HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-10-9, Page 61w� 1s
Address communlcattans to Aflrenumlat, 73 Adelaide St. evest,!Toronto
One of the problems of the house-
holder each year is what quantity of
e•ppies he can store economically, and
another question, "Why did not my
apples keep well last winter?" or "Is
there any way by which I can keep
them better this year?" This does;
not apply, of course, to those who are,
fortunate in having the old-fashioned
cellar without a furnace, which was
cool but frost -proof, and moist with-
out being clamp. It was and is in
such a cellar that apples can be kept
to the best advantage and where they
will best retain their flavor. The
nearer the conditions approach those
in this old earth cellar the better the
results will be. First, the fruit should
be kept as cool as possible without
freezing. If the temperature can be
kept between 35 and 40 deg. F., this
would be best. The higher the temp-
erature the shorter the life of the
Next in importance is retaining the
moisture in the fruit. If the indi-
vidual specimens are exposed to a
very dry atmosphere they will wither,
hence the desirability of keeping them
in such a way as to retain the mois-
ture as much as possible, even though
the air of the storage room be dry.
This can be obtained, to some extent,
by keeping the fruit in a closed pack-
age and, better still, in addition, by
wrapping each individual specimen in
waxed or oiled paper, which will do
much to preserve the moisture in the
fruit, and to keep disease from
spreading from one specimen to an-
other. It is also desirable, if one has
nothing else in storage that will be
adversely affected, to keep an open
vessel with water in it in the room.
A careful choice of varieties should
be made if one is going to lay in sev-
eral barrels, or more than the family
can use in a month or so, as notwith-
standing favorable conditions for
storage, the length of the season that
any variety will remain in prime con-
dition is limited.—W. T. Macoun, Do-
minion Horticulturist.
Although the mulching of small
fruits and perennial flowers is useful
In the attaining of several objectives,
its chief use is for winter and spring
protection. Ordinarily, our common
hardy species do not suffer much harm
from freezing, but are usually killed
by alternate freezing and thawing.
By the use of a good safe mulch,
properly applied, the plant, after
freezing will, as a rule, stay frozen
during the winter and early spring
thaws, and when it finally thaws out,
severe weather, and the danger of its
again freezing will be over. It fre-
quently happens that a few quite
warn days will occur during early
spring and the high temperatures not
only thaw out unprotected plants, but
induce growth as well. Such unseason-
able weather may be followed by se-
vere cold which will damage or kill
the newly started growth and often
kill the plant itself. It is, therefore,
evident that a mulch for winter pro-
tection is not so much a protection
against cold as it_s against unseason-
able heat by preventing premature
thawing and too early growth.
Nature's protection, or mulch, is
ideal, although unsightly. The stems
of herbaceous plants, after dying, re-
main upright and catch wind blown
leaves and later snow. As the season
advances these stems break down and
form a protection in the early spring
for the crown of the plant. Shrubbery
holds leaves that are blown into it,
and anywhere necessary, leaves and
litter collect to form an efficient
mulch. It is, however, usually desir
able to clear up fall litter of this sort,
as it has an untidy and unsightly ap-
pearance, but if this is done, artificial
protection, of a similar nature, in the
form of a mulch should be given the
plants. Generally speaking the best
material for a mulch is coarse straw,
or very strawy horse manure, Close;
lying or dense material, such as well:
rotted manure, is not satisfactory, as;
heating may often start and kill the
plants. The mulch should be 'applied ;
to a depth of two or three inches as
soon as the ground is frozen, in the:
fall, and removed when danger of !
severe cold is past the followings
Practically all of our common per=
ennial flowers are benefited by al
mulch two to four inches in depth of;
straw, leaf mould or strawy horse i
Many follow the practice of digs,
ging this material into the soil and
thus enrich the soil and get rid of
the litter at the same time. Straw -1
berries are best mulched with coarse
straw spread evenly over the rows to
la depth of two or three inches., The;
canes of blackberries, tender varieties'
of raspberries and grapes should be'
laid down and covered with four to.
six inches of soil, Currants, goose-
berries and hardy raspberries are.
benefited by mulching around the'
roots with ordinary barnyard manure,t
which can be worked into the grounds
by cultivation during the late spring.
As a rule, many plants will survive
and even appear to thrive without;
mulching, but experience has shown'
that mulching,' if properly done, will;
benefit practically any variety or spe-
cies of small fruits and perennial.
