HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-8-7, Page 4eileageeeteeaseeeet
n -nee
Brinve. on Monday .evening ; the oc-yo SUNSHIN'E.
CAN GET • canon beua hner 87th birthday. A z;ery IN
Irl�asant •eniug�; wasrCammendMiand MrC T to cars' oaf 1 cod ttom
. s,:
iDetencevat,er, Sask., spent the week -
,end with fir, and ;hies, Maynard.
. Sr Win. H. Smith opened his sea-
son's threshing ,at \lr•. Wm, L)estreich-
ers on Tuesday,
tr and Mrs. Treller and fa'm'ily of
Detroit spent Sunday with ' relativea
.11x and Mrs. Martin; and Mrs, Mar-
tins mother of Zurich spent Sunday
with Mr and Mrs.. Chris Falmer.
1A o Sala 1 rn s
By Taking the Fruit Treatment
In the Foran of "Fruit-a-tives
You can get rid of the pain; the
heavy, uncomfortable feeling; the
bilious attacks, headaches and consti-
pation that accompany this trouble.
The Fruit Treatment—which is the
intensified juices of apples, oranges,
fags and prunes combined with tonics
—will always relieve Dyspepsia.
Mrs, Thomas Evans, Everett, Ont.,
says: "1 :lave been troubled for years
with Dyspepsia , Liver and Kidney
Disease from which it was impossible
to get relief until I took "Fruit-a-
tives", Thanks to their wonderful
results, I am free of these ailmeuts
and am in normal health again".
This is the kind of proof that
'convinces, The Fruit Treatment—.
"Fruit-a-tives "—is sold by all dealers
et 25e. and 50c.—or sent postpaid by
Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Ont.
r" x erel' Advocate
em ger. v (: rt'e.:h, Proprietors
Rev. D. McTavish was elected one
of the vice-presidents at the summer
school held at Goderich last week.
Mr. and %frs. George Wright and
'ears. Jos. Brokezeshire returned to
Windsor on Tuesday, •after =pending
the Creek end with .'4Ir, and Mrs. Eli
Hiss Pearl Motz and Mr. Frank
Sheieling of London spent the: week
end here the guest o;f Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Motz.
1Lr andnars. Roy Bennett of Wind-
sor spent the week .end here, the guest
6f \1.r and alts. Albert Icing.
•\r. and Mrs Fred Chambers of Cur-
rie Crossing were visiting the week
end with .elr, Thomas Chambers.
nfis Lauretta Holtzman, nurse in
training, Victoria Hospital, Londorn, and
her sister Vera, a recent graduate, are
holidaying at theer home for a few
Rev, and Mrs E. D. Becker of Han-
over, a former pastor eoi the Evangel-
ical church, spent a few days in the
village renewing acqua?lntances, and oc-
cupied the pulpit on Sunday last,
preaching two instructive sermons,
Mr L. E Chesney of Taranto paid. a
short visit to the village on Sunday last
the guest of and lairs. J. H, Holtz -
Mee and Mrs. Everett Falmer, Mr,
Emery Fahner and Miss Loretta Haut
attended the wedding of air. Ervin
Fahner to :hiss Sauer at Buffalo on
Friday last..
Miss Pearl Holtzman:, R N„ of
Chicago is holidaying under the par- f
ental roof.
Lr John Seahls of Galt after an a i
aence of forty-six years spent a fe:v
days invthe village looking up acqua .nt
antes and ,relatives.
.Miss Grazella Lamport, nurse Jr train
ing at Victoria Hospital, London, is
holidaying at her home here.
err, and Mrs. Wm, Smith, Sr., have
friends from Rose, City, Mech., visiting
.firs. Louis 'Wein .had the, misfortune
to dislocate a fingepr joint.
The Misses Walburg and Clarisa
Hill of Rec'e.ving•Hosp,ital, are visiting
at their home here.
