HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-9-11, Page 8,i1111./01; ATE., TF r;t hfA Yr SEPTEMBER 11, 1924
How is Your Ford
We are now in a position
to re -charge Ford .magnetos
and guarantee results, better
light, easier starting, etc.
Try us for Auto Accgsories
and Radio Supplies
Exeter Markets
Wheat 1.15
Oats ....,.. 45
Barley 65 to 70
Manitoba Flour 4,40
Family Flour 4.15
Pastry Flour 3.75
Feed Flour .....,. 2,00
Bran .,...,.... $1.55
Shorts ,.. $1.70
Eggs Z4, 34
Creamery Patter 39, 40
Dairy But€ee ,,,, 81c
W. R. Goulding
A. T. C. M. •
Organist and Choirmaster James St,
Methodist Church.
Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory.
Instructor of Music in the Public
Box 57
Terms Moderate
We are here again! for Fair night
Plan at Howey's Drugstore. Come
and have a good laugh.
Hurondale School Fair will be
held on Friday of this week. There
is a splendid prize list and sports
will be held. Come out and encou-
rage the scholars.
premises of Mrs. Alex Turnbull, on
Thames Road, on Sept. 4th, a dark
bay driving mare. Anyone know-
ing of its whereabouts please notify
grs D Richards and family desire
to thank the friends and neighbors for
the many acts of kindness and sym-
patby extended to therm during their
resent bereavement.
Anyone having Kelffer or Bartlett
Pears for sale in reasonable quantity
please communicate with the Exeter
Canning Company.
The Evaporator, Company are fixing
we the plant in readiness to operate
about Sept. 1st. Prospects are very
bright for a big crop of apples. A
nutnber oi hands will be required and
t hose wishing to engage will register
at the Evaporator.
.About 1000 fire brick, a quantity
gas pipe from half inch to one anis a
half inches, 'number heavy oak barrels,
number gas drums, galvanized drum,
hold 150 gal' -ons. Apply at the Evap
Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontaritai, and Un-
iversity of Toronto,
Late District Dental Officer, :Mine
cry District Number one, London Ont.
Main Office -Dickson Block, Msin
Street, Exeter ,O.rnt.
Hours '9 to 5.30 p.m,
Phone 34, Exeter. •
AT ZURICH . Tuesday only. Phone 79
Elliott and Johns
Merchant Tailors
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
Also Tailoring
Cleaned and Pressed 75c
Pressed only 50c
Dry Cleaned and Pressed ,$2,00
Dyed and Pressed $4.00
Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.0O
Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00
Skirts Pressed 50c
We also Make and Trite Swats with
First Cissa Trimmings for $20.00.
Cartage Service
Our Express • Service from Loan -
don to Exeter is now ,operating.
Livery in connection,
Local` Doings
That funny comedy "Green Stelok
ings" at the Opera House on Fair
eight. Don't forget it.
hliessre E. J. Wethey, R. Mawhin
me y and W. C. Rivers were the, win-
ners in the regular Friday :evening
bowling tournament,
Blyth :Methodist Church will hold
their anniversary this year on Oct, 12
Rev, W, E. Donnelly, B, A,., B,D:., of
Exeter, will be the preacher.
Dancers to the number of 10,000 can
be ecconamodated on the new dance
floor at Wembley; this' is the largest
in England, if not in the. world,
Ernest P. Flurschuetz, who has been,
for 26 years brakeman, and baggageman
on the London, Huron, and Bruce Rail-
way, and int all has been 50 years an
the service, has been pensioned.
All the Ontario 'Methodist Confer-
ences will hold a large convention in
Toronto the first week in Novemnber
to celebrate the 100th ainantversaay of
the Founding of the .Methodist AMis-
sionary Society do Canada.
