HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-10-9, Page 5X`V AUCTION SALE 1 FARM S'TOCrr AND IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. + S Y OCTOBER 14 a�nTUEDAO li♦ 1924, ileX on. East Half, Lot 21, Stephen Tp, one mile south of Dashwood At 1 o'clock, the following : Horses -1 team of carriage horses. Cattle -2 calking cows, sup. to bein •calf, 1 fresh cow, 3• steers, 2 -yeas .old, 1 heifer, 2 -years old, sup, to be. in calf, 4 yearlings, 3 spring calves. Hogs -7 hugs 5 -months old; 1 brood now, 10 little pigs, 6 -weeks old, Implements -1 ;lelassey-Harris binder 5 -ft. c.mower 5 -ft. cut; hay rake, need &at roller, dere, walking Plow, gang :plow, light wagon, 2 buggies, set heavy bobsleighs, set light bobsleighs, .Portland cutter, set Diamond harrows. .lumber wagon, wagon box, hay rack, pig rack, Clinton. fanning mv11, cutting box, root pulper, 2 sets doubletrees, .neck yokes, wheel barrow, double set ••of heavy harness, yet single harness, .cradle, bag truck, Iron kettle, gravel box, 2000 lb. scale, quantity of grain bags, extension ladder 28 -ft., work bench vice, 2 logging cheers, scoop, .shovels, thea, spade, forks, also quan- tity of Alfalfa hay and grain. Household ld Effects—Kitchen .stove, ,coal heater, Daisy churn, large apple peeler cider barrel, quantity of sap pails and taps, apple crates for drying, .and other articles too numerous to :mention Pesitit'ely no reserve as proprietor .has sold hi.' farm. Terms—Ali sura of 510.00 Ind en- der, cash ; over that amount • 12 man- tes credit • on aproved 3joint notes; with a discount of 4 per cent. off for .cash on credit amounts. .E1.rthur Weber Felix Wilds Auctioaneea Proprietor. J. Graybiel, Clerk. 'I" AUCTION SALE —OF— FARM, FARM STOCK, AND a IelPLEM EN TS on. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd LOT 5, CON. 2, USBORNE One hundred acres of laud, fine brick house, 2 good bank barns, drive shed, hen house and good gar- age. Well drained and fenced 7 .acres of bush, all in grass. Also Lot 6, Con. 2, 100 acres all in grass. HORSES: -1 heavy team six and .seven years old; 1 heavy horse 4 yrs. old; 1 driving mare 6 years old; 1 'driving mare 7 .yrs. olde 1 two yr. old Belgian colt; 1 one yr. old Bel- gian colt. CATTLE: -1 heifer due on Oct. 7th, 1, heifer due on Oct. 15th; 1 heifer d .on Oct. 20th; 1 cow due on Mar. 2nd; 1 cow due on March 25th; 1 cow due on March 27th; 1 caw due •on March 5th; 1 cow due March 28; 1 cow due April 1st; 1 cow due on April 15th -;e1 farrow cow; 1 export steer; 4 steers 3 yrs. old; 1 fat heif- er 3 yrs. old; 3 steers rising 2 yrs. old; 2 heifers rising 2 yrs. old; 4 yearling heifers; 2 yearling steers; 7 spring calves; 1 Herford Bull 3 years old. PIGS: -2 brood sows with litters at foot. IMPLEMENTS: — Massey - Harris Binder, Tudhope-Anderson Mower, M. H. stiff tooth cultivator manure spreader, roller, set of harrows, 2 walking plows, disc harrow, scuffler, fanning mill, 10 horse power gaso- egl line engine and grinder, wagon, sleighs, top buggy, circular saw, seed drill hay fork and new rope 160 ft., hay 'rack, gravel box, root pulper, stone boat, flat rack,' set scales, cream separator, extension ladder, wire strechers, 1 set heavy britchen harness, 1 set heavy back band har- ness, grind stone, sugar kettle, sap buckets and pan, cedar posts and lumber, iron fence posts, all straw to be sold. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: -1 parlor suite, sideboard, couch, extension table, iron bed, springs and mattres- ses, carpets; churn, pictures, hanging lamp. • TERMS $10 and under cash, over that a- mount 12 months credit on approved joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent per annum off for cash. FARM—Terms will be made known on day of sale. , Richard Coates Frank Taylor Proprietor Auctioneer .04 AUCTION SALE of 100 Cattle By -Law No. Ililage for the THE -- of Eleter Year 1924 A By -Law to provide for the bor- rowing of the sum of .$7,000.00, and to issue debentures therefor, and to authorize the levying of a special Rate for payment of the debentures and interest, for the purpose of con- structing and equipping a two -room addition to the Public and High School Building, provisionally adop- ted after the second reading on the 22nd day of . September, 1924. Whereas the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter have been appealed to by the Members of the Board of Education, who_ have set forth the facts or claim that there is not sufficient room to 'accommodate the pupils that are making requests to enter the High School, and that an addi- tion of two rooms is necessary. And, whereas, it has been estab- lished that the , sum of $7,000.00 will be required to erect such an ad- dition to the present school building. And, whereas, the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter, and at the request of the Members of the Board of Education, desire that such an addition ebe constructed, and . it is necessary for the said purpose for the said Corporation of the Village of Exeter to borrow, upon the cred- it of the, said Municipality, the sum of $7000.00. And, whereas, for the purposes a- foresaid, it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Municipality of the Village of Exeter for the sum of $7000 and interest as hereinaft- er provided, which is the amount of the debt intended. to be created by this By -Law; the proceeds of the said debenture to be applied in the preparation, and in the construction and equipping of the said School ad- dition and for no other purpose. And, whereas, it is desirable to made the principal of the said debt repayable by Annual instalments during the period of five years next after the issue of the debentures therefor. And, whereas, it will be necessary to raise annually for the period of five years during the currency of the debentures to be issued hereby un- der Special Rate sufficient therefore on all the Rateable property with- in the Municipality, the Sum of $1616:79 for the paying of the sev- eral instalments of principal and in- terest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum. And, whereas, the amount of the whole rateable property of the Vil- lage of Exeter according to the last Revised Assessment Roll, "that of 1924," is the sum of $809,127.00. And whereas, the existing deben- ture debt of the said Village of Ex- eter, exclusive of local improvement debentures secured. by Special As- sessments, therefore amount to the sum of $87,5,54.96 and no part of the principal or interest thereof is in arrears. Therefore, the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter enacts as follows; It shall be lawful for the Reeve and the Treasurer of the Village of Exeter to borrow, on the credit of the said Corporation, the sum of $7000.00 for the purposes herein be- fore set forth and for that purpose to issue debentures in the name of the Said Municipality to the amount of $7000.00 in sums of not