The Exeter Advocate, 1924-8-28, Page 5s'
, nes use
RILL) it
:8110 TIH E. O NsLY:.RANGE •W,
AFTER the fires under gigantic
ovens in bakeries have been
drawn, the bakers continue for hours
to bake bread, pies and cakes.
Why? Because the bricks of the
oven have retained the "flash" heat
of the fire and "stored" it.
So, too, once McClary's Electric
Oven has become thoroughly heated,
the current may be turned "off" and
the oven goesmerrily along baking
for hours.
The same principle operates in
Tor -Red Protected Elements, found
only on McClary's Electric Range.
Electric Ra
For Sale by Hydro Shop.
The children of ''Mr. and Mrs. Thos
:Dickens and their respective familia
also friends, numbering in all a.ixty
gathered at the Dickens homestead
.:Biddulph Township on, August 21st,
and innited with Mr. and Mrs. Dickens
in ,orating their fifth -fifth wedding
:.anniversary. The afternoon was made
•e joy able with races for young . andold, quoits, and baseball. A picnic
supper was served on the lawn. The
Girls under 5—Withert and \Bess,e
Dickens, tie; boys under 7, Jack end
_red Dickens, tie; girls under 8—A1 -
ice and Edna Hodgins; girls uncle: 10
—1-lelen ,lickens, Margaret Coleman;
boys and girls under 12—Helen Dick-
ins, Jack Coleman, Harold Dickens;
young ladies' race—Mary Dickens, Sa-
ra Cole ; young men—Billie Hogg, Per-
cy Dickens, Harold Hunter; obstacle
race—Harold Hunter and .Alexia Dick-
ens; Whitney Coates and Mary Dick-
ens; .potato Trace -,Alexia Dickens,
Mary Dickens, Marjorie Huniter;'n,ee-
dle race—Percy Dickens, ' Cliftord
.Dickens, Howard Hunter; necktie race
1( Harold Hunter, Wellington Br^,.•k
..Howard Hunter; fat women's ra e, 1rs,
'.J. Hodgins, Man. J. Coleman; fat man
race, Frank Coates; wheelbarrow race,
Alexia .Dickens and Harold Hunte -
12rs. C,1Hodgin,s and W. Brock; three
legged race, Alfred Dickens and Har-
ald Hunter, .Mrs. P. Dickins an:I P
.D. Hunter; elopement race, Percy
and Mary. Dickeans; married ladies'
race—Mrs A. Brock, Mrs. Alfred
. Dickens; men"s' hop, step and 'jump—
Hogg, Percy Dickens; laugh ,n,g
contest, .Frank Coates; popato
.Percy .Dickens, . Harold Hunter, W.
Coates ; champion quoit thrower,— J,
:Hunter. Percy Dickens and Bill Hesset
were -captains for baseball ball, the
former's team winning, score 17-12.
Kirk ton
H. L Tisdale, of . Branptoms judged
'the fields of oats .en,tered. in tly e d
cross competiition and the t .1. • Ad e
are the prize winners in order o nen',
William Harding, Roy Nethercott
iiiarn' H Sweitcer, W1iitefaeld Sweitine.
William Blackie , James H. Rob.;nson„
Wesley Shier.
l red'Y2'orj
hope for a speedy recovery, Hensall
Mr. .Emerson Roeszier, Roy Wolfe,
Jack • Whilleelui•'.aceemxpanyed by boys
from'near by towns have left for the.
harnest in the West.
;Mr. and .11,1rs, Irviiin! Belt and family
of Detroit visited with Mrs. Henan
SM saes min iel and; Jean Russell sof
Toronto are guests, (of Hiss Male, Wil-
son. ,
Mr. and ;Mrs. Fred Shetler and fam-
ily of Buffalo and Mr, and Mrs, Harvey
Gillespie of Detroit are holidaying
with their parents., Mr. and Mrs. E.
\Lr. and ;Mrs. i'.VZairle an,d family of
Grancl Rapids ;are ,guests of 'Mrs. Thos,
Mrs, J. !Sh,erritt of Granton and Mrs.
R Webb of Grand Bend spent last
Thursday in ,our burg.
Mrs. C. H. Wilson and Hugh are
holidaying here.
Mr. Albert Sewell of the • British
Squadron and Mr. ;Chas. Sewell - of
Glenwood are'visiting their slater, ,Miss
Freda Sewell.
A car driven ;by. Dr. Saddler of Sarnia
and one driven by John Eagleson, of
Grand Bend, collided on a narrow
bridge near Greenway Monday night.
Dr. Sadler"s car went over the end
of the bridge, carrying the iron rail
with it, The doctor rec4eavgd an nasty
cut on. the head from broken glass but
his companion, a Sarnia clergyman, es-
caped without injury, The doctor was
returning from Grand Bend, where.
