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Pare, Fresh and Satisfying.
5o1d i aluminum. p cIbetso -- Try it
Process of
Why Glued Joints Fail.
Every housekeeper has bad the es-
perience, to her deep regret, of her
furniture;Iooaenin , up at the joints,. due
to changes of temperature and atmos-
pheric conditions. In many cases
valuable furniture has lost its useful-
ness and -been aiscat•ded for this rea-
This condition, however, is not al-
ways due" to the above causes, it would
l appear. ;There arenumerousdualities
PART II. admitted mel
evening,aid Mr.witB tton," he ' of glue, or adhesives, • as they are
business -like technically called, and the causes of
The butler -coachman brevity. "What can I do for you?" failure of glued joints may, in many
--a short, stocky Irishman, out of 1 cases be. due to the use of an unsuit-
livery, with a square'jaw and a sui- "If you will be so kind," I said, "as able grade. The glue may have been
len ,face to give me five minutes; I will occupy; the most expensive procurable, but not
"I want •ia see Mr- George Par- your . time only by asking you a f
ew adaptable for the purpose for which it
doe," I said. I questions which, I have no doubt, you WBS used.
"Well, ye can't!" he snapped, and' havanswered a hundred times to -I This situation has influenced the
started to shut the door. I day." Forest Products Laboratories of the.
But I was. an old enough man at I He bowed his head in Acquiescence,! Dopartment of the Interior to conduct'
this sort of thing to have my loot in and I proceeded, ! a series of investigation's •into the
the way. "At what time were you awakened merits of various adhesives for differ
"Think again;'.'. said I persuasively on the morning of the sixth?"
--and slipped him a bill. "As nearly as I can make out, at; mereadhesives
and nvestigated, the
ts fist' he spoke more respectfused on the l! -y than just 6 o'clock—that . is the time at work including both in classes have been imechanical and
physical determinations. Ageing tests
to secure information on the perman-
ency of the adhesives were also under•
If the Forest Products Laboratories
are able to secure results that will re-
lieve the worries of the home makers
of Canada regarding the coming apart
of their furniture at ,the glued joints
they will have earned a full nieasure
of appreciation and at the same time
will be in a position to supply invalu-
able information to furniture manu-
1 eat purposes. Some twenty-six coni-
fol of the hide and case -
which the maid generally opens the
house, and Miss Packer was perform-
ing the maid's duties in the Anderson
girl's absence."
"You came downstairs at once?"
"Almost immediately."
"Is it true, as stated, that your
brother's body was cold when you
touched it?"
"Yes. i remember the shock of
touching it."
"Has the coachman a key to this
"Not to my knowledge."
"Were the doors and windows all
locked that morning?" .
"I made sure of that myself."
"Did you hear any noise during the
night?" '
"Nut a sound."
"Are you a heavy sleeper?"
"Very—and the walls and doors
are thick."
"Mr. Pardoe, did your, brother have
any enemies?"
"Not a one," he replied, "that I can
think of. I have done my best to re-
call any, but it is useless. Emerso'h
was the mildest and quietest of men.
He went out but little and had few
friends—not to mention enemies "'
"I am a thousand times obliged to
you for your.trouble," I said, retiring.
"I am sorry that I had to disturb you,
but that, you know, is a part of my
business which I can't avoid. Don't
bother to ring; I can find my way.
With that I slipped into the hall,
closing the parlor door behind me.
One .glance showed me that I was
alone. The next almost convinced me
that the coast was clear upstairs. In
three bounds I had mounted to the
first landing and, before a minute
had passed, I had located the room
which, from the published descrip-
tions, I was sure must be the house-
I did not knock; I just pushed open
the door and entered.
A woman was kneeling beside the
bed, crying, her face buried in the
bed clothes.
She leaped to her feet with a little
It was then my turn to be sur-
"Jane Haughton!" I whispered.
I had known her ten years before,
and ten years had only softened with-
out disguising her face.
In two words her tragedy had been
this: She had been a poor girl sent
to a rich boarding school. Her school-
mates had been able to enjoy many
things which she had been forced to
do without. Then, in a moment of
weakness, she had stolen a paltry sum
from one of thein, had been detected
and dismissed. Her family had dis-
owned her, and I—then a bo$= at a
nearby school—had heard only that
she had been truly repentant, had
gone to the.school chaplain and had
been found by him a place in the em-
ployment of some well-to-do family
in New Jersey, where she was living
under an assumed name, but leading
an honest life.
And now here she was, still beauti-
ful•and about to be arrested for the
murder of Emerson Pardoe! -
She recognized me at once. And at
once her first thought was self-
"You—you won't tell!" she cried.
