HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-10-16, Page 8EXETER A lI IlOC ATE, THLTRSIIAY, OCT[1BERt 16, `1924 Exeter May ,leets CHA\GED I.VERY WEDNESDAY Wh eat Oats Barley Manitoba Flour Family Flour ............... .... Pastry Flour Feed Flour Bran ,.... Shorts Eggs Creamery Butter ,......,., Dairy Butter Lard Hogs 55 90 4.90 4.65 4.15 .. 2.25 1.60 1,75 30 to 40 40 41 32 35 aorto( 22 ... ... 9.50 Coal, (Doke, Insurance I solicit a share of your business. Try me with your next order. E. J. Christie Exeter e 5 y Wheat Oats Barley Peas WE CLEAN GRAIN. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. PHONES- DAY 90; NIGHT, 2 R. G. SELDON WANTED. A few people to husk corn by hand Exeter Canning Co. KEYS LOST In. Exeter a bunch of keys. Finder will ropier 'a favor by leaving same at this office. DARK HONEY FOR SALE. Good quality for 7c. a 1b. JOIN CARRICK, Lake Rd, Hay P.C. FOR. SALE. About 1000 fire brick, a quantity gas pipe from half inch to one and a half inches, snumber heavy oak barrels, number gas drums, galvanized drum, hold 150 gallons. Apply at the Evap- orator, THE, EVAPORATOR. The Evaporator Company are fixing uo the plant in readiness to operate about Sept. 1st, Prospects are very bright for a big crop of apples. A dumber of hands will be required and t hose wishing to engage will register at the Evaporator. ;Mr. Clayton; Fraynie: le again able Local Doings I be out after several weeks' illness, Do your part to keep up the record of Exeter High School by 'Mating foraa the by-law ora Monday. Fred , Ford, son of Mr, W. J. Ford of Usborne, has taken a position as junior insider!, golsone Bank here... Mr. Wilber Batten of 'Usborne, had hie arm 'injured is au automobile. ac- ciden: on Saturday might last 'The car he was driving ani another colliding was the cause of the accident. Mr. Frederick Kestle, of Brantford, who, was recently bereft of his wife and whose remains were brought here. for burial, will, malee Exeter his future home, residing with his sister, Mrs. E. Jory, Huron street. Sunday morning next there will be a Children's Serviced held in the Trivitt Memorial church to take the place of the regular servvice at 11 o'clock. The rector, Rev, A.. A. Tnunper will have charge of :the service and willl deliver an appropriate address to the little ones. T.he parents are also invited to. this service A splendid organization of Cana- dian. Girls in Tratu,,ing has been set up la James Street church, comprising all the girls from 12 to 17. 'There will be over 30 girls in all, divided into 4 sections according to ages and a very intensive and interesting pro- gram ` is being stet up, based on i the principle of the 4 fold development, The Annual Young Peoples' League Convention of Exeter District was , held in Lucan Methodist Church on ' Tuesday of last week, Oct..7. There was a large attendance of young people and a full program of excellent ad- dresses, and discussions of subjects pertaining to League work. The Park- hill League received the prize offered for the largest attendance. FORD VIEWS. - From an .educational• viewpoint the Ford Motor Picture Show put an in, the Town Hall by the company's re- presentative on Friday night last was of an•excellent character and much en- joyed by a goodly number in attend- ance. The pictures embraced "An Alegator Hunt" `Belmont Iinng's Plate," "The Ford Age", "Western Days" "The Capture of a Whale in gid -Ocean", and "Canadian • Pros- perity" There were eight reels in all, and ,every reel furn,ahed a real treat. "The Ford Age." was of a particularly interesting character, and showed the whole Ford automobile in process of manufacture, the resources from which the raw materials are taken, and everything otherwise that goes into the constructi n of a Ford car. Mr, Milo Snell, Ford agent here,: was in.strurnental in getting these fine films exhibited; here. Dl2 H G. FLETCHER, L„M•.C.C. Licentiate of the College of Phys .- ians are1 Surgeons of Ontario Office in the residence of Mr. A. Camra, Main St. Phone 156 Exeter, Ont Mr. Daniel Woocls is able to be, ous around ^again after an illness of several .months. Many, of those who are lifting: their potatoes are aomplathnlu.g of a lil eral amount of rotten, ones. Mrs. Jamey Willis. of Stephen. is 'suf- fering offerinig from blood' poisoning in :her head, folltowing% a slight injury. Mr, James Foote has taken. over the Foote & Pollen garage business, the firm having dissolved partnership. October weather has, been{ ideal thus rest of the month, and therr`l'or a few far. Here's hoping et continues for the weeks m,ore4 • Dr. Moir of Hensall is having the cellar dug fox t he erection of a news and modems, house on his farm near u ogerville, London, Road. Mr. C. C. Piloil has turned part