HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-10-16, Page 4le Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Cree,:b, Proprietors
THURSDAY, OCT. 161h, 1924
Next Sunday Rev. ,R, A. Brooke of
Kerwood will•occupy the; pulpit in the
ethnal;cl• nAeerph
The anniversary of the Methodist
church will be held Oct. 26th, Rev.
C. J. Moorhouse of Clinton will preach,
A fewl supper will be held at
Cbiselhtust on Tuesday Oct. 21.
Supper will commence; at 6 o'clock`
followed by a good program.
Next Monday, Oct. 20th a meeting
la the interest of prohibition will be
beld in the Methodist church. Rev.
\FT, E. Donnelly of Exeter will give
an address.
,Miss Nora Fo1Lck visited over the
week •eats with friends and relatives °n
Mr. and Mrs. Milton, W. Ortwe :n and
son Lloyd of London visited in town
on Sunday,
Mr. and firs. George diners of Lon-
don are visiting with Mr. and -1\irs.
A Whiteside, and famly. •
Mr. and Mrs, John Young visited
over the week end with their daughter
Mrs. Duncan at Harrison.
1•11.1r. Chas. Way of Exeter \vas in
town Monday on business.
Master Tommy Simpson vis_ted over
the week end with relatives in. London.
A. number from t±ensall attended the
anniversary services at Ki•ppen Sun-
day last.
Mr. John. Flutcher visited in Exeter
an Saturday.
,dr, Land Joynt who is atten:l'u,
normal at London visited o -car the
week ,end at his home here,
R E. Cook- was in Clinton Mon-
day on, business.
Miss Helen Fisher of Toronto is .vis-
iting at her home here.
Mr. M. R,• Rennie. of Seaforth .,re-
ce.ntly Visited tor a few days in town.
:dr, and Mrs. F. Farquhar and family
Ideited for a few days with relatives 1
ire 'Goderich.
Mss Martha Hunter visited in Exeter 1
on Tuesday.
Considerable interest is being taken
stn Hensalll over the corning election.
A number. froal town, attended the
dance held at Brucefield on. Friday
evening last. - • .
Mr. Richard Murphy of Exeter was
La town Tuesday on business,
A number of Hensall bowlers were
a*. Seatorth on. Tuesday playing the
Seeforth bowlers.
Mr, Ernest Pyper visited over the
week end with friends in Sarnia..
A number from town took in the
fowl supper at Zurich on 'Tuesday
evening and report a .good time. •
A very pretty wedding took place
on •Sept 29th„ in St. Paul's Anglican
Church, London, when alias Evelyn
Stone, daughter of Wm. Stone of Hen -
salt, becamecthe bride of Mr, James
Stapleton of London. They will' re-
side in that city,
V r and Mrs. Harry Kraft are nt-
ttend.ing the wedding of the latter's
brother M. Toronto this week. •
\^Ir. Moffatt, .Miss Guenther and
Mss Kellerman attended the teachers'
convention in Goderich last week.
1 Mr. Czar Kellerman is visiting in
1 Mr, and Mrs; fired Jackson arriv-
ed 'this week ae4 will take possession
of the farm purchased from Mr. Felix
Wilds. \Ir, and 'Mrs. Wilds will move
to town.,
Mrs. GodI,:h, who has been visiting
her mother Mrs, Baker for several
months left for her home in Van-
eouver on Saturday.
Mrs. E, Otterbein has returned after
a short visit in Detroit.
Mrs. Robert Hayter is visiting in
Stratford this week. •
A number from here attended the
opening of the new Lutheran church
is London on Sunday,
.Miss Idella Baker has returned from
D etroit•
Mr, and Mrs. H. Hoffman and fainly
visited frends in Kitchener on Sun-
Mr. R. Donehey o1 Toronto is visit-
, leis son John, who is suffering
with a fractured ankle.
Miss S. Siebert of Kitchener is vis-
ting her sister, \Irs. Witzel at present,
Mr. P: McIsaac,,bas anelved the ;ele-
phone central into Mr. G. Kelleranan's
building formerly occupied by the
Canadian Bank of 'Commerce. This will
make a very suitable telephone central.
Mrs. Albert Icing visited relatives in
\-Ii;chigan the past week.
Friends from Lucknaw are visiting
with ,'tfr•, and Mrs,, H. K. Edger.
The wedding took place Wednes-
day of Mr. Dann O,estreicher, and Miss
Lydia Kobe of Hannover, Rev. W. J,
Dreier officiating.. We extend con-
The Ladies' Aid of the .Evangelical
Church gathered at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, Dan. Oestreich:er on Satur-
day evening :presenting them with gifts
and welcoming them into our midst.
Mr. Melville England, Mr. Ed.
rohnston, Mr.'and Mrs. Richard Lucas
and two children of Landon spent
Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Mat.
