The Exeter Advocate, 1924-10-23, Page 7For COFFEE particular eo le• Roasted and packed sine ,t ' day in airtight cans -Surnames and Their Origin KEMPSON. Varlatione—Kemp, Camp. Raolei Origin—English. Source -An Occupation. Here is a group of family names the origin of which could not be recog- nized without reference to some oom- pilatton of English words in use about the time 'the Norman overlords of Eng- land ceased to use French aa their common tongue, and the Anglo-Saxon speech, after two centuries or more of depression and change, emerged and, Under the influence of Norman pro- Runciation, termed the foundation of OUT modern English: "Kemp" was a medieval English word for "soldier." "Walter le Kemp" DYER. Variation—Lister. Racial Origin -English, Source --An occupation. The family name of Dyeris guite recognizable by the modern EJnglish- epeaker as having developed from a word denoting an occupation. That is because in this one both the word de- noting the occupation and the name have changed similarly from the orig- inal form, and have not, as in many cases, drifted apart. Nevertheless the original word would be unrecognizable to the average person to -day. In the Middle Ages it was spelled "Deghere" or "Dighatere." But if you will soften that pronunciation of the was simply Walter the soldier," and ,ugh„ to a barely audible buttural, as "'Ramo Kempson" was "Ramo the sol- it was pronounced then, you'll find it dier's son," The form Camp is in most very.easy to slip it a bit further to a • to a natural a sound. And that is precisely the instances due simply change in. pronunciation occurring re- manner in which cannon speech, over gularly in ninny English aglish words in car the period of several centuries which f teen parts of that country and refieot- have elapsed since the formation ed in the changed spelling. family names began it has softened it We have instances of similar wages in the word "Derby." On this continent we pronounce it as spelled, In England they call it "Darby." Az often as not the reverse change in pronunciation has taken place in the passage: "We use no olathis that are course of centurie,,, Thus the name littede of dyvense ooloures" (We use f of that famous- street in London, Pall no clothes that axe dyed in diverse! Mali, Is pronounced "pell mall." colors). The "litster" or the "lister" I There is no telling how often since was simply a dyer. Originally either I Me word "kemp" was in common use. of these words were used, but in the Families bearing it as a surname have course of time the pronunciation of changed the pronunciation back ane the latter has prevailed as coming forth between "kemp" and "camp" more smoothly from the tongue. It through succeeding generations, But has been preserved as a family name, the changes in spelling have been but as an ordinary word it has passed; more rare, as they always are, out of use. Mothers Who Made History,;i..,..��1.>ri. ray Probably the moat famousOf all "mothers" is Mother Hubbard, the old lady whose time seems to -hate been taken up in attn.-cling to the wants; w1shee, and antics of her equally fa- mous dog. Although this animal must have been very trying, Mother Hub- bard ..hover appearsto have lost her temper for a momene for the lengthy nursery rhyme ends with a charming couplet:— The dame made a curtsy, the dog made a bow, The dame said "Your servant," the dog saki "Bow -wow." Which is usually what a dog does sari Into "Dyer," together with the broad -1 ening of the short "I" or indefinite "e" into the modern English long "i." "Lit" was another old English word which meant "dye," In a medieval manuscript there occurs the following Make the Fair -Ground Work All the Year. , T2', average country fair -ground is a fr round and nothing else, serv- ing the public only during fair week. The rest of the year it is wholly idle and deserted and sometimes even un- sightly. Yet the fair -ground is often a pretty natural park with trees and is generally very accessible to both town and country people. If natural pienicing and play places are hard to And, as often is the ease in prairie country, why riot then make a recrea- tion centre of the fair -ground? This was the idea that came to the Fair Association of a county in Iowa. The grounds are within the city limits of West Union and on the main-tra- reled road from country to town. There is a natural grove of oaks on Me area and a bright &reek meanders Alirough it. No other body of water is near. The Fair Association laid the mat- ter of making a playground of the fair park before the public and found prompt willingness to co-operate, and open pocketbooks offered to carry out the plan. Playground equipment was bought and set up. Picnickers were invited to make free use of the grounds. Then last summer a swim- ming pool was added. It was accom- plished in the the simplest of ways. The creek runs along one side of the fair -grounds and makes a bend down the other side. Water was taken from the creek and carried through tiling to the swimming pool. From the lower end of the artificial pond the water flowed out Into other tiling and back into the' creek. This gave running water, making the bathing place pure i and sanitary, The pool is 40 x 150 feet, with sloping bottom, and coat about $2,600. Through the summer the pool was the most popular place in town, and summer evenings the fair -ground was the gathering place of town and coun- try folks. The grass has been kept mowed and the place given generally the same care as a regular park.— F. L. C. Very Shy. "The bride was very shy—yes, she war shy about ten years when it came to giving her age!" His Careless Ways. "When you found you hadn't your fare did the conductor make you get off and walk?" asked the inquisitive man. "Only get off," was the sad reply. "He didn't seem to care whether I walked or sat down." Starfish to the number of thousands attacked a German swimmer who was attempting to cross the Frisian Sea. The creatures stung him so severely that he had to relinquish his attempt after many fruitless efforts to beat off his assailants. !' Y.eee�:..e..wl i The fopire -1Viedicine tie preparation ,v5lcfia� ;rva!ith'oonficTencof` ��ery igd entry nude'. the ,'a13t'itisI Flag tic i emedyj ilch lids breitight health and hnppirtess te;, miilionsi fine and women in every, tiart •'of the, Empire 4icriii4tnient'which�is resorted to everywhere— fo ailnients:suc'li.' as sick Headache, Biliousness;) \Indigestion find „Constipatioiarofteri• iconsidere}d insignificarit.Yet decidedly irictni�vensent—ailmetsli which have their .origin in a dyspeptieieoridition' ofi the"stoir�ii hand a'_torpid action.;s�,f,.theJivca�- 1...millitiiii,r--'Hti11l fill asailf1111 ' 11111 jlil j�11►'I'I i 11 �.. r �Iilll_ ..,11�1i Another famous "mother" is Mother Goose. Unlike Mother Hubbard, she was a real person, and under her name an enormous amount of child -latera, ture has been published, of which she is responsible for only a email por- tion. Her daughter married Thomas Fleet, a famous American printer, and they had a little son. The grandmoth- er used to make rhymes and sing them to this little fellow, and her son- in-law printed them as "Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes. Mother Carey is an English way of s•ayleig Mater Cara, and she is famous for her "chickens," which are the sea- birds known to sailors as stormy pet- rels, because they always seam to scream around ships during a storm. Mother Carey'e geese are the great black petrels ox fulmars seen in the Pacific, and .the saying has arisen that when snow falls Mother Carey 1a plucking her geese, Mother Shipton is another famous "mother." She lived in the reign of Henry VIII., and, as everybody knows, is famous for her prophecies.. In a vague way he foretold the age of avia- tion, steam, and petrol, as well as the death of Cardinal Wolsey. SAVED BABY'S LIFE Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne, St. Miohel des Salutes, Que., writes:— "Baby's Own Tableta are an excellent medicine. They saved my baby's life and I can highly recommend them to all mothers." Mrs. Tranchemon- tagne's experience is that of thousands of other mothers who have tested the worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a mire and safe medicine for little ones and never fail to regu- late the bowels and stomach, thus re- lieving all the minor ilia from which children suffer. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. When Smith's Mind Worked. Smith was a freshman, older than most of his class. He was tall, lanky and slow, His mind, like his body, worked slowly, and the nervous pro- fessor in mathematics, after a long and careful explanation, was wont to say: "Well, Smith, If you will go over. that explanation carefully and medi- tate en it, I think you will understand. Meditate, Smith, meditate." So Smith became "Meditate" Smith to Ms fellow students. One evening a party of students gathered in the room of one of their number, and Smith was one of them. The meeting was for fun and perhaps mischief, and suck a meeting was an infringement of rules. When the jollity was at its height, a warning Dame that the professor was coming to investigate. The room was oleereed at once. Smith as usual was the last, and, hearing steps ap- proaching, he crawled under the bed, seeing no other way of escape. Here he sat doubled up like a jackknife awaiting the event with no little ap- prehension. The profaner entered, looked about him, saw that the room was empty, then turned to depart. As he closed the door, a thought seemed to strike him; he re-entered the room and look- ed ooked under the bed. "Hay, Smith, what are you doing there?" he cried. Smith turned his head with difficulty. "Meditating, professor," The professor withdrew. All He Wanted. Through the doorway of the mil- liner's shop walked a smartly -dressed man who approached the manager, and said: "I see you have a sign in your win- dow reading: 'We . Wi11 gladly remove any hat from the window." " "That is correct, air," said the man- ager, with a beaming, expeotant smile. "Very well," went on the visitor, "would you object to bringing out that largehat in the middle of the window? I mean the one with the purple ribbon and pink feathers." "Not at all, sir, not at all," the man- ager assured him, and hastened to comply. "Thank you so Mach," exclaiuied the visitor, when the manager once more approached, hat in hand. "I don't Mink. I could have borne walking past your shop for a single day more with that tiling : staring at me." .. Wasp't Ambitious. Irene was being shown off by her mother. "We are very proud of our little girl,"` said her mother to the visitor, "We are going to send her to school in the autumn, where she will learn, ooh, such a' lot, and ba a bright and in- telligent child" "But I don't want to be bright and intelligent," said Irene, "I want to be just like mummy!