of his garage into a paint shop for cars and has otherwise improved the garage ,particularly as to lighting. If vottere require any information as to the school by-law members of the Board of Education will be glad tin( ex- plain, or to answer any questions. Ripe raspberries have again appear- ed in October. ;gr. Richard Davis handed up a sprig of raspberry on Saturday with a beautiful bunch of ripe berries. '?'hough 'potatoes are neat regarded as one of the main crops oin the farms of Ontario, the total revenue Alone these tubers fon- Canada is nearly one hundred m 'Ilion dollars. Miss Gladys Bluett, honor graduate of the Uneverstty of Western, Ontario; and gold medalist in honor mathematics and physics, formerly of Crediton, is attending they College of Education in Toronto Miss Edna Follick, who has been saleslady in Messrs Jones and May's store for a number of years has re- s�gned her position, and we under- stand will undertake new responsibil- ities shortly, The result of the. World Series in Baseball was very satisfactory to the many ball fans' In this district, They were all pulling for Washington, but it took the full seven games, and twelve earwigs in the last game to <le - +:de the winner. The third issue sof 25 cent paper Gills commonly known as "shin -plasters" to appear lathe 'fifty years since the first bills were issued, is now being put into c_rculateon. The new -bel) s are con- siderably /seater and more ar tisti,c in design, and show a decided improve- ment over the. old type of bill Rev. Sawyer of Milverton preached morning and evening sermons in James St. church on Sunday, in the absence of Rev. Donne lly who preached an- niversary services in Blyth. Rev, Thompson of Woodham occupied Main St. pulpit, the pastor, Rev. Clysdale;, preaching anniversary sermons fu Worse haul The New Era had heard that the Collegiate Inspector, who was herd last week, met the Collegiate Board and once more brought up the ques- tion of a new .school -a modern, one o•f about $125,000. -Clinton New Era. Let Exeter avoid any such request as this by voting • for tete by-law ,to build an addition an, Monday next. TO VICTORY BOND HOLDERS Bring in your maturing bonds and let me arrange for, the re -investment of your savings M. Huron & Erie deben- tures. These debentures are authorized by the Government as ars investment for Trust Funds in the custody of Execut- ors and Trustees. They earn 53¢ per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly, which es the rate you have been re- ceiving on. your Victory- Bonds. L P.. Carling, Exeter, accepts ap- plications for debentures at any time. ...ANNIVERSARY. Next Sunday Caven Presbyterian Church vv it hold their anniversary services, the pastor; Rev. James Foote, preaching at 11 rims, and Rev. F. W. Duggan of First Presbyterian Church St. Marys, at 7 p.m. Special music by the Choir. b; White Leghorn. Cockerels for Sale $1.00 each for immediate sale Apply Garnet Heywood, Exeter ESTRAY CATTLE. There strayed ,onto the premises of the. undersigned, Lake Road, Stephen, three head of cattle. Owner camhave same by prov*sing, property and paying expenses. -Silas Stanlake, Hay P.O. G. S. ATKINSON, L,D.S., .DENTAL SURGhtON Graduate of the Royal College of !Dental Surgeons of Ontaritoit, and Un - bemire of Toronto. Late. District Dental Officer, Milia cry District Number one, London, Ont. Main Office -Dickson Block, Maim lRtreet. Exeter ,Ont, Hours 9 to 5.30 pm. Phone 34, Exeter. AT ZURICH Tuesday only. Phone 79 Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors Thames Road Anniversary, Sun- day, Oct. 26th. Preacher, Rev. D, G. Paton, of Glencoe. Special music by the Choir. Hot Goose Supper Oet. 2 8th, followed by program, assisted by Londonian Mixed Quartette. Ad- mission 60 and 3Oc. ' Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring MENS SUITS Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only 50c Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Dyed and Pressed $4.00 LADIES' Suits Pressed aand Cleaned ...,$1:'JO Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed • SOc We also Make and Trim Suits with First Class. Trimmings for $20.00. I AM NOW PREPARED TO G1VE YOU A REAL Cartage Service Our Express, Service from Lon- don to Exeter is ,now operating. Livery in connection, H. BAGSHAW. W. R. Goulding A. T. C. ;1VI and Choirmaster James St. Church. of Piano, Vocal and Theory of Music in the Public Terms Moderate EXhTER Organis t Viethodis•t Teacher Instructor Schools Box 57 exemeommeeemermonow Trivitt Memorial Church 11 7 p.m.