Prohibition. Sunday in, the Metho-
dist church next Sunday evening. Sub-
ject "My Brother's.Keeper," The
pastor will be in carge,
Mr, Thos, Chambers and daughter;
of Stephen, also Mr. and Mrs. John
Chambers of Exeter, motored to San-
dusky, Mich„ over the week end, also
visiting at Dresden; Ont., on the way
Mrs. C. Zwicker and Gerald are
visiting for a few days with Mrs.
A Ia4M.o-^: R.di
r S, on Leag
President, t F, Hellmuth, K.C.
v nmnt Control is People's Control
I -IE people of Ontario—not any narrow or isolated section
of there—but the people of Ontario as a whole—have certain
ideals of public and private life. British traditions have given
us these.
These ideals are well understood.
Lawlessness, disrespect for law, lack of self-restraint, and
excesses of all kind find no approbation in Ontario.
GoP,ernrn.ent Control, in the present plebiscite, is simply a
mandate by the people to the Government to proceed with legis-
lation which, while dealing with and as far as possible eliminating
excesses in drinking, will restore respect for law, and regio gniE e
the ~i, ^t. of the citizen to regulate his private life in accordance
with the principles of moderation and sanity.
Prohibition is a denial of such a mandate. It consists of
an absolute order of "MUST NOT".
That it undermined private and public life—that it made
lawlessness profitable—that it took revenues which should be
used for the public good—that it created evils harder to subdue
than those it pretended to abolish—was the verdict of Alberta,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba within the last year. They had
tried Prohibition for seven years and found that period quite
long enough.
Of course, the verdict was not rendered without a fight.
Just as here, the people were told of the wonders of prohibition.
They were told how rich they had become, howcsober they were,
how crime had vanished, how low taxes were and how happy
and prosperous everybody was. "Impartial" writers wrote
articles in the newspapers, "unbiased" speakers made speeches.
But the people were not moved. They knew better.
Then they acted. Just as soon as the opportunity arose
they voted for Government Control. The Prohibitionists tried
to prevent the people from expressing their views. Everywhere
they .said that a vote was unnecessary and sought to avoid one.
Just as here.
But the people prevailed. They decided that, through
their Governments, they would take control themselves.
Vote for Government Control as follows:
Are you in favour of the
continuance of The Ontario
Temperance Act?
Are you in favour of the,
2 sale as a beverage of beer
and spirituous liquor in
sealed packages under Gov-
ernment control?
Provincial Headquarters, 9 Richmond Street East, Toronto
Telephone Main 8387 and Main 1193
P. Gordon ; Osler, Treasurer C, D. Boyce, Secretary
,Katz at New I3aniburg.
The baseball fans of the Village
received, the baseball play'play
of the world series at Washington
and New York by the courtesy of
Mr. H. K. Silber who installed his
radio in the office •up town which
was filled to capacity each day. The
fans from Crediton sent two tele-
grams to the relay station at Cleve-
land and had the pleasure of hear-
ing both. read over the radio.
Mr. C. Zwicker motored to New
Hamburg on Sunday Mrs. Zwicker
and Gerald returning home with
Mr. Otto Ewald and Wm. Fischer
motored to Kitchener on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Workman motor-
ed over from Flint, Mich., and spent
the week end \vith Mr. Workman's
sister, Mrs. Grant Ryckman,
• Mrs. Hugh McDougall of Seaforth
visited her son H. ;McDougall over
Mr,, and Mrs. Kenneth McLeod at-
tended the funeral of their sister-in-
law, Mrs James McLeod of Thedford
last week.
Mrs. Kenneth McLeod left Saturday
last for a couple week's visit in De-
eMr, and Mrs, Josiah Geiger and
Family and Mrs. 1L, Geiger were
visitors at the home of Rev, and Mrs.
R. M. Geiger et Chesley.
Thi local, post office was remloved,
to its new bone in. the Deitz Block,
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Howald who was born on Sep-
tember 27th,Ipassed away on Wednes-
day oi last week.
Miss Ortha 111elick, who has been, at
Detroit for some months has return-
ed to her home here.
Mr, and firs. John Gellman are vis-
iting relatives in rMichigan,
Mr. Jesse Horner, who recently mov-
ed. from Detroit to the village has
purchased the dwelling property in the
north .end of the village owned by.
Mr. Josiah Geiger.
• Mr. Lotus Schilbe of the 14th con-
cession has purchased the: business
block in Zurich owned by Mr. E.
Appel of New Hamburg, and former-
ly occupied by Denotnme Bros, as
Gents' Furnishings. We under.tand
'Me Schilbe will open up a flour, feed
and seed store.
Mr, Ernest Gies .is very low in .health
and slight hopes are entertained for
his recovery.
Mr. \Vrn. Decher is laid up with
blood poisoning on his hand.