There . is nothing that gilds the; but firm part of the melon—near the
home table more than the liberal ap- rind—into marbles with the potato
pearance upon it of the various delis! scoop. Soap over night in weak alum
aloes homemade relishes and appet- water :half an ounce to two quarts
izers. water. In the morning take out into
A fine piccalilli or zestful chow- cold water, rinse thoroughly and put Peppers, ten large red peppers, twelve
chow converts a plain hash into a! into a boiling syrup made of three _J. onions. Chop pep£ers coarsely, pour,
tempting dish; a tart, spiced -fruit! quarters the weight of fruit in sugar boiling water over them, let stand ten
catchup or relish increases the flavor! and enough water to just cover the minutes; then drain, again cover with
and appeal of a platter of cold meat; i fruit; add half each of a thinly sliced boiling water, and let stand five min-
a fine mustard pickle or tangy chili: lemon and orange to each pound of utes. Drain thoroughly, add onions,
sauce seems the almost necessary; fruit, and one ounce of ginger root in chopped, two cupfuls of light brown
complement of the Saturday -night small pieces to each three pounds. !sugar, two tablespoonfu's of salt and
baked beans or the Sunday -morning; Cook until clear, skim out the fruit! one quart of vinegar. Bring to boil,
fish balls. !boil the syrup until thick and rich, cook fifteen minutes and can in jars.
There are so many good things in reheat the fruit and can all boiling Meriton Pickle — Uncooked. Slice
this line that can be made at this hot. Cubes of the melon may be used
season of the year that it is very hard instead of cutting into marbles.
to pick and choose. Housewives are, Circlets.—Select Cucumbers at least
however, usually interested in trying one and a half inches in diameter,
something a bit different, as some- pare, cut in halves and remove the and a half dozen small onions sliced
times the family tires a bit of the seed portion with the apple corer. thinly.. To five cupfuls of vinegar add
Although only fifteen years old the Duke of Norfolk, shown above in.
court attire, has inherited approximately $85,000,000. Since his father deed
seven years ago, it has taken all that time to complete the valuation of the
estate which the boy inherits,.
three pounds of apples. Stone the
plums and boil the stones in two cup-
fuls of water forty minutes, Peel,
core and chop fruit; add one orange
or lemon put through the meat chop-
per, six pounds ef sugar, the strained
stone water, and cook, stirring occa-
sionally, until as thick as you wish.
Green Tomato Marmalade -Green
tomatoes, sliced, in such quantity as
you wish. Place in good -size kettle and
fill two-thirds full with water; then
add two-thirds the weight of the fruit
in sugar and two thin slices of lemon
for each pound of fruit. Cook slowly
a long time until thick and rich.
Plum Conserve—This is a fine way
to use the abundant windfall plums.
To six pounds of pitted plums, add
the same quantity of sugar, three
oranges and one lemon put through
the fine knife of the meat chopper,
and one and a half pounds of seeded
raisins. Boil slowly until of the con-{
sistency of jelly and put in hot steril-
ized glasses.
Piquant Apple Jelly—Cut up crab-,
apples or any early tart apples, pack
in a 'large kettle; add a cupful of
vinegar, a bag of mixed spices and
enough cold water to just appear be-
tween the fruit. Boil, covered, until
broken and mushy, stirring and mash-
ing, and strain through a jelly bag:
Next morning measure the fruit,
boil hard with the bag of spices ten
minutes; add an equal measure of
hot sugar and boil three to five min-
utes, skimming carefully. Put in
English Chutney—Uncooked. One.
pound each of ripe tomatoes and tart
apples, four medium-size peppers,
eight medium-size onions, half a cup-
ful of chopped mint leaves, one and
a third cupfuls of seeded raisins, one
heaping teaspoonful of dry mustard,
one and a half teaspoonfuls of salt,
two cupfuls of granulated sugar and
three cupfuls of vinegar. Chop to-
matoes, add salt and mix. Chop other
ingredients. Scald and cool vinegar.
add sugar and mustard; combine
everything, mixing well, and let stand
two weeks before using, stirring oc-
Harlequin Pickle—Ten large green
five dozen unpeeled green cucumbers
about four inches long. Sprinkle lib- !
erally with salt in layers and let stand
overnight. Drain off brine, add one
same old standbys, however tempt- Then slice into half-inch thick slices.
