HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-09-09, Page 2L. Page 2. The)HurOn Expositor • September 0, 1000 News From Page 1 . express concerns about density, trafic and safetYDatmasaid there is anecdotal evi- clause in the development agreement ' fact that change is inevitable," said on Thursday morning to defer the dente • of problems with the existing outlining the developer's responsi- Stewart. ' hearing, were heard .? OMBsewer infrastructure and the neigh- bilities y chair g ties if contamination is found on Stewart pointed out that the R2 J.P. Atcheson. bours want assurance that the infra- the site is followed. Datema, speaking for the group structure can support new develop- "I don't question the good faith of is the same throughout the development duringfinal arguments,gr merit g that surrounds said thethe appellants. Theyare here with -neighbours . felt their concerns "f "we don't believe that public mon- out r the proposed subdivision acid is tom- „ ell a representation and overall, did mon throughout Seaforth. on deaf ears and complained that y should be offered without those their best in the circumstances, said "The very homes of thea ell the development agreement came to assurances," he said; referring to the Alan Patton, la appellants $125,000 the municipality agreedlawyer for Attack Hold- could have greater density than is council after it had passed the subdi- p tY to ings Ltd. while asking for the appeal proposed in this development," he vision's zoning bylaw amendment. contribute towards the construction to be dismissed. of Robert Street. said. Datema argued that while the R2 Pattop.sad the evidence shows the• Stewart said the loss of green space zoningsurrounding the development Datema said the neighbours are subdivision agreement is in confor- is notp would allow greater density than thestill concerned about increased traf- mit with an issue in the age to dauto- rive y, the official plans of Huron mobiles • when parents tend; to drive single h gle family homes currently there, fic on Sparling and MarJet Streets County and Huron East. . their children to arks. e development represents an in- of ce , access to Highway 8 in the He said the developers tried to deal "It is not necess to creased density in the area. �a 1950 plan of subdivisionah have a park P was with concerns from the neighbours in your backyard," he said. He said it also represents a loss of closed in favour of a further three by creating an R2-5 zone that only Both Stewart and Patton ' argued greens ace previously enjoyed by lots'allows single detached and semi -de- "We remain concerned that the el- tached housing that evidence provided by expert the neighbourhood when the schoolon the east side of witnesses, including engineer Frank was still operating. derly, children and the disabled maythe development,g •• planning for the Berry on traffic studies of the area "Fora long time, it was public have their safety compromised,"he possibility of triplexes and quadru- and property open for the enjoymentmunicipal engineer Kyle McIn- of s Wh le \ plexes on the west side with R2-6 tosh on the municipality's all and there should be some coo- the neighbours raised the is- and R2-7 zonin "dsewer and " sue of agas station, which theyg water systems, was undisputed. pensation for this loss, he said. said Patton said the loss of open green They also argued that anycon- was located on the space in the development is a result terns about contamination froold developer's rep- of the municipality choosing not to gas tanks on theproperty" erty � buy the land when the school d Vevt6e.ek� - � Street from 1.95 closed off' by th development gt• 2 and h on Go erich is "covered eagreement. choosing to accept cash ip lieu "No one really knows they're there Land andDesign to 1968, Datema of the five per cent of required said the neigh- space in a development. green `there is some speculation they are," .: - __ ��p said Stewart. Still time to Book Your bours would be "The use of public money for the in- Atcheson asked Stewart how satisfied e frastructure was also a clear choice he addresses the concern bythe "Fall Landscaping Projects"by the municipal- neighbours that the municipality ity and it's beand bypag y "breached its own policy" by passing this board's juris- the bylaw before receiving a develop - diction, he said. ment agreement. . Huron East's Stewart responded that the bylaw lawyer Greg is still not currently enacted and Stewart also said that if it hadn't been appealed, the development was a 30-dayd, there appealpp period. agreement follows "So, is it your argument that as the "spirit and in- long s council executed the develop - tent" of the two ment agreement prior to the appeal official plans and period running out, then we're all "represents good right?" said Atcheson. planning." Stewart said council had worked "We are deal- out the details the night theypassed ing with the ques- the bylaw. tion of change Atcheson said he would reserve his and change can decision. be difficult. Peo- "I will attempt to get you my de- ple require time cision in this matter as soon as pos- to get used to the sible," he said. Retaining walls, locking brick, tree & shrub planting. Don't Forget....Landscaping is included in Home Renovation Tax Credit! Call Today ... 519-482-9333 HUGE TRUCKLOAD SPECIAL September 10th -19th Purchase a limited edition MAAX s hot tub ol»Ir 995 ti.r acc+ppl�ss lore Fsstanoss •! direr • LSD Efts • 3 (rumps • $lslsisss Steel Jets • Vistsdiall • Fully Hamel liar 114AX Spas • O• • s4 Hydrotherapy Jets nares udde sasnotp HUGE. g person Su9 1111Gt S %1949 Many moat+, to choosc' so hvtty what supplies test ey s Starting -1 At _ '2,995.. 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Saturday, September 26, 5:00 p.m r: F tT i V H'orderves & Barbeque Beef Buffet 7 `' Entertainment by Deep Waters Music Silent Auction — Once again this$50 � person g yeah this evening will be in part too support Kid's Help Phone. Contact us for more information! Mike and Teresa Dejong Meighan Dejong Walton, Ontario (519) 527-0202 wwzv1tighcreekfarrrr.crr • liftlinec.on.ca From Page 1 trapped inside the elevator at the Seaforth Manor many years ago, said he had a lot of sympathy for the boy who had his own ordeal in the Seaforth Library elevator. "It • was not very nice," said McLachlan of his own, experience. McLachlan said the elevator at the town hall has a key that would open it up during a power outage.