The Exeter Advocate, 1924-8-28, Page 1• MIA THIRTY-SIXTH .YBAR, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUGUST 28, 1924 SANDP,R,S 8i CREECH Our Corner asea • No meeer twat they say ,ailxsat the • moaernrl, her blushes last longer. If he.hasn't developed swell -head he hasn't yet reached his limit of scbleve- latent. A hateful 'capitalist its any mars whoze possessions are greater than .YOura, Maybe the woman pays but ending theebill to the hu,sband expedites things: Sophisticated people "ate these who can do, naughty things without feeling guilty, This week we have the last of the. Wednesday aftemoaril holidays. -"What a pity.' All one needs to start a political, party is a, dozen men with the same gr,ouch. e A lawn is reach like, people. The greener it id the more easily it ie trimmed It is+ not so hard to contribute to a worthy cause if the solicitor doesn't look toe pro,sperous. elons. If you think your son has at 'very poor memory pr-nise to take him to the show 'next month. A. trip to the beach is worth while. You can see where the wandering waist linc really belongs. The great need of the country is a • rubber wind shield that will make fancy driving, less hazardous. Umfortunately the open shirt ap- e peals especially to the man, with an emotianal Adam's apple, or a hairy chest. You need your money ailed I need mine. If we iboth get ours it would! be fine. If yoss rget yours, and .hold mine, too, what ink the world am I going to do? Look at your label and remit now. A.,the State of Illoinis ten y s 340 persoins. have pleaded guilty of murder, and of that number only one washanged. What chance is there then, for the two young murderer now oa trial? Only one chance in, 340. of their going to the gallows. Now we have on, eorge 1 am minister a railways., and Sir Henry Thornton, preside,nesof the C.N.R., dis- agreeing as no whether there will be a big surplus or a big deficit in the railway operations this year. How are the common people to know? GODERICH TP.-Elinr Ville Farm of Huron Road, was the scene of a Very happy event on August 20th, when Miss Marion Louise, younger daughter of Mrs, Susan Routledge, became the bride of Mr. Wilfrid E. Seeley, of "1k . Clinton. Local News • • •••••••••••••• Miss Grebe. Hedden spent the week end in, London. Mrs. Robert ,Luker is confined'. to her bed under the doctor's care. • Mr, and Mrs. W. 1VIcAlister have been visiting 'Air. and Mrs. las. Jewell, Dr. Johnston, of Hamiton, holi- dayed last week with her parents, W. H. and Mrs. Johnston. • Miss Mabel Walker has severed her •connections with Powell's Bazaar to fill a more important engagement Telephones which speak messages loudly enough to be heard 30 feet away JEFFERY-BROWN. The funeral of the late James Co's lingwood of Hamilton took place on Friday to the Exeter Cemetery. Mr, C. B. Snell has made the exca- vate:en-and put in the foundateon for a new house on Ann street, west of the three .houses built during the last two. years. The Gospel tent, •conducted by the Plymouth Brethren!, was closed after the servicean Sunday evening and no further meetings will be heldf here for the present. Service will. be held in, Alain Stren Methodist Church next Sunday at 11 am and 7 pm., conducted by the pastor, Rev. F. E. Clysdale. The Sac - lament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the Morning service, NOVEL IA.., Many were attracted by the mina- ture flower show at Mr. Willis 5. Pow- ell."s store on. Saturday last Mr. Pow- ell had gathered a large number of beautiful bouquets from different flow- er gardens throughout the. town and had them all tastefully arranged and labelled with the grower's name. there- on.. They =lanced many varieties and a more beautiful display would be ha d to conceive of. A.. particularly attrac- tive large bouquet, of gladioli rested in the north window and was grown in Mr. Jos. Haraey's garden, FLOWER SHOW. Lovers of flowers will have a rare opportunity of attending a magnifieent display of flowers at the show whiela will be held here in Mr. Sanders' Block on Friday and Saturday of this week, •The committee are sparing' no pains to make !this their annual show a most worthy affair and our citizens should turn out -and show their ap- preciation of the " committee's efforts. The orchestra will be ite attendance. on Saturday evening. Sete adv. else-- where in this :issue:. FRASER-HEDDEN. .A. quiet wedding took place on, Sat- urday afternoon at four o"clock at the