HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-8-21, Page 8EXETER IAI]I7OGATE, THQRSIJAX, Exeter Markets 'HANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY New Wheat . ,,. ,$1.15 Oats 50c Barley 63 70 ;Manitoba Flour $4.50 Family Flour .,.,..... ,.. $4.25 Pastry oFlur $8.75 Feed FFour $2.00 Bran ,.. $L55 Shorts, ........ ,$1.70 Eggs ,.. 20, 31 Creamery Butter 38,319 Dairy Butter Lard., „ 18 Hogs .. t .,,,. .:.\ 10,25 W. R. Goulding A. T. A.T.C.M. Organise and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church, Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Instructor of Music tin the Public Schools Terms Moderate Box 57 EXETER. Local Doings Gladioli beds are now in bloom How short the daysare getting,! Tell ut well and your ail. w.itt sej,j. Trenton's tax rate; is, 48 mills` am in, - crease of.4 mills over last year, ,Miss Verna Walker will teach at New Toronto, and Mist Lillian Wallet at Burlington. 'Tis said we are .to pay dearer for potatoes this fall, as the wet weather his damaged the crop. Mr Richard Quanoe has resigned his position, as cutter for 'the 8. M, Sanders Manufacturing Ca J'fr, Henry:Bowers, science .specialist of Exeter High School, has been, grant ed his. M. A. degree by Dublin, Unver• stty, Dublin Wheat is now pretty. well all in, and oats., are being cut. The rains have flattened the at considerably and the cutting, us none too easy in places Rev John Veale of Dorchester oc- cupied James Street pulpit on Sunday APPLE PIE AND ICE CREAM SOCIAL AND CONCERT at Huron- and Rev John Ball of Lambeth will dale Schoori on Friday Evening, August preach next Sunday. These two aged 29th. Auspices 13wrondale W. 1, gentlemen have been, neatly fifty years Orchestra; Jliss Bolton, elocutionist, xtt the Methodist rini etry, and were Missee • Welsh and Park violinists;of .the same ordination class. Admission 25c. and 15c. ESTRAY HEIFER. There„ostraved onto Lot 3, Con. 2, McGillivray, on or about July first, a heifer about a year and half old, An interesting wedding is taking place at the First Presbyterian Church New York •City, Sept. 11, when Mar- jorie Douglas de Cou daughter of the late Dr. Douglas MacGregor de Cou of Stratliroy, will be married to Wm. Owner can have same by proving ow- Armstrong Hunter, of New York City, tnerslue and paying expensea,—• James scan of Rev. R. J. Hunter and Airs, Glavin Crediton P.O., Phone 24r32 limiter of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Mr, Crediton. NECK FUR FOUND: During the funeral of the late Thos. is now connected with the department Oke on Wednesday, Aug, G, a� neck of justice He the also a member of fur was left in Mr, H. Bagshaw's car, the KappaSigma Fraternity and he • Owre can have same by calling at Phi Delta PhigLegal Fraternity: Dur this ot•fiee and paying for this notice, , ing the, war AIr. Hunter held the rank WANTED—A Local Representative of lieutenant in the Royal Air Force hollowing the ceremony Mr. and Mrs Hunter will leave immediately for Eur- ope, where they will spend a year The bride •elect is a sister of Mrs. M. R. Complin of town. Hunter, who received his A, B. from the University at Chicago, his LL,B degrees from the George Wash- ington University, Washington, D. C for Exeter and District, to sell for 'the "Old Reliable Fonthill Nursieries. '1 Exclusive territory, permanent employ- ment, liberal terms. Previous exper- ience not necessary; Write Stone & Wellington, Toronto. London automobile license. plate 137049,. found. Apply Advocate. BOARD WANTED Householders wishing to take High School Scholars for fall term; commencing Sept. 2nd, will leave names with the Secretary, Miss K. MaeFauL PROPERTY FOR SALE. Ten acres in Tp. Stephen, Con. 2; good, house and barn, henhouse; 31,4, acres Strawberries for 1925 crop; ex- tra good land, well drained—must be seen to be appreciated; wall be sold with or without crap. Apply to. Geo. Hay, Crediton, R. R. 1. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST. VOTERS' LISTS 1924 MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILL- AGE OF EXETER COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have complied with Section, 10 of the Voters' List Adt, and transmitted' or delivered copies to thepersons mentioned in the section, and that I have posted up at my office at Exe- ter on the 5th day of August, 1924, the list o, all persons entitled to:vote in the saiid municipality tor Members of Parliament, and at Municipal elec- tions, and that such list, which con.- taias Parts One, TWO. and Three, re- mains there for inspection, and the last day for appeals being the 24th day of August, 1924. And 1 hereby ca11` upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or omis- sions corrected according to law. Dated at Exeter this 8th day of August, 1924.- JOSEPH 924.- JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk of Village of Exeter, Exeter, Ontario; G S ATKINSON, L.b.S., DENTAL/ SURGEON Graduate of th,e Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontarioi, and Un- mtnersnty of Toronto. Late. District Dental Officer, Milit- ary ilitary District Number one. London, Ont. Main Office -Dickson B1ock, Maly +5tve.et, Exeter ,Ont. Hours 9 to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34, Exeter. AT ZURICH Tuesday oely. Phone 79 ON TOP AGAIN, Mr, Fred Kerr of Crediton, was high gun at the Ridgetown 'Prrap Shoot last week, getting 140 out of a possible 150 „ $66,00C• PAID OVER. The Blanshard u\funicipal Telephone System paid the,. St. Marys, Kirkton . and alterli,na Telephone Company $66,- 000, the full amount of the purchase price, last week. THE' EVAPORATOR, The Evaporator Company are fixing' un the plant in readiness to operate about Sept. 1st.. Prospects are very brightfor :a big crop of apples. A number of ihandsl will.be required and t hose wishing to engage will register at the Evaporator, ONION CRATES.. Parties whofi•equuret onion crates can have the'same at' the Fair Grounds on Friday, August 22, 7• H. GRIEVE. Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors Men and Ladies wanted to take ord- ers for Private Greeting Xmas. Cards in spare time. Experience un- necessary.. 35 per cent. commission, Sample album free. Oldest Xmas. Card house in Canada. "Manager," Dept. 11, 3 Winchester Ave„ Westmount, Mon- treal, Quebec. LAMP FOUND,.—In front of 1)n; Browning's Drug Store, Exeter, on August 18th, a Ford lamp. Owner can have same by paying for this notice and by 'calling at this office. FOR. SALE. About 1000 fare brick., a quantity gas pipe iron half inch to one and a half inches, 'number heavy oak barrels, number gas drums, galvanized drum, hold 1,50: gallons. Apply at the Evap- orator, t Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Also Tailoring MEN S SUITS Cleaned and Pressed' 75c Pressed only • ' 50c Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Dyed arced Pressed , $4.00 LADIES' Suits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and . Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed 50c We. also. Make. and Trim Suits with First Class • Trimmings for $20.00. I AM NOW PREPARED TO. 'GIVE YOU A REAL Cartage Service. Out Express Service from Lan- don to Exeter is naw a•aerating. Livery in connection. H. BAGSHAW. xb. COOK GENERAL—This is a steady position in a comfortable home. Good salary to start and increase at the end of six months. .No Washing. ` P. O. Box. 672; London,. Mr. W 'T, 'Acheson has rented Miss Lillian Johns] re,sidencet on William' St. and is moving iii thus weeken • The rabbit shooters have; purchased two more gray hounds for the hunt- ing season. The big fellowe will have to travel some now. Clinton Express office wa,,s * robbed of 8300 last week. One package collar. t$ained,S150. Quantities of package meats and autot tures were stolen, En- trance was''madde by someone