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Why Build llot Fires
McClary's Florence Oil Range in the
outside kitchen or summer cottage
eliminates stifling cooking heat and
the building of fires. You pay only
for the fuel you use at meal times.
And your oil supply is always avail-
Florence Oil Cook Stove
For Summer Cooking?
is just the equipment for summer.
Meals quickly prepared. No odor or
fumes. No wicks to renew. Intense
blue flame right under the cooking
vessel. Purchase price is low, upkeep
is moderate.
Let us demonstrate McClary's Flor-
ence with 'Success Oven in place.
Sold and Recommended by'
G. A. Hawkins, Exeter
School Reports
Results of Promotion examination.
Names arranged as promoted in or-
der of merit; those marked with an
asterisk obtained :honors.
Sr. IV—Stewart Campbell*; Jack
Jr. IV,—ALvin Cottle; Kathleen
Wi eman*; Ivan Stewart, Tommy
Sr. '`III—Marguerite Rohde, Lyda
Jr. III—Jean .Bussell, Bernice
•Gollings*, Thos. Rowbottom.
Sr. II—Isabella Chidley, Howard
.Johns, Arthur Rohde, Pearl McNicol.
Jr. II—Willie Stewart.
Sr. I—Bert Borland*, Jean Chid -
ley*, Doreen Campbell*, Jessie Mon-
teith, George Rowbottom.
Sr. Pr. -Jean Duncan*, Miller
,Campbell, Tommy Campbell.
Pr.—Noreen McNicol, Mary Johns
Marjorie Stewart, Loreen Borland,
Loraine Rowbottom, Clifford Allen.
No. on roll 34, aver,. atten. 28.
M. G. Johns, teacher.
Jr. III to Sr. III—Pass, Clare Zeu-
eefle, Edward Little, Albert Wolff,
'Royce Welsh, Eldred Smith, Marion
Sinclair, Lula Lindenfield, Joyce
'Scruton, Edna Wolff.
Sr. II to Jr .1II—Honors, Florence
MacDonald, Mabel *Workman, Den-
nis Hogarth, William Drummond,
Lloyd McLaughlin. Pass, Beryl
Drummond, Lizzie Bean, Howard
Hemphill, Gladys Passmore, Willie
Nicol, Irene Daters, Hazel Hudson,
'Ruth Hedden, Harold Foster.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 7, Usborne, promotion examina-
tion. Names are in order of merit.
Sr. IV—Delmer Skinner, Angue
Earl, Harold Denham, Hazel Earl. 4
Sr. III --Thomas Hern, . Morris
'Hern, Norman Jaques, Norman
Jr. III—Willie .Earl, Harvey
'Wright, M'yrtle Earl, Melvin Wright.
Sr. II—Clayton Cornish, Lloyd
'Hern, Garfield. Cornish.
Jr. .1—Thelma Jaques;
•.Jr.'Pr.—Cecil Wright.,
G. MacLean, teacher.
'S.S. NO. 4, STEPHEN (Sharon)
The following is the result of the
June promotion examinations held
in S.S. No. 4, (Sharon.) The per cent
• ,-r equired to pass is 60; -honors 75.
Jr. IV to Sr. IV—Arnold Becker
13, Charlie Martine 67, Lorance
;-Wein-•66, Lloyd Wein 60;
Sr. III to r.-IV—Eldon Smith 85,
Edna Martine 76, Greta Becker 70,
.`Thelma Weber 64.
Jr. III to 'Sr, ` III—Olga . Martine
,fir'"--' '69, Gordon Becker 69,
Jr. II to Sr. II—Lloyd Eagleson
11, Edith Weber 70. Retraining
classes were promoted at Easter.
Number on roll. 26, aver atten. 24.
Laving Smith, teacher,
'S.S. NC). -1,0, STEPHEN
The following is the report of S.S.
No, 10, Stephen, for the June promo-
tions. Names are in order of merit,
as they will in September.
Sr. IV—Lloyd Love, honors Nola.
"Hodgins, Bruce Eagleson, Dorothy
'Hickey. '
Sr. III—Charlie-Hodgins, Clayton
,;Louie, Maudie Brown, Willis Hayter,
Olive Bagieson, Willie Eagleson, Lil-
lian Love
Sr. II—Edward ° Hartle, Ruby
:Brown, Lillian Webb. Russel Brown,
The following are promoted to the
classes as they will be in September.
Names are arranged alphabeically:
Jr. II—Ross Brown, Raymond
Eagleson, Ila Hodgins.
