HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-8-21, Page 51r
ea I
The special Harvesters' trains of
the Canadian National Railwaysfrom
e all Ontaxio points' as •.advertised, wild
• make the fastest time to WiRnnipee
•Q,pleratiung v3atthe new Longlac cut-off,
the (shortest route jeetween, Eastern
Ind Western) Cahada. Harvesters
travelling by dila route will, as a
'consequence be first in the f Leld,
The first,train leaves Toronto este
minute aftez+ midnight of August 21st,
(12.01 a.m. August 22nd),, The, faire
is a flat rate: sof .S15, to Winnipeg and
half ; a cent a mile beyond. Returning
thee is half a cent per mile into
Wttahapeg and $20 back to starting
point. Comfortable, roomy, convert-
ible (berth) .Colonist Cars of latest de-
sign and lunch counter cars serving
food and refreshments at reasonable
prices will' be attached to trains. Spec-
ial cars will ,be provided for women
Purchase your tickets to Winnipeg via
Canadian Natiotnal Railways, no, mat-
ter whether your final destination es
a point on the Canadian National for
root. Consult with your nearest Agent
for trach service, etc.
!\MITCHELL'.—A prominent Twirl-
ea,* of thia town end Si former editor
of the Mitchell Recorder died at his
home. here, on August 12th, after only
a few hours illness. Thomas 11. Race
mesided here for nearly fifty years
and publislsed the, Recorder from 1877
to 1906. la later yearn he was the
travelling secretary of the Muskoka
Hospital, He was also Canadian Coni-
missiouuer to the Glasgow Exhibititon
some years ago, area also coanntissioner
to Austral/send New Zealand,. He was
an „extensive traveller and a forceful
wetter and speaker, Mr. Race was 78
years of'age and leavies two sons and
two daughters. One son, W. 33., is
superintendent of the School for the
Blind at Brantford,
CLINTON—Mm. Henry Gould died
•on Aug 13, after ain illness, of several
months from blood -poisoning; About
nine weeks ago she was taken to the
hospital. She was, been in Clinton, over
fifty years agog, She .b survived by
her husband, Henry Gould, and a fam-
ily of ,eight children,—John Tedford,
a former resident of Clinton, died at
his home, Enderby, B. C., after a very
short illness.
County Representative Wanted
R A. Lister & Company (Canada) Limited are open to appoint
a representative for each county for the sale of their goods,
including Melotte Cream Separators, Lister -Page Hand, Elec-
tric and Gasolene Milking Machines; Lister Gasolene Engines,
Farm Lighting Plants, Grain Grinders, Blower Boxes, Milk
Coolers, etc. Must devote his whole time and attention to the
business, and appoint and assist sub -agents. Remuneration by
salary and commission, or commission only. Only men able to
furnish first-class references, having their own motor cars and
with sales experience in the agricultural machinery line need
apply. A really good position and opportunity for a live man.
Apply by letter, stating full particulars, to
R. A: Lister & Company (Canada) Limited
Zur1G1. I£',l"xs2'1ll Mr George PRetty's bungalow on King
street is' nearly completed, and will l '
occupied by Mr. 'Orval • Twitchell
Mr. Theodore Wagner and Gordon
Waineraxe spendingthat vacation an
Detroit Windsor and Harxow.
Miss Winnifred:,Cunninghan>i of Tor-
onto spent a few days with lar. ant.
Mrs. T. L: Nunn.
The County Road Centrectors com-
menced vvorl ing operatioins on the
abutments onl the new iron bridge
south of St. St.Joseph.
alr, and Mrs, Lloyd- O'Brien,, Miss
Olive and Messrs Leroy and Lenses
O -Brien spent a few days with friends
in New Haven, and Detroit.