For a reply I gripped her firmly by
the wrists and dragged her to the
"Jane," said I, fixing my eyes stead-
ily upon .her splendid brown ones," as
you. hope for salvation, tell me the
truth: Did you do this thing?"
"No, no, no!" • she cried. "Why, I
didn't mean that. I—I didn't even
know anybody suspected- Oh, how
can you? Do you mean to say that
anybody, that they: could'
"Yes," I said hoarsely, "I am afraid
some of them do." '
"Then I'm ruined! Utterly . ruined!
Who will believe me when they know
my story?"
But again I fixed my eyes on. hers.
"Jane," said I, "answer- my, ques-
tion. Tell me the truth as you hope
for pardon for your former, sin. ; Did
you kill Emerson Pardoe?"
She raised her one hand—jerked
-free from my grasp -high above her•
"I swear to- you before God," she
said, "that. I even would have given
my life to save him." •
"Then," I answered, convinced, "no
body need ever know you are Jane
(To be concluded.)
A SURPRISE PICNIC. such funk arguments. could be before, but his voice was firm.
1 brought forth both why and why not, "It's ono use, sor," he replied. "Mr.
The Suspiise Picnic was the very Pardoe's been bothered to death• by
thing we ever had happen � I don't think anyone thought about ye newspaper fellows all the day."
pleasantestthey should marry
to us. You see, ale teacher of the farm work, hot kitchens or the prob- But just then I caught sight of a
domestic -science class at high school len of making a living that whole Pretty little girl in a . cap and apron
in our township lives on a farm, and,
she got our girls together and plannedhovering
evening, and after the clever Apache course zn the hallway the maid, of
to surprise the parents with a picnic
which they did not have to prepare.
That means a good bit in the summer -
and :,at. We thought the girls were line' ut ave, w o usua y o e
just fretting together for some extra end of cooking and planning, indeed
cooking lessons, so we supplied eggs found their unique surprise picnic a
and cream and other ingredients. wonderful entertainment—E. M. P.
But when a ear drew up to the door SILENT SALESMEN.
about four o'clock in the afternoon and
one of the high-school boys told us to Besides selling eggs at all times, we
dance given by Herb and Nan we still an •
hated to go, and stood around talking I 'raised my hat with a flourish.
it over until quite late. : ( "Miss Anderson?" I asked, all the
Surely our children enjoyed the _,.;.a l while eking mental notes of the pair
time when everyone is busy indoors b h Il d th h
descriptive story.
She came smilingly forward, her
pretty, pink, round, Swedish face
broken up with dimples.
"Yas," she nodded.
"Well," said 1, as the astonished
man fell back a pace, "will you kindly
tell your master that Mr Burton, of
get ready—he'd wait—I just couldn't often have ether products of our place the Philadelphia Globe -Express, has
think. What could I get together fort that we would like to retail instead of given up his vacation, and come all
a lunch'' I had been so busy with the. sending to market. We have found the way from Lancaster County,, Pen -
blackberries all day that I had not' the following method of introducing sylvania, just to see him?"
baked as usual, our wares very simple and' efficient:
"Oh, the eats are all there," he an- I write, or typewrite, on slips of
flounced indifferently, seeing my em- paper a list of whatever we happen to
barrassment. "Better hurry and get have to sell at the time—fruits, vege-
your hest bib and tucker on; every-. tables or jellies—and their prices.
body'il be there in an hour." Sometimes it is only one thing, some -
Das was as excited as I was. At last tines several.
we were in the car, sitting like royalty I place one of these little silent a typical successful business man,
with our driver on the front seat. salesmen in each box of•eggs that goes stout, settled, phlegmatic. He had a
When we reached the old grove it out. Orders invariably result and we
seemed just everybody was there. do not have to push our goods in any
There were long tables set with hot other way.—A. K.
chicken,cold biscuits, little, whole to- -
matoes, coffee and baked potatoes, and CHURCH FOR CHILDREN.
we sat down to the merriest meal a
farm woman can enjoy—the one some-
one else prepares. Ice cream and of small children. Often it is impos-
cake as dessert proved to us that the Bible to leave the little ones at home
salary we pay our domestic -science and, because they are too young to be
teacher is well spent.
After supper, in the firelight, the
boys and girls entertained us. First,
three girls in hay skirts shocked and
She eourtesied and was off in a
A moment •later, I heard a broken,
weary voice saying:
"Show him in."
George Pardoe rose to meet me.
I could see that ordinarily he was
To go or not to go to church is a
question that confronts many mothers
interested in the services, they disturb
others by becoming restless and
One mother solved this problem in
large, clean-shaven face, with a firm
mouth, keen grey eyes and black hair,
just now going thin at the temples.
