HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-9-18, Page 1THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR.
IBM orlas1.1.1.1111111.111MIONIMIft
eneep ✓RS &i CREECH
Our Corner
Almost any man could get a good
job if he could use his obituary notice
as a recorr.endation.
It is 'estimated t hat rault4ornto+bi1es
have increased good roads 217 per cent..
and bandits 76 per cent.
The man who says that he had ,never
deceived his wife is telling the tend`
—but he thinks he is lying.
Having six or seven childrennis' like
having six or seven drinks—after that
you don't care , what happens.
A man whoa can speak six languages
has just married a woanan who can
speak three,. That seems to be :bout
the right handicap.
The fellow who thought of having
his corkscrew straightened and made
into a toothpick has decided to wait
until after Oct. 23rd,
eitniners like all other people have
their troubles, but they would be
mostly eliminated it the customer's
head could be adjusted to fitoth•e hat.
Some people don't like their local
paper; that's natural. Most of these
rustle around to get a, cosily of it
f, someone else• as sector, as it is
printed; that's larceny.
Eifty years ago—nobody ever got a
wrong number, nobody ever get an
electric light b°.1, nobody ever had a
flat tire, nobody caused static, nobody
read titles aloud in a movie.
It is said they have discovered a se-
rum that will make a man tell the
truth. We would like to try it on a
certain Exeter roan :before it, is rec-
ommended 'as to sure cure for lying.
As was to be expected the young
slayers Loeb and Leopold of Chicago,
were given life imprisonment for 'the
slaying of Robert Franks, Their age
was th,etreason igiven by the judge for
sentencing them to err prisonment rather
than hanging.
Becarr ,the way seems long,
Because your heart is heary,
And every day about you,
A host of troubles throng;
Bemuse the world is tardy,
Your merits to admit,.
Don't get the foolish `eetion
It's time for you to suit.
A little girl wrote the. following com-
potsititan: on m,en. Men are what wo-
men marry. They drink and , smoke
and swear, but don't go to church: Per-
haps if/they wore bonnets they would,
They are more.,logical than women and
also more zoological, Both .men and
women sprung from monkeys, but the
women sprung further than the men.
We are now prepared to da tall kinds
of repair work on broken fram.es',
wheras befome we had to send, them to
London or ,esiewh•ere.
Heavy Shell Frames to Your
Own Lenses While You Wait
_ $3.00
Broken . Shell Rims Replaced
While You Wait
Spectacles, Large Lenses
• $1.00 up.
Phone 70' Main St., Exeter
The bay today figures that day lost RETURNING OFFICER
thee gives no new thrill.
To test his .patience, the editors has
the free-publicioity seeker; the fellow
who wants to wake emnepne aver the
coals and does not want to sign his
:`amts to the article; the chap who
wants to ride some hobby;; then there
are those who want free publicity to
announoe meetings, concerts, suppars;
and a thousand other things(, The
wastepaper basket 1s full of this stuff,
and if we wasted our time reading '.t
all we: 'wouldn,'t earn, a cane in a ,month,
It .isr not a mattex of, 60G. a,}week; but:
than amount multiplied fifty-two
times in a iyear, and then multipi ie(d. by
every kind of organization in the
country, It just means the difference
b;etwcean a dowel -alt -the -heel news'
paper with no standing, and a news-
paper that is run on a busdir eas
and commands the respect of the cons -
The questions to be submitted to
the voters of Ontario on, October 32rd
re:—"1 Ane you in favor of . •the cone
tinuanne of the Ontario Temperance
"2 Are you, in favor of sale as a
beverage of beer .and spirituous liquor
in sealed packages under Government
These • questions were decided on,
by the Ontario cabinet on. Friday last
after a lengthy conference with rep-
resentatives of the temperance and
moderation forces. The purpose of
the plebiscite is to secure from the
people such an expression of opinion
as cull, tenable the Government to adopt
such measures as will leave behind
them the fullerst possible public ap-
proval and support.
If the. first question is answered in
the affirmative;' hings will stay as they
are. If not then the answer to the
second question wily determine the
coure of the Government.
"Government control" in the view
of the Government does rpt mean a
system of sale in, operation in Quebec
and British Columbia, • It means that
the Government will make all sales and
that the people well be given oppor-
tunity as ;expressed by their votes at
the polls of :purchasing beer and
*swore under strict regulations.