A monster Sturgeon fish was cap-
tured by the: fisthermen at St Joseph
last week, measuring nearly six feet
in length ;and weighing 137 pounds:
Ma Thos. Kyle. of the Parr Line on
Saturday shot a largte white cat meas -
I uring 37 inches long and standing 18
inches high. It is thought that 'dais
is a relnnramt of the wild cat family
ienc,e so plentiful in, the Targe .marsh.
The tax rates for Hay have been
i struck by the ,council—county .rate 3.2
mills t county road rate 1,5 mills ;
township rate 1.5 mills; statute labor
rate 2 mills; general school rate 4,1
mills, besides police village rates and
special school rates for the various
Messrs Ed. and hldon Snell of De-
troit, are visiting their parents.
ST. MARYS—Ar lifelong resident of
the to•wn'and district died on Aug. 15
in the person of Mary Hyde, wife of
T, B a$cGivleron, after an illness of
six months. She was barn at Antler
on. 68 nears ago, and lived there for
50 years. Besides her husband she iA
survived byte sister, Mrs, H, Ferguson
of Seaforth and a brother, William of
GODERICH,—Robert McLean, aged
83 years, died herei on Aug. 18th. Born
in Goderich Tp, he resiided here most
of his life. He was a promiunent citir-
zten, a staunch Conservative and a
member of the Methodist church.
The Huron/dale W, I. will hold thein -
meeting at Mrs. E. Rowcliffe's instead
of .Mrs. C. Allison's,
Plus half a cent a mile beyond to all points in Manitoba, Sas-
katchewan. Alberta, Edmonton. Calgary, McLeod and East.
August 22nd—Toronto, Caledon East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood,
Penetang, Midland, Parry Sound., Sudbury, Capreol and east thereof in
August 26th—Toronto, Inglewood jct. and all stations south and west
thereof in Ontario.
Special Trains Leave—(Standard Time)
LONDON— August 26th -9.00 a.m.--10.45 a.m.
Through Trains with Lunen Counter Cars—Food and Refreshments at Reasonable Prices.
Special Cars far Women and Colonist Cars of Lateet Design.
Purchase your ticket to Winnipeg via Canadian National Seilways, no matter whether your final destination be a point on
the Conadian National or not. Travel via the Long Lac Cut. oir—East time to Winnipeg.
Mounted Mountaineers Pow -Wow at Yoho
kbove, Starting on the first .Annual Ride. Below, Chief walking-
in -the -road picks out a few odd peaks for a fair Trail Rider.
' ; arlY last July a small.party of -riders was encamped
JCa on the plateau which lies between Tumbling Creek
Glacier and the gap in the Vermilion Range of the Cana-
dian Rockies known as the Wolverine Pass. The day
was warm and conducive to sleep, and, because on this
account one of the party dozed and dreamed and later
caused the other members of the party to enthuse over
3-. his dream, there gathered in the Yoho Valley of British
Columbia a week since, two hundred and six prominent
Canadians, Americans and Europeans, calling themselves
Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies. Each had
qualified for membership in the Order by riding at one
time 'or a: -other not less than fifty miles through the
Rockies on horseback.
This unique gathering, recording as it did the first
.attempt to form an association of mounted mountain
climbers was characterized by Dr. Charles W. Walcott,
head of the Smithsonian Institute of Washington and
honorary president of the Trail Riders, as a step which
will prove 'one of the greatest international attractions.
The attendance at the First Annual Ride of•the Trail
Riders exceeded by far the most sanguine hopes of the
••organisers, but fortunately, Yoho Camp, that beautiful
village of chalets a mile above the sea, had been reinforced,
with twenty Indian teepees and a huge Sun. Dance Lodge
which•had been erected as camp headquarters,by.Stony
Indians under the supervision of, Chief Walking -en -tile -
Only one trail rider left this camps with what could be.
termed €t legitimate grouch. This was Dr. Walcott who
believes •that•: bears stolethe side of mutton which was
hanging at the back ofhis chalet when he last saw it.
