, was killed by a ;s'treet car in Calgarry, two years ago and since that time, partaculalrly recently, Mrs, Cobbledick has been subect to fits of depression and has been undergoing treatment. Mr, W. Robinson of Stephen re-. Darts a wonderful crop of potatoes, four of the largest he gave us the other Clay weighing six mounds. They. were whoppers. The W. M, S. of Main St. Meth- odist Church intend holding a Ba zaar in the Town Hall on November 21st. Particulars later, The Ladies' Aid of the James St. Church will hold a Bazaar in the Town Hall on Saturday, 'Nov. lst, beginning at 3 o'clock. There will be home-made Booking, home-made candy, needle work and children's clothing. Tea will be served in the afternoon and supper from 5 to 7. Everybody welcome. Coal, Coke, Insurance I solicit a share of your business. Try me with your next order. E. J. Christie Exeter We Buy Wheat Oats Barley Peas WE CLEAN GRAIN. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. PHONES- DAY 90; NIGHT, 2 R. G. SELDON St,15' c S TRAYED. There strayed linto Lot Ls, Con l3, Steohen, two sows, about Oct, lath Oe er can hate same by proving prop erty and papule expenses. -David Lip- pert Dashwood. KEi'S LOST In Exeter a bunch of keys. Finder wall confer a favor by leaving same at this office. „DARK HONEY FOR SALE. Good quality for 7c. a lb. JOHN CARRICK, Lake Rd. Hay P. O. FOR SALE. A bout 1000 fire brick, a quantity gas pipe. from half inch to one and a half inches, 'number heavy oak barrels, number gas drums, galvanized drum, hold 150 gallons. Apply at the Evap- orator. THE EVAPORATOR The Evaporator Company are fixing un the plant in readiness to operate about Sept. lst. Prospects are very bright for a big crop of apples. A number of hands will be required and t hose wishing to engage will register at the. Evaporator. DR H G. FLETCHER, L.hLC.C. Licentiate of the College of Phys •. ians ar,_1 Surgeons of Ontario Office in the residence of lir. A, Camni, blain St. Phone 156 Exeter, Ont. G, S. ATIKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontaricsi, and Un- i'veasiry of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Milit say ,District Number one, Landon., Ont, Main. Office -Dickson Block, Mary Street, Exeter Ont. Hours 9 to 5.30 p.m. , Phone 34, Exeter, AT ZURICH Tuesday only, Phone 79 Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors The . Ann. versary services of Main Street Methodist Church will be held next Sunday, Oct. 26. Service in the morning will'be in charge of the pas- tor, Rev. x'. E. Clysdale at 11 o'clock, In the afternoon at 3 o'clock there will be a Grand Rally of the Sunday School when a• special program will be. given and the Robert Ratikes Seals and Diplomas will be. awarded, At 7 p.m. all will join in public worship. when Rev. J.J. Mill yard of Askin St, London. will be the preacher. Special music is being prepared by the choir, assisted by Dr. W. A. Mc- Dowell and Mr. Geo. Cox of Atwood, DO YOU WANT LIFE INSURANCE? Having disposed of a part of my implement business I shall devote my time to writing insurance for the Can- ada Lite Insurance Co. If you are ^ons;idering insurance, give me a .all; No trouble to give you figures. Prem- i duns received and forwarded to the Company. Give us a call. B. 111. FRANCIS, Exeter, CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. James Herat wish to thank tele neighbors who so kindly assit ted the late Louis Herr. and gave him kindly attention during his ill- ness. ESTRAY HEIFER. • There strayed from a .farm on. 8th Con. of Hay,, a white 2 -year-old heif- er. Any person returning sante, or giving information that will lead to her recovery will be suitably ecwarded.1 Alvin Baker, Crediton P.O., phone, Crediton, 36r5. STRAYED -From lot 20, Con. 19, Stephen, 4 calves, 1 black and three red. Any information gladly re- ceived by A. Devine, Grand Bend. TO VICTORY BOND HOLDERS Bring in your maturing bonds and let me arrange for the re -investment of your savings in Huron & Erie. deben- tures. These debentures are authorized by the Government as an investment for Trust Funds in,the custody