-- , ev. A. A. Tramper, L. Th., Rector. FORMER EXETER MAN DEAD. W D.'Bright, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed business men of Seaforth, died at hie ,home in that town oniOctober 9th, after a short ill- ness due to bronchial pneumonia. He was 75 years of age and was born ;n Eigiand, coming to Canada when a young man, •locating in, Strati ord where he worked at his trade of tailoring„ then he came to Exeter and was cutter for Messrs. Samoan & Pickard tor some time, after which he moved to Seaford] and .etablushed a merchant tailoring business, whech he continued until his demise, first with Wm. Camp; bell, then with his brother, A. J - Bright. and'latterly with his son, R. E. Bright. He was a Methodist, aleawler of the. choir for many years, a Mason, and enthusiastic' bowler and curler, and bowled man times in Exeter. His widow and two sons survive. Mrs. Noyes of Oakville is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. S. Woods/. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Mack and babe visited in, Stratford Sunday. ,Mrs. Jas. Lawson spantt a fete days in Toronto with her slot). William. Mrs. George Jewell of London; vis- ited here for a week with relatives. Mrs. Manning of Bowmanvillie T1s visiting Fier. sister, Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mrs. May of Mitchell' has been vnrs- utiang her sons, Messrs. Wm. and Fred May. Mrs. Asa Penizale and children vii's- ited in. London. for several days last eek. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Martyr of Lon,cion arc visiting among relatives and friends . here. • Mr. Irvine Dinning of the Bank of Commerce 'staff, is holidaying at his home in. Strathroy, • <, M, 'Miss Carrie. Davis, who, is atte:nain,g Normal School, in London, was hoarse over the week ,end. Mrs Joseph Holliday and Mrs, Fred Evans and little",soul; of London are vis- iting Mrs R. N. Creech, Mr. Pieter Robertson, who has been visiting relatives here for a week, re- turned to Stratford Sunday. . Mr. and sibs. Frank Irwin and fam- ily of Putnam vdisrt,ed with Mt'? and Mrs, Daniel Davis on, Sunday,;. ,Miss brio: Sweet, teacher at Putnanh, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs Samuel Sweet over the 'week end. Mr. and MIs. Harley Sunders o•f Windsor vis tecl'1,or a few days dur- ing the week evetl , friends lint • own Mr. and"1Qrs. Ralph Bound of Alvin,•= ston vi,siited, over Sunday. with the let- ter's parents, Mr. end Mrs. Robert Mawhinney. :t;fi and .Mrs, Jabez MVlullsont of Lam- beth, who, have been) visiting at Whal- en, spent a short time. Monday with friend, here. ' Mr. Alio. Sanders;- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. bale, 4Vlr,s. Thos. Snell and .Vziiss Aanee L. Sanders.spent'Sunday in Stra.ord with friends.' Mese, Fleming of . WiaLiso who, hae been virsiuting an B•elgrave; haao again re- turned to townand is visiting at the. home ,al: ;Mr. C. Blaney. Mr, Wellington Krug of Ches'ey, who was overseas with thej Press Party sire, summer, and his father were eleasent callers at The Advocate on, Saturday: CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN U.tiU:ti,CH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister ANNIVERSARY 11 am.-Erev. Jas, Foote, the pastor: 7 p.m. -Rev. F. W Duggin of St. Marys, r Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. LAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Bev, W, E. Donnelly,. B., A„ Pastor Sunday, October 19th 11. am. -"The Axe at the Root', if the freer" 3 rem. -Sunday School: Temperance Pally addressed by Mr: J. H. Holtz- man and Mr. J. G; Statbury, 7 p,m,-"The Giant That Slew Our Children ;Reverxged," A Hearty Welcome to, a "L PI a�a PHONE 32 ,, JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Fall and Winter Coats, Suits and Dresses New Coats and Dresses are arriving every few days, New Styles and materials and very reasonable prices. Call and look them over, GIRLS' COATS -Ages( from 2 to 14 years. Stock now complete, and dozens of Coats to select from. CHILDREN'S REEFERS-Browruand navy cloths, good heavy weight from 2 year sizes up. Congoleum Rug Week October 20th to November 1st Get our(Special Prices on all sizers of Congoleum Rugs for this special sale from October 20th to Noveniber' 1st, New patterns wilt be shown for the first time during this •:ale. Tapestry Bedroom Rugs at $14.75 We are over stocked with tape>try bedroom ruga, sizes: 214,'yds x 3 ids. and 23e yds x 3 yds. These rugs were all from S20 upwards in price. Over twenty to select from at one price, only $14:75 each. Clearing Sale of Sateens, Cretonnes, etc. We place on sale this week hundreds of yards of Cretonnes, Chintzes. Sateens, Etc., at greatly reduced pr ees to clear. 'These are suiitable for Comforters, Coverings, Etc. Galateas at 25c Yard 100 yds dark patterns, good quality galateas, regularly 35c. yard, Clearing at 25c. yd. OVERCOATS for Men, Boys and Youths Buy your overcoat early. You will need it for the cool evenings., The greatest variety of Styles and Cloths we have ever shown, is aow on display ;MEN'S $15 to $30 YOUTHS' S10 to $17 Childress $7.50 to $12 JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR. HURLBUT SHOES '�°'•.;:: �'.