Sr. I—Charlie . Stone, Mildred
Jr. I—Gerald Carruthers, Beulah
Hodgins, Ellen Hicks, Stanley Har-
tle, Maurice Murray.
Pr.— Crystal Hayter, Emma Stone,
Mae Stone, Nora Webb.
I. Francis, teacher.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 4, Usborne, based on promotion
examinations held in June for S.S.
No. 6, Hibbert. Those marked with
showing the standing for September.
Sr, IV—Lily Hunter 73.
Jr. IV -Mary Hunter 62.
Sr. III—Jean Coates 80, Ila Hun-
ter 73.
Jr. III—Archie Thomson 56, Roy
Hunter 55. •
Sr. II—Bessie Coates 77, Florence
Mitchell 65, Eldon Kading 60, Nor-
man Hunter 58.
Arnold Ford 68, Allan Westcott
I— Elgin Luxton.—Pr.— Willie
Quinton, Clifton Hunter, Hubert
Quinton, Beatrice Essery.
L. M. Davis, teacher.
The following is the report of the
examinations held in June for S.S.
NNo. 6, Hibbert. Those marked with
an asterisk failed but were promot-
To Sr. IV—Honors, Elsie Ritchie
823, Archie Hoggarth 762, Grace Mc
Laughlin 760, Verda Gardiner 745,
Pass, Winona Norris 625, Kenneth
Kleinfeldt 530*.
To Jr. IV—Honors, Willie McKaig
665, Jean McLaren 615. Pass, Gari
Walker, 529.
To Sr. III—Honors David, Ritchie
769. Pass, Harold Gardiner, 614,
Rena McLaren 572, Leonard Hough-
ton 517.
To Jr.. III -Vera Allen 537, Nor-
man Park 503, John Houghton 491,
Marjorie Kleinfeldt 471, Gladys Kay
444, Alma Muxworthy 281*. -
To Sr. -II-Margaret Allen, Lind-
say Gardiner, John McDougall,
Charles Light.
To Jr. II—Dorothy ,. McLaren,
Beryl Norris, Alvin Crawford.
To Sr. Pr.—Margaret Ritchie, An-
thony Allen, Isabel Park.
Jr. Pr.—Frank Scott. Total en-
rolment 34. R. I.' McLellan, teacher.
Following ;,s the report Ref the, pro-
mo't', o.r_ ,exanns held tai. S. S. Site 14
Stephen (Names in order `of merit )•
S,r. III to Jr. IV Gerald Godb.oit, `\•`ori.-
lian'i Richards.
Jr• III to Sr. III 'Minnie Smith( r:c-
Sr, II' to Jr. III Gwendolyn Hicks
(Donald Flicks, 'M;abel Smith) Maurce
White, Earl Grey, (Geo, White r ec
comm,ende'? )
Jr II: to Sr, IL—Doris Essery.
Jr. II.—Jack Buckley.
Pr to I. Class—Irene White, Ruth
Smith, Mary Buckley.
R tFortner, Teacher.
TUCKERSMITH—A pretty wed-
ding took place in St..Simon's church
Toronto, on Saturday, June 28th, at
2:30 p.m., whet' Leah Audrey Fos-
ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Foster, Toronto, became the bride • of
Mr.. John Finlayson Forsyth, son of.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe, Forsyth, of Tuck-
ersmith.. The young couple left that
evening for Detroit, where the
c;room has . CiCci position, having
gone there last February, from Tor
Mount Carmel
Mr. and Mrs, Dael Morrison and
family .of Detroit inotored here last
week and \mere the guests of their
daughter, \irs. John Guinan, for a few
Mr. Alyard Flaherty of London vis- •
'ted his aunt, ibLrs,. ,T, J. Hall, last week
Misses Geraldine McKeever and
Winalfred Madden arrived home last
\Peek to spend the holidays,
Mrs • Feenan and ,Miss Nora Colllins
returned to their 'home in. Detroit, af-
ter spending several days with friends
in this neighborhood, hborhood, •
The Coughlin brothers of Windsor
are visiting their uncle, Mr. Frank
Miss ,Marie Walker returned to Lon-'
don, after a visa of several days with
her parents at Khiva.
Mrs. Davey of Detroit is the ,guest
of her sister,, `..firs„ ;Mary Walker, of
14th Con. Steplen,
Mr. Herbert Moir returned to his
home in Landon last week afterspend-
ing two weeks with friends here.