of Execut- ors and Trustees. They earn 5% per cent. per annuli, payable half -yearly, which is the rate you have been re- ceiving on your Victory Bonds. I. R. Carling, Exeter, accepts ap- plications for debentures at any time, HARTEX BRAND ANGORA RAB- BIT Wool in White, Jade, Grey, Mauve Pink, Lemon and Saxe, oz. balls, price post-paid $6.75 per box of 16 balls. Angora Wool Baby Bonnet in any shade mentioned postpaid 33.95 each. Remit Postal Order, P. 13. Hart, tilail Order Dept, 12 Mayor Street tiontreal. Mr. A. Rollins will hold an auc- tion sale on Nov. 5th of farm stock and implements and some house- hold -effects. Further particulars next week. Cleaning, Press'ing and 12,epairing Also Tailoring MEN S SUITS Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only 50c Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Dyed and Pressed $4.00 LADIES' Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed 50c We also Make and Trim Suits with First Class Trimmings for $20.00. I AM tOVWT PREPARED TO GIVE YOU A REAL Car tage Service Our Express Service from Lon- don to Exeter is now operating, ine o; ctt. Livery , gine .tom, H. BAGSHAW. ESTRAY CATTLE. There strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, Lake Road, Stephen, three head of cattle. Owner tarn hate e same. by proving property and paying expenses, -Silas Stanlake, Hay P.O. Thames Road Anniversary, Sun- day, Oct. 26th. Preacher, Rev. D. G. Paton, of Glencoe. Special music by the Choir. Hot Goose Supper Oct. 28th, followed by program, assisted by Londonian Mixed Quartette. Ad- mission 60 and 30e. W. R. Goulding A. T.. C. tM. Organist and `Choirmaster James St, Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory, Instructor of Music tin the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EXETER. Trivitt Memorial Church 1.1 aim. -"The Danger of Pharisaism" 7 p.m,-"O:nle Lord, One Faith, one Baptism." Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th., Rector. fJA17EN PRESBYTERIAN CIDIRCR Rev. &noes Foote, B, A., Minister 11 a.m.-Service withdrawn. 7 pan. -"The Forward Look" Boy 'Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES ST, METi•IODIST CHURCH Rey, W. E. Dannelly, B. A., Pastor Sunday, Oct. 26th. 11 a.m. - C enterinary Inaugural se e;-:. conducted by ,Rev.J. E. i- v1i[i yard of London. 3 p;m.=Sunday •School and ! ible • Classes, 7 p.m. -Service withdrawn.- Sincere and hearty gree.tings to Main St on the occasion of their- inn,_. 'vtersary. t i CAR STOLEN. Mr. Harry Elworthy's big McLaugh- lin six car was stolen from in front of the Griigg House, London, an .>at- urday • evening, between 6.30 and 7 o'clock. Mr. Elworthy, accompanied by his wife and daughter and Mr. Gib, 1)ow, had driven the car beside the Grigg House to have supper and while they were thus engaged the car was stolen, together with Mr. • Elworthy's overcoat and about $150.00 worth o•1' dry -goods. This is the second time this car hal been stolen. "' ' vlr, Elworthy received word Tues- day that his car was 'in Toronto, but alt tae contents were missing and there was no trace whatever of the thief. ,11r, Elworthy left Wednesday morning for Toronto, O. T. A. RALLIES; Ouite a large number attended the O. T. A. public meeting In James Street Methodist Church on Friday evening and heard fine addresses . by Rev. J. C. Reid of Ottawa and Mr. George Stanley of Lucart. Both • men are good speakers .and they gave many reason why the 0, T. A. should be 'sustained. A musical program was also given_ On Sunday afternoon. in the ,fames Street Church the Sunday School met in a body, and O. T. A. addresses were given by Mr. J. G. Stanbury of town -and Mr. J.. H. 'Holtman of Cre l itton. The addresses were good, and atere strongly in fat#a_ of continung • the O. T. A,. in force' MEEKLE'Y-CANN. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. John Cann, Wi llow Grave farm, Us - borne, on Wednesday, Oct. 15, when their youngest daughter, Stella Pearl was tinged in marriage to Chester Martin Merhley of London. The Rev. H. J Uren, president of the London conference, officiated. The bride who was given in max- riege by"'her father, looked charming in an, Alice blue georgette gown, gray slippers aund stockings, and wore a. coronet of orange blossoms. She car - tied am arm bouquet of Buttleslily roses. The wedding music, was played by bliss Mary E. Pybus, and during the signing of the register Miss Edna Merkley, sister of the groom, sang "All Joy Be Thine." The house was prettily decorated with, autumn flowers, foliage, strutters and wed- ding bells. " Folliawing the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served, after which the bride and groom motored to London, taking the tram. from there to Wind- sot Detroit and pointa west, the bride travelling its a gray wool crepe dress, graV hat, gray coat with fetch co liar and gray slippers and stockings, The groom s gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch, 'ta• the pianist a necklace of amber heads, and to the soloist a brac,elelt. The day of the ceremony was unique in that' it was the occasion of the, birthday of both bride and groomx.,. .. Mr. • and Mrs. Merkley will red,ide I n London. • Mr, _Harold Kuntz of Windsor =pent the week end here with his parents, !Mr. and Mrs. W. • W,. Taman and. family viislted' in. Woodstock Sunday; Fred Heaman and Charles Gladman of London were here for the week -end Miss Jessie Mansoni: of London, spent the week end wiith her parents ,here. Mrs. A. E. Campbell left Saturday' morning for a'fewlday's visit int Hami1- ton. • Mrs. Warren and Mrs.. Heath of De-. troit have been visiting, Mrs. T. S. Woods. Mr. -Alex, Hodgins and Mrs. George Hodgins of Lucanj visited at the home of Mr. Wm. Hodgert on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons and Mr. and Mrs Parsons,, sr., of Mitchell vis- ited at Mrs. Westlake's on Sunday • 2r. and Mrs. 'Thos. Hodgert and fam- ily of Seaforth -visited at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horlgert Sunday. Mr. .and Mrs.: Wm. Westlake incl•. Mie es Ogilvto and ,Scott' of Wyoming vi.,ired at the hornet of Mr', Westlaice's toothier ori, Sunday. \>;1 PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Congoleum Rug Week Oct. 20th to Nov. 1st Get our Special Prices on Coingoleurn Rugs for this Special Sale Week, ) The new Falll patterns have iust arrirdbd. 'This sale. means considerable saving to you. Shown in all the popular sizes. Ask us for an official entry blank for the 111000 Gold Seal Congoleum Title Writing Contest, Ir is open'to everyone free. Tapestry Bedroom. Rugs clearing at 314.75 leach. Madame X and Nemolastick Reducing Corsets We have in, stock the new self-rsduciang, all -rubber corsets. These are positively guaranteed to reduce, We sell these models much lower than mail order houses. Heavy Coating at $1.50 yd. Heavy ,Coating 56 in. wide, shades brown and grey, suitable, for both lad- ies' and children's coats, very special value at 31.50 yard. Clearing of Wool Serge Skirts at $1.95 We, have a few odd serge skirts in good gnslity serge, odd sizes, -- mostly navy in color, clearing this week at $1.95 each. Pure Linen Table Cloths at $2.75 Here is a real bargain in table cloths; a clearing line just arrived from the wholesaler, size 66' .in. x 66 in.; absolutely pure linen damask - only a few to sellat 32.75 each. New Eider Down Kimonos Ladies' eiderdown kimonos, all sizes, good range of colors and patterns. satin trimmed, very special value at $7,50 leach. We have some prig es... \Ve will Dinner Sets very fine patterns in dinner sets, at very be glad to .how them to yokx.' a,ttrlctive EXTRA QUALITY ALL WOOL BLANKETS AT 59.85 PAIR. A JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES ►a Mr. 5, G. Stanbury went to Belleville Monday on business, • dr.' and Mrs. T. 1'I. Newell of Strat- ford spent part of Monday in town with friends. Mrs. N. Tait and children of London are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. John Pneszcador. Miss Elia Wares. of the Bank of Commerce staff left Monday ,morning to holiday in, London and Toronto. Mrs T. E. Handford and daughter, Mrs. Lorne Blinn of London :spent a few days with relatives and friends