possess- ed of a master key, Signs have been erected aft the ,north and south tends of town, on, 'the outer side "Welcom,e to Exeter" and on the inner side "Thanks, Call Again" Exeter has nothing to be ashamed of In fact, rw,e are proud of our town and it is^ well to, let motorists know where they are when they Slit thief burg. Owing to the breaking of the bit in the mouth of a horse driven by Mr, Wm. Hyde, on Friday last, the beast ran away on Mann street, and. cutting across the hydroyard broke through the fence into the garden at the back of Grigg's Stationery. Luck- ily the occupant nor horse were injur ed, and 'even. the, buggy escaped much damage. ,JrfWm. . A.11:ent, who is • visiting at the horn of Mr. an. Bagshaw, got into a mix-up whilet claiming, Mr, Horn- er Bagshaw's touring car on Huron street on Wednesday ,morning of last week. Mfr. John Hunkin and family tvere on their way to a picnic at Grand Bend, when Allen happened along and the two cars collided. Little or no damage was dine to Mr. Bag- shaw's car, but Mt'. Hunkin''s car was made minus a wheel and was other- wise damaged, while little Gladys Hun- kin receiveda severe gash in the side of her face by being thrown, with much force. against the inside of the car, A DECIDED I IPROVEMENT, The town clock, which for a long time had been. out of repair and an eyesore to the olxsery er, nas b, eat improved in appeRfance, and for the ourpose nt was intended. Some bane ago Mr Herman Doerr, electrician', took the matter of repairs :n hand and he has certainly made an excellent joie of it. The, clock prpper has been put in good running order so that it now marks time accurately, the faces have ,been painted white and the fig- ures black—making a distinct contrast —.Thi 'electric bulbs having been set out in a position, so, as to reflect light on the faces, it is just as ' easy to tell the time at night as at day, Mr. Doerr is to be congratulated, on his accon- pl`vshment, Mrs W. T. Acheson spent Sunday in London. Reeve W. D. Sanders is an Toronto this week on business. Miss Mildred Norry of `London. is holidaying at 'her home here. Mr. Norman. Ward of Severn Fa lis is the guest of Mr. John Noary: .\1rs G E. Anderson has been vis- aing her daughter in Blenheim. Miss Jessie Manama of .London Was here. over Sunday with her parents. Miss. Margaret Penniice: of London, is holidaying with her motive:. here Rev. R E. Southcott of Jeanette Creel: isrholidaying with relatives 'iere- Miss Oia Hollinger of Joronto ;pent the week, end here with Mrs. E. Short, Miss -Grant of Toronto spent to few days with Mrs, (Dr.)i Graham during the week. Mrs. Gregg ,left Saturday for a visit of two weeks at Ingersoll, Toxanto and near Ottawa. 11r, J. ,B. Pomfret of Hamilton was a visitor here over Sunday with his son, W. Pomfret. NOTICE TO. PAINTERS. Tenders for, the painting of the ex- terior woodwork of the Exeter Town Hall; and alsointerior of main eri2 trange, stairway and small halls, will be .received by, the undersigned up till noon. of Monday, August 25th, 1924: Specifications may ire seen at the office of the clerk. -By Order, JOS. SENIOR, Clerk: Trivitt Memorial Church 11 ra,m.-"Such' st i Have, Give I Thee' 7;.p,m,-"Pourer to Become" Rev, A, A. Trumper, L. Th., Rector. CAVEEN PRESBYTERIAN (.Ruitell Bee.James Roote, B. A. Minister 10' a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. Union Services in Caven Church Bev.. Ciyesdale will preach Boy Scouts,,. meet Friday evening. JAMES ,ST.;„METHODIST CHURCI-1 Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B, A;, Pastor 11 a m:—Rev. John Ball, 7 pen. --Rev. "John Ball. • Everybody Welcome, Miss May E. Gill of Portage Prairie, vIan., is visiting with father, 'ilia'. Frarn),c Gi11, Mrs. 1,i Sheere and daughter, Mrs. G Hockey and. her son Kenneth, are visiting ea Lansing, Mich. ,Mrs Mervin Cosworth and child of London are visiting