Next Sunday is Young People's Day
at Main Street Methodist Church,
Special arrangements are being made.
for a splendid success. The special
speaker wills be Mr. Ren Eckert of
London, whose messages wiill he ad-
dressed particularly to the young
people, and if in harmony with his
reputation, will be of challenging and
empiestion el nature. At the morning
service theyoung people will occupy
the choir loft and at the ,evening ser-
vice they will rally in the congregation.
Mr. Alex McPherson of Exeter North
who grew a considerable quantity of
onions this year, had a large amount
stolen one night last week, The on-
ions had been left to dry in bunches
in the fields as is the usual custom,
when a thief carried away forty of
dee bunches, in all several bags. A
strong suspicion rests on. certain in-
dividuals, and it might be that they
will yet be brought to justice,
1L. Edwarrt Short of town receiv-
ed word a few days ago of the death
of his sister, Mrs. William Caldwell,
aged 73 years, who died at her home
in Hanley, Sask., on August 27.. About
three years ago Wes. Caldwell suffer-
ed a stroke of paralysis from whiteh
she never recovered, and during those
three years was able to do but very
Wile: Mr and Mrs. Caldwell form-
erly resided at Winchelsea and later
at Hensall, where deceased was well
known and highly respected They
left Ontario for the ,West ajbout 15
years ago.
Wrr. Dougall, jr., resideing four miles
northwest of Exeter; on ging out his
oat held the other morning saw a large
bald-headed eagle, with a broken leg,
making off as fast as it could with
one of his chickens. He was able to
pin it down with afork and with the
aid of a neighbor carried it captive. to
th,e barn, where he ,enclosed it in a
large crate, The bird measured six
feet, four inches from tip to tip of
wings. A. R. Campbell, V. S,. set the
broker. leg and the eagle is now thriv-
ing It leas excited much interest in
the neighborhood, but is not warranted
safe at close quarters.
The following from the Whitewood
(Sack.) paper is of interest 'to our
readers :-"Another one has been ad-
ded to the list of deaths among the
pioneers of the district, in. the person
of Mr. James Butt, who died at his
home here on Wednesday, Aug. 13, at
the age of 77 years and 8 months. He
was in. leis usual health on Monday, and
paid a visit to friends in the town..
That evening he fractured a leg bad-
ly by falling over a trunk in his room,
and his a4Ivianced years and shock re-
sulted inhis death two days later. De-
ceased Was born at Bowmanville, Ont,
and canto. to the Whitewood district
teem Manitoba 20 years ago, and set-
tled onthe north-east quarter of sec-
tion 16'-16-2, where he. farmed con-
tinuously until a few years ago, when
he moved to town. His quiet, unas-
suming and friendly disposition made
him a host got friends, and was highly
respected. Four sisters and two bro-
thers well mourn hie loss, Mrs. Taylor
of killtiore,Sask., Mrs. Murdock, Mrs,
Di.nsdale alio Mrs. Petty oi Hensall,
Elam Butt. of Torontto, and William
Batt Si Seaforth.
Trivitt Memorial
11. a.m.-"The Reign of Solomon,"
7 p.m. -"A Hidden King"
Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th.,Rector.
Rev. James Foote, R. A., Minister
10 a. m. -Sunday School and Bible
Regular services next Sabbath at
'11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Caven Anniversary, October 19th.
The Minister
Boy Scouts meet Friday evening.
Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor
Flower Sunday
10.15 -Morning Class.
11.00 a.m.-"Th'e Language of Flowers'
Boys and gir]s specially invited.
3,00 p.m, -Sunday 'School.
7.00 pan, -"Saints, Caesar's House. -
Everybody welcomise,
•T7verybody "Welcome.
ti}. .
The population .4f sled don is, 63.339
This is •the hay fever season -an un-
pleasa at time foe those afflicted.
Don't froget "Green Stockings"
on Fair night. Plan now •open at
Howey's Drugstore. •
1.ondoin Fair' opened ono Saturday
morning;; • and this week many auto
loads of people are to be' seen pus-
ka' through town to the. Fair.
