The Exeter Advocate, 1924-6-26, Page 8eggiamormassimassexamaxmosesmosfamoro EXETER AEg❑GATE;•rflUhsnA,Y. Exeter Markets CHANGED h,VERY WEDNESDAY Wheat 1.07 Oats .45 Barley 55 Manitoba toba: Flour ...,..... 3.70 Family Flour 3.60 Pastry Flour ....:3.30 Feed Flour 1.85. Bran -.°...... ....,. 1.50 Shorts • ... 1,60 Eggs,.. ... 25 Creamer- .Butter .,. 38 Daiay Butter ......... r33 Lard . ... ... . .. ....... . 18 Hogs 8.00 W. R. Goulding A. T, C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St, Methodist Church, Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. ► Instructor of music %n the Public Schools k .Terms !Moderate Box 57 EXETER. I. 0. 0. F. DECOIRATION DAY SERVICES ON SUNDAY, JUNE 29th All Oddfellows are requested to meet at the Lodge rooms Sunday af- etrnoon at 2:45 p.m. A Special Meeting for the purpose of installing officers by D.D,G,1VI., on Thursday, July 3rd at 8 p.m. Re- freshments. T. PRYDE E. A. HOWALD N. G. Sec. pro tem Agents. and Salesmen wanted, whole or spare time, Experience not neces- sary Free equipment. Liberal pay. WVELLAND NURSERY CO, Welland, Ont. IIELP WANTED Persons desiring work at the Can- ning Factory for the pea pack, please leave names at the office. Will re- quire about 10 women for hand pick- ing. Brush Salesmen to represent Twi.ss•- ,Tire Brushes Limited in this district, 45 per cent, commiss:on. Our prices are lowest in Canada. 64 Adelaide F..ast, Toronto. FOR SALE- Handsome Mahog- any Gerhard Heintzman piano (Louis XIV,) like new. Miss Greg- ory, Exeter. EGO SETTINGS FOR SALE. -J. S Martin Regal stramn White Wy andot- tea -George Hyndman, Exeter. The Ladies' Aid, of Main St. church will lta1d a Strawberry fest- ival, June 27. Supper served porn 6 to 8 o'clock. Good program Ad- mission 40c and 25c. DURHAM COW FOR SALE -Milk- ing well, will freshen Oct. 10. Apply to R. Skinner, Exe ter. FOR. SALE. -Four wagons, two double and two single; rubber tired buggy and flat rack. Apply to F. W. Bawden, Exeter. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED for Exeter and district to sell for the "Old Reliable Foothill Nurser- ies." We offer exclusive territory, permanent employment and liberal terms to the right man. For full particulars, write, Stone & Welling- ton, Toronto. Auto for Hire DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Charges Reasonable Phone 142 A. T. HARNESS - EXETER G S AliKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal$ollege at Dental Surge ons of Ontarvai, and Un- uvea-sdry of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, \Blit airy District Number one. London, Ont, Main Office -Dickson Block, Main 'Street, Exert -2r ,Ont. Hours 9 to 5.30 p.m. Phone 34, Ex2ter. AT ZURICH Tuesday only. Phone. 79 Elliott and Johns Merchant Tailors Cleaning, • Pressirtg and Repairing Also Tailoring , MEN S SUITS Cleaned and Pressed 75c Pressed only 500 Dr? Cleaned and Pressed 32.00 Dyed and Pressed $4.00 LADIES' Shits Pressed and Cleaned $1.00 Dry Cleaned and Pressed $2.00 Skirts Pressed 50c We also, Make and Trim Suits with First Class Trimmings for $20.00, I AM NOW PREPARED TO GIVE YOU A REAL Cartage Service. Our Express Service from Lon- don to Exeter is ,now operating, Livery in connection, H. BAGSHAW. Local Doings 1'Iiss Irene Stewart has been con- fined to her bed through illness for several days. Miss Mildred Norry returned to London 11Monday after a week's holi- days with her parents here. Miss Reta Rowe is recovering from her recent illness and is now able to be out for short periods. Mrs. M. E, Gardiner underwent a painful surgical operation on Sunday last by having her tonsils removed. The flower committee of the Hor- ticultural Society met on Monday evening last to arrange for a flower show to be held about the end of August. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was at Goder- ich nearly all last week attending the Quarter Sessions and County Court, where he was engaged as Counsel in two criminal cases and two civil actions. The Presbyterian choir of Caven church furnished the music for the Sunday School anniversary. at Thames Road church on Sunday, :hiss Blanch Senior sang a solo with excellent effect. The lawn bowling club at Goderich had to cancel their annual tourna- ment this year, owing to lack of outside entries. It would seem that the enthusiasm in this once very popular game is on the wane. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sadler, Staffa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Isabel Ruby, to Oscar W. Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Reed, of Fullarton, the marriage to take place the latter part of June. Next Sunday the services in Main St, Methodist church will be in charge of Rev. H. E. Livingstone, of Elimville. In the evening he will speak on the working of "Govern- ment Control in British Columbia" from the view point of an eye -wit- ness. The engagement is announced of Miss Ellen Irene (Nellie) Dow, daughter of Mrs. Wm. Dow and the the late William Dow, of Hibbert, to Mr. Hugh Dalrymple, son of Mrs. Wm. Dalrymple and the late • Wm. Dalrymple, of Hibbert, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of June. Dr. W. E. Browning, who has been visiting his father, Dr. J. W. Brown- ing and other relatives here, left for his home in Caledonia, Minn., on Sunday evening. Since leaving home the doctor attended the Internation- al Rotary Convention at Toronto, and also attended a reunion of his fellow students at McGill Universi- ty, Montreal, the latter being a most enjoyable affair in which a bunch of whole- hearted, one-time students met to make merry, swop old-time reminiscences of their studious days, and enjoy in conviviality a few hours intercourse. Old McGill has turned out a few good ones, but none of them have rung truer than W. E. FOR SALE -Large quantity of flat silver and fancy china, new, sac- rifice prices for quick disposal. Miss Gregory, Exeter. Gladiolus Bulbs For Sale To Clear at 50c a doz. NOW IS THE TIAME TO PLANT J. G. Stanbury, Sec. Treas. Hort. Soc. Your Stock Wangs SALT, It is essential for best results. We have the best cattle SALT Also, fine for household use, butter, cooking. Exeter Salt Works Co., Ltd. Trivitt ,Memorial Church 11 a.m.-"The Laborers in the Vine- yard!' 7 p.m. -"The Centrality of Jesus Christ." • Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th,, Rector. CAV.EN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.-"The Head -Waters of Civilization" 7 p.m. -"Honor all Men" Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES $T. METHODIST` CHURCH Rem. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor 11. am. -"A Plenteous Harvest." 7 p.m, -"The new Patriotism" Sunday School will be held at 2:30 on account of Decoration Day at. the Cemetery.. • Everybody Welcome. JUN , 1924 Saturday was the longest day of the year from the staudpo0int of day- light and darkness. 'Now, watch the days shorten. There will be no half holiday ob/ served in 'WWII next week, owing to the July 1st holiday and all stores, will be open on Wednesday. The•DesMoines Steel Co., of Chat- h=am, has secured the contract to scrape andpaint the large water tank, starting to -day (Wednesday.) \I.r. and ;Mrs,. Chas. Randall' and dauglnter, Muriel of' London and Mr. and Airs Ernest Box of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and afro. Chas. Box, Stephen. Master Dilly Burke, son of Mrs, Wni. Burke, of town, one day last. week, fell off Mr. Fred Elleringtoni,'s little pony and had the misfortune to break a small hone in his wrist. As a result he is carrying his arm in a sling. While in Dashwood on Tuesday, Betty, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Complin, was attacked by a vicious dog and received several lacerations in the face. It is not ex- pected there will be any serious re- sults from the wounds. Don't forget the James St. Straw- berry Lawn Festival on the lawn of the Church, Friday, July 4th. Strawberries and cream galore! Re- freshment Booth on the, grounds. Splendid musical program, Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Admis- sion 35c and 25c. At least three town children have been successful in winning a big "Mamma Doll' in the Advertiser corn - test, and to say the little 'ones are pleased is putting it mildly. The win- ners are -jean Walper, daughter of Mr. and ±\Irs. J ohn Walper ; J•enn3e Passmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Passmore and Hellen; Penhale!, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L, ‘J. Pen, - hale. POISONED. 