HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-12-23, Page 35BARRY, David: In loving memory of David Barry
who passed away Dec. 24, 2007.
Those who love remain with us
for love itself lives on,
and cherished memories never fade
because a loved ones gone.
Those we love can never be more than a thought
for as long as there are memories,
they'll live on in our heart.
-Love from Mom. Dad and Fly 46-52x1
July 1, 1970 - Dec. 29, 1989
Imagine you are standing on a seashore.
A ship at your side spreads her white sails
to the morning breeze.
and starts for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength.
You watch her until she hangs like a speck
where sea and sky meet,
and as she disappears, someone exclaims:
"There, she's gone."
Gone where?
Gone from your sight, that's all.
She is just as large in hull and mast and spar
as when she left your side.
Her diminished size is in you, not her,
And just at that moment
when someone at your side says, "She's gone,"
there are other eyes watching for her coming
and other voices ready to take up the glad shout,
"There she comes."
This is what we call dying.
Life itself is eternal.
Death is only a horizon.
and a horizon is nothing but the limit of our sight.
- Anonymous
FLANAGAN, Peter: In loving memory of our son,
brother and uncle. March 26, 1956 - December
Although we smile and make no fuss,
No one misses you more than us.
- Forever in our hearts, Mom and Family 46-52x1
41.1 1011M8h.*
It is with sincere gratitude that the family of the Tate
Willy Kroonen would like to thank family, friends
and neighbours for their acts of kindness, hugs,
flowers, cards, food, Mass Cards and donations to
the Maitland Conservation Foundation. Willy loved
to plant trees. Thank you to the EMS attendants,
police, members of the fire department and Victim
Services for their prompt response. To the Sea -
forth Hospital - you did everything possible. To
Marg Rowland, Nikki Saunders, Father Chris and
Father Mooney for your prayers and poems. To St.
Patrick's CWL for the great lunch and the Whitney-
Ribey Funeral Home for their compassion. Willy
was a great husband, father, grandfather and
farmer. We are truly grateful to everyone for their
support. - Betty Kroonen and family 47-52xlcc
We would like to thank our many friends, relatives
and neighbours for all the support and expres-
sions of sympathy on the passing of our Mother,
Beatrice Stoll. If you called, sent flowers, food,
cards, memorial gifts, prayers or visits - thanks
alot. To Chris Smith of Box & Smith, thanks for your
guidance and compassion.. To Jack and Mary
Helen McLachlan, thanks for the tasty meal be-
tween visitation. To Pastor Steve and Mary Beth
Wilson for your touching messages. To the ladies
of Egmondville United Church, a big thank you for
the delicious luncheon. Thanks also to the staff of
Seaforth Hospital for your many acts of kindness.
She was a great lady and will be dearly missed.
- The Stoll Family 47-52x1
Many thanks for all the cards, flowers, plants,
phone calls, enquiries anti food sent to the house
while. I am recovering from knee surgery. Special
thanks to the staff for filling in where needed and
especially to my husband Doug for being such a
great caregiver. He said he has new appreciation
for personal support workers. It is wonderful to live
in such a caring community. Thanks again for ev-
erything. - Gail Schroeder 47-51-1
• WED. DEC 23
8-10 a.m: Walk for Wellness, Seaforth
1-4 p.m. Seniors Shuffleboard at
Seaforth Arena
3:30-5 p.m. Knitting and Crocheting
Circle Platinum Oak.
• TI#URS. DEC. 24
8-10 a.m. Walk for Wellness. Seaforth
10-11:30 a.m. Play & Learn, Vanastra
Community Church..
1:30- FRI..3 ,mDEC. Break Skating
M Christmas
• SAT. DEC 26
12:30-2:00 p.m. Xmas Public Skating
at Seaforth Arena
• SUN. DEC 27
1-2:30 p.m. Free Public, Skating,
Seaiorth Arena.
• MON. DEC. 28
8-10 a.m. Walk for Wellness Seaforth
10-11:30 a.m. Play and Learn, St.
James School Gym.
• MON. DEC. 28
1:30-3 p.m. Xmas Public Skating at
Seaforth Arena
• TUES. DEC. 29
8-10 a.m. Walk For Wellness
Program, Seaforth Arena.