with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Ed. Heideman,, ° .Misses Alma and Ina Harding, who visited in Stratford and Embrey last week, returned home, on Monday. Mrs. W. H. Dearing and 'daughter, i fstdelirne, are. spetLding' a week or ten days with friends at Grand Bend. la Iver Mr, Hoarser Russell of Wetaskiwin,, Alberta, is holidaying, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm„ Russell, for a few days. Mass Vivian Hogarth, srnrse of Victoria Hospital, London, ,is holiday- ing at bei home here, for a couple weeks, Mrs. James Taylor bas retd frons .London where .she visited her son-in-law, Q&. Huston, who is in the hospital, Ur:, Harold McFadden and Hiss Lal- lian Ruddock of London are spending a couple weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ire etlomr, Unborn. - - Lr: Wm Harris, who, has been via= itintg with. 'Mr. and Mrs, Sid. Dav€fs Left bit home -in Calgary, Alta., an Monday morning. Miss. Helen, Dignan, iw anitieg in Tor- onto,' 'having accompaniied , her uncle and aunt, Ole and Mrs, P. B. Dignan out thie:, return, to the city; Mrs., G. Il. McDonald and son Robert of Grinnell, Iowa, who haveen Ads- itia-ig her mother Mrs Jeep. Snell' for some weeks 'left fee Windsor. , 1V Ir. arid Mrs. Chas. Box air d family of Stepheqespent •Sunday. with Mir.: and iVLTs. :Niaeshall Bos .of .Pa,rkhill, Miss Lois Box returning with thein: \fr and ;1VIis ,•Frank Bayeden of 'Tier onto'and Mir . and Mre 'bred Bowden and daughter of ^town, . have rettii•ned frein a motoe trip to Columbus, OIi.'.o. 'dr. ati 1 Mrs.. R i Rowse end da. h - w,, tern,-'4isises Vera'ansa Reta, 'noto}rt l to Beterbara last week ati 1 spent s ev- eral days with MVIrs,. Rotve's brother, Dr, Holloway, - AUGUST 21, 1924 PHONE 32 JONES.&: MAY PHONE 32 Arrival of Fall Goods adies' and Misses' Fall and, minter Goods Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats+ are here. There are many decided changes' 3n materials and stylesfor the coming aetason, The most papular cloths are in marvella, camel's hair, cut plush, velour, eta PRICES ARE iiVLUCH LOWER THIS SEASON. COME AND. LOOK THEN! OVER Monarch Sweater Yarns We have an 'exceptionally ,large stock of sweater yarns for fall in the well known Monarch Quality. We have .nearly r,1L the new shades and weaves, Get your supply early. Silk Scarfs Silk Scarfs+ wiill, again be very popular for the coming season,, The new ones are there and are beautiful both as to coloring and weave. .Black and white are among the most popular color combinations 'shown. We have dozens to select from. Woollen Blankets, Comforters and Auto Rugs We have the celebrated Ottawa Valley brand of woollen blankets, Comforters and. Auto Rugs. These are absolutely, all wool of very fine quality, Clearing of Summer Goods All sumnver, goods must goat once, To Clear out our stock we are fering many bargains in summer goods. of- Nemolostik Corsets We have the new Nemo, all, -rubber self -reducing corset in stock. This is the mist comfortable corset shown to -day. We will be glad to show it to you, JONES -& MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES Mr Wilbur Cudmorie, merchant of Gadsby. Alta., accompanied by his wife and two children,• visited during the week amongrrelativest here, the guest of his sister, Mrs. Win. Fraser Mr. Harold Bell of Strathmore, Al- berta, one of the party of newspaper. people, who spent two months In Eur- ope, spent a fe,w days here this week with the Exeter people, who were an the trip. N/Lrs Arnold Hoffmlan and two sons of Toledo, Ohne, and Mrs. Utz of De- trait, and Mr. Norman Baker and and three children of Wingham were week -end visitors with Mr. anal Mrs, Frank Triebner. 