Altogether he was a man whom you
would expect to see comfortable only
in an office, and one who, as you pass
his like by the score every• time you
venture into the business districts of
a large city, you would never glance
at a second time. •
Just now, however, he was interest•
ing because of his position in my
story, and I noticed that his eyes were
red with weeping, that he was dressed
delighted us with their hula-hulee an interesting and satisfactory way- in fitting black instead of the ligh'••r
dance, and just after it came a stiff- When starting out for church with! shades that he probably; more usually
doll dance, so perfectly like little her three-year-old son she slipped into affected, and that his full, well=fed
jointed dolls that I wanted to help
Then, after,,,we had Iaughed until
we ached, they announeed that there
would be a debate, "Resolved, that
Jane ought to marry Bill."
Well, we all know both of these
youngsters and we thought this a
rather novel way to announce an en-
gager:aont, but we never believed that
her pocket a small -pad of plain paper. face was gray with the emotions
On each of several pages she had through which he had been passing.
previously drawn an outline, pictures
of flowers, birds and animals. Fasten-
ed to one corner of the pad were sev-
eral colored crayons.
When sonny began to grow restless
he was given the pad, and the work of
filling in the outlines with colors never
failed to keep him busy and quiet
until the services were over.
We Make Payments Daily.
We Pay Express Charges.
We Supply Cans.
Highest Ruling 7°rices Paid.
BOWES CO,, Limited
Another . mother, whose little girl
was beginning to read, resewed one or
two of the child's best books to be
read in church when the services be-
came difficult. And the baby of that
family, a tiny miss of two years, al-
ways carried a •tiny bag containing
five or , six animal crackers. These
she ate, crumb by crumb as her sur-
rounding grew uninteresting.
rnerease Ole feeding slue or an fodder, by cut-
ting -t em with - the Climax Cutter.
The Climax eats dry straw or hay lust ns well as
Orcin corn. it Is cheaper to run, requiring less
I' ower, fa built extrastrong, costs least for repairs.
Tell us what power you have and let us send you
catalogue and prices. Save -mond' by buying one
of the,,, nta,•hinea now.
The Kelsey warm air gen-
erator will heat every
room in your house. Itis,
easy to operate and costs
less for fuel thari any
other heating method.
Heats both small and large
houses with equal satisfaction
ISSUE No, 37—'24.
Nowadays babies have their noses
outdoors most of the time. A new piece
of verandah furniture is the Holland
cradle, made from, a barrel. And this his hair and shouted: "What shall I
is how it's done. Buy a barrel at do? What shall I do?"
the grocery store for forty cents, A voice from the upper gallery re -
split the barrel lengthwise two-thirds Plied loudly: "Lower her head!"
of the way, then saw across at right This was sensible first aid advice.
angles to the split. The patient may be, on the floor, on
Place the barrel on its side and it i the ground, or even on the hard side -
will form a wooden cradle; the end off walk. If the patient is to be moved,
Season, with salt and bits of red
pepper pod. When tender, take out
the meat, remove the bones and skin,
return meat to the liquor and boil
twenty minutes longer. Then cut the
chicken in small pieces and pack in a
mold, along with slicesof hard-boiled
eggs. Sprinkle with the juice and
grated rind of lemon. When the liquor
is cool enough, skim off the fat, pour
the liquor over the chicken, set in a
cold place to harden. To serve, cut
into slices and garnish with parsley
or watercress.
Anyone who would meet an emer-
gency must keep cool and know what
to do. Haste is seldom necessary and
causes flurry.
At a recent drama the heroine
fainted. The distracted lover tore
the barrel snakes a round wooden
canopy. Two small wooden pieces
should be nailed securely to the ends
low down so that the barrel may rock
a little, but. not turn over. After
carpentry work is done and the whole
new cradle has received a coat of
Madonna blue paint, then the outdoor
keep the head lowered. .There will be
a tendency, unless someone is the
chief director, for all to follow the
general advice of the bystanders. The
result which follows such advice does
not secure the best results and is
often dangerous. You may have wit-
nessed such a scene.
cradle is all ready for it baby pas- A woman faints in a crowd. At
senger. once the people press near, the great-
er share of them because of curiosity,
IRONING CURTAINS. . thus shutting out the fresh air, which
When ironing sash curtains, instead, is most needed. If the crowd can be
of ironing lengthwise, iron from side allowed away and the varum can . b -i
to side. This prevents sagging at hero remain in a loosened,reclining ure
the sides, makingthe curtains hang rwtion, clothes' nature
g will do much more than any artificial
means to restore her to "conscious*-
ness. When propriety and the place
of accident require the removal of the
Jellied chicken makes a nice supper .fainting person, - two attendants
or picnic dish. An old fowl can.\be' should assist in lifting the patient
used andshould be cut in pieces and so that the head can be kept lowered.
siminer.ed slowly in a little more than If the faint happens indoors, leave
a quart of water. If the fowl is very the patient on the floor, loosen any
old add a tablespoonful of vinegar. tight clothing and open windows and
doors to allow plenty of fresh air to
play on the patient. -
Fainting can often be prevented if
the person who feels an attack im-
pending will lower the head until it
is between the knees. This causes
the blood to rush to the head.. and will
often prevent an attack.