Methodist parsonage, Crediton,, by Rev, D. •McTavish, when Lloyd Fraser, son, of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. ireaer of 'Mooresville, was married to Miss Gladys H,edden, eldest daughter of Mies Catherine Hedden, of town. The bride wore a dress of blue flat crepe with hat to match. Following the cere- mony a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser are. leaving on an ex- tended trip to the west DIED IN INDIAN HaAD, SASK. Ur. Thomas. Ge 'Williams. died in In- dian Head Hospital, on, August 7th, at the, age of 52 years, 5 months. His wife predeceased him a. year ago last May 13th. He leaves to mourn his adopted daughtersnine years, old, three Sisters and' two brothers, one sister being Mrs. Solonaose Jacobi of Zurich. Mr. Williams used to'reside in Exeter North, but in 1903 went west with the rest of the family, living Zor some years at Huronville, Sask, .H.e left the farm, two years alge, on, account of his wife's health, and since has resided at Indian Head. Death was due to. anaemia and kidney trouble. B OWERS-D ORRANCE. The marriage took place at Seaforth on August loth, of Annie Veronica Dorrance, daughter of aria. Annie Doarance of Seaforth, to Henry Bow- ers, M. A, of Exeter, s.on of the late Samuel Robert Bowers of Monaghan. Ireland and Mrs. Bowers, Toeonto, 'The ceremony performed by performby Rev, F, H. Larkin, D,D, The groom is the popular ,science master of Exeter High School and the bride taught for .some years in the same. school, resigning in July of this year. Mr. and Mrs. Bow- ers will reside in Miss Gregory's home on Willeam, Street, and wiiU have, the co.n.gratulations and best wishes oe their many 'friends. ane1 into which messages, may bespok- en from the inane, distance are at new "time-saver" in factories and • other large establishments, Writingto, the, Advocate from Hue - vine, Sask., on August 22nd, Mrs, Chas. Hoffmain, says. that cutting grain will be started next week in that dis- trict, and the crop is fairly good, that part being more favored than some other places!. aNitaa31:- rill THE PVC Eyel .Byagt,./A4,g.(z4.ee REPAIRS Weave now prepared to doia,11 kinds of repair work on broken frameS, wheras before we had to send them to London air ,esiewhere. Heavy Shell Frames to Your Own Lenses While You Wait $3.00 Broken Shell Rims Replaced While You Wait \ • Spectacles, Large Lenses $1.00 up. R. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR and OPTICIAN Phone 70 Main St., Exeter A -very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at.5.30 ,p.m., Aug. 20,, at the home of Mreand Mrs. Seth Brown, Usb,orne, whe.n their younger daughter, .Mabel al was invited in marriage to Mr. Har- old Jeffery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Jeffery of Usborne, in the presence of the immediate friends! of the contract- ing parties. Rev. F. E. Clysdale of Main Street Methodist Church offic- iating The home had been tastefully decerated' with streamers and flowers. and as the guests arrived they were ushered einto a scene, the grace and .beauty of which • required for its completion only the principals of the celebration. A. table- of hanalsorne, useful and neatly arranged presents occupied (Me comer, Kg the front par- lor speaking the best wishes of the guests: As the wedding hour appro- ached, to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Anma Jeffery, sister of the groom, the young couple, unattended, took their place in the parlor uncler'a large wedding belliuth,g from . a beautifully constructed ever- green. arch, decked with dahlias and eate,rs. The bride entered leaning om the arm of her father and was 3,eauti, fully dressed in pale blue georgette with pearl beads and white veil a,n,d carried a bouquet of pink a,nd Atha e carnations. After the,neremonY 'a well, spread table and an appetizing dinner greeted the guests, presided over by Mrs. Luther Rowchiffe a,n,d Mies Hil- da Snell, while Miss Ve,ra Rowel/He Mr. Chas. Jeffery, Miss Martha Pen waren and Mr. Victor Jeffery acted asocate.rers. • After dinner the happy couple left by automobile for a short visit to London, St. 'Thomas, Aylnee,r and Port Stanley, amid Showers of cone Letti and congratulations.. The es dee travelling habit Wats of navy blue serge with sand waist and sand velvet hat t� match 'We shall, welcome Mr, :in,c1 Mrs, Jeffery back into our midst and joen, wieheng .thera a long, happy and prosperous wedded lif.e. MOTHER DEAD, • I Mir 0. ' C. Ward of the Exeter Can.