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Proprietor and Publisher, Bowes Publishers Limited, 11 Main St., Seaforth, ON, NOK IWO
Health study urgently
needed as the heat rises
if the ernbarraganent over Canada. being viewed
by the rest of the planet as the "Colossal Fossil" of
the year at the Bent Copengen climate talks has
taught us anything, it's that we can't wait for our
currently-electatfederal leaders to make the changes
needed to combat climate change - s
Muni leaden from 100 cities around the world
who he 4 ::cel summit to the UN climate con-
ference eluding Toronto's David Miller, seemed to
show that there's plenty to be done - and a greater
politi l to do it to decrease carbon emissions at
loser to home, 1 has •been beginnir to
a little greene editing its interest in offer -
i r„
u aunicipal x t tops and municipal land to p0.
tential molar projects. v✓ .
It's becoming more obvious every day as glass
melt and polar s drown, that alternative forms
of energy are a nessity to prevent a disastrous end
to humanity and that wind energy is one dale solu-
But, while the province of Ontario has implemented
the Greenr Act to promo `"te use of wind en-
ergy and oth natives in the province, the lack
of an inde • ndent study that wouldetermine how to
Osie wind bwithout causing harm to those who
live close'industriat wind turbines remains a
major roa in the �-�,at
T hundreds of people who are repo ings adverse
heal i; effete from living near wind turbine across
Ontario are -- not climate change deniers who are
against alternative forpAs of energy.
They are people w.o' often described themselves as
pro -wind energy before they began to suffer a range of
symptoms after wind turbines were erected nearby.
A recent study commissioned by the wind industry
in Canada and the United States that reviews all ex-
isting literature and concludes that there are no ad-
verse health effects on human health does nothing to
solve the problem and end the protests.
Only an independent study done by researchers who
have no.,financial incentive to arrive at one outcome
,another will do.
It's a study that becomes more and more important
as global temperatures eOntinue to.rise.
Susan liundertmark
a local lei -
our Community Newspaper Since MO
Publisher - Dave Sykes
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Gang looking for the blessings in our
lives at Christmastime
While Christmas cards have
become a rare treat in my mail-
box since the advent of email
and the World Wide Web, I.
still sometimes find one or two
of those form letter Christmas
greetings tucked in among the
pile of bills each December.
You may know the type I'm
talking about - the page -long
annual letter mass -mailed out to extended
family and distant friends that detail the
achievements (usually) of the past year.
Daughter Janey graduated with honours
from university and- is now being courted by
all of the major corporations for a prestigious
job researching the cure for cancer but decided
to take a year in a developing nation, first, to
solve the international hunger problem. A No-
bel peace prize is certainly expected in the fu-
And, son Billy is being scouted by both the
NHL and the NBA and he just can't figure out
if he wants to wear skates or sneakers for the
rest of what will surely be a superstar career
either way.
Dad's a rock star about to embark on another
world tour and Mom's an international bank-
er, who, despite the recession, just earned an-
other million dollar. Christmas bonus and her
only dilemma is where to spend it all.
Ron & Dave
Wow, I can't •
believe it's
Christmas Eve
Yeah, I
can hardly
Just think of all
the neat stuff we II
get in the morning.
Yeah, but don't you
think it's wrong that
we get so much stuff
when there are so
many poor people
in the world?
#4 41% $‘1
I always feel a little deflated af-
ter opening these press releases
since, afterall, my family and I
could never compete with such
extraordinarily blessings -filled
Those of us who do not compose
such letters perhaps do not be-
cause our more down-to-earth
lives include illness, death, lay-
offs or the struggle to hold onto jobs that won't
be seeing any raises or bonuses in the current
economic climate.
And yet, at Christmastime, we go looking for
the blessings too - we have not been demoted,
fired or laid off yet. Our kids, while they'll get
a little less on their Christmas list than usual,
are still managing to enjoy their lives, make
friends and achieve at school. And, as a family,
we've got each other to laugh and cry and rage
and joke with.
It's a struggle sometimes but we're still man-
aging to 'get by and despite continuing predic-
tions of the end of the world - by war, economic
devastation or climate change - it's not a bad
life. There are moments, in fact, when it's
pretty great and Christmas is a good time to
pause and remind ourselves of that fact.
So, with greetings that begin lukewarm and
yearn towards toasty, Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to you and yours.
by bavid Lacey
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Where'd that
come from?
Sorry, I forgot
that the true
meaning of Christmas
is to get more stuff.
Susan Hundertmark
Dan Schwab
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