HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-12-16, Page 18Page 18, The Huron Expositor • December 16, 2009
RIBEY, Ross. W.: At his residence, the Whitney-
Ribey Funeral Home in Seaforth, on Thursday, De-
cember 3, 2009, Ross W. Ribey, funeral director
for over 41 years, at age 63. Beloved husband of
Joyce (McLean) Ribey. Cherished father of An-
drea, Bradley, Brent and Cheryl and her husband
Pat Coyne. Very special grandpa of Tyler and
Brooke. Fondly remembered by Brandy Leslie..
Dearly missed by his brother Murray and his wife
Dorothy of R.R. #2, Paisley; brothers-in-law Bev
Cutting of Meaford and Bill Johnston of Paisley;
sisters-in-law Pat Ribey of Lloydminster, Saskatch-
ewan and Jean and her husband Mike Myatt of
Port Elgin; and many nieces and nephews. Prede-
ceased by one son, Trevor (stillborn), his parents
Wallace and Rhoda (Campbell) Ribey, his father-
in-law and mother-in-law Ivan and Monie McLean,
a brother Charles (2001) and sisters Margaret Cut-
ting (2007) and Lois Johnston (2009). Family re-
ceived friends at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home,
Seaforth on Saturday from 2-4 and 7-9 pm and
Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. The funeral service
was held at NoFthside United Church, Seaforth on
Monday, December 7 at 2:00 pm. Northside minis-
ter, Mary Fletcher, officiated. Interment Maitland -
bank Cemetery, Seaforth. Pallbearers were Roger
Pleau, Gerry Dillon, Lyle Haney, Ken McLean, Ray
Rachon and Neil Dolmage. Flower bearers were
granddaughters Tyler and Brooke. Memorial do-
nations to the Seaforth Lions Park & Pool c/o P.O.
Box 278, Seaforth or Seaforth Ag Society (Bursary)
c/o P.O. Box 886, Seaforth would be appreciated
as expressions of sympathy.Condolences at www.
whitneyribeyfunerathome.com 42-51-1
GEDDES: In memory of Wm. Allen Geddes who
passed away December 22, 2006.
When old times we often recall,
That's when we miss you most of all.
- Lovingly remembered by Karen, children and
grandchildren 46-51-1
ROWLAND, Laurie K.: Dec. 9, 1969 - Dec.18,
Once again, December has come Laurie K,
The month of your birthday and Christmas,
Times you loved so much.
But also the month God called you back,
Only ours for a little while,
But forever in our hearts.
- Mom, Michael, Stephen, Michelle, John and their
families 46-51x1 cc
HIBBERD: In loving memory of Dad who passed
away Dec. 18/83, Mom, Nov. 21, 1994` and sister
Glenna March 24,2003
Remembering our Christmases when we were all
- Ruth Campbell & Family 46-51-1
FLANAGAN, Peter: December 17, 1993
It is sad to walk the road alone,
instead of by side by side,
But to all there comes a moment,
When the ways of life divide.
You gave us years of happiness,.
Then came sorrow and tears,
But you left us beautiful memories
We will treasure through the years.
- Love always, Joanne, Matt, Mark, Kayla and Jake
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The family of the late Ross Ribey would like to
Joe and Mary would like to say Thank -You to our thank our relatives, friends, neighbors, and
children, grandchildren, family and friends who business associates for their support at the time of
helped us celebrate our 35th Wedding Anniver- his death. Thank you to everyone for their various
sary. It was a wonderful night. Thank you. - Joe ,expressions of sympathy -the wonderful food
and Mary Ryan 47-51x1 brought to our home, flowers, gifts and memorial
donations. Thank you.as well to George Townsend,
Ken and Pat Coyne, Mike and Jean Myatt and
Wow, what a surprise! It was so good to see so Dorothy Ribey for going above and beyond.
many friends, relatives and neighbours on Nov. 14. Sincere thanks to the ambulance attendants,
Boy, all of you sure can keep a secret. Thank You Dianne Wood, Marlene deVries, Drs. Datema &
for all the lovely gifts and cards. Each one holds Krishna & coworkers at Seaforth Community
a special part of you all. A big Thank You to Lois Hospital for their support on Thursday morning. A
Anne, Terry and staff for bringing the band from heartfelt thank you to Ruth Townsend and Troy St.