Riding was, of course, theorder of the day, and many "
of the riders, enchanted by the scenery, fell far behind the
'main group and lingered on the heights till night fall.
In the evenings the mountain enthusiasts gatheredin
the Sun Dance Lodge to talk over the day onto sing and
dance and otherwise amuse/themselves. After the white-
mans pow -wow on the second night a real Indian pow-
wow was danced by Chief Walking -in -the -road and
Chief Buffalo -child Long. Lance, to the accompaniment
of Indian singing and the beating of tom-toms by a group
of Stony -braves.
Altogether''the first annual pow-weW of the Trail"
Riders f the Canadian Rockies was a huge success,.:and •
the organisers believe,. that henceforth the Canadian
Rockies will recdi've-.•the recognition and appreciation
which is their due.
Mr. and lairs, A1hert Whiteside visit-
ed over the week -end with thele son,
Albert, in Hamilton:
Mr. Gerald Warrener of Pantie:,
Mich., as visiting 'with friends in and
around Hensel", Gerald's. many friends
are glad. to see loin back) and that
they are pecspering over in Pontiac„
• xr
,. 8 E
Cook e visit' d ova •
i the
week -end with friends and•relatives n
Mr. A, W, E. Hemphill has put its
a number of new show -cases in his up,
to -date drugstore. They, certainly: re-
sent a fine appearance,
Miss Edna Gill has accepted a poi-
tt.ion, as sales -lady in Mr. W. C. Davis'
MissPearl Smite has accepted a
with Mr, Jackson,-
air, Sanal Steacy is visiting friends
in and arourirl Cr•trtnarty this week
A soft ball match was played intik ip-
pen on Tuesday evening, between Kip-.
pen and Hansa. 'young ladies, result-
ing ,in a victory for IC;ippon by 29-14,
This i tae first match the I-Iensall
going ladies have played and with a
little more practice they will no doubt
do better next time.
1l:ss Irene -Pope of Toronto is 'visit-
ing with 'her mother and other friends
iu Hensen.
M., John Robertson, east of the vil-
lage hex purchased a new sedan, Chev-
rolet feern McDonell Bros.,: and has also
put up a tinea garage.
Mr R. E. Cook had tee eusfoi tune
to lave the end of his finger taken
oft in the bread mixer on Friday morn-
ing, resulting in a very sore hand.
\Lr. Andrew Boa again occupied the
pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday,
both inomning and evening, preaching
very eloquent sermons to -large eon-
gregatiors, Rev. :'VIr. Sinclair wiU
occupy els own pulpit on Sunday ruext,
A largo 'number of the - Methodist
churce ladies held a quilting tree in
the basement of the church on Tues
day afternoon and quilted ai number
o° beautiful quilts.
.\Lr, Alex Smith and son Floyd mot-
ored to 'Michigan on Friday last, where
they will visit tor a couple of week..
with relatives.
Nora Follick--returned home en
Saturday .evening atter spending her
holidays at Streetsvit,e, '
t)r. James Bell of Philadelphia is
visiting at his home here.
llr, and Mrs, Sullins who nave been
v .reg the latter's parents and other
fa :1; hese, left this weak for their
area its Detroit,
aL?. James Hoggartle has greatly im-
proved the appearance of els home by
saving it niocly painted.
.Mr. Wallace Dick of Detroit rs
,.pending his holidays at htus home nerc
A large number from here attend<:d
the t:inservative picnic at Stratford on
Wednesday. They report a big t'rowd
a.Rd- a big., time.
1)r. Blatchford, andtwoo sans and two
grand childrenof Detroit are visiting
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Blatchford end
ot:.er relatives in town,,
s,fr. J Bolton and Mr. and Mrs. W.
Bolton and children o± St. darys are
tee guests of \fir. and Mrs. A. Bolton.
Mi. and Mrs. E. Lindenteldt and
children visited on, Clinton. en Thurs-
Vir_ and. ;Mrs. Mervin Cosworth and
son Elgin of London visited over the
week end with the former's parents
\4r. and Mrs. Ed. Geiger and two
children of London visited the t•or-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Geiger over Ithe week end.
,Miss Hazel Coxworth visited in Lon-
on -
don oat Friday.
1liss Mattie Ellis visited for a few
day sin. Guelph with her sister, firs.
Fred Smallacombe and other friends,
Mr. Thos tIioore of Stratford visit-
ed bis sister, airs. Thos. Peart, -and
other friends in and around Hensali.
Mr. and Mrs. •l•Iark Drysdale and
family who have been on a motor :rip
eatrough Micbilgan for'the last two
weeks, have returned home,
Miss Nellie Carmichael visited over
the week end at Gravid Bend.
\lis. Lillian Stacey is visiting with
friends around Staffs.
Masses Pearl and Ruby Churchill of
t.linton visaed ,an town on Sunday,
Airs John Murdock received word
on Friday morning of the death of. her
o_oth�eee James Butt of Whitewood,
elan Mr, Butt was bora on the farm
just east Of Exeter, now owned by
Clark. Fisher, and has lived ::n the west
some 35 years. Mrs, ,Murdock, Mrs
Joan Dinsdale and Mrs. J. H.. Petty
of Hensel:. are sisters, and Mr. yV-i,Want
But,- of Seaforth i,s a brothee of- de-
ceased. The funeral was held at
Whitewood, ?Lr. Bu:t was well known
is tale district.
air- ihos,. Welsh; the foreman on
the • .nett erns~l ouilditng, nas a large
atumoer of neem sant the job this'weee.
.The cement work es finished end ate
_R:•icl: layers are. busy on the walls.
We hope to have, the new school ready
ay the middle of September.
.Mr, -and ;Mrs. John Workman of Kipp
per- viz ted friends an, town Sunday,
1 he Couacil met on Monday' event
all members' prlesent vvhth the reeve .in
the chair. The: minutes, of the last
meeting were read and passed. On
motion of Riggin ,and McArthur ac-
counts to the amount of $1,000 were
• presented ..and ordered .piers.• 13y -law
Na. 4 granting $15,000 .o the school
ooard, for building the teen school
was reatd'the. finest and second time out
minion of Iltmsenl and Cam:pinell, end
given its third -and final reeding on
motion of Higgins, and McArthur.. .A
large .amount sof other business • was
transacted and the meeting adjourned
osi anio•tion 'cif Higgins. and Hudson, .
Mr. and Mrs Robt Donaldson and
daughter Grace left on, Wednesday for
I'eeswater, their former home, Mr and
Mrs•. Donaldson, wila be grdatly missed
by the Hensel. ifelende,
l�Ir. anal Mrs. Ed. D 7 gnan. and family
ane leanun Friday morning -lar their
lrome in Saskatchewan,, while George
Fee. feat es for his home as Saskatch a
wan on elolriday morning.
Libby, McNeil and Libby. of Chat-
!lean have their: cucunib. r•piucklieg plan:
and vats. in op,erattioii, and lar g - Man-
atees sot .cucumbers are being receiv-
ed catty. • Between. palling (miens, pick
cpcurnbers anal pulling ilii., and
Iiping • the farmer, wdi h th:e harvest,
.anyonc tvainting worjj cane. get it .:, it
Quite .5 earnbari of Inns sire aa-
riviuug here dally to pull flak or (el,g
er & Sour. •
Mr. j'derwin,Brown avha%has been vis-
iting hila^, father and slather here, ,'has
returned to his, home in Toronto,
Mr, ilV'm, i oone, of London visited
relative's and friends in town, Monday.
Mr Chas Way of Exeter.. was in town
Friday onibusiniess.
Mr, and Mrs. Wright of Nin'gara Palle
who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
G C Petty for the past two ive.elts,
have returned tot their home.