.After an illness of six months the
death of Alton Henry Leibald occur -
ed at the home of his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Frederick Leibold 66 McNab St.,
Stratford on Monday, Sept, 29th, he
was born. in. Hay township near Zurich
on Oct. 4th, 1903, and reached the
age of 20 years, 11 months and 25 clays,
A very pretty church wedding too:;,
place at St P''cter's R. C. church,. Drys-
dale on Mone -ay, October oth, etrien
.Rev Father J. R. Gerard united in the
holy bonds of matrimony, :Matilda
youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Jos-ep!, Papineau to Mr. Isadore Den-
omme, soh of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Den-
omnue, all •ot the Sauble Line,
Grand Bend
Miss E. Shatter of Detroit is visit-
ing to sig:ter, \Irs, .E. Gall, sr.
The Harvest est Supper et the \Ieth-
adist Church Monday .was well attend-
ed. Proceeds amounted to :101.
Mrs. John Sims of Crediton is visit-
ing seer parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
Mrs. Knight, who has been camping
era, left Friday—for her hone in
and Mrs. H. E. Huston and
dauhte: s, who have been camping here
will .leave for Exeter Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bluett of London were
here Sunday in their cottage.
�x � r� �i'atiofl`i�vTi'e��i,�1,as"�t'�sh" th`� con ieTerice of''
verc�antr�Yundet'�t,11e�B�ittsh. Ela�.thYer>'•emedy
hich hat broaght, health and happinesss.�t,,go nitUionsl
f men and women >In every par of the Empnr
e treaent which isresorte�. 1
...- verywhe e-��'
to ns ailmesuchz.as Sick' Headache, •B liousne�sws,
Indigestion: and Constipat <o� ften 'constde d�
ins> niftcan ,yet decidedly inconvenient—arlments
which"ha a th oriS ln a dyspepii�„condi ton of.
(t e_.storacl1 ancL a torpid actio>lt of tlae i 11_ t
Mrs, Lloyd Hodgson, who has been
convalescing at her home in Highgate,
foiJouiang her operation, has returned
home .%
We are having wonderfully fine wea-
ther just now.
On the 26th of October Thanksgiv-
ing service.s will be held in the Meth-
odist church. Rev. Rivers of Parkhill
will preach.
Mr. Luker'bad a, sale of his house-
hold effects on Wednesday afternoon,
and Mr. B. E. Hicks is having a sale
of 100 cattle on Friday..
A plebiscite meeting was; held lathe
church one. ,everditg last week, When
Rev, ;McTavish `of Crediton and Rev.
Donnelly of Exeter spoke in favior of
thee. O.T.A., and Mr.. Pocock of London
in favor o.E government control, -
Money Belts
THE old way of carrying your money
in gold in a belt, when travelling,
had neither the advantages of safety
nor comrort.
OUR Travellers' Cheques are pay.
able only to your order, can be
cashed promptly in small amounts for
your immediate requirements and take
little space in your pocket. Try them.
Capital Paid Up $20,000,000
Reserve Fund $20,000,000
Exeter Branch - - - M. R. Complin, Man{
- - G. G. Maynard, Manager
Crediton Branch
The contracts have been awarded by.
the Ontario Government for the con
struction of the first two buildings on
the Provincial boy's cart ective"farm
near Bo.wmanville,
The price for the erection of a din-
ing -hall and a dormitory is m90,957,
.and thte'Govnerntnent its wise in, its de-
cision to start the work immediately
and have it carried on throughout the
winter months, thus providing employ
agent for a large number of men ea -
gaged its the building trades, who,
would be otherwise idle, and at the
same time making it. possible to make
an actual •star t with boys ori the farm
in the, spi'i nig,
This new venture is the biggest Inueee
of social service work undertaken, by.
the Ferguson administration, and prom-
ises to go a .long way toward solving
the problemof what is to be( dlolne' 3or
the delinaquertt. boys of Ontario,
Theworking out of the ineitr poliicy,
by which such youngsters are to be
gauen a chance to get ia' new and a
better .start. in life, .instead of being.
herded with adult clip:nals and thus
completing •their ,education In, erime,
tvaill ,be studied with much ,interest.
CAPITAL - $4,000,000
RESERVE - $5,000,000
Pay your bilis by cheque and secure the advan-
tages of an accurate -record and automatic re-
Every facility offered for opening ehecl:irig ac-
counts at any of our many branches.
T. S. WOODS Manager.
Big Bargains in Furniture
At Gardiner's
Director of Funeral Services
• Day and Night Service,
Business Phone 74w
Motor and Horse Equipnt
Opera House Block.
Night Call 743
Garage Change
Having leased the Baker premises on the--4-
corner of Mair and James Streets and..
Moved therein with my equipment, this.
will be my futur3 place of business, where
I will continue to do general auto repairing
with the same high-class service as form-
Gas, Oils and al1'Auto Accessories Supplied.
Agent for Overland and Studebaker Cars.
We solicit a continuance of your patronage.