Hollywood under the direction of Joe. The musical Onge for their compassionate guidance and
numbers and parade were enjoyed by all. Spe- competent direction of all aspects of Ross'
cial thanks to Lloyd, Lois Anne, Steven, Robert visitation and funeral service. We would also tike
and families for the lovely lunch and social time, to express our gratitude to, Angela Eckert, Lori
I'm lucky to have you all for my family. Yes Lloyd, Ann Moore, Cheryl Ann St Onge, George
Townsend, Lyle Haney and Jeff Lockhart for the
you're right, all birthdays are special and this one
I'll never forget. - Carol Anne Lostell 47-51x1 various ways they supported all of us through this
difficult time. Thank you to the members of the
Kinburn Foresters. and Seaforth & neighbouring
Lions Clubs for their meaningful memorial services.
A special thank you to Mary Fletcher and Margaret
Whitmore of Northside United Church, Carol
Carter, Ruth Townsend, Dr. Ken Rodney and Pat
Ribey for their involvement in the meaningful
funeral service conducted in remembrance of
Ross. We also want to thank the area funeral
directors for the honor guard; it was very touching
to us and a real tribute to Ross. Our heartfelt
appreciation is extended to our dear friends - Lyle
Haney for taking Ross to his final resting place at
Maitlandbank Cemetery; to Roger Pleau, Gerry
Dillon, Lyle Haney, Ken McLean, Ray Rachon, and
Neil Dolmage for acting as pallbearers and to
Granddaughters Tyler & Brooke for acting as
Flower Bearers. Thanks as well to Jeff Lockhart,
Jim Hoffman, Frank Schimanski, Ann Maycock,
Joyce McBeath, Al, Fran & Wayne from W.G.
Young Funeral Home, Angela Eckert and Lori Ann
Moore for their involvement in the funeral service.
Finally, we would like to thank the members of
Northside United Church for all their assistance at
the funeral service. Many thanks to friends
associated with Seaforth Agricultural Society,
Seaforth Community Centre, Huron East
Municipality and community members who
participated in the set up and take down of chairs,
tables & curtains at the Agriplex. Thank you also
to our longtime friend, Grace Campbell and all
MCLEAN those who assisted her in preparing and serving a
lovely luncheon. We would also like to acknowledge
the flexibility and thoughtfulness shown to our
family by Richard Lobb Auctions and the St.
James Church, hosts of the Huron County
Christmas Bureau. We feel very privileged to live
in such a caring community, who joined together
with our family in a wonderful celebration of Ross'
life. Thank you to all the people who came to the
visitation and funeral, as well as those who called,
emailed and sent sympathy cards. Your
tremendous support has given us the strength to
face a new chapter in the book of life. It will long
be remembered. - Sincerely, Joyce, Andrea, Brad,
Brent, Cheryl, Pat, Tyler and Brooke 47-51-1
Thank you to Dr. Datema and the clinic and hos-
pital staff in Seafotth. Thanks to Dr. Pautler and
his surgical team and nursing staff at St. Joseph's
Health Care. To mom and dad for the baking
and phone calls. Thanks to Betty, Dianne, Cindy,
Colleen, Meaghan and Mable for all the cooking
and baking items sent to our home. I don't think
I wilt need to cook for months (yeah). Thanks to
Mike and Allan for all your help with yard work
all summer and fall and to Laura for taking over
and running the office at work for me. I couldn't
have managed without you. To Dennis, the best
business partner ever, there are not enough words
to say what you really mean to Wayne and I. To
our employees at the shop fol always being there
when Wayne was running me to appointments. To
Wayne's mom Pearl for helping with our cats and
groceries and always just making sure everything
is o.k. To our customers at Den -Way Auto Body
Ltd. for your kind words and prayers. To everyone
for all their calls, cards, healing blankets, fruit bas-
kets and other items sent to our home over the last
several months and since returning home from the
hospital. Last but not least thanks to my husband
Wayne who has been there for me every step of
the way over these last 8 months. - Joyce Hartman
47-51 x 1 cc
The family of the late Ed McLean would like to ex-
press. our sincere thanks for all the visits, words
of condolence, cards, flowers, memorial donations
and food brought to the house during this difficult
time. Special thanks to the exceptional palliative
unit at Exeter Hospital and to the wonderful nurs-
ing and volunteer staff at Queensway Nursing
Home for the care given to Ed. Heartfelt thanks to
the pallbearers, to the Seaforth Harmony Kings for
their beautiful songs, to George Turner for singing
Ed's favourite hymn, to Rev. Marybeth Wilson and
Pastor Steve Hildebrand for their visits, prayers
and uplifting service: It truly was a celebration of
Ed's life. Thank you to the ladies of St. Andrews
U.C. Kippen and Egmondville U.C. for the deli-
cious lunches following the interment and service.