here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Levett of Lon- don visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ach- eson, Thursday, returning Friday, ac- companied by Miss Amelia Acheson„ who, wilt spend a few days in the city, Power's Bazaar Plain Price Stere It is becoming better known every day that this Store, talks Bargains and hands them" out. Almost Daily we hear someone lament about hav- ing paid too much., elsewhere for an. article that we sell' at a low pricce. Our slogan is "Make the Turn," if we do not turn our goods often, we ;night as well quit. W e have an option on 10 sets of a pretty Rose pattern 97 piece Dinnerware, which we are going to pass on to you at $27 a set. Think of it 97 piececs for $27, in these times. You will also find in this store, peauty pins, hair pins,. needles, tapelines, cro- chet hooks, safety pins, bachelor buttons, rings, brooches, cuff and collar buttons, .pens, pencils, ink, muscilage, combs, curling tongs, rubberheels, candles rnost every size and color, and many other articles at prices to sell. If you do not see what you want when you 'come in ask for it we might have it, or we might be able• to tell you where to get it. FRIDAY -SATURDAY SPECIALS 100 pieces fancy decorated China' go on sale at 15e. to 65c. 50 pounds fancy candy assortment, special 35e. 1 to 10 Fresh roasted Peanuts for Saturday will surprise you, be sure and get a 10c. bag "on. Saturday. Come in often, look around and we are sure you can save money. OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate. Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Registered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market ;3rices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McI?onell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining; Phone 26w ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Princes reaslonable, Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter --, Ontario I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance Office, 'Calling Block, Main St. Exeter Dr, 0, F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. S DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on, farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & S'TANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A,`. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto Universi4 tffiee-.over Gladman & 'Stemburr) Office: Merin :;Street; Exeter. ARTHUR WEBER ,.uctsonteer R, R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron .Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty. The Exeter Advocate, Display Advertising -Made known, an app,kation, Stray Animals -One insertion 50c,r. three insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not mores span five lines, For Sale; To Rent„. Wanted, each insesition 50e. Lost and' Found locals 25c. an insertion Local reading notices, etc., 10c. _peri line per insertion, No notice less, :than 25c. Card of Thank§ 50c. Auction. Sales $3 for one insertion. and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length,. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline;. Farm or Reaa Estate for sale 5.0c. each insertion fort one month of four insertions, Furniture A real opportunity to save money - RIGHT NOW. Just when you are planning your fall buying. Cedne in early and make your selections from aur large stack of Quality Furniture Style and prices are, sure to please... Phones Business 20w House 20j. R N. ROW'E DR., H, H. COWAN, L.D.S., Dental Surgeon, at -McCormick Block, Zurich, every'` Thursday and: Saturday Main Office,- Hartleib Block;: DASHWOOD, ONT JAMES . W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales co .ducted to any locality.' Farm Stack sales. a specialty.: -Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate: Or- ders left at this office promptly at- tended to...• Plsotne--Karkton 54r2 Address-Kirkton R. , R. No. 1; FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for` Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfactions Guaranteed Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario