HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-9-18, Page 8E�E,TF.R•,:. A1112: DCTla T;H • : AJAX, SEPTEMBER iQ, 1924
How is Your Ford
We are now in a position
to re -charge Ford magnetos
and guarantee results, better
light, easier starting, etc.
Try us for Auto Accessories
and Radio Supplies
Exeter Markets
Wheat ...,...., .. •... 1.15
Oats .,....,.. 45
Barley 65 to 70
Manitoba Flour , ... 4.40
Family Flour 4,15
Pastry Flour 3.75
Feed Flour ..........
8r.tn ;.L50
aborts 41.60
Eggs 25 35
Creamery Butter 39, 40
)Dairy ,mutter32
1.ard 20 23
Hods .,t,, ",,,,:,,, ' 9,25
W. R. Goulding
A T. C. t1LC
Organist and Choirmaster James St.
Methodist Church.
Teacher of Piano, Vocal and) Theory
Instructor of Music in the Public
Box 57
Terms Moderate
Sunday, 21st—Farewell of _Musa Hut-
•chinson of Exeter far the Salvation
Army Trainatg College, Toronto;. Miss
Hutchinson will speak in the evening
Sunday, 28—Harvest Services con-
dueter] by Captain and Mrs. Lowland,
Sunday, Oct. 5th—Special via,it of the
Rowl^and family band , composing 7
Players, father and brothers of Capt.
E.owland. t
Good quality for 7c. a1b. !.
Hay P. O.
premises of Mrs. Alex Turnbull, on
Thames Road, on Sept. 4th, a dark
bay driving mare, 'Anyone know-
ing of its whereabouts please notify
--- -•-
The Evaporator Company are fixing
AV) the plant in readiness to operate
about Sept. 1st. k'rospects are very
bright for a big crop of apples. A
number of hand.% will be required and
t hose wishing to engage will register
at the Evaporator.
About 1000 fire brick, a quantity
gas pipe from half inch to one and a
half inchesanu.mber heavy oak barrels,
number gas drums, galvanized drum,
hold 150 gaLons. Apply at the Evap-
Local Doings
'aft,' Stuart Stanbwry is teaching
Hunts�ville'Hig1 School for two or
three weeks before returning to the
Rev W. E. Dannelly will conduct
arrant ersary services at Blyth Methodist
phurch on. Sunday, Oct. 12th.
T1'e Nick work, of Mr. C. B. Shell's'
new brick house on the corner of, Wil-
liam .aand Ann Stree.te its. in cours,e' of
District Court will be held in the
Town Hall on Friday next, Judge E.
N. Lewis presiding, There is a, jury
trial oat the list.
.Jr. J. T, lIcKiaught of the London
Road n;eai! Clinton, has a Polled Angus
,cow that has given birth It o three
calves, all healthy.
alt, Andrew Easton accompanied a
carload of horses to Montreal on Sat-
urday )last for Mr. G,.b. Dow, who is
buying horses of 1600 lbs and over
for thatrade.
Fine weather is helpiin; the farmers
complete the harvest. In, some sec-
tions the harvesting of oats was Tong
overdue. The growers ofonions are
completing the work this week.
Exeter Company of Huron Battalion
have commenced training here. under
,Major W, J. Heenan, : The company
numbers over forty and they will train
two seights a week for two months.
Flower Sunday wag fittingly observ-
ed in James Street Church on Sunday
last 'file pastor preached appropriate-
ly, the children took part in; the er-
vic•es, and the church was an ely dec-
orated. ,
Miss Violet Austin, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. ,Austin of • the bound-
ary at Farquhar, and Mr. Menisfotrd
Cooper of Cromarty were married by
Rev G. W. Chidley et the Thames
Road Manse on September '9th.
The Buffalo, Stratford and Goderich
railway line is mow equipped with tele-
phones for despatching train, and was
puts,, wee for the first time, on Sept,
10th. The same systenv is In use be-
tween Toronto and Sarnia.
Dr, H. G. Fletcher has :engaged
rooms at the residence of Mr.. A.
Cantu, Main Street where he aesa
opened a medical practice, The Doc-
tors borne is near Ailsa, Craig, and he
comes to us well •recommended as a
practitironer and' citizen,.
A rink of London bowlers, consist-
ing of Messr6_ W. Ashplant, W. Turn-
bull, H. Heffernan and E. Weld, visit-
ed Exeter on Friday last and played a
game withT. S. Woods, J. A. Stewart,
W. W.: Taman, andeat. G.. Seldon dur-
ing the afternoon, .the home rink be-
ing 12 up. They .spent the evening at
S,- Woods'.
On Friday afternoon a number of
relatives._ and .neighbors 'entertained al
the halite. of Miiss " Olive McDonald
bride-elect.of elaS.week when she was,
pleasantly surprised(wiith a misc•ellane-
ous shame. The gifts were presented
nrt the,_ form of rriaii,, brought from the
post ,Rice by two;,Iiittye girls„ After
a pleasant aft•er,necei. :a dainty lunch was
Wm H. Greenway, son of the late
Hon, Thos.' Greenway, a former resi-
dent of this nei'gliborh:ood died in
Crystal: City; Man,,;' pi Sept. 2, in, his
60th year. The; derceased went from
here to Crystal' City in 1880, at the
time •when a large number of families
left these parts. end settled in thait
district. F,or a 3nitaiber of years the
deceased operated 'the gristmill at
Crystal City, •but for many years he
has been postmaster of that village.
Many years ago Iteawas afflicted with
paralysis, which 'rendered him helpless..
The picture of •Dr. McTaggart of
Toronto; sen of Mrs. P. McTaggart
of town, appeared in the Toronto
Globe a few days ego, he being one of
the forereost bowlers of the Province
and having , skipp.ed'the paiir who won
the Globe Scotch Double event in To-
ronto .against a big field of' crack play-
ers. Besides the honor of winning the
event he and his partner received a
handsome set of sihier mounted howls
and a club bag each, The Doctor is
well and favorably known here, having
bowled at a ,number of the Exeter
tournardents, and will have the hearty
congratulations of his Exeter friends
Dlt H G. FLETCHER, Leal.C.C.
Licentiate of the College of Plays -
ians and Surgeons; of Ontario
Office in the residence of Mr. A.
Camm, Main St.
Phone Exeter, Ont.
Toronto ilnllversity. •
Mass May Jones was brought home
Froin London, Hospital on: Sunday, fol-
lowing an operation, for appendicitis.
She is receerering rapidly,
Clifford Webster, _Exeter North, 'met
With a painful accedeat on Monday.
night last. 1 -le and another boy of
similar agie were havtung a Juttlei good-
natured .boxing bout when he struck
the other chap a rather hard puach
and in so doling brake a, hone in leis
� hand, which he will not have the use
of for tsome time.
Mr, Levan, High School Inspector,
was on offiiciritl duty here on ` ieliouiday
and Tuesday.; In 'conversation with
the chairmen; of the ,Board of Educa-
tion lee expressed himself as well sat-
isfied with the progress; of the. school,
with the exception of one; or two
features where he recommended slight
changes, showing the improvement to
be made ,in, efficiency.
_Mr Wm. H. Hooper received word
on Monday that his sister, Mrs: Ed,
Belknap, diad died last( week at her
hone in Salem, Oregon?, at the, age of
67 years. Deceased wast born in Ex-
eter and lived here until, she was sev-
en years. of age whet she moved to
the Township of Stephen, and , lived
there for a number of years; later
moving to Michigan, and then to her
late Ionto, Besides her husband she
leaves a son :and daughter,
The home of Kr. and Mrs. Jeff,
Fisher was the ,scene of an interest-
ing gathering on Monday night last
when a number of young girls as-
sembled to do honer, to one, of their
girl friends, Muss Louise Amy of
town, who is about to desert the ranks
of single blessedness for hymen's ties
one day this week. She was presented
with a nliocella.neous shower, con-
sisting of many articles of household
use and beauty, The evening was
uleasantly spent and a. dainty lunch-
eon was served, ,
Mr. Taos Harton of London, was
up for a few days this week,
Mr. 1•Iaurice•Ford has gone to Ham-
ilton to work iin; a drug stere.
Afr, 'Gregg visited in Perth and Ot-
tawa last week„ returning Thursday.
Kr. Ernest Flynn of London visa-
ed with his parents here. ori Sunday.
Mrs Thomas Olee of London. spent
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs,• W. T.
Mr. S. r. Hogarth left thus; week .for
Larisi!ere Man., where he willspend
a. few weeks.
Ialas J. • W, Mallett of London is vis-
iting with Me. and Mrs. Esti: Hey-
wood for the week,
Graduate of the Royal Callege of
Dentat. Surgeons of Ontarioit, and Un-
iversity of Toronto.
Late District Dental Officer, Milk-.
tnry District Number one, London, One?
Main Office—Dickson Block, Main
Street, Exeter ,Ont.
Hours 9 tie 5.30 p,m.
Phone 34, Exeter.
AT ZURICH Tuesday only. none 79
Elliott and Johns
Merchant Tailors
Cleaiiting, Pressing and Repairing
Also Tailoring
Cleaned and Pressed 75c
Pressed only �........... 50c
Dry Cleaned and. Pressed $2.011
Dyed and Pressed $4.00
'Mrs., Bosnell, who resides with her
daughter Mrs. We Johns on. the
6th of Us'borne, was badly bruised and
shaken up on Thursday last when, she
was thrown out of Mr. Johns' car,
on the: Huron: "Road; east of town.