Mg. Simmer for a couple of hours in vine-
Peaches serve as a foundation for gar and water—'half and half—to
numberless delectable concoctions. cover, salting to taste; drain. Make
Pickled Peaches—Make a syrup of a syrup of one pound of brown sugar
four pounds of brown sugar and one and three cupfuls of vinegar and boil
quart ef vinegar, and boil ten minutes five minutes with a small bag of mix;
with a loose bag of mixed spices— ed spices; skim and pour over the cu -
stick cinnamon, cassia .buds, allspice cumber rings.
and one teaspoonful of cloves; half a Stand overnight; repeat two days
cupful in all. more. On the third day pack in jars,
Skim and add eight pounds of cover with the boiling syrup and seal.
whole peaches which have been scald- Grape Conserve—Pulp four pounds.
ed and skinned. If large and firm of wild or Concord grapes, cook and
they may be halved If preferred. Cook strain the pulps, add to the skins and
about ten minutes or until soft but boil eighteen minutes, stirring care -
not mushy; remove carefully into a fully. Then add two and a quarter
crock, boil the syrup a few minutes pounds of sugar, half an orange and
longer and pour over the fruit. half a lemon put through the-. meat
Next day drain off syrup and boil chopper, three-quarters of a,. pound of
until thick and rich, then pour over small seedless irisins washed and
the peaches. Do this three days in dried, and cook, stirring, : three -
call; keep in a stone crock, retaining quarters of an hour.
the bag of spices. Ripe Seckel pears 'Andover Conserve—Put in a largo
may be done the same way preserving kettle eight pounds of hard
Peach Conserve Scald, peel and pears put through the meat chopper,
cut up six pounds of ripe peaches add eight pounds of sugar, : two lemons,
an equal quantity of sugar, the shred- one orange and a quarter pound of
ded kernels of six or eight pits, two preserved ginger, all put through the
oranges put through, the meat chop-' chopper. Pieces of ginger root cut
per and the juice of a small bottle of in small pieces will do, but the pre-
maraschino cherries. Cook, stirring served ginger is nicer. Set over very
frequently, until well blended, adding,' moderate heat until sugar is melted
a few minutes before taking up, the and juices flow, then cook, stirring
cherries cut in small pieces. Store in' occasionally, about two hours, or until
eliy glas=ses or in half-pint sealed thick and clear:
jars Polly's Conserve—Three pounds of
one large cupful of best salad oil,
three teaspoonfuls of celery salt, half
a teaspoonful of white mustard seed,
and beat vigorously; pour over• cu-
cumbers and onions aed put in pint.
jars and seal. This makes six jars.
Veribest Chowcliow--Peel and slice
one peck of ripe tomatoes and one
quart of onions—less of onion if you
prefer—and four green or red pep-
pers. Sprinkle over the mixture half
a cupful of salt. Let stand two or
three hours; drain, saving juice. Boil
one hour in a large kettle and add one
pint of good vinegar, two cupfuls of
brown sugar, a saltspoonful of cay-
enne, two tablespoonfuls of ground
mustard, a tablespoonful each of cin-
namon and whole cloves, a teaspoon-
ful of celery seed, and boil another
hour. Can, boiling, in quart or pint
jars. Delicious with fish balls, baked
bears end cold meats.
Fruit Chowchcw—To half a peck
of green tomatoes put through the
meat chopper, add half a cupful of
salt and let stand overnight; then
drain. Add three pints of vinegar,
two and a half pounds of brown sugar
and a bag of mixed spices; cook
twenty minutes after it begins to boil,!
then add half a peck of apples or!
Seckel pears put through the • neat
chopper. Apples must be pared;
pears need not be. Cook until tender
and can while boiling.. If not moist
enough add one cupful each of vinegar
and sugar while boiling.
What is a Bacon Hog?
Pamphlet No. 40, New Series, will
explain what constitutes a select ba -i
con hog, and also the various other
grades into which hogs are classified
under the government grading regu-
lations. Hog types are clearly ex-
plained and the advantages of grad-
ing are clearly set forth. The pam-
phlet referred to "The Bacon Hog and
Hog Grading" is obtainable on request
from the Dept. of Agriculture at Ot-
tawa, and should be in the hands of
every farmer who raises hogs for
To kill garlic, try late fall plowing,
followed by an intertilled crop the fol-
lowing year. Corn in check -rows is
a good crop to plant. To get rid of
the garlic in pastures, if the plants
are not too nu.nerous, dig each plant
and destroy it. Sheep eat the tops
of the plants, and close grazing for
a few years often kills the pest out.
