HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-11-18, Page 180,-;<e• w.�.-rr--^r.' ,w-.-.... o.. •.....�..r..-.:., el.. -a . . e 18 The -Huron Expositor • November '(8; 2009 Correspondence Hensall United Church will host community Christmas dinner Dec. 6 The Hensall shuffleboard scores for November 10 are as follows: (5 games) Karl Regier 401, Rebecca Wilder 357. (4 games) Don Vance 471, Edna Deitz 433, Kathy Tippelt 282. (3 games) Wil- lie Hoonaert 383, Harry Pennings 354, Gord Ross 249. This past Sunday marked "the 123rd Anniversary of Hensall United Church. Melissa Snyders was the minister. On Sunday December 6 Hensall Unit- ed Church will host the Community Christmas Dinner from 4pm to 6pm. The dinner is free or free-will offering, and everyone is welcome. Proceeds will be donated to the Huron County Christmas Bureau. There will also be a drop-off box for new unwrapped cloth- ing and toys. We are not planning any take-out dinners, except for shut-ins. If you would like a dinner delivered, please phone Kathy Mann at 519-263- 2343. Everyone is welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Hensall South Huron Agricultural Society on Nov 18 at 6pm at the Hensall Commu- nity Centre. The special guest speaker will be Darda Geiger Sales, Canadian Gold and Silver Paralympic Medalist. The meeting will start with a pot -luck dinner at 6pm, followed by a business meeting and then the guest speaker. For more information please phone 519-263-3505. by Liz Sangster Network Cla s s ne s. Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! 'MIME'S ONE IN EVERY CROWD. Recognize a 6 to 17 year old with the prestigious 2009 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award nomination, by Nov. 30. www.ocna.org or call 905- 639-8720 ext. 243. ' i 1 AUTO FINANCING APPROVAL - Me can get you approved for an automobile no matter what your cir- cumstances are. Drive a little and save a lot. Over 300 vehicles to choose from. Apply online www.gabies.ca. 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