Something broke( or flocked, in the car
causing it to turnover on the road.
The ,other occupants were little in-
jured. _•
Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00
Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2,00
Skirts Pressed 500_
We also Make and Trim Suits within
First Class Trimmings for $20,00. ,
Cartage Service
Our Express Service from Lan-
dau" to Exeter its now operating.
Livery in connection..'
Trivitt kleznorial
Harvest Festival Services
Morning ---Rev. Wood
Evening --Bishop Thomas
Rev: A. A. Trumper, L. Th., Rector.
'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Biseett of
London, are e siting for a few flays
with relatives here„
Mr John Newcombe and Geo..Ditch-
field of Stratford werevisitors with
relatives. here Sunday. -
.Mrs, H. C. Woods of Hamilton has
been visiting her brother, Mr. H. S.
Walter. for a few days.
Mr and Mrs. Henry Reynolds ]rave
neturned from a few weekst' visit „n
fundal, Toronto and 'elsewhere.
Miss Mary Elworthy left last week
.for London, where she) has taken a
position at the Western Univera)ty.
Mr. Jos. Bawden, who has been? vis-
iting bis niece Mrs. Salkeld, near,
Goderich;, returned to town .Monday
Miss 1'Iildred Wood has returned to
her duties es nurse in Grace Hospital,
Sarnia, after a few holidays at her,
home here.
Mr, and Mrs. R. alacRoberts and Mrs
Bogart of Toronto were guests of Dr.
and Mrs Roulstoa . for a, few days
last week.
Mr, John Lamport, Mr. :Vales and
Mr. Craib of D?etroit;, were vesi4tors
with the former's sister, Mrs, vIar-
shall this week.
Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Rivers and fam-
ily of Detroit visited wpith Mr. Rivers'
parents, 1VIr. and Mrs, W. C. Rivers,
for a Lew days.
alas He len Wethey, who has been
confined toiler .bed through illness fox
several days through illness, is now
improving npceely-
Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister
11 'a.m.-Communion Service.
7 p.m.—Service withdrawn in favor
of Trivitt Mein. Harvest Festival.`.
Caven Anniversary, October 19th
The Minister
Boy Scouts meet Friday evening.
Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor
Flower . Sun day
10.15—Morning Class. ,
11 a.m,e-R.ev ' J. E. Jones.
3.00 %pen.-e-Sureda.a School
7 pea—Rev, 3,. Y Jones.
Everybody welcome.
Everybody' Welcome.'
4198 32 O S MAY
Complete Showing of
Fall and Winter .Coats.
Suits and Dresses
Never in the history of this store have we 'shown such a fine range of
Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-wear Garments aseouur showing for the
coining Fall and Winter. Among other makers we are local, selling agents
for the well known Northway garments, Some of the most popular mater-
ials for coats are Camel's Hain-, Cut Plush, Varian, Marvella, Cameline,
Channel Cloth, Etc, . Pricesare much lower this' seasons
See our Special Ladies' and Misses' Coats, plain and with Fur Collars,
at $15.00
Girls' and Boys' Reefers at Navy arid Brown !clow in stock.
Fall and Winter Hosiery, 'Underwear
Our stock in these lines is now complete. We handle only standard
lines of Underwear,, such as Watson's, , Turnbull's, Penman's, Stanfield's,
Lennard's, Etc. Values better than ever,
Ladies' Brushed Wool Sweaters
Brushed Wool Sweaters are very popular this season. We have just
received many new styles at popular prices.
Men's and Young Men's Fall and
Winter Overcoats
Tune new Winter Overcoats for Men, Young Men and Youths are here,
We will? be glad to show you these lines. They are real! values.
Miss. Merle Willis of Detroit is vis-
iting with her parents, Mr. and ;Mrs.
,Jas WM., Stephen,
Mr and Mrs. Morley Willson?, nee
,'Miss Mabel 'Walker, who have been
.on their honeymoon, returned the lat-
-ter part of the week and spent a
couple days at her old home Mere.
JVIr. and Mrs. W. D. PQllrack of De-
troit are visiting with the former's
sister, Mrs. Chas. Perkin* Mr. Pol-
lock was a former Exeter Old Boy,
but left these parts many years ago.
;Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holiday and Mr.
and Mrs. ;McBurney of London spent
Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. N. Creech. .In a stroll about town
t bey noted with pleasure the. many
fere homes and the wealth of beatutitful
lir and Mrs. John Torrance end
'Miss Williams of Goderich township
were Sunday visitors- with Mr, ` and
Mas. I. Armstrong, •
Mr. and Mrs. John Broderick and
child of Regina, Sask., visited during
the week with the formers mother and
sister and other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Foote and Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Keys of Detroit -vis-
ited with the former':' -lien., Mr. Jae;
Foote for a fewdays during the past
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Robinson end
daughter of Essex: end Mr. George
Brant of Maidstone were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. TVI. E. Gard-
ting 'here
and 'sisters
for her
s , beeniuu
Mrs: W. D. Mace, after vis(
for a timncwith her brother
Mr. I. R. Carling and the Misses Cast-
ing left on Thursday evening'
home in VS'inn;ipeg,
Mrs John Di y, who has
visiting nelativ and' friend'
around Eneter, left on her return
journey for her home near
on Monday morning.
,'17a`, and airs. W. M, Wright nand two
daughters of. Thorndale and M3r,. and
Mrs Geo Powell of near Landow?
spent Sunday al the home of Moand
xs. 'Willis J. Powell.
Mr: William-Trebnet, of the custonvs
epartment, Edmonton, Alta., and his
wife, are here visiting with the
rmer's; parents, Ur, and MVlrs, Frank
reb,ner and other relatives. '
Ml's. F 1. Hill and daughte alis;
Vkian and cl'Mrs•. Geo. Vosper .and
daughters, 'Messes Clara :end Edna of
Toroeto are visiting with relee ves an
and around Exeter thins` week.
Powell's _ Bazaar
k Plain Price Store
Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na-
tional School of Auctioneering. Spec-
ial Course taken in Regilsitered Live
Stock, Merchandise, Read Estate and
Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with
prevailing market prices. Satisfaction
assured, Write or wire 18-93; Zurich.
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont.
Pleasing You—Means SUCCESS
for US. We want Ton to be more,
'than Satisified—We vont you to be
Down. Right Pleased with every pur-
chase you make at Our Store. It is
our Business to Get New BARG-
AINS for You and in turn we want
You tocome in often and share them
With Us. We try to tell the Truth
about our Store Goods. We want
you to Compare our values with oth-
er Organizations. All our goods, are
marked in Plain Prices, no guess
work here.: You can come ,in any-
time and Look Around 'witlrbut be-
ing continually pestered about Buy-
uying this or that. We are just as
anxious to sell our goods as anyone,
but we are just as anxious to let you
choose for yourself. Children can
get as good bargains at this store as
parents, no difference. To -day is
Your Day to See US ' for Values
The. Longer You. Wait the More You
Loose. We bid for your patronage
on the Merit of our goods and the
Lowness of our Prices.
Friday and Saturday Specials:—
A. shipment of useful articles in
Grey Graniteware, at Prices that will
make the Mali order. House Buyers,
sit up and take notice. Bring your
Veterinary Surgeon
McDoniell's Stables, John St., Exete;c
(latelydccuoied by Dr. Vining)
Phone 26w
Orders left with Advocate or at the
Central Hotel. Prices reasiona.ble.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
I. R. Carling, B.A
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc
Loans, Investments Insurance
Office, Calinvg Brock, Main St. Exeter
Dr. G. F, Roulston, L. D. S:, D. S.
Office over Carling's Law Office
Cloned Wednesday "afternoons.
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm and village
property at low rates of interest:
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter
Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S.
Honor Graduate Toronto University
Office= -over Gladman & Stunbury"
Office, Maim Street, Exeter,
The Exeter Advocate
Display Advertising—Made known
on apoacation.
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c.,
three insertions $1.50,
Miscellaneous articles' of not more.
than five lines. For Sale, Te Ren►t;,
Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and
Found locals 25c. an insertiosa,
Local reading notices, etc., 10c. _per
(ire per insertion•:. No notice Iesst
than 25c. Card of Thenk's 50c. •
Auction Sales $3 for eine ittsertiorr
and $1.50 for each subsequent in-
sertion if unidier five 'inches in length.
Legal adviert&ng 10c. and 5c, aline.
Farm or Real. Estate for sale 50'ea
each insertions for one month of four
kuctioreer R, R. No. 1, Dashwood
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Farm and stock sales a specialty.
For Quality, Prices, Service
and Satisfaction call
on us.
Business 20w House 20j
DR. H, H. COWAN, L,D.S., D.tDLS,
Dental Surgeon,
at McCormick Block, Zurich, ieveay
Thursday and : Saturday"
Main Office,—
Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT
Licensted Auctioneer
Sales conducted in any locality. Farm
stock sales a specialty,' Satisfaction,
guaranteed. Charges moderate. Or-
ders left at this office promptly at-
tended ,to.
Phoitne—Khrkton 54r2
.l ddres.--Iitkton R, R. No. 1
Licensed Auctioneer for "Counties of
Huron and Middlesex
Prices Reasonable and. Satisfaction,
Mono 138. baiter, Ontario