Ars. Sadler is camping, to his home
in Sarnia. Those who witnessed the
accident considered that he had a mar-
row tescape.
Them a ;Cine line of school supplies.
Call and look them over. Open even-
ings until nine
'Married,—At Crediton Methodist
parsonage on Saturday, August 23rd
Mr, Lloyd Fraser to Miss Gladys 'led-
,den. Rev, D. McTavish offiiciatin,.
Service. in .the 'Methodist church
next Sunday evening„ The, pastor will
preach subject "The, Law our School
master or the Place of Law in a
Gospel of Love."
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Oestreicher were
meek end visitors at the home, of
and Mrs. Herman Oestreicher.
Master Eldon Smith. is viaoting with..
his sister, Mrs. H. Sperling at Walker- I
Mr. and Mrs. Oreo, Eilber spent the
week end at Grand Bend.
The Misses Clarrisg and Walburga
Hill motored to Kitchener, 'fir. Gar-
net Sims acting as chauffer,
v.Irs S. Watson, of Detroit is Vis-
iting a week ,with her nice, ,tints, K
J. Sims after which she will proceed
to Parkhill to visit her. father, Mr.
:Moses Mawson who is about to cele-
brate his ninety-first birthday. •
\lr and Mis. Wni. Motz spend Sun
day in Klippen,
Jttr and Mrs, Chas. Brown a•nd
family of Detroit are visiting tH^
home of !Mir. and Mrs. H. Kuhn.
Mr. and Mrs. Borland son and r'auseh-'
ter motored front their home :n '1
mins near North' Bay to --ain't Mr.,
Borland • sisters and father.
Mr u icha: d Hill,- of the 4th, crone: -
si,oz, Stephen, has purchased the farm
o•1' the:late Robert Sweet. This is on
of the best grass farms in the town-
ship and Mr. Hill is to be cong a n u.•
anted on'his purchase.
. Lr. Nicholas, son and two laugh-
of Tavistock visited with b1r.
Oan. Oestreicher oin! Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker have
v eta:reel from a trip to New Ham -
sues and Toronto •
The marriage took place at the
Evangelical parsonage, • Zurich, on
..\,rednessley, August 20, of Miss Mary
Agnes Lamont, daughter of Mr. Wil-
liam Lamont, to Lee W, Hoffman, son
of Mr. rind 1Irs, W. H. Hoffman, both
of .Zurich. Rev. J G. Litt performed
the ceremony, and Mr. and Mrs. r:Hoff-
man left immediately after on a wed-
ding trip by motor. •On ureic return
they will take +up their residence in
Mr Leonard F. ,McBride of ,Flint,
Mich, spent the past week -end at the
home of his parents, Stanley.
Mr. John. Freed of California, wa.s
a visitor with his sister, firs+C. Fritz.
\1•r. and Mrs. J. Preeder and two
daughter. Mabel. and Muriel, return-
ed from an extended motor trip
through the State of Michigan.
Messrs Fred and victor Welland of
Detroit, spent a few 'days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdams,
Bronson Line, •'
Mr. and Mss, Gates, of Detroit, are
visiting at the home of Mrs. G. Hess
and ,other friends.
*r. and Mrs. Dan Steinbachof
Holly, Mich., are visiting at the Home
of ver and Mrs. R. F. Stade.
Miss Elizabeth Truemner of Detroit
:s holidaying at the home of her
mother, Mrs. E, Truemner.
Mr. Lorne R. ;McBride, who has
-spent the past three years in the West
and Seattle, Wash.,- returned home. a
flew days ago. •
\$r. and Mrs. Ralph Litt and family
of Toronto, who have been spending
a dew weeks' vacation at the Evan,-
gelical parsonage, have returned to
their home
vfr. Ed. Weltin of Clifford, a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ig. Weltin o1 Dash-
wood has purchased the blacksmith
Ounnesar of \'Lr. Jacob Deichert here
and has also. leased the building for a
term of .five years. Mfr. Weltin. is a
mechanic of the first order and wei be-
speak for bion a liberal patronage.
A number of Russian Mennonites
leave arrived in this neighborhood to
nLr. and Mrs. .Sam. Agnew of De -
tole vss?ted at McBiiide's here last
the infant son, of Mr. and ,Mrs. Leo
Corriveau, Drysdale, which was born
last Friday, Aug. 15, has since passed
away. •
What might have. been a more ser-
iaus accident occurred to the four-
year-old son of Mr.. Christ. Bechler,
Stanley Ip., one day last week, when
the little fellow was sitting in. the
standing ;rain: which Mr. Bechler was
cutting with the "binder, and not see-
ing the little ,fellow in time to avoid
hitting Klan, with the result that a bad
gash was cu+ in the arm which took
several stitches to .close.