Miss Gower of Ulsba:ne Tp. visited
her arurst, Mrs. Clark, foe( a few days
last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mover and
daughter, Mr. Roy Wolfe and M r.
Brown of Detroit, accompanied by 'Mass
Gladys Wolfc of Crediton, motored to
Detroit on. Sunday, after spending the
holiday in the village.
Mr and Mrs. Sanford Lawson of
Flint, Mich., ,returned loirne on Son-
' day after spending the holiday w',th
gr and Mrs. J. W. Lawson
Mr Harold Hoist, 11'Ii,ss M. Hast and
friemds returned to Detroit after
spending the holiday* with their par-
' eats, M,r, and Mrs. Ezra Haista
.1Lr, and ,11/Irs, Cook accompanied by'.
.Mrs Mose Foist, returned to .Detroit
'after visiting friends here,
Mrs, Hailinun and family are visiting
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Zwi•cker,
Miss Nina Van Alystone 'of Sarn'.a
visited over the week -end with her
sister, Mr -s. Lloyd England.
Mr. Nelson Dreier is visiting his, par-
ents Rev., and Mrs. Dreier.
The baseball game. between Dash-
wood and Crediton Tuesday evening
was' postponed on account of rain,
Thestrawberry social held on use
Evangelical Church lawn on Monday
evening ,was' we1'1 attended and a very
enjoyable ,eveningl spent.'.
Master Elder Smith is holidaying
with his sister; Mrs. Hy. Spading at
Mr. and Mrs. Doy Davis • of :New
York called in town, last week. -
Miss tiVI. Routledge sof Zurich visited
friends -here during .the week.
,Mr. anal (Mrs; Harry ,Harris of Sarnia
are visiting in town this week,
•=vir Czar Steinhagem of• Kitchener
spent Sunday with his parents,
Miss Elizabeth Ha,rtleib of London,
seat the week end at her home, •
2r. andMfrs. Oesch of Zurich were
Sunday visitors, . •
• Miss Bechtel, of New Hamburg is
Me guest of -Mass Gladys Guenther.,
lyra• and Mrs. Baynham and family of
Grand Dernd visited with relatives on
Mrs. Durstein and son of Listowel
are visiting relatives here. --
rettr. a*ud 'Mrs. Geo. Koch visited :n
London. on Sunday,
Elgin Schatz as spending his holi-
days in Detroit.
Miss Aruna . Vincent of " Seafo-tri,.
visited her sister last week,
Mi. 'Lloyd Edighoffer of Vlit.nell,
visited •M, 'town on Sunday, •
.•4;^ 'W, Blunt left Monday :for rap-
real,'Ont ; where he has cele' ,.ransfert
red >,y .thee Canadsaa Rank , oaf Com_
Miss Annie Urquhart spent sever-
al days in Toronto;
Mrs. W. T. Roadhouse, of Toronto,
visited friends here,
Mr. Hamilton Beatty, of Madison,
visited at the home of 'Mr, Jas. More.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hazelwood •vis-
ited at Mr. Wm. Yule's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Balfour, of Tor-
onto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Dr. and Mrs. Henderson and
daughter, of Toronto, visited with
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Watson.
Mrs. Burnetta, after a visit with
Mrs. Wm. Wiseman, has returned to
her home in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Shier return-
ed from a six week's visit in the
West last week.
The household effects of the late
Mary McCallum have been :old, Mr.
R. Ross having purchased the prop-
Mr. John O'Brien, who has been
mail courrier on R.R. Noe 1 Kirkton,
for the past 11 years, made his last
round on Monday. Few public ser-
vants in this line, have a better rec-
ord than Mr. O'Brien, and he will
now take a well-earned rest.
Grand Bend
Mrs. Chas. Thompson, of the 18th
Con. of McGillivray, was hit by a
cer at Grand Bend, on July lst \chile
returning from the restaurant to the
picnic tables with hot 'water. The
driver of the car stopped to allow
Mrs. Thomfson to pass, she also
stopped and then when the car start-
ed up Mrs. Thompson went to cross
and was knocked down and badly in-
jured about the face and one leg.
Medical aid was summoned an:l her
injuries received attention before she
was removed to her home,
There passed away at his home in
London on Saturday, July 5th, Rich-
ard Canning, in his 78th year. The
deceased was a former resident of
this township and was much respec-
ted by a large circle of friends. The
remains were brought here for bur-
ial,interment taking place at Eben-
ezer cemetery.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Finkbeiner return. -
ed home en Sunday after visiting Tiro
their daughter in Sarnia. •
dr. and Mrs. Geo, Brown' of •De-
troit spent the holiday at the home' of
21' 3r and 1.3iIrs, Thos. Keys.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Orange service on Sunday at
Grace church in Greenway.