less than $100.00 each and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Corporation, and duly sealed with the Corporation Seal thereof, which seal is hereby authorized and directed to be attached to each of the said debentures. The said debentures shall be dated upon the date of issue thereof. and shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, and thesaid n- terest shall be payable yearly on the day of the month on which said de- bentures are issued, and as to both principal and interest said debentures shall be payable in Annual .instalments with&rt five years, such instalments to be of such ahnounts that the aggre- gate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal, as nearly as may be to what is payable for principal and interest during each of the other years of such period of five years as hereinafter set forth. • • at JA,MIESON'S FARM, CENTRALIA a Calf -mice south of the village fan FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1924 '1 at 1 o'clock pm., the. following , 10 cows and heifers springing to calf or with cables at foot.. 40 two-year old steers from 1000 to, 1,100 lbs. 20 heifers from 800 to 900 lbs:. 30 yearling steers and heifers.. Ifyou seed anything: in this lin ai you will have plenty ,of choice at ibis sale. Terris -12 Months credit eveth 6 per cent interest, TAYLOR & McNEIL,.Auct. BYRON E, HICKS, Proprietor. McGIL.L'I;VRAY,—Alvin Durr of this Township, was rather badly in.jur- ed while Tiding a horse in the 'running race at Parkhill on Wednesday of last wee!:. .While theerace was in progress there •being' 13 . competitors in the field, bale .of :the horses jumped the wire fence alongside the 'tack and threw Jdr. Durr on the fence.. was. attersde' ;by a doctor and re.- nnowed tolls home, f': ,is bel eeved he 'suffered a broken hip. SEAFORTIi,—Mrs. Margaret Edy died at the :tomeof her nester' Mgrs, . Jessie Brown on Sept.. 2,9th after an• illness on some months. Two sons, Cyril; of London and Robtert, of Van- couver survive. toes polling pleees' aforesaid and at the final summing up' of the votes by the. Clerk on behalf, of persons inter- ested in promoting or opposing thio By -Law, respectively. That tlic Clerk of the. Ceeporatitori of the..saiud. Wedge of Exeter shall at- tend at leis office .in; the said - Viillage of Exeter at Eleven o'clock M the forenoon on Tuesday, the 21st day of October. 1924, to sum up the nureber of vot4,s given for and against this By -Law, NOTICE The above is a true copy of . the proposed By -Law, which has been tak- en into consideration and which will be fins Ily passed by the Council of t o e 'o. ra ' n f he 'V' la e f .Ex- eterL r tri rl int event of the, assent of the. Electors being • obtained • th et eto after one month from its first publication in the. Exeter Ties and The Exeter Advocate Newspapers, which first 'pub licatlan was the 25th day of Septem- ber, 1924, and at the hour, day, and the places therein fixed for taking the vote. of the electors • a poll: will be held Every lease bolder entitled by law to vote on the proposed By -Law shall;. at least ten days next preceding the day of polling, fide in the office of the Clerk of the Municipality,, a statutory declaration stating that by the lease he covenanted to pay all Municipal taxes in, respect of the property other than local improvement Rates, which requirements by law entitling him to vote on such a by-law, and the names of lease holders neglecting to file l'uch a declaration shall not be placed on on the Voters' List for such voting. Corporations entitled to appoint a nominee to vote on, its behalf shall not later than the tenth day before the day appointed •foh• taking the votte, file with the'Clelrk of the Municipality the names in. writing of a.person to Z.ate as its nominee and on its behalf. Dated at Exeter this 22nd day of September, 1924. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter Year Principal interest Total 1925 $1,266.80 $349:99 $1,616.79 1926 1,330.15 . 286.64 1;616.79 1927 1,396,65 220.14 1,616.79 1928 1,466.50 150.29 1.616.79 1929 1,539.90 76.89 1,616.79 That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final reveling 'thereof. That the votes of the Electors of the laud Village of Exeter entitled to vote on, tlnao By -Law be taken on ,Mon- day the ZOth day of October, com- mencing at nine - o'clock in, the fare= noon, and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon. of the same day at the .following places . within the said Village of Exeter and by the follow- ing Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks. - Polling Sub-Dieeeion No .1 at Mr's. Elizabeth Handford's Residence, Edward Treble,•''D.R.O., Wm. •1•. Carling. Poll. Clerk, Main, Street. Polling Sub-Ditviefo i No 2 at the Town Hall, Main Street, Welling- ton Johns, D.R.O:,James H. Grieve Poll Cleric. Po Ming Sub -Division No. 3, at Mrs. vLltche ll's Office Building, cornier of Main and Wellington Streets; James Weekes, .D.R.O.; Alfred Gambrill, Poll• C4erk. Polling Sub-Dlv'iseon'No- 4 et the North End Fire. Hall; : Richard W els,h, : D.12.0. John KKydd, Poe • Clerk. That Friday, the 17thday of Oct- ober, '1924, at seven -thirty o'clock in the afternoon•..shall be the day and the. Clerk's Office m the ,•Library Bluuldsng in the Village of Exeter shall be the place where the Reeve shall attend, and, if requested ea to do, shall .ap- point two persons to attend at the var- Crediton School •• Fair. The Annual Crediton School Fair took place on Thursday, the 2nd of October 1924 under the direction of the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture and management of Mr. S. B. Strothers, of Clinton. The weather was ideal and a very large crowd was in attendance. The exhibits especially grain, corn, roots, and vegetables exceeded those of prev- ious years. The showing of live- stock was splendid and competition was quite keen. The drills and par- ades of the different schools dress- ed in attractive colors, presented a pretty sight. The fair this year was the best held in its history. The following is the result of the judg- ing. The number preceeding the Name is the school section number: Wheat, 1 qt. 5 Kenneth Kuhn, 1 Willie Elliott; wheat sheaf, • 5 Kenneth Kuhn; oats, 1 qt. 5 Willie Gaiser, 3 Bernice Sanders, 5 Mau- rice Beaver, 4 Arnold Becker, 2 Willie. Lamport;• oats, sheaf, 5 Maurice Beaver, 5 Clarence Fahner, 5 Willie Gaiser, 5 Gordon Lamport, 2 Willie Lamport, 5 Melvin Lampor'' barley, 1 qt. 5 Harold Fahner, 5 El- gin Woodall, 2 Harry Hirtzel, 5 Gor- don Lamport, 1 Ivan Hodgins; field corn, 1 James Corsant, 3 Ella Dear- ing, 5 Ila Appleton, 2' Lloyd Lam- port; sweet corn, 5 Velma Guett- Inger, 5 Jean Richard, 2 Maurice Hertzel, 4 Eldon Smith, 5 Eugene Beaver, 5 Arthur Haist. Irish Cobblers, 5 Kenneth Lillow, 14 William Richards, 14 Mary Buckley, 2 Agnes Lamport, 5 Elgin Woodall; green mountain, 5 Inez Fahner, 4 Lloyd Eagleson, 14 Char- les