Coal -tar creosote oil applied to each
plant at the rate of about four
thimblefuls is effective in killing both
the plant and the ungerminated bulbs.
How time changes! The very ones
who used to demand the full dinner
pail are now shouting for more park-
ing space.
The bronze figure of Evangeline has been erected at Grand Pre, in b,onor
of henry Wadsworth Longfellow', well-known American poet, who made Nova
Viratexrigkg ,dolls—Cut the pink� plums, three pounds of pears and goals famous with his poem "Evangelne"
oe.. duration
rye C:hild'e First School, le the Family"—Froabei."
Making and Filling of a Terrarium—By Enuna B; Dashley
And Nature, the old nurse, took always pretty rind keep `green , untir •
The child upon her knee, • Christmas. Select small plants of a
Saying, "Here is a story book hardy nature: The rock. ferns or small
"Thy Father has written for thes." woods ferns are best.
The ossession of a terrarium is If you can find a pitcher plant in
p the 5'wamps, it will add greatly to the
ever a source 'of delight, because of beauty of your terrarium. The wild
the difficult plants and berries which flowers, hepatica, blood -root, pack -in -
appeal to the eye; and also because the -pulpit, and trilliums, if planted in
of the bugs and other creatures which the fall, will blossom in the • ring.
show aetive life. in addition to plants in the terra-
To make a terrarium:, first of all, a rim, cocoons on their twigs can ; be
berry crate with a cover is needed, suspended from the cover. These co.
Saw or cut out the middle s'lats from roans may be found on lilac bushes
near the corners on the four sides, and grape -vines, or in trees. Great
leaving the top and bottom slats fort will be, the delight of the little folks
support. If the slats run up and; when in the following spring, beauti.
down, saw them from the top slat to ! ful moths or butterflies come out ofeeeee
the bottom slat. Cover the top and iI�the cocoons. '
two short sides on the inside with tIf you can find some snails living
wire screen. Use glass in the'frontIin their shells, in a damp place, put
and back, the entire length of the; them in the terrarium also and let
crate, -to provide light and heat; also • them wander among the plants; At
to make it possible to observe readily; times the snails will hide away and
what is inside. 1 then reappear when you least expect
Paint the crate and wire screenthem. Children always enjoy watch-.
dark green to harmonize with the ing snails. And the chirping of the
plants inside; and set the crate in a cricket gives much pleasure to soono
low window or upon a pedestal stand, people. With the grasshopper the
low enough to allow the children ef) crickets may be housed for the winter,
the family to observe the growth of affording additional entertainment to
the plants from day to day, • the children.
On the bottom of the terrarium, ' ,
place a pan about three or four inches Filed with these flowers, vines and
insects, your terrarium
deep and the length of the crate, or will prove an
have .a galvanized pan made. To a interesting feature during the loris
depth of three inches fill the pan with winter hours.
In the spring an entire change of
plants can be made, or the box filled
with wandering Jew. This vine grows .
luxuriantly and is very ornamental.
soil preferably from the woods. Then
you are ready to select the plants you
find most pleasing. As a lover of
nature and the woods, I prefer to have
plants from the woods. The partridge
or squaw -berry vines with their bright
red berries may be gathered at any
time in the fall and will last all win-
ter. Wintergreen roots and berries
usually grow near the partridge -berry
vines and are attractive. Ferns are
Fortunate are the children, mothers
and teachers, who are so placed that.
Nature's story book is close at hand;'
for Nature, the old nurse, is loving
and bountiful, and will rewrite many,
a page in her wondrous book, the
terrarium. '
Dangerous Farm Wells.
The Dominion Chemist in his an-
nual report again calls attention to
the precautions that should be taken
in establishing a farm well. For more
than thirty years the Division of
Chemistry of the Experimental
Farms, over which Dr. F. T. Shutt
presides, has been analyzing well
waters and issuing warnings with res-
pect thereto. In his latest report Dr.
Shutt points out that there are yet
many farmers who do not realize the
gravity of the question. By the con-
tinuance of the work he expresses the
belief that more and more the farm-
ing ' community will be brought to
understand' more completely the bear-
ing that the quality of the water sup-
ply has on the health of the family or
on the health and thrift of the live
The chief fault in the present con-
dition of affairs, he states, is found
in the location of the well. Too often
safety has been sacrificed for con-
venience. The most innocent -looking
water may carry dangerous contam-
ination. Where an analysis confirms
the suspicion that the well is receiv-
ing drainage of a dangerous char-
acter, the Dominion Chemist recom-
mends filling up the well and sinking
another on a safer site at least fifty
yards from a possible source of con-
As it is assumed that only suspi-
cious water is submitted for analysis,
the results of the tests made by the
Dominion Chemist do not represent
the true condition of the average well.