,:tonday was arra extremely wet day
and soaked ,the ground to such an
extent that growers are having diffi-
culty in fitteshfng the harvest of their
onion. crop.
The Quebec ridings of Rimouski and
St Antoine were retained in the Lib..
era1 column last week in bye -elections,
but by reduced majorities -len the for-
mer 3782 to. 1045„. and in the latter
5116 to 1917.
AZr, and Mrs. Johan R. McDonald of
Hensall announce; the engagement of
their slaughter, Olive Irienee to Mr.'J;
G. Davis of Toronto, son 'of Mr. and
Kra. Jos. Davis sof Exeter, the mar-
riage to take place Sept. 15th.
71Mr. R. E. Pooley of' Usherne has
purchased the general store buainess
of Mr J. W. Skinnier at Winchelsea
and gets possession in October.'Mr.
Pooley before .going on the farm bad
a. wide experiences in, the general no
busiaese, and being well and favorably
known throughout this community we
bespeak for hien a liberal patronage.
Mr. Pooley will hold an auction sale
of his farm, farm, stock, implements,
etc., on, Friday, Sept. 26th.
According to the season of the year•
butter and eggs are still three. or four
times the price they used to be, coal
is atill twat and a half times the price
it was:before the war, one pays three
or four times the amount of money
for wood that he used to, clothes are
still twi c the old costs -yet some
people are of opinion that the printer
should stilt do his work fpr the same
old price that prevailed before the
war, ,even if papers and ink, and all
other commodities are three or four
time old costs.
The thirty-sixth anniversary services
of the Trivitt Memorial Church were
held on Sunday lest, at which large
congregations were in attendance„
The church was nicety decorated with
flowers. The rector, Rev. A. A,
Trumpet' had charge of the services
and preached two eloquent and im-
pressive discourses. The music by the
choir was of a special character and
was much enjoyed by all, the anther:
sung during the taking of the offer-
tory was beautifully rendered and very
highly appreciated. The collections
amounted to about $200.
lvliss Fanny Bissett is'vialting in Lon-
don this week;
Miss Florence Walter is spending a
few days he London,
Mrs, R, W. Fuke returned Saturday
from a. visit in Toronto.
Mr. Geo. Walrond of London is vis-
iting in town. for a few days.
Rev. E. A. and Mus. Fear are vis-
iting with {Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howey,
Mr, Wm. :McAllister and . wife of.
Yft, Brydges visited with Mr, and Mrs.
James Jewell.
Mrs. Esti Heywood visited during the
week with her sister, era. J. W. Mal-
lett at London.
;Air. Wm, Heideman of Toronto Sys
ited with his parents here the latter'
part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott re-•
turned Saturday from a visit in Pres-
ton and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobs of Huron`
Home at Clinton, visited with rela-
tives here ou Tuesday.
Mr•. and Mrs. R. V. Case of Port
Colborne spent a few days with rel-
atives and friends in this neighborhood.
Mrs, Reg. Elliot of Toronto spent
several days at the home of her bro-
ther and sisters, v'V1tr;,, I. R. and the
at ss,ee Carling. •
Mr. and Mrs. ;Robert Keys and Mr,
and :Mrs, John Alliston. of .arkhull
were Sunray visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. 3am.es Lawson.
'Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winer and Mr,
and Mrs Crane and daughter of Flint
lVltch., spent a few days with Mr. ani
Mrs. Thomas Elliott,
svSxs, Enoch Rowcliffe. and daughter
Miss Verdi, left Saturday morning for
Pigeon., •M,ich., where they will visit
relatives for a tiu'se. -
,V1r. and Mrs. leSelson Huth of Toronto
and Mr. and Pits. Francis Hill of, Mon-
treat are visiting with Messes. 'Hill's
parents, A'Ire and Mrs. Jas. :.dill.