Benham; dooley, 14 Earl Frey, 5 Agnes Love, 5 Elsie Thompson, 5 Lloyd Fahner, 4 Lloyd Wein, 1 Pauline Hodgins; mangels, 5 Angus Love, 5 Eugene Beaver, 5 Inez Fah- ner, 5 Willie Gaiser, 5 Elgin Wood- all, 5 Rodney Bowman; turnips, 3 'Willie Stanlake, 14 Gerald Godbolt, 5 Russel Finkbeiner, 5 Eugene Beaver, 5 Arthur Hoist, 4 Joe Mar- tene; beets, 4 Marguerite Amy, 3 Margaret Penhale, 14 Mabel Smith, 5 Carrie Fahner, 4 Esther Martene, 14 Maurice White; carrots, 4 Lor- een Becker, 5, Karl Kuhn, 5 Helen Hill, 5 Alma Winer, 5 Willie Gaiser, 1 Geraldine Hedden; parsnips, 5 Clarence Fahner, 5 Lulu Kern 14 George White,' 5 Helen Finkbeiner, 5 Bernice Either; onions, 14 Jack Buckley,. 3 Gladys Penhale, 5, Ang- us Love, 5 Irene Fahner, 4 Martha Martene, 4 Greta Becker. Asters, 5 Elva Wuerth, 5 Gerald Zwicker, 4 Eldon Smith, 5 - Alma Lawson, 5 Gerald Smith, 5 Carrie Fahner; sweet peas, 5 John McTa- vish, 5 Rodney Bowman, 5 Lulu Kerr; phlox, 2 Kathleen Lawson, 2 Agnes Lamport; zinnia, 14 Fergus Buckley, 3 Gladys Fermate, 5 Eber Lewis, 14 Jack Essery; African Mar- igolds, 14 Earp Frey, 14 Reta Buck- ley, 4 Laurence Wein, 2 Norma Finkbeiner, 1 Willie Elliott, 2 Ila Lamport; Coreopsis, 3 Margaret Penhale; Calendula, 1 Gerald Hed- den, 3 Greta Dearing, 1 James Car - sant; Trench . Marigolds, 5 'Velma Guettinger, 5 Ruby Finkbeiner, 5 Melvin Richard, 5 Edna. Gaiser, 5 Willie Gaiser, 5 Margaret Kuhn;. Salpiglosis, 5 Irene Fahner, 1 Weal- thy Schroeder;; TJerleena, 4 Olga Martene, 1 Ruby Hedden; Cosmos, 2 Elva Lamport, 14 Jack Buckley, 3 'bllla Dearing. Essay, "Birds and their relation to Agriculture" Prize donated' by Rev. Kitely, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 2 Harty Hirtzel, 4 Eldon', Smith. Cockerel, 5 •Clara 'Thompson, 3 Douglas Triebner, 2 'Dorothy Law- son 14 Jack Buckley; pullet, 5 Clara Thompson, 3 Douglas Triebner, 14 Fergus Buckley, 2 Dorothy Lawson; pen ii f• three 14 Donald Hicks, 3 D. Triebner;, pr. white Leghorns, 5 Angus Lovie, 2 Willie Lamport; pr. white Wyandottes, 5 Laura Clark; pair Rhode Island Reds, 3 'Douglas Triebner, 1 Geraldine Hedden, 1 Gerald Hedden; pen Barred Rocks, 5 Arthur Hoist, 5 Gordon .Haist, 5 Alma Lawson, 3 Willie Stanlake, 5 John D. McTavish , 4 Eldon Smith; pair pigeons, 5" Edna Gaiser, 5 Dor- othy Schroeder, 3 Murray Scott, `.14 Gerald Godbolt 2 'Willie Lamport; 5 Melvin Lamport; any pet, 4 Joe Ma- terse, 5 Elva Wuerth, 2 Thelma Sims 1 Ruby Hedden, 1 Mina Flynn, 5 Clara Lewis; dog,, 5 Kenneth Lillow 2 Gerald Rollins, 5 Gerald Zwicker, 5 Bernice Eilber,' 5 Carrie Fahner, 4 Edgar Rader, cat, 5 Marion Rich- ard, 4 Eldon Smith, 5 Alma Lawson, 5 Earl .Sheardown, 4 Walter Weber, 5 Edna Gaiser Dozer). eggs, 1 Gerald Hed den, 4 Lorance Wein, 2 Edward Lamport, 5 Elsie Thompson, 6 Ger- ald Smith, 5 Willie. Gaiser; dozen brown eggs, 4 Edith Weber, 1 Ruth. Hedden,5 Willie Gaiser, 3 Bernice Anderson, 2 Thelma Sims, 3 Mar- garet Penhale. Dairy calf (female,) 5 Elgin Woo- dall, 4 Lloyd Wein, 5 E. and H. Woodall, 5 Willie Gaiser, 5 Morris Beaver, 14 Gerald Godbolt; market lamb, 4 Edgar Rader, 4 L. Wein, 4 Lloyd Wein, 5 Sann Lawson; hal- ter broken colt, 6. Sam Lawson, 2 Harry Hirtzel, 5 Melvin Lamport, 6 Gordon Hoist; pair bacon hogs, 2 Maurice Hirtzel, 4 Lorance Wein, 5 Willie Gaiser, 5 Elgin Woodall; Agricultural colt, 2 Harry Hirt- zel, 5 Gordon Hoist, 5 Melvin Lam- port, lst. prize donated by The Can- adian Bank of Commerce; beef calf, 5 Maurice Beaver, 4 Lawrence Wein 5 Gordon Hoist, 5 