During the year for which the report
is made but 17 per cent. of the samples.
of water analyzed were pure and
wholesome, while .36 per cent. were
shown to be seriously polluted. The
remaining 47 per cent. were .either
suspicious or saline in character.
Samples of water for analysis
should not be submitted for examina-
tion until the proper form is received
from the Dominion Qhexiist and filled
out respecting the well and its sur-
roundings. With the information thus'
given the water should be sent in a
thoroughly clean bottle for examina-
Art ih a Hall Bedroom.
Mr. Neighborly --:''Say, , my ' friend,
I'm the man that lives across the light
shaft and T want toaskyou if you can't
close your window when you play that
trombone. The noise is fiendish."
Mr. Tooter—"Sorry, old pal. Can't
do it. Gotta• hav room to . slide the
After Jackie Rabbit had at last
made himself free from the fence, ands
pinned the big hole in his tro s:
together with a small twig, he, 1 li
Woodchuck and Johnnie Muskrat,
scampered oft' toward the woods. Their
way led them across a farmer's wheat
field. It was harvest time and the
wheat was, cut and the bundles were
placed in even rows".
"A fine place to play hide -.and -seek,",
said Johnnie Muskrat as he hurried
along a little faster to catch up with
Jackie Rabbit who was far in the lead,!
"Yes, it would be fun to hide behind
those stacks, but we can't stop to play,
if we find the way home before dark.!
Hurry upl" he called to 'Willie who
was waddling along, many rows of
wheat behind.
"I'm getting hungry," answered
•Willie, "and I can't hurry when I'm
hungry. What's the use of hurrying
anyway. No one is after us now."
"I nn hungry, too, but there might
be someone hiding behind one of
Tint Johnnie got no farther, nor did
Jackie. They stopped right tnere,
theirhearts pounding and ears keen.
It sounded to them like the stack of
whent before them had said, "Where
are you hurrying, and whither our
Even Willie Woodchuck, who was
quite a way behind, heard it, and he,
too, was frightened. But in a minute
the three Woodland boys saw little
Molly Meadow Mouse peering around
the corner of a big stack of wheat.
She was so small and tiny that a big
leaf from the maple tree almost hid
her completely.
After the three little Woodland
boys had assured themselves there
was no harm, and forgot their fright,
they told Molly Meadow Mouse their
story. ,
"You run -away rascals! Now you
can see what happens to little boys
who runaway. But you must be hut-,
gry. Come with me," she said,.
Meekly they followed her, for they,
had Lever been more hungry in their
lives. Around this stack of wheat .m -d
behind that one she led them until
they came to a big stone pile,
"Myhouse is in there," said Molly
Meadow Mouse, "but I'm afraid you
can't get in my front door. Wait
` here."
Istones and in only a minute was back
She disappeared between two big
again with an oak leaf tray heaping
full of Woodland goodies. It took
many trips before they were .satisfied,
but her store seemed ' unlimited.
Toget beeswax from the comb, put
the comb in a stout sack, submerge in
boiling water and with a strong pad-
dle press out the melted ware through
the sack. As the wax hardens it can
Le skimmed off the water.
Running silage cutters at a high
speed wastes power. On.a.large ma.
ebbe, the capacity is as -great when
the speed is 650 or 600 revolutions per
minute as when it is much higher; in
some cases the' capacity is greater
with the lower speed. Besides, the
lower speed eaves power.—U. W.
To get rid of rats, we fill our duster;
with calcium cyanide, stick the nozzle!
into the rat -hole, then pump a few:
strokes. The cyanide dust, kills the
rats in their nests. We have also used
this for ground squirrels. Cyanide in,
any form is dangerous.. The due
should not be inhaled. If we do 'yeti
some of the dust, we take a few eyriviffte
of ammonia from a bottle =tied 'tori`!
this purpose. We have used the cyan"!
ide: for a year with pafety.,. And how',
it does kill the rats !----C. M. S.
Grapes should not bogthered, untg
Y ripe, e. - for theyw.w t
�t.1 net .r-%�
;iffier removal from the One.