Miss Kate iVicEachen is hohdayin;
with her mother, Mrs. vrcEachen,
d,4r, and ;IVlrs. Ernest Keys motored
to Parkhill last Monday to meet Mr.
and Mrs Nelson Finkbeiarrer of Red -
vers, Sask,° It is fourteen years since
Nelson visited Ontarifo+. They inad;
the trip by boat. They will spend sevv
eral weeks visiting the farmer's pt^ents
Mr. and V1rs., C. Finlcbeiner. `
Mrs, John Keyes and grandson Eddie
of Exeter spent Sunday with M., and
Mrs. Thomas Keyes.
Picking strawberries is the order of
the day.
Ernie Hutchinson had a very narrow
escape last Saurday while working in
the field. The team took fright of
a motor passing on the road' end be-
coming unmanagable rain away. Noth-
ing seriously (happened only bruises on
one horse and will ,led laid ups for sev-
eral weeks.
Irene McKenzie -of , Windsor spent
Dominion Day with her mother Airs.
Quite a, number from here attended
the strawberry if estival at Dashwcod
BIDDULPH-1Vrore than 1,000
people attended the St. Patrick's
Church picnic and strawberry social
at Biddulph on Wednesday after-
noon and evening.
The feature of the afternoon was
a ball game between the Lucan Irish
nine and St. Mary's team of London.
The game ended- in a 5-5 tie.
The next important item on the
program was a tug-of-war between
Irish immigrants and men of Bid-
Biddulph's representatives handily.
After the bounteous supper was ser-
ved by the parish ladies, speeches
were made by members of the local
clergy and other .prominent men of
that district. These included John
Freeburn, M.L.A., and G. A. Stanley
of Lucan. A platform was erected
on the parish grounds and the youn-
ger folk danced the evening away
to the captivating music by the Ava-
lon Dance Orchestra •of, London.
AILSA CRAIG—One .of- the lar-
gest funerals held for some tithe was
that of Mr, John Dewar, held Thurs.
Mr. Dewar who was rapidly failing
in health for some time,passed away.
on Tuesday evening. Until a year
ago he, with his wife and family, re-
sided in Nairn, and the esteem in
which he was held by the residents
of that .place and surrounding count-
ry was manifested in the large num-
ber who gathered to pay their last
respects. Besides his widow he is
survived by one song Dr,' Vernon De-
war, of Toronto; Mrs. George Ross,
of Moose Jaw, and Mrs. Sutherland,-
also of Moosejaw. Ore son, Allan,
was killed in the Great War.
AILSA CRAIG—John Dewar, a
very well known resident of Nairn,
for many years, but who has resided
in Ailsa Craig for the past. , ear died.
t his late residence on Monday
night, aged 77 years.
Good-bye to Care
and Worries Too!
—forgetting all the rest of 'the world
in the glorious fascination of the
To revel in the luxury of beautiful
surroundings -- to join in the joyous
good -fellowship of the 'ocean to
be entertained or to remain quiet, at
your pleasure—to develop a ravenous
appetite and find meals of the most
satisfying excellence - to receive
thoughtful, court-
eous attention and
' z have your desires
- .. anticipated a n d
gratified •— such is
a voyage by Cana-
dian Pacific, Em-
press or Monoclass
Cabin Ships, to
ash any agent of the
lan ECRU
w -.
..rill* r� -•.��:
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McPherson
visited their daughter, Mrs, Ray Pol-
lock of Kerwool recently.,
Little Fred Bullock, son of tint and
airs. Ed. Bullock, has been suffering
from an abscess.
While Mrs, Rueben Wilson, was vis-
iting her daughter Mrs. McAlpine, she
bad the misfortunre to fall and/ break
her hip. They brough+t her to her
home and she is Testing as well es 'can
be expected. .
Mr. Wilson is expected home from
the hospital this week.
Me. and Mrs. Alex. Meikle ,and ;Miss
Janet and Mr. and Mrs. McAlpine als-
££ted their mother, :Mrs. Reuben Wilson.
Mr, and LMns, J. 'H. Prance',and fam-
ily of Winchelsea spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos..Rul-
The W. 'M. S. of the ,fethodist, Ch.
were entertained at the home of Airs.
J. _H. McGregor last Wednesday af-
ternoon_ •
The stork brought a little daughter
to Mr. and dvlrs. Walter McPherson on
'*. and Mrs. Geo. Robertson and
airs. Wm Sherritt of Wheatley vis-
ited old friends here.
A succession lawn social was held
at Grace Church on Thursday last
' The program consisted of elocal music
by Me. iVfaurice Racey and Helen and
VGrllirs iay:t'er; also several selections
by the radio, installed for that ceven-
ing,. Proceeds $84.00.
Among the recent guests at The
home of Mr„ and ,rl ^s. E. McPherson
,were the following :-Mr, and Ihirs.
Robt. McPherson land family of Buf-
falo; Miss Emma McPherson, of Lon. -
don, Mr. and lVirs. Elgin W ebbl cucud fair
ily of Grand Rend,Mrs. Burton and
i'fiss Grace of Niagara,( Miss Vance
and Miss 1ia11ock, 'nurses of London,
and :Miss Gilholm of Bright„
Miss Annie Belt of Detroit is 'visit-
ing at• the home. of Mr,iHenryyBelling,
Mrs. Donald Patterson and son, •De
Witt ,.f Detroit, also Mr. McCrae.
were guests of Mr. and 11Irs, .Thomas
Fallis last, Week-end.
The 'Male Quartette sang at the lawn
social at Grand Bend Presbyterian
Chwrch last Friday evening.
CLINTON—The many friends of
Miss Johns will regret to hear that
she was stricken with paralysis, and
now lies in a critical condition at her
home, --.A quiet but pretty wedding
took place at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Sloman, London, on June
28th, when their niece, Cara M. E.
(Lizzie) Sloman, daughter of Jos.
.1 Sloman and the late Elizabeth Slo-
man, became the bride of -Abner
Robson, son of the late John Robson,
At least
the sleeveless gown has ctdd-
•ed to human 'knowledge: Who ,ever
suspected there were so many -skinny
•firs. 'Thos. Brock is undergoing an
operation at Dr. Hyndman's hospital
some time 'this week.
Mr. and 1'Irs. E. Stoner of Strath•,
roy visited at the horse of (Mrs„ Wm:
Taylor, who is a sister of Mrs, Stoner
Mr A. Pierson of Londlon visited
at the home of Robt. Taylor.
Mr. a.nd r Ors, Robt, Taylor returned
home from their trip to the Mana:ou
Islands on Saturday.
An old-fashioned barn raising was
held at Mr, S. Pymm's, over a hundred
being ,present. The ]framing was done
by Mr. John Ogden.
tV?rs. Smale of Highgate, vis',:ed a
few days last week ;with her daughter
Mrs. L Hodgson.
Mr. Chas. Fairhall .has been very LII
'this last week.
Mr, Geo: Thompson, bas the ^ement -
foundatiom, of has house finished
Mrs, Scandrett and •Miss Scand;-eat
of • Belgrave visited Iast week at 'he
rome of . the former's sister, Mrs.
Rev. Mr, and Ars, Kitely arne:at Sum-
mar School this week at Alma, College,
Themembers of the Centralia court
of the I. 0. F. with a number of
their friends, gathered at the home
of Mr. Milton Mitchell on Monday
evening, June 30th., and spent a
social hour in games and music.
During the evening Mr. Lloyd Bayn-
ham, Sr. was presented with a fumed
oak Morris chair in honor of his ,'ai
thful services as financial secretary
of the court for 31 years. Mr. W. R.
Elliott acted as chairman in his us-
ual.able manner and with several
others gave short addresses, all
speaking very highly of the honesty
and integrity of their brother For-
ester, and although Mr. Baynham is
of a retiring disposition, he is serv-
ing his community by his good ex-
ample as well as if his name was
more widely known'. At this stage of
the program, ;Mr. Baynham was pre-
sented with the chair and asked to
be seated, when all circled around
him and sang "For . he's a jolly good
fellow," after which Mr. Baynham,
in a few words, thanked them kindly
for remembering him, but felt that
he was only doing his duty in giving
his services to hisbrotherForesters.
The ladies served lunch and the For-
esters are, looking forward to more
of these social evenings gtoether,
Dr, and Mrs. I. Routledge, Zurich;
announce the engagement of their
daughter;, Maida Elizabeth,, to Mr.
Merner R. Enter, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Eilber, Crediton the mar..
riage to take place in July. a