Elgin Woodall, 5 William Gaiser, prizes donated by N. W. Trewartha, M. P. P., lean pears, b Clarence Fahner, 14 Reta Buckley, 3 Gladys Penhale, 4 Lloyd Wein, 5 Willie Gaiser, 4 Joe Martene; six apples, 3 Greta Dear- ing, 4 Eldon Smith, 5 Gordon Hoist, 5 Clarence Fahner, 5 Harold Fahner 3 Douglas Triebner; pumpkin, 5 Willie Gaiser, 5 Arthur Hoist, 5 El- gin Woodall, 5 Russell Finkbeiner, 2 Morris Hirtzel, 14 William Richi- ards. Half dozen doughnuts, 4 Selma Rader, 4 Edna Martene, 2 Thelma Sims, '2 Ila Lamport; half dozen Graham muffins, 5 Dorothy Fahner, 4 Eldon Smith, 2 Dorothy Lawson, 5 Bernice Silber, 3 Luella Stanlake, 5 Edna Beaver; half dozen lemon tarts, 5 Laura Clark, 2 Elva Lam- port, 2 Thelma Sims, 2 Kathleen Swain; dark layer cake, 1 Wealthy Schroeder, 5 Hazel Woodall, 5 Al- ma Winer, 1 Ruby Hedden, 2 Thel- ma Sims, 2 Kathleen Swain; raisin pie (teachers only) 4 Laving Smith, 2 Isabella Donaldson, 5 Cora Sch- nieder; apple pie, 5 Inez Fahner, 3 Luella Stanlake, 2 Dorothy Law- son, 3 Rosa Dearing, 2 Thelma Sims, 4 Charlie Martene; home made can- dy, 5 Alma Winer, 5 Bernice Eilber, 5 Helen Mclsaac, 5 Ruby Finkbein- er, 3 Ella Dearing, 4 Eldon Smith; school lunch, 5 Bernice Eilber, 3 Ella Dearing, 3 Greta. Dearing, 4 Eldon Smith; Pt. Raspberries, 3 Rosa Dearing,'. 5 Inez Fahner, 5 Lulu Kerr 3 Ella' Dearing, 5 Marjorie Lawson, 1 Ha- zel Hay; beets, 5 Hazel Woodall, 3 Rosa Dearing, 5 Clara Thompson, 1 Wealthy Schroeder, 5 Irene Palmer, 3 Margaret Penhale. Patch on Gingham, 5 Irene Wag - horn, 1 Hazel Hay, 5 Edith Sweit- zer, 5 Lottie Waghorn, 4 Thelma Weber, 5 Alva Winer; initialled handkerchief, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 3 Greta Dearing, 5 Alma Winer 3 Luella Stanlake; hemmed tea tow - ell, 1 Wealthy Schroeder, 5 Helen Orme, 5 Elsie Thompson, 5 Verdi Sims, 3 Luella Stanlake, 5 Alma Winer; crocheted lace, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 2 Agnes Lamport, 5 Hilda Sims, 5.Marguerite Lamport, 4 Kath leen Morlock, 6 Verdi Sims; knitted wash cloth, 4 Edith Weber; patched doll's quilt, 5 Dorothy Palmer,. 1 Hazel Hay, 3 Greta Dearing, 5 Alma Lawson, 1 Ruby Hedden; boudoir cap, 2 Thelma Sims, 3 Rosa Dearing 5 Irene Fahner, 3 Luella Stanlake; darning on woollen stocking, 3 Gre- ta Dearing, 5 Alma Lawson; hand made apron, 3 Luella Stanlake, 2 Wealthy Schroeder, 3 Bernice Sand- ers, 2 Thelma Sims. Any model in wood, 5 Gordon Lamport, 4 Edgar Rader, 5 Willie Gaiser; bird house, 5 Kenneth Lil- low, 4 Eldon Smith, 5 Gerald Smith, 5 Gerald Zwicker; patch sewn on grain bag, 4 Eldon Smith, 5 Gordon Lamport, 3 Earl Christie, 4 Lloyd Eagleson, 5 Sam Lawson, 5 Earl Sheardown; specimen of paper cut- ting, 5 Gerald Smith, 5 Jean Rich- ards, ' 5 Arthur Hoist, 5 Clarence Fahner, 5 Elva Wuerth, 5 Eugene Beaver; six . named knots, 5 Edith. Sweitzer, 5 Elgin Woodall, 4 Thel- ma Weber, 3 Willie Stanlake, 2 Harry Hirtzel, 2 Willie Lamport; collection 6 beneficial insects, 5 Ed. Sweitzer, 2 N. Finkbeiner; col- lection 10 native forest seeds, 5 Ed- ith Sweitzer, 14 • Garfield Neil, 14 Gerald Godbolt; collection of ten tree leaves, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 5 Ruby Finkbeiner, 14 Gerald Godbolt 14 Garfield Neil, 1 Wealthy Schroe- der,2 School Collection; pressed, wild flowers, 5. Ruby Finkbeiner, 5 Edith Sweitzer; collection 6 injur- ious insects, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 5 Ruby Finkbeiner; map of Huron, 4 Edith. Weber, 4 Marguerite Amy, 14 