Mr and ;Mrs. Snell and daughte•• -'' f
) i;hwood visited at the home of • Mi.
and rMrs. Chas Shroeder on Sunda About the'time a man it f=it for self
`arcs, Charlotte Brown fell the past governments he longs; to govern the
week injuring herself somewhat Ws -.:.her fellow. •
Defore ng
lea iEngland
v;•g and after a'short visit to that country, Es W. Beatty, president of the Canadian
AJI Pacific' Railway; said,",T;cannot; help but regard ;Canada as the greatest actual potential asset in the Empire,
and �wben exchange is at parity I. feel quite confident that England will will Canadian enterprises and Canadian
development will be very extensive." The photograph reproduced above shows Sir Thomas Fishers general manager, .
Canadian Pacific Steamships,. (left); Sir George McLaren Brown, European General. Manager .of the ;Canadian
Pacific; Mr. Beatty and -Captain J. Turnbull, comtnander of the. Montlaurier. {{
Miss Jean Eider is visiting relatives
and friends in Lolndom.
Mrs; R. E, Cook and family, who
have been visiting with some weeks
with relatjveaann Dutton, returned home
Monday evening,
Mrs. Joos. Woodnlow' of Niagara Falls
is visiting friends in town this week
.'V &r. and Mrs. C. B. Bradshaw and
family are spending their vacation in
ivoonteeal and Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs, J. Passmore and fam-
ily are holidaying at Grand Bend this
The :Misses ,Cudmore of Torionto are
visiting theft palrents, Mr. and Mrs, P.
The Carmel Presbyterian' Sunday
School picnic will be held at Grancl
Bernd ors Thursday, Aug. 28.
Our Council are busy this week get-
ting our catch -basin nicely cleanedout
so that there will be good drainage:
n1ir. and Mrs. Harry Wiriht and
family of Niagara Falls are visiting Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. Dick and other -friends
in town
Miss Lexia Murdock returned home
Tuiesday evening from Brantford?,
where she has been for several months
for the good of her health!
Mr. Fred. Simmons is this we;eic tak-
ing in, the Tomato, Exhibit;lon.
Mr, Clarence Shepherd ,of Amherst-
burg is holidaying at his home here,
Mrs. C. S, Hudson and Miss Kate
Bengough visited, irni Exeter on Friday.
Mr, Harold Scruton and sisters, Miss-
es Mildred and Joyce, are spending
in;; their holidays with their grand-
mother, Mrs. Jas. Coxworth at Strath
Rev, Mr. and Mrs, Sinclair anrived
home: on. Friday Mr. Sinclair oceans -
ed his own pulpit on Sunday, and this
week is visiting friends at Wiengham
ani Bluevale
Mr. John Fulcher ,spent the week-
end with his lamely at Albourne
Mr Wm. Henry of Brucefield .i;s v.s-
itinig his aunt, `Mrs, S. Humestoai and
other friends is the vltage this week,.
Miss Hattie - Whiteside is spending
her holidays with relatives in London,
Mr. Stanley Beagles, accompanied by
his mother rand sister of Harnclton, are
visiting, friends in, town and the Bend,
vLr. and Mrs. Chedwiclesand soar Geo,
of London visited in town on Sunday.
i\?.iss Greta Lammie returned home
(Monday evening after spending her
holidays in London and Sarnia.
A. return soft ball match between
Kipper and Iiensall young ladies was
played here on the recreation grounds
Friday evening, resulting, do a w:ini for
the Hensel] girls, -21 to 14.
Wedding bells Via be ringing Insour
midst 'neat week. A anon netween
the Grand Trunk aur? :ne telephone
wvlrs Thos. Elston; who has been vis-
iting her son ;n Cuie on for the past
two weeks, returned to her home here
this week.
Congratulatiio to;'Mr., and Mrs. Ray
White on the ,birth of a son this week,
While Mr. eWm. Belli and family were
returning to their home, on Sunday ev-
ening they were ruri into t>y :•mother
car; and crowded into rile ditch. 'Eli it
l i 'turned over, but luckily none were
hurt, although the car was sothewhat
damaged. Mr. Bell claims that the
other car was travelli,ns at a high rate
,ei speed and after foxing him into
the ditch drove on for over a mile,
when he turned around and cane back
to siee, if any of them were hurt.
'Mr. Orville Taylor while coming to
town on Thursday morning narrowly
averted a serious accident, when one
of the front' wheels of .his car gent
tight and the car took to the deep
aitch at the siide of thenroad and was
oadly wrecked. Fortunately Mr. Tay-
lor -escaped unhurt.
13r. Geo. Chambers, of Hibbert an
loarle:t a fine new threshing outfit here
r_iis week, and while unloadsag on
'vIo.aday afternoon his team was fright
ene.1 ray an approaching train, and
made a wild break for liberty, l.,ut af-
ter :sunning two or three olocks were
caught with -out doting much damage.