Cold water is the best stimulant
,for one who is recovering from a
faint. Cold water may be given as a
drink and the fact flicked with a towel
wrung out of very cold water.
The Toronto Hcapital for Incurables, in
affiliation with Bellevue and Allied. Hospitals,
New York City, offers a' three yearn Course
of . Tim ininp to young women, having the
requirededucation. and desirous o: 'becoming
nurses, This Host,ital has adopted the: eight-
hour system. The pupils receive on Home of
rho School, a monthly allowance alt travelling
expenses to and from New York. For :anther
i,ilorm:tion apply to the Superintendent.
Minard's Liniment Heats Cute.
Just Spikes!
"Well, now we're settled
tent's set up,
The dunnage off, the kettle on the boil,
Let's paint a sign and nail it on this
So everything shall be as ruled by
On which they took a box lid and
some spikes
And daubed upon the lid 'CAMP SANS
(They split the lid for kindling ere
they left;
The spikes were left embedded In the
down, the
Time winged its Sight. One day two
tongue-tied men
Stood hesitant before a garden gate,
And coughed, and cleared their
throats, and then one said, -
"We bring bad news, I guess, an' I
sure hate
To tell yuh, Missus, but—an hour ago,
While we was cuttin'.spruce down at
the Mill
The saw got busted
' spikes
Sunk in the Iog. A splinter hit your
Bill •
Who happened to be passin'••at the
He's injured pretty bad. 'N fact it's
(He gulped and mopped his brow and
looked away)
"Dear God! Don't say he's DEAD." -
"Yes, muni, he's dead."
on some rusty
For Sore Feet—Mlnard's LI•niment.
Cnew it after
every. meal
It stimulates
appetite an*
aids digestion.
It makes your
food do you more
m t ti good. Note how
it relieves that sturdy feeling
miter hearty eating.
Whitens teeth,
breath and
tt' the goo !y
L a=sp -t -e.
Out in the Fields.
The little cares that fretted me,
I lost then! yesterday,
Among the fields above the sea,
Amongthe winds at play;
Among the longing herds,
The rusting of the trees,
Among the singing birds,
The humming of the bees.
The fears of what may come to pass,
I cast thein all away,
Among the clover -scented grass,
Among the new -mown hay,
Among the husking of the corn,
Where drowsy poppies nod,
Where i11 thoughts die and good are
Out in the fields with God.
—Louise Imogen Guiney.
The Grail.
Not the white hands and smooth, hut,
the hands with broken nails;
Not the uufurrowed brow with its lines
of grief unwritten;
But the cheek that endeavor pales,
And 'the lip that in fear is bitten;
Not the calm of the cloister, cool
And 'aloof from the populace,
But the tears of the broken fool
In the dung of the market place.
And the light of the laborers' fire
On the weary workman's face
Shall touch the grail of beauty there
God drinks from human earthenware,
--Amory IITre.
Nothing But the Truth.
James has just been engaged to as-
sist the milkman.
"Now," said his master to him on
the first morning, "do you see what
I'm doing?"
"Yes, sir," replied James. "You're
a -pouring water into the milk:"
"No, I'm not, James," was the ans-
wer. "You're wrong. I'm a -pouring
milk into the water. So if anyone
asks you if I put water into the milk,
you be sure and tell 'em ''No. • -Allus
stick to the truth, James, and you'll
get on in life. Cheatin' is bad enough,
but !yin's awful!" -
For every
wash -'4:•.y method
INSO is ideal for any wash -day
method you use. You do not ...
have to change any of your usual
steps—just use Rinso where you
used to use ordinary soap.
If you like to boil your white cot-
tons, Rinse will give, you just the
. safe cleansing suds you need in
the boiler. if you use a washing
machine, follow the advice of the big
washing machine manufacturers --
use Rinso: •
just soaking -with this rzew kind of
soap loosens all the dirt until a
-single rinsing leaves the clothes
clean and spotless.
However you do your wash, make
it easy by using Rinso.
Rinso is sold bp all grocers
and department stores
If you use a Yr ashing
Machine, soak your
claims in the Rinso
suds as usual. In the
morning add more
Rinse sold -lion and.
work the machine.
Then rinse, and dry—
;pit will have a clean
slyeet snort,-- white