Earl Frey, 14 Doris Essery, 14 Gwen nie Hicks, 4 Edgar Rader; map of` South .America, 3 Greta Dearing, 3 Ella Dearing, 5 Lottie Waghorn, 5 Edna Beaver, 2 Elva Lamport, 3 E- ber Lewis; map of Canada, 5 Mar- guerite Lamport, 4 Eldon Smith, 5 Gladys Lewis; 1 Hazel Hay,2 Thel- ma Sims, 2 Edward Lamport; writ- ing, "Evening Prayer," 5 Carrie Fah nes, 5' Carl Kukn, 4 Toe Martene, ,5 Arthur. Hoist, 4 Walter Weber, 5 Gerald Smith; writing, "Abide with Me," 14. Donald Hicks, 14 Doris Es- sery, 3 Willie Stanlake, 4 Edith We- ber, 3 Gladys Penhale, 5 Elva Wuerth; writing, "Lead Kindle Light, 3 Ella Dearing, 3 Margaret Fermate,5 Merva Sims, 5 Dorothy Fahner, 1 Rubby Hedden, 2 Elva Lamport;' writing, . "On His Blind- ness, 1 Hazel Hay, 5 Gladys Lewis, 2 Thelma .Sims, 2 Agnes Lamport, 4 Edna Martene, 5 Marguerite Lame port;. collection 3 specimens of Art, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 4 Kathleen Mor - lock, 4 Edna Martene, 2 Thelma Sims, 5 Bernice Silber, 1 Mina Flynn; crayon sketch,. 4 Marguerite Amy, 4 Lumen Becker, 4 Esther Martene, 4 Edgar Rader, 4 Joe Mar- tene, 5 Carrie Fahner; monogram, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 14 Wm. Richards, 3 Greta Dearing, 5 Inez Fahner, 5 Hazel Woodall, 2 Thelma 'Sims; quotation, 5'"Edith Sweitzer, 1 Ha- zel Hay, 1 Elsie Rader, 2 Thelma Sims, :'1 Wealthy Schroeder, 1 Ruby STORED i_AT 1,31 cuyventcdaved WHEN any means of saving money has been perfected, is it wise to continue the wasteful methods? McClary's Electric Range saves money by saving current on the "stored heat" principle. You can bake for hours in Mc- Clary's Electric•Oven after the cur- rent is turned "off"—because the oven has double insulation. YQu can do practically all your boiling or frying on "low" because "TOR -RED" Protected Elements retain heat. See these exclusive McClary's features. Electric Ran For Sale by Hydro Shop. Finkbeiner. Judging cattle, 4 Lloyd Wein, 4 Eldon Smith, 4 Arnold Becker, 4 Lawrence Wein, 5 Rodney Bowman, 5 Gordon Lamport. Cross -cut sawing contest, 4 Wein Bros. Interschool singing, room 2 No. 5, No. 4, No. 14, No. 1, room 1 No. 5 No. 2. School parade, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, room 1 and 2, No. 5, No. 14 awarded $1 each. In'the evening a concert was given in the Town Hall, at which the pup- ils of the different schools who took part in the Fair put on the program. Special mention must be made to the Musicial Selection of 141'iss Wanda Willis of Centralia, the solo by Mas- ter Edgar Rader of Dashwood and duett by the Misses Ford. There were also several drills, duetts and dialogues. The contestants in Pub- lic Speaking were, Miss Alma Winer, whose subject was "Canada a nation within the British Empire," Elsie Reeder, "The Visit of the Prince of Wales to the United States and Can- ada," Gerald Zwicker, "The Canad-• tan National Exhibition," Agnes Lamport, "All that glitters is not gold,"Eva Lamport, "Save the For- est," Hazel Hay, "Prohibition." The judges awarded the prizes as follows: Seniors, Elsie Reeder, Al- ma Winer; juniors, Gerald Zwicker, Hazel Hay, Eva Lamport and Agnes Lamport. It's nice to visit a. big city but it i nicer at home where you can walk out and tell. them to charge it, BLANSHARD.