- ning Co. on Tuesday received a cable I to the effect that his mother Mrs. (Dr), Ward of Harrogate, Angland, had xlied1 that day following an operatipn. She. was about 76 years of age. A fevr weeks ago when in that city Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech of town had the pleasure of calling on Dr, and Mrs. Ward, and spent Jan enjoyable hour or two with them. At, that" time the de- ceased was in her usual health. .Miss Wanda Willis of Centralia ;.‘s ; visiting her aunt, 'Mrs. Wm. Hodgert. Mrs, J. W. Powell and 'daughter!, Marion., are spenclingea time in Grims- by and Hamilton Mrs (Dr,) Lamm and little (laugh- ter of Hamilton is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. Campbell. Mr. and Mts. J. Cicler and daughter Miss Myrtle spent Tuesday at the home. of Mr, J. W. Powell 1Mrs Annie Westcott of Seaforth, and twoegrandchildre,n of Stratford are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook. Ntrs Sheeres, Mrs. Hockey and SOU' Kenneth have returned from a visit in, Lansing, .Mi,ch. They were accom- panied by Mrs. Parker, nee Fern d Spackman of Guelph is holidaying.here with hes family who heve. been 'here for a few weeks, and with his parents„ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Spackman.. Mr. and Mrs.. y, A. Brimacombtei and daughter, Alice; motored back to Haat- iltor. Wednesday, accompanied by Mr and Mrs, Welsh, who will visit them for a time. Mrs, W. Rousom, who has been here for several weeks, owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. W. j, Bissett, re- turned to her home in Toronto on Wednesday morning. Miss S Gregory is leaving LOT Brant- ford on Friday- to resume her duties on. the. setoff or the Collegiate Instit- ute there, having had leave. of absence through illness since last February. Her sister., Mrs, Miller, is accompany- ing her for the winter. Kiss Stella and Rosie DearingI are Pnrrsgweaseeoeeoagaeneaeegaaosidsm-espeee „o„e-a,....mx1:4,1_ eni spending a week in Toronto. Phone Delivery E S miss May GUI left on Wednesdsey - H A her return to Portage. la Js'relirje. Miss jeareMurray ,o,f Danville 13 vis iting with her parents% Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Murray, Miss Ada Hicks of Essex 1.iseted with Aliss Dorothy Kuntz during the past week, Mr Bert Doyle left 'Tuesday even- ing for TorOintin, where he will attend the automobile ahow. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Triebner and daughter of Toronto arrived Satarday to spend a week with the former's pareats.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trieb- nes. ••••,111111.3121•111, Let Us Help You To See Better In order to do so we have a Ten Room Equipment with the most in.od- ern. Optical Instruments, and the know- ledge of how to use them, backed up with 28 years experience at Sight Test- is:is. and Spectacle Fitting. We can help you. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. FITTON REGI/TERED OPTOMETRIST Upper School Examinations EXETER HIGH SCHOOL "C' means credit, the pupil securing 50c -to 60 per cent.; "3" means third class honors, 60 to 66 per cent. "2" means second class boners, 66 to 75 per cent.; ."1" means first class homes, over 75 per cent. In Upper School the percentage Of passes, including honors is 76, or 256 papers tried and 194 passed. In Middlef School the percentage was 80„ )or 480 papers tried and 381 poesed. In Lower 'School 95, or 253 paperstried and 242 passed. Tae average on the three examinations is 83 per cent. This is an excellent record and is 3 per cent. higher than last year. Note the,name of the boy securing ten fiasts. Co Li Hi Al Ge Tr Bo Zo Ph Ch LA LC FA FC Aldworth, Edward C Birk, Leonard Brokenshire, Whitney Coxworth, Hazel Chapman, Grace C Creech, Ruby 3 Davis, Caroline 0 Dignan, Howard ' 2 Elder, Jean C Feist, Nola 0 Farquhar, Maurice 0 Francis, Gertrude • 0 Fulton, Lula C C Forrest, Greta • 2 2 Geiger, Euloine C Gilfillan, Mary , C Greb, Harry C 1 Haist, Lloyd • 2 2 Heywood, Wesley 0 C Heywood, Thos. C Hogartle, Edith C Hoffman, Alice Howard, Evelyn Hind, George 3 Hodgson, Cecil Johns, Walter C Jones, Langford C Joynt, Laird Love, Keith 0 Martin, Lylyan McGill, Wesley C Medd, Eleanor C Meyers, Margaret Morlock, Carl 14Torlock, Lulu Prang, Veole, C Preeter, Mabel C Rowe, Mildred 0 Sanders, Grant 0 • C Sims, Mervin Stanbury, Kenneth •• 2 Statham, Lyle •'0 1 C C 3 C 2 3 3 1 000 0 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 C 0 CC 0 0 C C C C 3 3 C C 3 1 1 1. 