HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-12-09, Page 10Page 10 The Huron Expositor • December 9, 2009
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Council questioned
about contribution
to subdivision
Susan Hundertmark
In a final attempt to have her questions answered about
the Huron East contribution of $125,000 towards the de-
velopment of a street in the proposed Barnim subdivision
where the former Seaforth Public School was located, Bar-
bara Box attended council at its Dec. 1 meeting.
"Mrs. Box, you didn't like. the answer last time? Mine
hasn't changed," said Mayor Joe Seili.
Box sent a letter to council on Nov 22 stating that her
question about how council "rationalized the decision to give
$125,000 to the developer when it has never been done be-
fore," was never answered by council.
"What is the justification for giving Seaforth taxpayers'
money to a private developer to help him with his expens-
es?" she said in the letter, offering to attend council for a
verbal response.
Deputy -Mayor Bernie MacLellan told Box that histori-
cally, Huron East councillors have left it to each ward's rep-
resentatiyes to decide how to spend the money left in the
reserve funds that were brought into Huron East when the
five former municipalities amalgamated.
"As long as the two representatives both agreed to put the
money into their ward, the rest of council wouldn't stand in
their way since it's not fair for the rest of us to tell Seaforth
what they should or shouldn't do," he said.
MacLellan added that Seaforth councillors Joe Stefller
and Bob Fisher agreed that contributing $125,000 towards
the development of the unopened road in the subdivision
"would move the town forward."
"It could have been a derelict building for a very long time,"
he said of the former public school.
Box responded that the municipality had already agreed
to pay 50 per cent of the water and sewer service before
agreeing to the $125,000.
"And, he (developer Brian Barnim) came back and said
that .wasn't enough," she said.
Brussels Coun. David Blaney said the 50 per cent contribu-
tion towards water and sewer is being recouped when the
lots sell.
"It's simply a way of making it feasible," he said.
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