Local News
Twelve car loads of members of
James Street -League motored to Mr.
James Shapton's on Tuesday evening
for a wiener roast. This was follow-
ed by pumpkin pie and marshmeljlows.
A social time was spent in the orchard,
around bonfires, afterward.
The Exeter Fair was held on Wed-
nesday and ideal weather prevailed.
A very large crowd was present.
The exhibits in most lines were ex-
cellent. The showing of horses was
a little light, but the showing of
cattle was good. Horse racing was
held on the track and in the 'evening
"Green Stockings" was put on in the
opera house, to almost a full house.
As we prepare to ,go to press , Ex-
eter Fair ,is in progress, the days,, hav-
ing been changed this year from Mon-
day and Tuesday, to Tuesday and
Wednesday. The weather is fine and
there is 'every ,promise of a good clay.
Having got.seady ';to print on Wed-
nesday set `noon, we closed up 'siluap to
go: tO the (exhibition, and are printing
the ""paper on Thursday morning.
Mr. Thos. Baliiantynie, who has been
visiting here: from Brockdale, Man,
while standing' on the stree, near Mr.
Simmons blacksmith' shop was sudden-
ly overtaken With, a fainting spell and
fell to the pavement, his head strik-
ing it with considerable force and int•
flicted a very severe bruise, which
rendered him unconscious., He was a,t
once removed to Dr, Hyndman's hos-
pital where the wound was drassed
but it was 'sometime before he re-
gained consciousness: • Het is, h:owevex,
:now slightly improved.
Tuesday and Wednesday
,Sept .30th and Oct. 1st, 1924
Liberal Prizes in all Classes
speeding in the Ring
Farmers' Trot. Free for Alla
School Parade and Drill at One O'clock
Highland Dancers From London Will be Present
Reuben N. Shier
Amos Doupe:
Mr. Robert Higgins of Hensel). .has
been appointed Returning Officer for
the Electoral District of South Huron
for the corning ple'hiscjte. Mr. Hig-
gins is a very capable znarn; and unr
doubtedly will fill the position to the
satisfaction of all. He received the
writ on Tuesday.
An interesting wedding took place
at four o'clock ° Mionday aftertnoon,
Sept 15th, at the Presbyterian Manse,
Hensall, when. Olive Irene McDonald,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John, R. dc -
Donald was uniiited in marriage to Mr.
J. Gordon Davis, Tor!o,nto, son of Mr.
ani Mrs . Jos. Davis, Exeter. The
bride wore a French gown of cocoa
satin, faced canton with hat to match
and the groom's gift acinnamon lox
fur. The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. J. A. McConnell,. Following
the ceremony the bride and groom left
aa extended trap to Detrole and
Cleveland, the:bride travelling, in a
brown marvella coat. On their return
they will reside in Toronto.
Miss Vitobet Willis of Mar1ette,Mich.,
is visiting with iMlr. and Mrs, Eli
Heywood and other friends.
Mrs, P.B.owcliffe and Mrs. Cowley.
of London are visiting at the hone of
gr. anis Mrs. Robt. Dimneyj, 12r. P.
Rowcliff e alto spent a day or tw.o' . n
The Plebiscite
Tothe Editor of the Exeter Advocate
Dear sir:—
In last week's edition of the
Advocate you published a letter from
the pen of my good friend, the Rev.
Ashlyn Trumpet, in which some very
strange statements were made rela-
tive to the temperance campaign.
These statements seem to be so
strangely incompatible with the facts
that I am constrained to appeal to
your generous courtesy for the priv-
ilege of a reply.
First I would like you to consider
this very puzzling statement—"The
pretence that this world is made bet-
ter by removing temptation is an in-
sult to Almighty God." Then our
whole battle against every form of
moral evil should cease. The ten
vices of ancient Rome that Lecky
speaks of should be brought back.
The clock of moral progress should
be turned back until every nameless
evil that ever polluted the world
should be unloosed again. But be
reminded that God never ,placed in
this world any infernal business to
unman men. The Great Architect
never created a Government liquor
store to deal out its vile concoctions
to degrade man.