1 • 1 1 O • 0 3 O 00 O 00 0 3 C C 3 C 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 c c 1 c 0 0 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 C 2 2 • 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 Thomson, Edgar Thomson, Pearl ' Whiteside, Violet Wood, Nesbitt Woods, Marion 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 TBE ANNUAL HORTICULTURAL PLOWER SHOW -ILL BE . -- SANDERS' BLOOK . OPPOSITE FORD GARAGE, ON HELD Friday and Saturday, Aug. 29 and 30 '• 3 p:n. to 10 p. Orchestra on Saturday Evening. Everybody Come. NO CHARGE, BUT CONTRIBUAIO NS TO WORK dr SOCIETY WILL. BE RECEIVED AT DOOR 4. G. STANBURY, Se4Y• Treas. tre'sso0"satorlkaWetatsPeag"asemasseeNessWW"oesseas, • 4 4 F '4 1 Service Grocery VINEGARS PER GAL 50• MALT VINEGAR BOTTLE 30 SHREDDED WHEAT 2 PKGES . . 2 5 CORN FLAKES PKG 10 • PAROWAX PER CAKE 5 HEINZ BAKED BEANS 2 TINS 25 VALENCIA ORANGES DOZEN 29 • CHOICE LEMONS DOZEN ....... ........... .3 0 Marsh,s Grape Juice, 2 bottles, 25c. JUNKET TABLETS PKG 15 CHICKEN HADDIES TIN 28 25 CHARM, a cleanser 2 PKGS WATER GLASS CAN . 1 8 TORO TABLETS PKG 5 0 -CEDAR POLISH SMALL 25 0 -CEDAR POLISH LARGE 50 EAGLE BRAND MILK CAN CHEESE 4 „kinds—New, Old White,—Kraft and Cream You are sure to get the very kind you like, no was- te time and sanitary ser- vice. sionaSTSIMenetRePlarn./....1.,1•13.1.1011.1.1. PICKLING We are ready for your spice orders and other in- gredients for pickling. A complete stock of new whole and ground spices. HARVEY & HARVEY TWO STORES inzzaer==:-4ze--_-za.,=.4ivizateratmwasrmimer . AM./0 ,IMINION11111 On. Friday night on London Road, a Cook -At Granton, on Aug. 2S, to Mr. horse running loose on the road, jump- ed out of the ditch directly in front of R. N, Creech's car, and as there was no chance of avoiding the col- lision they naturally came together with the result that the horse was slightly injured and the radiator, one light and the motor meter of the tar were broken, Luckily the car was travelling very slowly, and was only swerved to one side, the occupants receiving only a shaking' up, BIRTHS Biddulple on Aug. 24, to Alt and Mw. Alex. McFalls, a. daughter-Burdeae Marc, Jones -In Blanshard„ on Aug. 20, to Mr, and aMrs. Gordon Jones, a son. UMMILIMENIMM•6•••• and Mrs. Wm. ook, a daughter. Hamilton, -At Victoria: Hospital, Lon- don, on. August 14th, to Dr. R. J. and Mrs. Hamilton of Alba Craig, a daughter. MARRIAGES •••..,MIND.1••• Fraser-Hedden-In Creditone on Aug. 23rd, Lloyd Fraser, to Gladys lied - den, daughter of Mrs. Cathe,rinie Redden. of Exeter. Jeffery -Brown -At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Brewn, Usborne, on Aug. 20, Harold E. Jeffery, son of Mr. and Airs. Geo. Jeffery, to Miss Mabel M. Brown. Bowers-Dorrance-At Seaforth ten August 20th, Annite Veronica (Vera)' daughter of Airs,. Annie Dorrance, • to Henry Bowers, M. A., of Exeter son of the late Samuel Robert Bow- ers of "Monaghan, Ireland, and Mrs.. Bowers, Toronto. asateassaseamosesenseaseaseWea'''k''Rbgao". FALL AND WINTER COATS Now on Display We invite you to come in and see the new coats for Lad- ies and Misses. A big variety of new cloths and styles at new low prices will tempt you to make an early selection. House Dresses 98c These attractive house dresses are an unusual bargain at 98c. each. Come in and see, for yourself. Stocking Bargains Cotton Stockings, all sizes25c Silk lisle Stockings ............49c Silk fiese,-nude shaes 98c Meri's Work Shirts 98c All sizes from 14% to 17 in stock. These value, and we have. a big demand for them. shirts are real 1,14.444.74.,01512.0131.0311111141.14920.10: .01,1.45,,.....11.117111.11.1190201=041110421,110.021212 Men's Fine Shirts $1.49 All sizes from 14 to 17. Neat patterns in good wearing mater- ials, all with the soft cuffs, Values up to $2,50 to Ise cleaa-ed at ...$t49 Men's Work Boots $3.90 These are good solid work boots, and are regulerly worth from $4,50 to $5,00, You save the money while, we reduce our stock. semosusgeemisonmeaseemmr.m.,.= "zr,,,c,..u.,0.1......araexamtammeroacm...azarss Some Special Val ; es • LARGE GLASS FLOWER VASES 35c, E,ACH. Jelly Glasses' Sc. each 15 bars any laundry soap 98e. ?, ibs seedless raisins 25c. New large lemons 30c, doz. Sweet Oranges 39c. 3 boxes matches for 25c. Odd Cups 10c. each. 4 tins Banquet Sardines 25c. Large tia Pink Salmon 15c, Large. rin Red Salmon 25c. Royal Yeast Cakes' Sc, • Carnation. mak 6c, and 12%c. T 4 • 4 1 1 1 I 1