—A pretty autumn wedding took place on the fourth lane, Blanshard, on. Wednesday, September the 24th at high noon, when Florence Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and I'1rs. Joseph Beavers, became the bride ofr Mr David B. Sterrmtt son of the late Charles and ,Mrs. Sterritt. AUCTION SALE OF VILLAGE PROPERTY, HORSE BUGGY, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On the premises of the undersigned, Centralia, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1924 at 1 o'clock p.m., the fo',Iowiarg Aged pony, buggy, set single harness glass cupboard, few pictures, ..hest of drawers. 5 -burner coal oil stove, ,nal heater with ove,n, also drum; light oak bedstead, 8 kitchen chairs, number of good books, 2 rockers, overcoat, rain- coat, nearly new; coal ail heater, nearly new; 2 handsaws, cross -cut saw, buck saw, kitchen table, galvanized breezy, nearly new; .topper boiler, kitchen couch, washing machine, ringer, num- ber dishes, 2 lamps, 2 picks, post aug- er, crowbar, a quantity bedding, 2 clocks man's watch, 2 granite pails, forks, shovels, a quantity potatoes, turnip and beets, a quantity hay, etc, There will, also be sold at the .game time.•aavd place the property, consmst',ng o'f 5 -room story and half brick cot- tage and 3 lots, Nos. 40, 41 :tnd 32; also, a. small frame dwelling which can be moved away if desired. Terms—Real estate made known on day of sale; Chattels, cash. FRANK TAYLOR, WM LU KER Auctioneer Proprietor 8 New Ford Sedans and 8 New Fordson Tractors Ford Contest Announcement The Ford Motor, Company of Canada, Limited, has now been n business for twenty years. During that time 340,964 Ford cars • and trucks have been built and the Ford has won. a nattion-wide reputation for giving ratis- factory service. • In our relations; wear the, public as local Ford dealers we have learned that the best advertising we get as (th,e recommendation of a satisfied custo- mer. Many Ford cars are sold on such recommendations and many more will bre solid in the 'same way., If you, are one of the many thousands of Canada's farmer Ford• -owners, here is a good opportunity for you. The farmer Ford -owners or members of farmer Ford -owners in each to*nship in this territory will be given the privilege of taking orders for Ford cars, trucks and tractors. Only the first three to apply for this priv- ilege inhleach territory, will be_enrollpd. Yen can enrol immediately. Order forms and complete instructions will be supplied to al; contestants. All you are expected to da is to tell your friends who need a car, truck or tractor of your own exper-pence with your Ford. If they decide to buy: you take their or -der and send it to the Ford Branch in this terri- tory. • On all such orders you will get credit in points ai the rate of 5 per cent. on the list price of the order, The eon:testant gaining the highest number of pants arca each Ford Branch 'territory will receive, absolutely free. a Ford Tudor Sedan, telly equipped, all taxes and delivery charges paid, and with 1925 license, ready to run. Next highest contestant will receive, free, a Fordson tractor, fully equipped with 2endere and belt pulley, ready.. to work. A111 contestants who do seat qualify for first or second prizes will re- ceive credit for 3 per cent of the list price on all orders taken by them. This will be awarded in any kind of Ford -made nnerchaadise,'or in cash: This contest ' closes December 30th: Prizes will be delivered January 15th. 'Enrollm!ent applatcatians will be sent to all farmer Ford -owners "'ut if y*ou wish to enroll. immediately in order to insure acceptance application - may be had from the undersigned. Milo Snell Ford Dealer Exeter Ont.-,