Secondly, it is emphatically stated
that some certain undefined"We"•are
opposed to the intemperance of the
0. T. A. It is only fair that the rest
of us should know who this "We"
includes. I am quoting from an of-
ficial document of the Social Service
Council of the Church of England in
Canada, published after a careful
investigation of the working of Pro-
hibition in the various Provnces of
Canada—"The benefits gained from
those laws are almost incalculable,
and the very thought of going back
,to the old system is out of the ques-
tion. In a word, the Church of Eng-
land in Canada is solid for Prohibit-
Then we are reminded that the
Moderation League in Manitoba op-
poses the return to the open bar.
Likewise the Moderation League of
Ontario has fpr its first plank -"The
total and final abolition of the bar.
But I would like to ask, where was
the Moderation League and where
were •'certain self-confessed, temper-
ance people when we had an open
bar, when the stench of it polluted
our nation, when its walls were
crimsoned ith the blood of hun-
dreds c human wrecks? The Mod-
eration League may well hand out
the compliment after the people of
this province have fought the bar
for generations and placed the seal
of emphatic disfavor on it for ever.
Next let us give a little thought
to the statement—"We can't get a_
better system than that of Manitoba
which is Government control. Let
us see what that "control" means
and how its policy of moderation
works. Does it moderate bootleg-
ging? Well on December the 14tle
last, revenue officers broke into a
home' in Winnipeg and discovered 4
complete stills, • each with 50 gallon
capacity. On December 21st, on
ifain St. Winnipeg officers found 3
stills going full blast, each with 50
gallon vats attached, and 250 gal=
dons of deadly poison bootleg whis-
key on hand. In February 8500
gallons of liquor was confiscated by
the police. of St. Paul, Minn., much
of which bore the stamp of the Man-
itoba Liquor `Coriinussion.. In March
the Winnipeg= police arrested a man
with $ 20'O 0 worth of government
liquor on his possession. Who said
government control moderated boot-
legging? Does it moderate legal
During the first 100 days of:- the
new Iegis,latifon 3 Manitoba, $1,200,000
Let Us Help You
To See Better
In order to do so we bane a Telt
Room Equipment with the most tnod-.
ern Optical Instruments, and the -know-
ledge of how to usetheme backed up
with 28 years experience at Sight Test-
ing and Spectacle Fitting.
We can help you. Satisfectiaon
TOIN01.101•4111111MIMIIIII. ...0.1.1001•1110.1.1111•011111.01111•01111
of liquor was sold by gpvernment
stores and $555,000 worth by brewery
warehouses, This would mean, in the
little province of Manitoba an outlet
of over $6,000,000 a year. Does it
moderate law violation and drunken-
ness? The figures for three month::,
ending May 31, 1924, comps ed with
those of the same period last ' air
show 54 per cent. increase in W'n-
nipeg in commitments for drunkenness
and 130 per cent. increase !n ccn-
victions for drunk and disorderly c; a
duct. Ir. addition several deaths have
been caused through drinking bootleg
booze. On May 19th three `nen were
fouznci guilty of driving' autos' in W,n-
nioeg streets while drunk the previous
Sunday, and three more on June 3rd
A letter in the Winnipeg Free Press
dated May 22nd, says "Who allows,
a case instead of a bottleor twp• at
a time ? Who actually encourages
people to buy by the case by g±ving ,a
discount ? Who makes the path of
the bootlegger easy ? No one but the
Manitoba Government. We voted for
moderation; they have given us bonze
The fact le that no government yet
Inas ever ;proven its ability to control
the liquor traffic when it is, gi'v'en le-
gal sanction in any form. In one small
town. 3n B. C„ just about the size of
Exeter, a ;population of 2053, ,in the
town of 'St. George. the .report of ':he
Liquor Control B'oar'd far 914 months
reveals sales'to the extent of 5152,111
I am the father of a boy,; Am I, for
any reason that I can conjure up, or
that .cunning or mistaken men may put
before me to vote to place in, the
towns of Ontario government liquor
shops, carrying all the sanction and re=
spectability . of the government;
knowing that they will damn thousands
of other men's sons if not my own?