And lastly, our sincere appreciation to Chris and
Colleen Smith of Box and Smith Funeral Chapel
for all your caring support and guidance. All the
kindness shown over the last several weeks will
never be forgotten. - Helen and Heather McLean
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Where do I start! Everyone in this community is
so thoughtful and helpful. A sincere "thank you"to
Dr.Carolin Shepherd and all the staff at Seaforth
Community Hospital. I received excellent care from
very kind and helpful nurses, kitchen girls,therpay
and x-ray girls. The meals were great. We should
all be proud of our hospital, i am for sure. Very spe-
cial thanks to Donna for getting me up to emerg.
and looking after my house and for all the tasks
she looked after while I was in the hospital, and of
course to Bob also. They are great friends to have.
I really appreciate all the assistance I am receiving
from Community Care Access, St. Elizabeth Health
Care, Dan, Connie, Catrina, Joan, Paula and Rose-
ann, and to all other staff. for the excellent care. To
my neighbours, friends and family, thanks ever so
much for being so thoughtful, caring and helpful
while I was in hospital and since returning home. I
really appreciate eveything and your kindness will
always be remembered. Also, to my former clients,
I enjoyed working for each and every one of you.
Take care to all and have a lovely family Christmas
and all the best in 2010. Seaforth is a great place
to live. - Barb Osborn 47-51x1
County council will
watch school
zoning approvals
At the behest of Coun. Joseph Seili
(Huron East), county council's com-
mittee of the whole agreed last week
to take the reins of approving zoning
changes for the proposed school that
will straddle the municipalities of
North Huron and Morris-Turnberry.
Seili said some ratepayers are con-
cerned that the building approvals
will move forward through a rubber-
stamping process.
When county planning director
Scott Tousaw reported the present-
day policy does allow department
officials to sign off on undisputed
consents, county councillors passed
a resolution requiring all consents to
be reviewed by council with regard
to this development.
By Cheryl Heath
47. Cal of Thanks
On behalf of myself and family, heartfelt thanks
are expressed to everyone who supported us
throughout Norma's illness and oursubsequent
bereavement. Specific thanks are extended to the
doctors, nurses and support staff of the Huron -
Perth Healthcare Alliance with special mention
of those at the Seaforth Community Hospital, the
Huron County Family Health Team and the am-
bulance teams that support the Seaforth area. As
well, our thanks have to include medical and sup-
port staffs at the London Health Sciences Centre
(Victoria Campus) including the London Regional
Cancer Centre. To the staff of the Whitney-Ribey
Funeral Home thank you for your professionalism,
support and caring. To the many members of our
extended family including relatives and in-laws all
around, friends, members of the Breakfast Bunch
at Terry's, the Tuesday Coffee Club and Friday
night supper group at the Seaforth Bakery and
neighbours, who all so dearly wanted to help. You
did with your thoughts, prayers, caring and your
many acts of kindness. A special thanks also to
the congregation of Egmondville United Church
whose support and prayers were gratefully wel-
comed and in particular, for the help and caring
of Pastor Steve ably supported by his wife Ruth,
who was with us from the time of initial diagno-
sis to our re -raising of the flag ceremony after the
funeral and who continue to provide their sup-
port and prayers. A thanks also to the ladies of
the church who prepared and served the lunch
after the service. A special mention must also be
made to the "garden pixies" who helped our family
make sure that Norma's flower gardens were not
neglected over this past season. Other groups in-
clude, the staff, Cancer Relay Team and residents
of the Seaforth Manor Retirement Home and the
members of Team Norma who stretched across
Canada and in Michigan and old acquaintances
in the Ottawa Mississippi Mills (Almonte) area with
whom we kept in touch via e-mail. To all, thanks
for your interest, support, prayers and gifts. Fi-
nally, to our "Kids" a very special thank you for the
many deeds you performed to help your mother
and I through a difficult period. In appreciation,
a special donation has been made to the Huron
County Christmas Bureau on behalf of all of you
in Norma's memory, Again - many, many thanks
and God Bless. - Pat,Yvonne, Cara, Jim and Jan-
ice 47-51x1