Huron Expositor, 2009-09-09, Page 8,L N%
Page 8 -(he Huron Expositor • September 9, 2009
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Septic -system inspection program is bone of
contention for three county councillors
Cheryl Ilealh
son, noting it would've cost about
4111.111/1111. $65,000 to implethent in the first
The difference a year makes In echoingFergusson's gusson s senti-
proved to be a bone of contention ments, Coun. John
for a trio of councillors at Huron Bezaire (Central Hu -
County Council's Sept. 1 session. ron) said the county
Coun. James Fergusson (Blue- would be better
water) was the first to express his served if the county
disappointment that the county is would continue with
not moving forward with a man- its natural course
datory septic -system inspection of leading the way
program after councillors deemed by introducing the
the plan to be the best course of program before the
action at an earlier session. province gets on
And, , said Fergusson, the rea- board. .
son why such is not the case is "I think we're
the board of health has instead missing the oppor-
decided to wait out the province's tunity, once again,
new Building Code Act, which is to be leaders," said
anticipated to have a mandatory Bezaire,
septic system inspection program Huron County has
within its multi -pronged umbrel= managed to put itself
la, on the proactive legislative map
"I'm a little bit disappointed in past years with ahead -of -its
that aprogram council wanted time legislation including smok-
isn t going forward," said Fergus- ing bans.
Con. John
Grace (Goderich) also stepped "The cost of setting up the pro -
up to support the notion that the gram for one year is out of line,"
time to act is now. said Vincent.
"The county had' an opportunity In turning the matter back to
to be proactive and has the Huron County Health Unit
neglected, I feel, its re- for further discussion, Warden
sponsibility," he said. Ken Oke noted council support -
While not support- ed a motion for a• mandatory in-
ing an immediate man- spection programs as long as a
datory program, Coun. number of provisions were met
Ben Van. Diepenbeek including full support from all of
(Ashfield Colborne the county's lower -tier munici-
Wawanosh) said per- palities:
haps the county would "This council has done nothing
be wise tokeep its to back up their own statement,
volunteer said Oke.
program in place until Coun. Deb Shewfelt (Goderich)
the province rolls out noted part of the problem with
its Act. the current plan - may be a lack of
Councillors Neil health -unit staff that could han-
Vincent (North Hu- dle the program.
ron) and Bill Dowson The county might be better
(Bluewater), however, served, he said, if it hands the
suggested it is wise to hold back program over to a private cQntrac-
on the programsince provincial tor, as has been the method in the
legislation will likely carry grant Municipality of Huron -Kinloss.
dollars with it to help cover costs
of administering the program.
` think we're
missing the
opportunity, =s{'
$knee again,
to be
Central Huron Coun.
John Bezaire
It's that time of ear ...
•. •:4 �:: 'Y"ill:.:;:
Huron East councillor tries to reopen
debate on free lunches
Cheryl Heath county doled out in paying for councillors
lunches, only to learn the budget sat about
Coun. Bernie MacLellan (Huron East) . $20,000. That knowledge led to council
wants to address whether county conn- eventually choosing to cease offering up
cillors can once again experience a free - free lunches.
The majority of councillors, however,
were not willing to again travel down that
That issue drew some
controversy earlier this
year when Coun. Joe
Seili (Huron East) ques-
tioned how much the
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Since the change, however, the issue has
repeatedly raised its head.
Chief Administrative Officer Larry Ad-
ams noted a two-thirds majority of council
would have to agree to open up the lunch -
box in order for debate to continue.
Though MacLellan moved a motion to
that effect, the vote ended in an eight -to -
eight tie, meaning the motion was lost.
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