.sir. T. R. Ferguson -of St, •'.L.homas
and his sister, Mrs. Gallant of Toronto
were in. town for a short tirm.e Mort -
day on their way to Teeswater,
Mrs. E. A. Howald and • daughter
Miss Muriel, and brother, isir. William
Newcombe spent several days in Tor-.
onto ani Niagara Falls during the week
Y.is, Elsie McCallum, of London,.
formerly of Exeter, returned last week
from a ' two moniths' ,tour' of the Brit-
ish Isles and France, with the Overseas
Mr. Brune Medd returned Monday
from Windsor where he has been en -
engaged Moi some, time. He will leave
in.a few days to resume hers studies
at the 0.C.A,, Guelph.
4L•. Wm .Senior- of Toutouto spent
a day or two laser week with his ba•o-
thnr, Mr• Jos, Senitgr, on the way to
W.ingham, where he, spoke, in the isle
terests of Baptist Church finaajces,
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Roes' of Sabasta-
pools, Cal., who have been visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw., Melt
Monday on'the return trip home. Dur
tbbe journey they will visit at'•.Paris,
Buffalo Niagara Fans, Toronto and
Edmonton, Alta. At. Edmonton they.
will visit Mr, and ;Mrs, D. J. Chr'st:se'
foe a time, Mrs. Ross is a ,niece of
Mr and Inas, Bagshaw, and formerly
isesided here, hut left these parts about,
57 years ago.
See Our Ladies' and Misses'
Coats at $150
Special Showing of Ladies' Coats,
Dresses, Suits and Fur Coats
Men's Suits and Overcoats
The above comprises the finest garruents Irons the most reliable mnak-
eers. The very latest styles and cloths at moderate prices: Cone itt ors Fair
Day and visit our Ready -to -Wear Department, We know you will be
pleased with our display,'
Oxfords and Slippers for Women
Patent, Brown and Black Calf Oxfords, Black and Brown Suede,
Black Satin, and Patent Strap Slippers; These are the correct slippers
this Fall for women. Visit or Shoe Dept, You will, find all the newest stypes
Specials in Boots, Etc. for Fair Week
Valentine IIVIarterds Brown Urus Calf Work Boots for Men, Special all
Fair Week at $3.95 a pair.
rlen's Hydro City Black Work Boots. Special at $3.25,
Big B. Brand Men's Overalls, black or 'blue striped, special, SZ.00 pair.
24 pair Mien's Heavy Tweed Work .Pants. Special foo' Fab' Day, $2,98.
Men's Odd Coats, 'special $6.00. Heavy Tweed Odd Vests $2.25.
30 pair Men's Fyne Black Shoes, on sale at $3.75 pair.
Boys Bloomer Suits, all sizes, at 7,50 leach
Special Staple Values Fair Week
Large size Flannelette Blankets, grey or white with colored herders, 32,95.
Heavy Bleached Sheeting 59 cents yd.
Heavy Bleached Circular Pillow Cotton Reg 60c, for '49c. yard,
Heavy all Lunen Towelling 18ce yard.
Extra quality all Linen 'Towelling, Re.g., 35c. for 29c. yard.
Chanaoasette Gloves, very special, at 75c. a pair.
Ladies' Black Silk Hosiery, Reg, $1,00 limes for 89c. ,pais•.
Extra quality Raw Silk, statural shadeonly, at 89c. yard,
Ladies' Black Cashmere Hosiery, slightly imperfect, pure wool, at 79c. pair.
See crus new, Dress Fabrics,' Sweaters,Ete„ Etc, •
Scores of Bargains Throughout the
Store for Fair Week.
seen neeeeK s deake ..,
Aare- en
Mr. Wallace. Fisher, who has been
'holidaying herewe it his parents, Mr.
ani Mrs, Wm. Fisher, left for his
home in St. Johns, N.B., Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joateph Davis and two
children, who have been holidaying in
town with relatives; left Sunday for
their home'ia r Berlin, where Mr.. Davis
will resume his duties in) the Molsons
Hon W. M. Martin, sex -premier of
Saskatchewan, and now :chief justice
of that province, a forrner Exeter
boy, and Mrs. ;Martini, who was for-
merly of Mitchell, called on a few
friends in town on Thursday., They
were motoring from 'Mitchell to Lon-
don, and when we shook hands with.
them Mr. and Mrs. Martin were hav-
ing a lively ddscussiioau as to which.