A .umber of the members of the
Friendly Bible Class of the Evangelical
• Sunday School surprised Mrs, Chas,
,Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Dingwall and
ninthly wafeireetsville, were the ge-
ests of; friends and relatives in town
this week.
Miss Annie Gilchrist, of London,
is visiting with her aunt, Miss Jean
11icAr•thur, for a few day.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quantz, of
crater, were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Dilling.
'Mies Ver:; Welsh, of Toronto is
visiting with relatives and friends in
toavn for a few days this week.
Mrs. A. Joynt and Masters Harry
and Billy, spent a few days at the
Gruel Bend this week.
Ilia and Mrs, J. L. Scott and fam-
ily, of Toronto, are the guests of rel-
atives in town this week.
itlr, and Mrs. Jack Buchanan, of
London, spent the holiday in town,
the gusets of the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell and fam-
ily, of Walkerville, are visiting with
friends and relatives in Hensall.
M. and Mrs, P. B. Buchanan, of
Torvxt.o. . were week -end guests with
relatives in the village.
Miss Evelyn Short, of Windsor, is
the guest of her aunts, the Misses
Margaret and Emma Johnston.
'Mr. Robt, Morrison, of Woodstock
vieited with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Priest
over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Jones have
reeently moved into the house on
Brock st. formerly occupied by Mr.
D: Geromette.
CMr. and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren
motored to Windsor on Saturday and
visited -with friends there.
Miss Jessie Bell of Windsor, is
visiting -at her home on the London
road, south, this week.
Mr. Ed. Berry, and Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Berry, of Windsor, spent the
holiday the guests of Mrs. T. J. Berry
of town.
,e Mr.' anti .Mrs. D. A. Cantelon and
1lr, Ferris Cantelon motored to Wat-
ford, and spent Sunday with relat-
ives there.
Miss Irina' Rannie, of Detroit, is
this week the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rannie, in town.
•Rev. and Mrs. A. Sinclair and
family left this week for Sarnia and
other points, Mr. Sinclair being on
a two -weeks vacation. Next Sunday
the pulpit in the Methodist church
4 w111 be taken- by Mr. Andrew Boa.
Everyone is invited to the services.
Don't forget the U. F. 0. garden
party to be held on the grounds of
Mr i Wm. Pepper, 11/4 miles east of
Hensall,, onneeng. 12th, at 8 p.m.
, A. goodly number of our citizens
took in the celebration of the Huron
Old Boys, held at Seaforth thin week
and they report being royally enter-
Miss Evelyn; Heffernan. is visiting
with relatives en Seaforth this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sharp, of Sea -
forth, visited' with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Zuefle on Sunday.
Mr. James McDonald of Bayfield,
is in toxon this week.
Mr: and Mrs:. (Dr.) Joynt, of Tor-
,onto were the::guest$ of pate- and Mrs
an C. Joynt .of town, this week.
Dr.and Mrs.. Campbell and fancily
of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs.
T._Murdock, this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Isreal Lindenfield,
and daughter, of London, visited the
former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J.
Lindenfield over the holiday.
;Civic holiday passed very quietly
in town, most 'of of r citizens taking
in eelebrations' at other points.
,Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Gowie, of Sar-
nia,. spent a :few days with the lat-
ter's . parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Love.
Miss Pearl Love, who has been
taking a courseat a summer school
in London, has returned home.
Misses Jean) •Eleda . 'and Helen
Love; accompanied by Miss Sylvia
Bickle,' motored from Buffalo, and
spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
D. Love.
Mr. Thos. Cook spent a fe'w day%..
with relatives in Exeter this week.
Miss Rosa Stone, of London, was
a visitor at her home in town over
the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reid of Lon-
don, have been here visiting rela-
tives for a few days this week.
Mrs. T. Elston, of Exeter, is visit-
with relatives in town this week.