Mr. and /Mrs. Philip Collier of RRoch
•ester N.Y., arc visiting relatives and
frireznde in the village.
Miss M. A. Hoggarth is spending a
couple weeks in the country, visiting
her brother and other : friends.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Westcott of Hamil-
ton visited over the Week -end with
Mrs. John Murdock and other relatives
in and around Hensall
ldiss Sadie Petty, who has been vis-
iting for the past few weeks in Ham-
ilton, returned home Monday evening
Mrs. Smith of 'Detroit is visiting her
cousin, Mr. Jae Dimsdala
Miss Edna. Butt of Toronto is vis-
iting with Mrs, ,Darnsdale and Mrs. Tao{
Murdock. •
The many 'friends of 'Mrs. S. Hanle -
;ton are sorry to learn that she is
again confined to her.room, and hope
for her speedy recovery.
,frs. Million is visiting this .,Week
with relatives sun Goderich.
Mr, H. F. DrumMond and .Mr; H.
J. Jeffries of Moncton, N. B. and Mrs.
T. T, McLean, Neal McLean and El-
eanor McLean of Wingltam, and Mr,
and Mrs. C. O. N. Drummond of To-
ronto, were week -end visitors with'Vir,
and Vlrs. T. iDaruznnaouiid and Mr. and
and Mrs. Earl Drummond,
1' Ir. and aerie. Wm. Friend, who have
been visiting ,Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Hud-
son, have returned to their home its
Mise Violet :Whiteside; its this week
visiting in Ail sa Craig.
yn Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Billiard of St. Paul
are here visiting the former's mother.
Mrs, Eobt, Bullard.
\Lr. Herb. Eilber of Crediton visited
in townsan Tuesday,
Mr, F. Wickwire of Exeter was :?n
taws Tuesday on business.
A. meeting in. the interest of " Social
Service was held in the Town ldall
on Tuesday evening and was fairly well
attended. The meeting; was addressed
by N. W. Trewartha, M,L,A„, of South
Huron, and el iss Agnes McPhail, lit
P. for South Grey, Rev. Clysdale of
Exeter, and ales. Edwards of Komoka,
Mr. Trewartha spoke along the lines
of citizenship, while Muss McPhail, who
was the main drawing card for the
evening gave a very elogtu'nt address
along social service lines, with some-
what radical tendencies, Mr. Clysdale
gave a somewhat lengthy address on
Government Control, which somewhat
shortened the time for Mrs, Edwards
who .spoke for a few minutes along
the lines: of her work as president of
the Women's institutza of Ontario,
Miss Harvey of Exeter sang two very
pleasing solos which were. much ap-
preciated by the audience; Mr. Medd
of Exeter acted as chairman .in a very
capable rnanner.
The death of Mgrs. James Horton, of
the boundary occurred oast Sunday,. The
funeral took place on Tuesday.
'Mrs B. Short, who has been visit-
ing her fater, Mr, Andrew Johnston
and sister>, returned to her home in
Rev. H, Naylor and, Mrs. Naylor and
little son are spending the month of
August in Toronto.,
\Lr. and. Mrs. Ernest Steacy end
little child of Oria3aa„ are visiting the
former's father, Mr. Jack Steacy. and
other relatives in town.
A meeting sof the :executives of the
Conservative Association for South
Huron was held in the town hall on
Wednesday evening, Aug. 13th. A
large number of the prominent Con-
servatives of the riding were present
and a large amount of business was
the SHIP of
domain for the
voyage, to roam at will
—upper decks, lower
decks, fore and aft—
drawing rooms, lounges
for you to explore and
—your domain for the
voyage, to roam will
—upper decks, lower
decks, fore and rooms, lounges
for you to explore sand
enjoy—"as happy as a
gives you a most delight-
ful voyage at a moderate
rate—with cuisine and
personal services of the
highest standard.
Ask Local Agents
transacted, ; i