„ Minard's Liniment Relieves Pain" PEOPLE The Compensating Vision. Classified Advertisements The minister's car had stopped at the big country place a few miles out Find Renewed Health by Im- proving Their Blood. If you feel run down, it means that your blood is thin and watery, that I H your vitality is low. Your feet are easily chilled. Youtdo not Bleep well and you are tired when you rise in the morning. You find no pleasure in your meals and are listless and "dispirited at your work. You have no energy to enjoy yourself. Thousands of men are run down by anxieties of work. Thousands of wo- men are broken, down by tbeir house- hold toil, with tired limbs and aching backs; thousands of girls are pale, 'listless and without attraction. It all means the same thing --thin and watery blood, 'vitality run down, anae- mia, poor appetite, palpitating heart, short breath. Do not submit to this. Get new blood and with it new vitality. There is no difficulty in doing this. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills build up and enrich the blood, which brings with it new health and vitality. The man, woman or girl who takes Dr. Williams' Pink . Pills is never run down. Their friends notice how energetic they are, what a' fine appetite they have, and how much they enjoy life. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Finis. Give me a day with its sun in the west And see what it has to say; Give me the year as it neareth its rest, In the glow of an autumn day.Give me a life, where the path is un- rolled, To the shore of God's limitless sea; For the end is the test, and the tale that is told, Be it written in grayness or liver or gold, Is the tale of Eternity. Marian Alden. of 'the city., As the maid opened the door a pleasant .voice called, "Come right in, Dr. Forsythe. I've been hop- ing that you would get out to see hie before winter set in. He found the owner o1 the voice re- clining in, her big chair by the window with an open letter in her hand. She turned to smile at him as he edvauced.' "I've thought of you often since the. cool weather set in," he began. "I meant to call sooner, but our special meetings and one thing or another de - Mined me. I was afraid you would find it rather cheerless when you had to go indoors. I know how you loved the big, sunny porch." Temporary Repairs. Mrs. Pester—"Do you think this' face clay does my complexion any good?" Her Husband—"Oh yes, a little. While you have the mud on it covers up the defects." The safe way to Bend money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. Paris newspapers, which have run regular "street accident" columns for years, have now extended this to rail- way accidents, which are of daily oc- currence on the various railroad sys- tems throughout France. Well, do you know, Dr, Forsythe, I am beginning to think it a good thing to be an invalid; It gives us such a good chance to find compensations all about us. I did dread the thought of the fall and winter. I knew how much I should miss the fiowers and the leaves. But," she added brightly, "now that the foliage is gone I find that I. can see a great deal farther and live in a much larger world than I could before. "No; don't atop me, doctor," she added hurriedly asshe saw him about to speak, "I—I—must finish. I know what a poor kind of Christian you must have thought me to be right af- ter my accident --so bitter and com- plaining. My life had always been so full, and I was always so busy. Thee were so many things to do and so many pleasures to keep nae occupied, Everything I loved wast right at my elbow—friends, money, health," her voice faltered a little,—"my life was full—too fuld, I think. "But now that the do•otar says I may never walk again I'm beginning to live in a much larger world. Before it was like looking out of this window in summer—ail flowers and trees. They filled my view so completely I ADZES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and 'light sewing at.home, Whole or spare time) good pay; 'work sot any distance, charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Co., Montteal,, LADIES, ONLY. OUR B O O KL ET, "LADIES' FRIEND," .mailed in plain en- velope, free: Caeier 2424,4 -Montreal. HOME STUDY G.'1 HOR.TIHAND OR : BOOKKEEPING taught in twenty, home lessons. Proficiency guaranteed, Dip 1 o.m a given, Empire Business College, 846 Broadview Ave., Toronto_ As Good As New, Owner Haa No Use) for It. Some people have a subtle way or delivering a bit of criticism, and Tom B— is one of them. One day after this fellow workman had made a very stupid blunder he remarked: "Joe, T wish you would will me your head when you die." "'What do you want of my head?" asked the other unsuspectingly. acid Tom, "it would be just like a new one; you never use it." Even an electric button won't ac- complish anything unless it is pushed, Strong Nerves Pure organic prosphate, known to mast druggists as Bitro-Phosphate, is what nerve -exhausted, tired -out people must have to regain nerve force and energy. That's why it's guaranteed. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Out. EYES IRRITATED SY couldn't ,sea very far. Now I'm seeing SUN;WIND,DUST C.5.CINDAIS more than I ever saw before in my BICOMMENDED f $o1.D BY DROGOisT5 &OPTICIANS life. I am finding a lot of folks to wee zea rAaa SIM CAM 21090 MVNKr CO,CKICAOe•{IJp help and pray for that once on a time were so far beyond my horizon I didn't even know they existed, I've just re- ceived a letter from one of them this morning" --she smiled as she touched the envelope on the table besdde her,— "andit's brightened the whole day for me. No. I don't mind It a bit that the leaves are gone. Every season has its compensations." "It has," returned the minister heartily, "for those who look to God and honestly try to do his will." The Memory Quilt. In the folds of this old quilt There's a warmth of love that ]ingere Like the touch of tender fingers. In its fading squares I see My mother sitting patiently Sewing by the window, where 1 The waning afternoon's dim light May serve her failing sight, And the glow of sunset sky Guide her thread though the needle's eye. She called this quilt a memoy qui14— Every cherished bit of oloth,. Remembrance hallowed it; Every patch recalled a face A time, a circumstance, a plane. M i--ard'a Liniment for Rheumatism. The water in which rice has been boiled is an effective remover of iron rust from materials. Soak the rust spots in the rice water for four or five hours, and then rinse in clean water. Beauty culture is now being taken in hand at an early age. The noses, ears, and hair of infants can be im- proved by a little care and treatment on the part of the mother or nurse. Visitors to Wembley, up to August 4th, averaged 101,700 a day. At this rate, about 18,000,000 people will see the Exhibition before it closes at the end of October. So she lived again the years, But now their hopes, their fears, Their sang and sorrow, smlies, and tears, Only a mellow sweetness bring, Without regret, without a sting. She had no gift of tongue or pen To charm the dead to life again, But she has made this quilt to be Her history. A goodly book! Each square a page Written in faith, from youth to age. —Charles Olaf Osiers. v Her Two Ages. Bob—"How old would you say Peg- gie le?" B111—"To her face or behind her back?" rzYr- .ems Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN` Unless -you see the `Bayer Cross" on tablets you, are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Colds Pain Headache Toothache Neuralgia Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer"act kage which contains p' o e rdirections. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Aspirin In the tirade )nark (registered In Climatal of Bayer Manufacture of tIonoaeetic- soldoster of talloyllcaeld (Acetyl Salicylic AeItl, "A. 0. A.") While it is well known that Aspirin means. Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets Or Bayer, Oompany, w111 be stamped with {their general trade mark, the "Ever Oros." Rheumatism Apply Minard's to the aching spot and get quick relief. The remedy your grandmother used. Use Cuticura Soap Daily Bathe with Cuticura Seep and hot water to elealise your akin and free it from inip'ilfitiee. If rough or pim- ply, anoint with Cuticura Ointment. Cuticura Talcum is ideal for per- fuming as well as powdering. Sample Bao% Prep by Mall. Address Canadian Depot: " ()Wears., P. 0. Sox 4016, Montreal." oe Soap Ma. Ointment f5and Zen Talcum24e, Try our new Shaving Stck. FULL Of ACHES AND PAINS Toronto Mother Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ontario.—" I have found Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound a splendid medicine to take bef ore and after confinement. A small book was put in nay door one day advertising Lydia E. Piakham's medicines, and as i did not feel at all well at the time I went and got a bottle of Vegetable Compound right away. I soon began to notice a difference in my general health. I was full of aches and pains at the time and 'thought I had every complaint going, but I can truthfully say your medleln e•. certainly did me good. I can and will, speak highly of it, and I know it will do other. women good who are sick and ailing if they will only give it a fair trial. Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills are splendid for constipation. You are welcome to use my letter if you think it will help any one."—Mrs. HARRY Wrsxwooe, 548 Quebec Street, Toronto„ Ontario. The expectant mother is wise if she considers carefully, t this statement of atem e Mrs. Westwood. It s but one of a great many, all telling the same story—bene- ficial results, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is especially adapted for use dur- ing this period. The experience of other women who have found this medicine a blessing is proof of itsreat merit. Why not try it now yourself?' 0. ISSUE No. 42--�-' i,4