Dr. G. Knapp spent the week -end
with relatives in Toronto,
Mr, J. Nicol, of the Sterling Bk.
staff,' at Dungannon, is holidaying
at his hone in town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rannie took a
motor trip to Pike's Bay on Monday
and visited Mr. Sant Rannie, who
is at present in that locality.
Work has been started on the new
addition which is to be put to our
school. The excavation ,for the base-
ment of the new rooms has begun.
and construction work will soon be.
in. progress.
The Canadian National Exhibxtt:
ion at Toronto` will start on August
23rd., and finish on Sept, 6th, The
Western. Fair, London, commences.
Sept, 6th .and closes Sept. l3th, i
Mr, and Mrs. C. J.:Ruanball and
fancily of Toronto and Mrs, Webster
.and family of Goderich, visited.
with their, attnwt,p,Miss McGregor last:
' lt"rrA,I MI IA Itgg let ION
"Where do
we sleep?"
"Has someone called up by
Long Distance and reserved
our rooms:?"
if not, you will be running
a greater risk this year
than last. Some of the
party have been looking fol'
ward for weeks, perhaps,
to this trip. Double their
enjoyment with the definite
assurance of a good night's
Reserve your rooms by Long
Distance -'— always — and
make sure they will be wait-
ing for you — in just a
few minutes you will know
The evening rate on Station -
to -Station calls (after 8.30
standard tame) is only about
one-half the day rate. The
night rate (after midnight,
standard time) is only about:
one-quarter the day rate.
Every Bell .Telephone its f
Long Distance Statin.
Camra and family spent. Sunday
•with, Mr,nand* Mrs. John Rauty of
Woodha' a,
Mrs, Garnet Murray' is spending
a few days with friends in Seaforth.
'Miss Greta Fetcher is visiting With
her cousin, Doris Hodgins; of Sai-
Mr. and Mrs. L. Fletcher and
Allan visited • with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Kerslake, of Centralia, on Sunday.
Miss Mildred Roully spent a few
days with her cousin Grace McLau-
ghlin, of Cromarty.
Miss Payne and Miss leaortan, of
Blyth, who have been visiting Mrs.
Fred Towler, have returned home.
Little Miss Muriel Peart, of Rock-
wood, is visiting her cousin, Ina
Mr. and Mrs. Rev, G. A. Barnard
and Winnifred, of Fordwich, Miss
Medd :and. Marjorie Medd, of Exeter
visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Routly
on Wednesday.
The Hurondale W.I. Mei ae the
home of Mrs. N. Raney on Friday,
August 1st. It was decided to
again send a barrel of fruit to the
Sick Children's hospital Toronto. A
committee was appointed to make
arrangements for a concert in the
near future. The program consisted
of community singing; a reading by
Mrs. N. Raney and guitar and
piano duets by the Misses Broadfoot.
Mrs. R. Kydd gave an excellent
paper on the importance of rest and
recreation to maintain nature,
books, travel and an afternoon•at the
Women's Institute where ideas could
be exchanged as the older women
used to do over their knitting.
Lunch was then served and a social
time spent. The next meeting will
be held at Mrs. C. Allison's .,
(Intended for last week)
The first picnic of the Hern
family was held on July 30th at
Maple View Farm, near Zion.
There were about seventy present,
most of the families being com-
pletely represented. Soft ball,
races and sports were helot and
were keenly contested. Dinner and
supper were served on the grounds.
In spite of the threatening weather
everything went off fine and all
thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Mr. and S. R. Peart and family of
Rockwood, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. P. Hern recently and attended
the Hern picnic at Maple i'Jiew
Farm, Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. Senna. Peart of
Guelph visited recently with the
former's brother, Mr. John Peart.
Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Bradt and
family of London are holidaying
with friends in town. •
!Mrs Collins of Los Angeles, Cale
is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W,
J. Smith.
A trosseau ,party, was given inn;hon-
or of Miss L. Ricbarda of London
here at the 1 home of her parents; Mr.
and Mrs. Richards' of the village;;
Miss Kathleen Hicks and frietd of
London. are spending, theta ;, hol, days
here at the home of the former• s.•par-
ents, Mr. and rears. A. Hicks-, v
Mrs. S. Thompson was iii, !leapt -
ford 'oven w
the eek -end " .
Mr. and Mrs, E. Powe of •Lana en
spent the week-en,d, with friendraere.
Muss Marie Hodgins of London ,pent
Civic Holiday with her 'aunt;' Mrs Thos
Wi11Is, •
Mr. A. Parsons of London spesi't the
holiday with his brother, M•r. W. J.
Parsons, here
Mr. W. Dobbs was on a 'fishing trap
to Wharton over '•the week -end,,
Centralia Galls' Baseball, team, went
to Parkhill last week to play with . the
Parkhill .girls who were the airman,
Mrs. Wilson and daughter oL,• New
York are visitors with the frorm.er'a
sister, Mrs. J. Richards.
The Sunday School picnic held :at,
Grand Bend. on Friday ? afternoon
.last was probably the. best ever held
under similar .cuspeces, . practically
every family being represented.
Soft ball game between the young
men and girls was a fairly' good one,
but the score was forgotten by the
ladies. The last .game, However, be-
tween two picked teams was very in-;
teresting andmuch enjoyed by all..
The following sports were run off
and Were very closely contested,
Children's race under five; 1st
Mildred Elliott, 2nd Donald Blair;
Girls race under six; lst Dorothy
Hicks, 2nd Mildred Elliott; Boy's
race under six; lst Donald Blair,
2nd Ret;. Hodgson; Girl's race under
nine; 1st Dorothy Hicks, 2nd Flor-
ence Mitchell; Boy's race under,
nine; lst Jirn. Corsant, 2nd Billy
Elliott; Giil's race open;' .1st Mad-
iline McFalls, 2nd Ada Mitchell;
boy's race open; est Wm;' Esseree
2nd Fred :Bowden women's .race
open 1st errs. Geo. Hepburn, 2nd
Angie Anderson; men's race open;
1st: Will Essery, and Fred. Bowden;
peanut race girls; lst Mildred
Deliott, 2nd Dorothy Hicks; peanut
race boys; 1st Dick Neil, 2nd; Her -
ofd ' Mitchell; three legged race; 1st
Bowden and Hodgson, 2nd Elliott
and : Eeeery graceful walla contest;
1st Mts. Vann Oke, ' 2nd Mrs.` Wm.
Bowden, 3rd Mrs; Roy Fletcher
,arae grace Murray Ellie tf and Mrs
.'Nelson Ealtei;.-, , ;n :- ,,i
Stasters=Albert Mitchell Daniel
.Hodgson .arid Murray Elliott,
('Jude-es—Byron eIreles, W J.
Smith, and Rev. W. N. Kitefy. •`'
Quite a Marge number from this.
vicinity enjoyed themselves at the
C mmuiiity Picnic held at spring -
bank last Thursday. The heavy
rain of. Wednesday night prevented.
Harvest operations on Thursday so
the men were -free, from rushing
The grain has suffered somewhat.
from theheavy downpour of recent
rains as some fields were badly flat
tensed, the frain being tall and.
The Johns Threshing Co. are pre-
pared for a good season's work this
fall having purchased a new Sarnia
Separator recently.
Miss Margaret Miners of Sarnia,
visited in this neighborhood during
the past week.
Miss Margaret Johns was a visitor
with relatives near the Thames
Road last week.
Messrs. Clifford Whitlock of St.
Thomas and. Robert Dennison of
London called on relatives in thio
community during the week.
The Mission Band of this Church
are preparing far an Ice Cream
Social to be held here in the near
Mr. and Mrs. Bensbn Wfl1fams
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Williams and
baby were in London on Sunday
Mr, and Mrs, Alden. Jones of Lon-
don visited for a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johns.