'Warren, the little son of Mr. and `iia, Fred May, had a narrow -escapee from being poisoned on Wednesday morning last. He and little Jean Mc- Ewen were out playing together and getting hold of some toadstools he ate a portion of one, thinking it was a mushroom. A physician was called! and administered proper antidotes and the child was soon himself agarol. FAMILY RE -UNION Mrs. Rich'd Hill and Lawrence ac- companied by Mrs. Meade and Mrs. Sa°ndo, attended a family re -union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Kennedy, of Ettrick, it being in hon- or of the former's 80th birthday. The day was joyously spent in filling cameras, games and visiting guests numbering twenty-six, which were present from Ilderton, London, Lu - can, Exeter and West Lorne. Before returning hone they all joined in singing "For he's a jolly good fel- low" and wishing Mr. Kennedy many I mare happy birthdays. ;PA PERS GONE ESTRAY(:) Owing doubtless„ to the .,trike of the postal workers two large parcels of the Advocate (going irr Crede on and Centralia last week lia.ve be.cn, reported ed as gone estray. Had they been 1 Mr. small parcels there 'might have been' -be returned after some excuse for then being min.placed for the week. or carried to some ,other postoffice„ but bunches of papers weighing many pounds each; there. an be ;no 'excuse. There is revery indication of wilful ne- glect or destruction of these papers and the guilty should be made to sul- fer. Such low down tactics on the part of public .servants is nothing short of criminal. �v .,a f �44 • ..,!•-• PHONE 32 k..-s� %�.+4 vim'*.�►� `' ,3 JONES A PHONE 32 ti Clearing Odd Lines of Summer Goods White Wash Shirts at $L50 Ladies' and Misses' fine quality White Wash Skirts, all sizes at half price and less, Clearing this week at $1.50 each. Children's Dresses at 79c and $1.00 Odd lines of Children's Gingham Dresses, good patterns, sizes 2 to 5 years, Clearing at 79c each; sizes 8 to 14 years, Clearing -at $1.00. Clearing of Summer Dress Fabrics We have gone through our stock and are placing on sale many odd lines in Blouse and Dress lengths of Voiles, Ratines, Silk Crepes Etc., to clear at greatly reduced prices this week. Summer Wash Dresses We have a beautiful range of Street Dresses for both Misses and Ladies for the hot weather. These are very reasonably priced in the well-known Martha Washington Styles and quality. A Real Bargain in Pillow Cotton Heavy quality Circular Pillow Cotton 40 and 42 inches wide, well worth 60e a yd, a real bargain this week at 45c a yard. Children's Socks Children's Socks for hot weather in all the popular colors of Lisle and Silk, in short and three quarter Styles at from 39c to 75c a pair. Crepe Shirts at $4.75 Beautiful quality all wool Crepe Skirts in the new Pleated Styles good colors sizes up to 34 waist measure very special for summer at - $4.75 each. ALL LINEN TOWELLING VERY SPECIAL THIS WEEK AT 1.8e A YD. Summer Holidays $1.00 A PAIR. $1.00 A PAIR School will soon be over. Do you want good footwear, cheap, for thu Children for the holidays? Boys'and Girl's White Running Shoes., All sizes for the very small Boys and Girls, right up to the large size for the bigger children, all to go at ler pair $1.00 JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES /i'�:ea /.c-�.Eh��i� 'ii��iiv�•En a ��-3°�a��/-�Au�a'dLQ :E€F?A '�'�'-.'-�� l..�e,.`-`-la�C"ws.�-lcii.'�o� 2,7!s':� and Mrs. Hicks and Garnet visiting in Mich. JULY ROD AND GUN, Fishing from coast to coast in Can- ada features the July issue. of Rod and Gun an Canada, as among the score of interesting articles and stories there is included the trout fishing 'experiea: ces of H. Ott. Burwell in 'British Col- umbia, a story of fishing in The 1a1ar- garee river, t'7ava Scotia, by N. W. IBrowne, an article on the sea trout, by Bonnnycastle Dale, and as a special feature an unusually authoritative ,ar- ticle on inland game fish by Prof. A. V. S. Pulling :of the University of New Brunswick. These and many other in- teresting features make Rod and Gun attractive for this month. Rod and Gun in Canada its epublished by W. J. Taylor, Ltd., Woodstoc.k,,Ont WELCOME AT BRUSSELS A welcome was extended to the touring Canadian journalists ar Brussels, Saturday by Foreign Min- ister Hymans, who, in addressing the visitors, recalled that Canada was the first of the dominions to come to the assistance of Belguim in 1914. Since then, he said, the relations of the two countries had continued to grow more intimate. The Canadians placed a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier, visited the Cham- ber of Deputies and the Senate, the museum and the place where Nurse" Cavelf was shot. After a reception at the Town Hall, the members' of the party were received by the ling, to whom they were introduced by the British ambassador. Miss Alma Mack of Montreal is visiting at her home here. Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes of London is visiting with Mrs. John Snell. Mr. Morley Wilson, of Dresden, visited with friends here over the week -end: Miss Annie McCurdy visited for a few' • days with Miss Tense McCurdy of town. Mr. and Mrs. Chas: McKenzie, of London,. spent Sunday with the Tat- ter's mother in town. Mr. Thos. Oke, of London, attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. John Frayne, on Wednesday. MVliss Margaret McCurdy, been visiting in the West home on Friday last. Rev. R. E. Southcott, of Gowgan- da. Northern Ontario, is spending his holidays at his home in town. Miss Marguerite Kuntz returned last week from attending Normal School at London, for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and child of Tornnto are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johns. Rev. J. E. J. Milliard, of Sarnia, will be in charge of the camp service who has returned at Grand Bend Camp, during, the month of July. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and children of Thorndale -visited Mrs. Lee's parents, Mr. and- Mrs, Geo. Easterbrook over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Weekes and daugh- ter and itis. Phillip Rowcliffe, of London, 'were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dinney on Sunday. Messrs. R. G. Seldom, J. A. Stew- artt, Geo. E. A.niderSan and William Rimers were bn London this week at- tending the Thistle Club Scotch doub- les,. Miss Gertrude Winer, of Toronto, who has been holidaying for the past few weeks at the home of her par- ents, Mr,;, and Mrs. Wm. Winer, left Saturday for a short visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Millar and three children, of Detroit, are visit- ing with , the former's parents, Mr. and . Mrs, J. J.• Millar, of Exeter North. THE SICK, Mrs. H. T. Rowe. is improving nicely since her recent operation. Mrs. McAvoy, while still confined to her bed, is showing signs of im- provement. Mss. Wm. Russell still continues to improve and is now on a fair way to complete recovery. Mrs: H..Coultis has recovered suf- ficiently as to be able to take short ruses in the car. Mr. D. • Richards, who ' underwent an operation for gangrene on his great toe, still continues in very poor, health. 'Mr. Wm. Trestle continues .in very =poor health with no improvement whatever, and he is gradually grow- ing. weaker. JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. Or- ders left at this office promptly at- tended to. Phone -Malawi 54r2 Address-K;iskton R. R. No. 1 DR. H. H. COWAN, L.D.S., D,D.S. Dental Surgeon, at McCormick Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday Main Office,- Hartleib Block, DASHWOOD, ONT. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. , Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 138, Exeter, Ontario ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer R. R. No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional. School of Aucttomeerirsg. Spec- ial Course taken in Registered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write ar,;wire 18-93, Zuriich6 Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. DR; A. E, ` TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell'a Stables, John St., Exeter (Neely occupied by Dr. Vining) Phase lbw The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known appftcation, Stray Animals -Onto insertion 50c., three insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five limes, For Sane, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found ;corms 25c. an insertiron. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per lane per insertion, No notice Iess than 25c, Card of Than c' 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one .insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if tmdex fivle inches in length, Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm or Rea Esta* for sale 50c. each insertion fort: one month of four insertions;. Bargains' in Furniture R N. ROWE THOMAS M. DINNEY LICENSED EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Business 20w Phones House 20j. I. R. Carling; 13.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans; . Investments Insurance) ,- Of fice, Caling Block, Main St. Exeter Dr. G, F. Routs ton,, ' L. D. S,, D. S. DENTIST Office over Carlirtng's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low' rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Officio -aver' Gladman & Stentbury's Offiee, Main Street, Exeter,