Dr, 'Moir has. purchased the farm of
\'ir. John Bell, a mite south of the
lage - We understand that Dr. Moir -
intends building a hospital on the.
Mr. John. Keys suffe:ed a stroke of
,pararysis ,early Sunday morning,' but
la*,err .reports from his bedside are
that he is slightly improving. -
Large quantities of cucumbers are
being brought in essery night to the
Libby & Libby plant.
Mr. Lamsetn Pope of Mon:real is vis-
iting bas mother here. •
Mr. vv m, Fee and sisters are visit-
ing relatives in t'vlfon:real'and Toronto.
Mx. and Mrs. Jas, Bonthroan and fam-
ily are away on a two weeks' motor
trap throng": the Eastern States.
aias Nora Folliick visited a. Grand
�Irs. C. Rickhorn of Greenway and
vLr: Joseph Woodnow ,01 Niagara Faits
Jae, moored to tietnisall anal spent
vlonday with the. former's sister, Mrs.
H. Purdy
..sLr, and Mrs, Chas. Redmond aqui
Mr. and:Mrs. Bert R..ed mond of t3 elle-
ville visited friends ,inl sewn this, week..
Miss Bertha • Bell, whorl hairbeen
spending her'hohdays .n 'Montreal, and
attending the mil..aiery openings. ar
1'oroarto, ratur iedphope 1 uesday morn
ChascDaniel], is taking
tc�d 'Toronto EMxhib,ititoru slices week,
v1r. t J. ;L.oiak wass in Lo•mcZd n en
busnniesa tliiy; week..
tiers. Laughton and two' children.; who
have been, viisiiting Iter parents .for the -
;manner, returned. to their home in
nnantta on Tuesday.
Charger( with having, entered :silo a
conspiracy with his brother and ether
persons with the end of defrauding'in-
vestors in the Huron Flax Company to
the extent of about 290,000 and also
with per]u: y, Lows .Lire, at one time
a ,s,ecretary of the' late Sir Wilhelm
Mackenzie, was arrested in; Toronto by
cit, police on Mondaya He will go
to Seaforth to face teal, the arrest
of Luke is the sequel to the flota-
tion. by himself asild associates M 1921
of the Huron Flax Co. -It is stated
that rxianl in the County of Huron
have' been .tleieoed:
Good-bye to Care
and Worries Too!
—forgetting all the rest of the world
in the glorious a fascination of the
To revel in the luxury of beautiful
surroundings — to join in the joyous
good -fellowship of the ocean -- to
be entertained or to remain quiet, at
your pleasure—to develop a ravenous
appetite and find meals of the most
satisfying excellence -- 'to receive
thoughtful," court-
eous attention and
have your desires
anticipated a n d
gratified — such is
a voyage by Cana-
dian Pacific, Em-
press or Monoclass
Cabin Ships, to
Dr. David 1VIcIritosh pass,ed away
suddenly away on Sunday afternoon. at
the advanced age of eighty-three
years. Mr. McIntosh was widely
known and ,beloved by a large circle
of friends. He ,was a veterinary and
for long carried ori an extensive
practice in this ,neighborhood. He
leaves his wife, former ly Miss Ratten-
bury, and four " children; John, Maud
and Emma at home .and William - of
Port, Loring.
A farewell social, to their pastor,
R,ev. J Wbealen, wads given `m the
Anglican, Church, Brinsley, when the
members of the Ailsa Craig congrega-
tion united with ,the Bnimsiey appoint-
ment, and after a splendid program
was given and a bountiful supper
served, 2vlr, Whealen was presented
with an address Wand a weal -fulled purse
from his three congregations. He leaves:
shortly to'take up his new duties at
Alvinl stun. . .
The University has made a reputation for individual
A new course is offered this year in "Library and Secretarial
Science." It is designed especially to meet the needs of women
The Course in "Commercial Economics" • is intended to
qualify uraverssj�ty graduates who go into business. It has
already passedMts experimental stage. Graduates have been
placed in good positions. The demand for highly -trained
young men in commerce and industry is far greater than the
Every student attending the University, unless physically
unfit, is required to take the full course of physical education.
The University is supported by Provincial and Municipal
grants. The tuition fees are low.
For information write—
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Ph. D.,
OF -
Cana' w National
AUG. 23 Toronto • SEPT. 6
More comprehensive; more ambitious than
ever -depicting the picturesque, the artistic',,
and typical life of Canada and other lands.
"Marching On"
Gorgeous spectacle portraying the might,
romance and grandeur of the British Empire,
/� �/�/ , f1 All the amusement ,devices
/ • • moi,:.
_ _ known to theingenuity of man.
tonsult your agent for Reduced Railroad Rates.
ROt ERT MILLER, President. JOHN G. KENT, Managing Director.