'Mrs. Hutchison of London, has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Cornish.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, spent
last Sunday in London. Master
Howard and Miss Mary Johns, who
have been visiting their grandmother
in the city returned with them.
Mr. Alderson, the Wear -Ever al-
uminum salesman has been deliver-
ing a large amount of his wares
amongst the ladies of this vicinity.
He held a very successful demon-
stration at the home of Mrs. Ed,
Johns a few weeps ago.
Miss Marquis of Clinton called on
friends in our neighborhood last
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo of Toronto,
have been holidaying at Mr. George
Wrights' during the past week.
The Misses Hern of near Granton
have been visiting at the home of
their aunt, Mrs. Charles Johns dur-
ing the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillman cel-
ebrated the 50th anniversary of their
wedding air July 27th, at which a
number of friends and relatives were
Mr. Albert Hey and Mrs. Wm. Hey
of the Bablyon Line visited with re-
latives at Hamilton last week.
The Sauble Line from *Goderich to
Grand Bend is being broadened in
places whereit is required and a new
iron bridge will be built to take the
place of the one about a mile South
of St. Joseph. At present this bridge
is closed to traffic.
Building operations in Zurich are
progressing nicely. The mason
work on the new Deitz block is
completed, also.the walls of the new
Molsons Bank building, while the
framework of Dr. MacKinnon's new
building is up ready for the brick-
work. -
Miss Marguerite Prang is spending
a few days in Detroit.
Mr. Mn C. • Milliken spent a few
days at his home in Parkhill.
Miss Hazel Stelck of London, is
holidaying with her grandmother,
Mrs: Mary Stelek.
Miss Anna Wurm, who has spent
some time in Chicago, returned to
her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F.. Braun and
son Billie of Forest visited at the
Lamont home.
Mr. Earl Schenk of Mount Clem-
ens, Mich., is spending a few weeks
with his friend, Mr. Leonard Prang.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Desch and
Mr. Ward Fritz visited with Mr: and
Mrs. L. Kekoa in Detroit.
Mrs. P. Koehler is spending a few
weeks at Port Huron.
Rev. Father Girard :of Windsor.,
is serving the Drysdale R. C. Church.
Messre. - J., Decher, Jr. and. Mr.
Garnet Deters attended the New
Hamburg races last week,
Mrs. J. S. Burns of Saskatchewan
visited at the homes of J. Preeter
and W. L. Siebert last week.
Grand Bend
Relatives received word here last
week of the death of Alfred Gr'avelle,
who'died on July the 16th, at Stock-
ton, California, at the age of 48 yrs.:
No particulars have been received as
to the cause of death, Mr. Gravelis
was a former resident of Grand Bend,
but has been in California for about
20 years. He is survived by his
father, Asaph Gravelle, of this place,
two brothers- and four sisters, Mrs.
Thos. Webb and Mrs. I3armin .Gill,
of Grand Bend, being among thein.
His 'remains were interred at Stock-
,L:UCAN. Wrn.. W. Langford of
Lucan has sold his farm, stock and
impleinents to Mr. Whitefield of
Bri}'s e�15, ai>3d t e t1 tter µhis, ,taken
possession,,ryfhije ' Mr.• Langford ;,has
moved to Lis'to;wel. The efarrtrhdtos.
a numbefeof years Wasx'owriedi by
Mr. W. H. Kent. :.
The Trend of Business
TO forecast correctly trade develop.
ments is of vital importance to the
man of business.
Our Monthly Commercial Letters,.
which will be sent on request, con -
tai t< analyses of agricultural and
trade conditions of great assistance -in
reaching sound conclusions.
Capital Paid Up $20,000,000 '
Reserve Fund $20,000,000
Exeter Branch. - - - M. R. Complin, Manager
Crediton Branch - - - G. G. Maynard, Manager
CAPITAL - $4,009,000
RESERVE - $5,000,000
Money should not be deft lying around the demise,
even locked up or lhidden away. Deposited in a
Savings Account with The il1olsonis Bank it is safe,
earns interest and is readily available,.