2vLr. and Mrs. P. Collier of Buffalo spent a few days with M.x. and Mrs. W. ' C:' Rivelrs Ma. and Mrs. Rivers acoompanied them on their return an Tuesday, as far as Button, where they will visit their daughter, NLrs. John aoutledge. ( Powdll's Bazaar Plain Price Store Truly BuSiaiie,,sa is better; people are daily realizing that they have a Live Store of Bargains' right: in Exeter,+ A sbose `that ,they can feel at home in; a stone where goods are all marked in Plain Prices—VALUES.t Store nicely arranged, airy and bright, an,d must of all where their shopping isl ap- preciated, COME IN often and see .whr„t we have. It as well. to remember that we at all tia?iesi can furnish ors short. notice FLOWERS for the Sick Wedding, Birthday; Funeral. • We are members of the ' SAY IT WITH. FLOWERS CIRCLE, 'and we %trainee to have fresh flowers sent to friends hundreds of miles' from here at reason- able rates:' Enquire: August is t?ie. month.: to get slips started for Winter Flowers - n e have -FLOWER- POTS, Hyacinths; Dafiiorlills,. .'etc., will. soon be in the Public mind, 'We. want til, teal you wie. will have them. tie, as usual,. AMAPHONB., TWO REAL GR BARGAINS FOR 'II-IIS.:"WELK. Large Mal -legally Caibinet,',tv.nth.,40 Rec. omds, all good as niew, . jnist $125. Leese Table...model, w,tli 35 Records; good as neee just 550. Columbia Records','3, for .$1, 50 Blue Ambere,l.Recotds 45C, $$4.50; do,,. fi•e repair all makes of Pho,n:o 'ra hs. � p g, p Violins etc. Let us have your eepairrs. R,easosuable charges: OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Registered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured, Write or wire 18-93, Zurich. Oscar IClopp, Zurich, Ont, DR. A.. E TENNANT Veterizrary Surgeon' McDomell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vinimg) Phone 26w ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. -” Orders left with . Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices reaslonable: Satisfaction guaranteed, Exeter Ontario I. R. Carling, B .A tc Loans. tlsnves Solicitor, EInsurance' Office, Caling • Block, Main St Exeter Dr, G. F. Rouls bone, L. D. S., D. S. DENTIST • Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds .to loran on farm and village pro •erty at law rates of interest GLADMAN. & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,Exeter :Dr,' A; R. KINSMAN, L D S D O. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University 'rffice-over 'Gladmau & 'Stegabur'y'i ;rf£ice,' Main Street, Exeter, .. • ARTHUR 'W EISER ''' Auctioneer R. R No, 1, Dashwood l,icensed Auctioneer for Huron Ca. Farm and stock sales a specialty. The -Exeter Advocate Display Advertisixng—Made known on appiltcatiosn. Stray Anianals=Oaue insertion 50c.,, three insertions $1,50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lis es, For Sale; To Rena, Wanted, each inses!t5,oru 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c, an insertion,. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. ,per line per insertion, No notice lest. than 25c. Card of Thank 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion. and 81.50 for each subsequent in- sertion4f under five inches in length,. Legal advertieung 10c. and 5c. aline,. Farm or Real. Estalte Ear sale Sec, each insertion Eon one mores of lour insertions, • Firiture For Quality, Prices,, Service and Satisfaction calf on us. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS Phones Business 20w House 2Oji R N:ROWS DR. .H, H. COWAN,:' L,D,S,, D.DIS Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, -Zurich, , ,every Thursday and Saturday • • ' Maiir Office,= Hartieib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT, JAMES, W„ :WATSON Licensed -Auctioneer • Sales conducted in any locality. Farms stock sales' a •specialty, Satisfaction guaranteed, Crharges `moderate, Or- ders. r-ders. left . at this office .promptly tended, oto ' Phone Kirk,ton ; 54r2 Address—Kirkton. R. R Na 1 BRA,iNK'AYLOR• L:c '"'ed ` ee taws;.of r e;[ns f�uc•tnorn, ,et;. •dor • Goun . Huron axed Middlesex Prices Reasonable '°^and' Sattsfactnon Guaranteed' Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario