HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-09-23, Page 5Opinion
The Huron Expositor • September 23, 2009 Page 5
Bears need to be removed from Huron County, says reader
To the Editor,
In regards to the write-up in the
Clinton paper Sept. 9/09 from Mike
Malhiot of the Ministry of Natural
Resources about bears - sir, bears
are bears are bears, no matter how
you say it, spell it or speak it.
No bear is to be trusted, even if
there is no food anyplace. We say
and believe it your place or job Mr.
Malhiot to use caution and remove
the bear or bears from Huron Coun-
Take it to Trout Provincial Park
just to make sure every man, wom-
an and child is safe and this "En-
dangered Species Act" you keep
talking about for to protect what?
Sure hope it's human life, not ani-
We are very sure if this bear ap-
pears on our land, it would be shot
because we have the right to dis-
pose of any animal which is being
a nuisance on our land. And, as for
coexisting with a bear, you have got
to be joking, right? Or, out of your
I'm sure a blind person, small
child or disabled person of any kind
could not get away from a bear, if
they met up with one and coexist-
ing would be the last thing on a per-
son's mind.
Ninety-nine per cent of all friends,
relatives, neighbours do not coexist
now. How could they coexist with a
bear - perish the thought.
Please sir, it would be best to re-
move this bear now, rather than
have a human death on your hands
in the near future.
Clara and Bill Brown
Egmondville, Ont.
Government is not responding to wind turbine health concerns
To the Editor,
I am writing this letter in response
to the article in the Huron Exposi-
tor Sept. 17. It was from the office
of Perth -Wellington MPP John
Both my daughter and I contacted
him some months ago and his re-
sponse was, "It's not my area but
Carol Mitchell's." I question this ar-
ticle because it's still not his area so
what has changed!!
One of his comments was "there
can be no wind turbines on your
property without a signed contract."
Here is where the problem arises.
My daughter and her family strong-
ly oppose the construction of these
turbines but they will have one lo-
cated out their front door and one
out their back door (Huron East)
because their neighbor is in favor of
Who is going to take responsibil-
ity if they become sick and want
to sell? There will be no buyers be-
cause we have already heard from
Ripley, Shelburne, Prince Edward
County and the list goes on and on.
The value of their property is worth-
I wrote to him a while ago but be-
cause they were not in his area he
showed little concern. Now West
Perth is possibly going to have some
erected and we as his constituents
don't want them but if our neighbor
does we have no. control.
What is the government doing?
Nothing! Significant health prob-
lems have been reported but once
again the government is ignoring
the cries of the people. What is it
going to take?
This government did not do their
home work; they let the wind indus-
try do it for them. The minimum
See INQUIRY, Page 6
Fire ignited by threshers in 1884, destroys
farmer's c for second yIn.a row
judging at the Canadian National
Exhibition last week.
September 19, 1984
A Seaforth area teenager, Paul
Dodds of RR1 Seaforth, won the
teenage class of the 57th Huron
County Plowing Match on Satur-
The Public Utilities Commission
(PUC) has decided to undertake
further negotiations with a contrac-
tor before deciding whether or not
to proceed with replacing a roof on
the PUC building.
The project was to be done in con-
junction with the town, whose po-
lice station shares a portion of the
same roof. But in earlier discussion
the town opted for a strictly tar roof
and the PUC decided a gravel -type
roof would be better suited for their
half of the building.
The ministry of the environment
property, more commonly known as
the Seaforth lagoon site, will have
soil tests done by hydrogeologists.
The site is one of several being .con-
sidered for a new landfill site for
Seaforth and McKillop and Tucker -
smith townships.
Earlier this year, a site north of
Seaforth was considered to have in-
adequate soil structure to support a
landfill site.
September 19, 1884 Dick can boast what few can, and flowers, most of which measure five
On Wednesday evening last, the that is that he still resides on the inches across and all are of a most
barns, stables and sheds of Irwin farm which he first took out from beautiful delicate blue in colour.
Johnston of concession eight, McK- the Canada Company when it was Congratulations and best wishes
illop Township, together with their all bush nearly 60 years ago. are extended to Mrs. James Beattie
entire contents were completely de- On Monday morning last, Mr. T.S. who this week celebrated her 80th
stroyed by fire. Blues delivery horse was standing birthday at her home on Church
James O'Brien threshed on the in front of the store when an au- Street. Mrs. Beattie is one of Sea -
farm of John Coyne, concession six tomobile came along. The animal forth's oldest and best known resi-
of Hibbert recently about four hun- became frightened and bolted onto dents. Northside United Church
dred bushels of oats, the product of the sidewalk, where it slipped and was built by her father, the late Mr.
11 acres in two hours. The machine fell seriously injuring itself. Buggan and she was the first bride
used was a Clinton end shake driv- Mr. Prime, GTR agent in Bruce- to be married in the church.
en by horsepower. field has completed the time re- September 18, 1959
Gilbert . Dick of Kippen has quired by the company to secure su- Ronald Mason, son of Mr. and
shipped another carload of cattle to perannuation. He will receive $20 Mrs. Harvey Mason left Thursday
Toronto and we understand he also per month during the remainder of for Canton N.Y. where he will at -
intends to go into butchering. his.life. He has served the company tend St. Lawrence University. He
On Wednesday afternoon as long and faithfully and will now re- is beginning a four year course in
threshers were at work on the farm ceive the reward of faithful work. physical education, having been
of Duncan Livingstone of Morris, September 21, 1934 awarded an alumni scholarship by
near Brussels, fire in some way Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister the university.
Communicated from the engine of Agriculture in the Ontario Gov- Giving way to wreckers the 44
to the stacks nearby. The flames ernment will officiate at the open- year old building at the corner of the
spread rapidly and Mr. Living- ing ceremonies of the Seaforth Fall county road and No. 4 highway at
stone's entire crop for the season Fair on Friday. Kippen will soon be but a memory.
was destroyed. His barns and crops Kicked in the stomach by a horse, The building was purchased by the
were destroyed by fire last year and Jack Consitt, 16, son of Mr. and Department of Highways to permit
this loss coming so soon after will Mrs. Roy Consitt, Tuckersmith, lies better use vision at the corner. Un -
be a severe blow. in Scott Memorial Hospital here in til then it had been operated by D.
• September 17, 1909 serious condition. Emmerson Kyle for the previous 27
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick of Mr. F.S. Savauge has at his home years.
Kippen were in Seaforth recently on Goderich Street, a Morning Glo- Mac Stewart, R.R. 5 Seaforth was
visiting their son James Dick. Mr. ry vine that contains over a hundred tops in the junior section of swine