`:~,:.-�,;"?,t">' ,,: ^C ," 4,.,f,,,:. -c ,• rte^ �e.:y�•i:.'�►ra:`•�j0.o�� i6 Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Vincent of London visited ,in town over Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Sweet and !sirs. Reid and Ola visited is Seaforth. on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Taman, Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Fowell spent Sunday art B1 t'tb' Mr. Fred Elliott after a visit with relatives here, returned to Haileybury Tuesday evening. Rev,. and ,hors. W. EF Donnelly mot- ored to Wroxeter on Saturday to visit the latter's uncle, Mr. W. E. Van Velzer, tslr. Jason. Bedford and mother have returned from Kincardine, and the former left Tuesday for hie home in Bay City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. S. JM McCallum and Mrs. Hugh McCallum and her- son Hugh of -London. were the guests sof Mr. and 'vtrs. James Sweet on, Sunday, Powell's bazaar Plain Price Stere,. Day by Day and in every way, we are getting compliments from the good people who appreciate the pres- ence of such a store as Ours in Exe- ter. A store where people like to see things, nice things,at prices -with- in their buying reach. Since we last talked with you here we have re- ceived Aluminum Coffee and Tea Percolators, . Collanders, Dessert Spoons, Small Graters, Leather change Purses, colored coat hangers -Rapid Fire egg beaters, 3 kinds wire egg beaters,' potato mashers, a big assortment of . granitewarein. blue, white and grey enamel, and many other articles too. We expect in a shipment of Small Peanuts, when we will have more of the best salted peanuts you ever ate Always count on fresh roasted pea- nuts on Saturdays. Try a bag this week: We roast and salt all the nuts we sell and are anxious that our customers are pleased. OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Spec- ial Course taken in Regysebered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93.Lurich. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. FRIDAY, SATURDAY SPECIALS:' 100 Flint drinking glasses (reg 10e) 5c. Each More Chocolates, Pound Lots 35c COME expecting good values for your good money. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell'a Stables, John St., Exetes . {lately occupied by Dr. Vining) -Phone 26w ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEL+R FOR tw HURON COUNTY. Orders left with, Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Pnices reaslonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, Exeter Ontario I. R. Carling, B.8 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Innsuraince. Office, Calling Block, Main St.- Exeter Dr. G. F. Roiuls toy, L. D. • S., D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. MONEY TO LOAN We :have' a large ;amount of private fuands• to.. loan on farm and village property, at low rates of u,terre>�st. GLADMAN &' STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S„ D.D.S. Hanna Graduate T'oronlto University Office -over Glaamarn & .Stagbrtrye Office. Main Street, Exeter, The Exeter Advocate ARTHUR WEBER kuctuonreer K; R, No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty, Display Advertising -Made known en app lfcatioan. Stray Anianais-One insertion 50c,,, three insertions 51.50. Miscellaneous articles of not nose than five lines, For Sale; To Renit„ Wanted, each insertion, SOe. Lost ands Found ,locals 25c. an insertion Local rending notices, etc., 10c: per tine per insertion, No notice .less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales 53 for one insertion. and 51.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if uandter five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline, Farm or Reap Estate for sate 5.Oc, each ittsertto¢n tow one month of four insertions, Furniture For Quality, Prices, Service and Satisfaction:call on us. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS Phones'. Business 20w House 201. R N. ROWE DR., H H. COWAN, L,D.S., D,DLS. Dental Surgeon, at McCormick k.Block, Zurich, revery. Thursday and Saturday Main Office,-. Hartlelb Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. JAMES W. WATSON *Lcennsed' Auctioicueer Sales conducted in any 'locality. Farms stock sales a specialty.. Satisfactiton, guaranteed.: Charges moderate. Or- ders ;eft at this office Promptly at -- tended to. Phox e-Kurktoia 54r2 Address-Kirkton R. R. No: 1 FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable :;. and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, hxeter, Ontariin