,Mitchell or Exeter, was the prettier
?gown -with the argument a, little: in
favor of the (husband and his old, htome
t own. They had just .returned from
a visit to England,
Powell's Bazaar
Plain Price Stere
There's too many "Milts in Busi-
ness to -day. Why. not Eliminate
the Buying Risk, '.by using This
STORE as Your Guide. We believe
our Patrons of the past enjoy the
trading ',priveleges we have made
possible for them. • This Store is
daily becoming the one place in town
where it is a real pleasure to Shop.
You are always WELCOME to come
in ;and LOOK AROUND.
We mentioned: last week about the
shipment - of water glasses. We re-
ceived it and immediately put them
on Sale at 5 and 10c. each, and you
ought to see them go. FAIR DAY
will be a Big Day at this Store, we
will have many, many bargains,
Colds, . Etc., . use NA1V ELTDSS. We
Guarantee it and Sell it, 25c bottle.
White stoneware Sauce dishes at 5c.
White stoneware oatmeal and plates
at 10c.
Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na-
tional School of Auctioneerin'g. Spec-
ial Course taken in Registered Live
Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and
Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with
prevailing market prices. Satisfaction
assured. Write or wire 18-93; Zurich
Oscar Kl;opp, Zurich, Ont.
Veterinary Surge.=
tcDooieelt's Stables, John St., Exeter
Gately occupied by Dr. Vining)
Phone Z6w
Orders left with Advocate or at the
Central Hotel. Prices reaspnable,
Satisfaction guaranteed.
I. R. Carling, B. A
Barrister, So]icitor--;• Eta
Loans, • . Investments . Insurance
Office, Caling Brock, Main St. Exeter
Dr. G. F. Routs tion, L. D. S., D. S.
Office over Carling's Law Office
Closed Wednesday afternoons.
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm and village
property at low rates of interest.
Barristers; Solicitors, Exeter
Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.
Honor 'Graduate Toronto University
Officeemove Glwdman & Stanbureev
O'ffice, Mein Street, Exeter,
Auctioneer'- R. R.. No, 1, Dashwood
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co
Farm and sttock sales a specialty,
The Exeter Advocate
Display Advertising -Made known
onthree appJcas�etioertuoans
StrayainAdinna1s-One$1,50. insertien 50c„
Miscellaneous articles of riot more
then five lines, For Sale. Te Rent„
Wanted, each inserttiion, 50e. Lost and
Found locals 25c. an insertion
Local reading notices, etc., 10c, per
line per insertion„ notice tice less
than. 25c. Card of Thatt kt; 50c.
Auction Sales $3 for one insertions
and $1.50 for each subsequent in-
nsertion if under fivte inches in length.
Legal advertie ting 10c. and 5c. aline.
Farm or Real Estate for sale 5.Oc,
each insertion foe one month of tour
For Quality, Prices, Service
and Satisfaction call
on us.
Business 20w House 205.
DR, H. H. COWAN, L.D,S., D,!D;.S•,
Dental Surgeon,
at McCormick Block, Zurich, every
Thursday and SaturdaY
Maim, Office,-
Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT..
Licensed Aiictioneier
Sales conducted in, any locality. Farm
stock sales a specialty, Satisfaction
guaranteed. Charges moderate, Or-
ders left at this office promptly at-
tended to.
Phone-Kirkton 54r2
Address-IKiakton R. R. No. 1
Licenused ''1Auctioaneer for Counties of
Huron .and Middlesex
Prices. Reasonable and Satisfaction
Phone 138, • isxeter, Ontaria'