In conclusion let me add that no
point 5.s ,gained over quibbling about
the morality of moderate drinking, I
have heard men hopelessly depraved
by drunkenness advance the same
argument. But as a representatve of
the One whose confessed purpose was
"to heal the broken hearted, and set
at liberty them that are bruised," I
must fight to save people from the
vassalage of this devilish, d'emoral,zing
business, that makes an outcast and
wreck of a man, breaks the hearts of
grey-haired mothers, drops its ex-
plosive shells on unfortifeed homes,
and taints and scars and handicaps the
lives of children. Inv the name _ of In-
man, reason, God's precious gift to
men, is it an Insult to Almighty God'
to remove -tile curse? It has been the
?most fruitful source of crime, -xov-
?•erty and insanity alai the world,. Not
one thine; of beauty . or of truth, not
one deed of chivalry or honor, not one
holy achievement can be placed to its
credit. By the, test of the law of the
finished product it stands, indicted. It
stands convicted and condemned in
every count en, which the moral :and
material well-being- of the country is
involved. "It has been filthy.' Up-
on it rests the curse of the, Apocalypse
"Let if be filthy still."
In one glorious'. fight, a noble fight
to the finish, let us sustain; the O.T.A.
with such a majority that the will of
of the people will make it easy for the
government tOtexpress itself in action!
and government . and people together
wilt say to the parasite curse of the
ages—"Stay, stay thy proud waves;
thus far, and nos farther,"
W. E. Donnelly,
Wildfong.—In Stephen on Sept. iota.
to Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Wildfong,
Mackey—Fenwick—In 'Toronto, on
Sept. 9th; James Phillips Mackey of
New York, to Agnes Campbell, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Fen-
wick of Farquhar.
Davis—.McDonald—At the Presbyterian
manse, Hesnsali, on, Sept. 15th, J.
Gordon Davis of Toronto, .son .f
Air arni i fre.. Jos. Davis of Exeter,
to Olive Irene, daughter of Mr: and
Mss John R. Mclean'ald.
p'airbairn—in St. Marys, on Sept. 10,
Mary McLeod, relict Of the late
James Fairbairn, aged 73 years. •
Buy At H
Now the cool weather is approaching you will want to do your own
baking and one very imptlrtant consideration is. "What Flour will I
Anyone living in this district should not need to stop long to decide.
There is no better Flour made than that manufactured in your own
Is it not so, that we generally look far for the things that are right at
hand. Is this not true in. regard to Flour?
Our Flour is sold to you with the absolute guarantee. Your money
back if you are not satisfied. Ask for our Western Wheat Flour.
Harvey Bros.
Will It Rai To -Morrow?
Consult This
It is surprisingly reliable on kcal weather. conditions. Made on strict-
ly scientific principles. We have Bectu ed a special price on a quantiity,
and as long as they last we will sell, them for exactly what it costs us
to retail them, only 69c., if you, bring this coupon.
When the weather is to las. fine the two children,
will be out; when the stormy weather is approaching the
witch will, come out for 8 to 24 • hours ahead of rain or
The house is made of hardwood, is Swiss 'cottage, style, and is'decor
ated ae in, the picture, with 'thermometer, elk's head, bird's neat and birds,
etc. It has four windoCws and two doors. { , , 1 ,
Advertised for $1.00. — Our price for
Limited Time, with: the coupon, .........
Every home in village, town and country should have one, Come and
get yours at once, or 'mail your' order. e'Gail orders 10c. extra.
-- FOR SALE AT. --
See the new coats early this season
and make your choice from our large
and complete range. You will have
the advantage of a full season's use
from the garment you choose and you
will be delighted at the saving our new
low prices will afford you. Ladies' coats
are priced as low as $14.95 and a big
range is offered at less than $20.00
New Dress Materials
Come in and see our display of the
newest dress materials. More people
will buy dress materials by the yard
this fall than ever before. When you
see the attractive new materials • and,
learn of the new low prices you will
realize the saving and satisfaction over
buying ready-made dresses. You can
make your own dresses if you use Stan-
"' darcl Patterns with the Belrobe System:
Men's Clothing
Men! This store can supply your
clothing needs for fall and winter at
money saving prices. Whether you
need a new suit an overcoat, under-
wear or other furnishings, give us a
chance to show your what we have to of-
Grocery -Values
'7 bars Toilet Soap 25e. Kellogg's. Corn Flakes .,..10c.
3 pkgs. Ammonia Powders 25c Royal Yeast Cakes 5c.
2 lbs. Sweet Cookies ;.,...,,35c, 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins 25c,