T. S. WOODS Manager.
BigBargains in Furniture
At Gardiner's
Director of Funeral Services
Day and Night Service,
Business Phone 74w'
Motor and Horse Equipment,
Opera House Block,
Night Call 74j
Mr and, Mrs. F. Lefomd'of Sarnia are
aisititng at the home of C. Finkbe?xner,
?Jr and Mrs. Albert Gaiser and fam-
ily motored to Buffalo for the week
Mr. an,d ;Mrs. Georoe Baynham visit-
ed friends here can, Sunday.
Sim the Mover and Mr. Ed. 'Gallag-
han of Windsor called on relatives end
friends here .on Sunday.
(Miss ,Martha Gower has returned
from her 'visit In. London.
.Miss Goldie Schroeder is having her
holidays in London.
Mr. Tom Baynham is improving won-
derfully after his long illness.
Mrs Lydia Sweitzer and ;airs, Hewlet
and son intend making their future
home in Exeter.
ear and Mrs. E. Masotu called on L
Schroeder for the holiday.
Mise Ilia Sweit zee is spending her
holidays at Parkhill,
Mr. Nelson Finkbelauer, who has been
visiting hofs ,parents for, the past month
is eeturning to hofs western 'home. '
VIr, and 'Mrs. Richardson of Toronto'
who, has been visiting the former's: par-
ents, are'returning on Tuesday.
•Address and:Presentaati,ot,—Om Mon-
day evening quite a number of ~ neigh-
bors and iriends gathered at the home
o•f Zr', and Mrs. W. Sweitz'er to clo
bonornto Mrrs..Hewlett and son, Gor-
don, event are, leaving here for Exeter.
The eveoing, was; spent in outdoor ga-
mes and singing old folk -songs,. Lunch.
was served to .93 guiests, after which
Mae. Hewlett was praesented with a
beautiful French Ivory" stet, accompan-
ied by a well -worded address, which
was ,read by Muss E. Firr,kbeiner. The
evening throughout was a most enjoy-
able .one for all.
Mrs. Rev. 'Williams and children of
Thedford visaed friends here last week
'ears. Susan Keyes and son, Collar.
of Detroit are ;Finking with relatives
and friends en. this vicinity.
Mr.' and lvlrs Ross McKen zie �[
Windsor spent the wieek end with his
mother, Mrs. McKen zie,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Richardson, who
have ,jseen visitting with the latter's
mother, Mrs. talcEachean, bane returned
to their borne.
Fractured His El13ow.—,Mr. Milton
l atz met with a painful accident last
Tuesday. While working, in the chop-
ping mill he accidently sloppped with
the result that leis elbow bone was
badly splintered. Medical and was im-
mediately called and Mr Ratz wast ta-
ken to' the London hospital to have the
injuries dressed. He is' now carrying
'his arm in a sling, but we hope for' a
speedy recoverye
Several familitesrfrom; here! are attend
ung the Old Boys' Reaction at Seaforth
this week.
CLINTON-A pretty wedding took
place on Saturday, July 26th, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Rodaway, Albert steet, Clinton, when
their youngest daughter, -Helen A.,
was united in wedlock to Mr. George
H. Van Loon of Detroit. •
The Western Fair
London, Canada
Sept. t. t g 1924
$30,000 Cash Prizes
The 1924 Prize List is, extensive and the classification willprove
attractive to Exhibitors in all Departments
Dog Show, Automobile .Show, Pure Food Show
New Manufacturers' Building Featuring
Canada's Industrial Achievements
Unexcell d-Va diville Attractions, in frot f Grand Stand
"Where Country
and City Meet"
for Prize List
._Entrx s -close August 30th
J. H. Saunders, President W. P. jack -Son,' Secretary