10-11:30 am. Baby & Toddler Time
Seaforth Co -Operative Children's
1:30-3 p.m. Xmas Public Skating,
Seaforth Arena
• 4-5, 6:30-7:30 Beginniner Knitting
Club, Brussels Library. All ages.
• WED. DEC. 30
8-10 a.m. CANCELLED Walk for
Wellness, Seaforth Arena.
1-4 p.m. Seniors Shuffleboard at
Seaforth Arena
1:30-3:00 p.m. Xmas Public Skating
Seaforth Arena
3:30-5 p.m. Knitting and Crocheting
Circle, Platinum Oak.
7:30 p.m. General Cancer Support,
Seaforth Manor, 100 James St.
Seaforth. Info: 1-800-294-0086.
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Page 35, The Huron Expositor • December 23, 2009
Dear Santa
Is everyone
with the flu g
feeling good
oing around?
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the presents from
last year. I like playing with it all. I
want this year for Christmas some
more Dora stuff to play with. I hope
that you give me lots of presents. I
have been a good girl.
I will leave you some cookies and
milk for you on Christmas Eve. I
am going to leave some carrots for
the reindeers.
How is the north pole?
How is the reindeer going?
Are you getting ready for Christ-
I am looking forward to seeing you
Merry Christmas Santa!!!
From Samantha M.
Kindergarten, St. James School
Dear Santa,
How is the North Pole? How are
the elves? Are they busy getting
ready for Christmas? Is the sleigh
ready for the long trip around the
Thank you for my princess last
year. I really liked playing with her.
I have been a good girl this year. For
Christmas this year, I would like to
have a Princess Castle.
I will leave you milk and cookies
for you on Christmas Eve night.
Merry Christmas!
Clara D.
Kindergarten, St. James School
Dear Santa,
Thanks for the gifts that Igot last
year. I will leave Rudolph and the
other reindeer some carrots. For
Christmas I would like •a baby doll
that can talk to me. It should have
a bottle to come with it too. I hope
that you will give gifts to all of the
people that have been nice. I will
leave you gingerbread cookies that
are shaped like bells with a glass of
milk. Is every one feeling good with
the flu going around? Thank you
to the reindeer for frying the toys
around the world all night.
From, Kylie M.
Kindergarten, St. James School
Dear Santa,
Thank -you for the gifts last year.
How are the reindeer, I hope they
are okay. Is Rudolph's nose still
bright and red? I will be sure to
leave a little treat for your reindeer
and you too! I will leave the rein-
deer some cookies and water and I
will leave you some milk and cook-
ies. I will leave your treat on the
kitchen table, so you know where to
look. Are your elves busy working?
I hope so! Since I think I was on the
nice list I thought I would give you
some ideas for presents. I would like
some purple, blue and pink make-
up, some little baby dolls, and some
doll clothes for the baby. I hope you
come to my house and have a good
From Clare
Kindergarten, St. James School
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my Hannah Montana
video game last year! Also the mark-
ers and the easy bake. I have been
good this year. This year I would
like another video game, a barbie
doll, clothes. I hope Rudolph's nose
is bright. I am going. to leave you
milk and banana cookies. I hope
the elves worked hard. I hope there
is lots of snow. I hope the sleigh is
running and ready to come. I am
going to leave the . reindeer's some
From Ava S.
Kindergarten, St. James School
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the Candy glam I got
last year and the other gifts. I've
been really good this year, I've been
helping my friends. I would like
Barbie and the three musketeer's
please and thank you. I'm going to
leave cookies and milk for you and
carrots for the 'reindeer's. I hope
Mrs. Claus is doing good and the
Elf's are working hard.
Love, Alison D.
Kindergarten, St. James School
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the gifts you gave me
last year. This year I would like to
get g Musketeer doll and a cat Fur
Real friend. I also want sonic lip-
stick. My brother George wants . a
sonic laser, and my brother William
wants a sonic screw driver. Why
is Rudolph's nose red? How do the
elves make all the toys? Can you
ask Mrs. Clause what kind of cook-
ies you like?
From Maryellen
Kindergarten, St. James School