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Huron Expositor, 2009-09-02, Page 21
41 earls of 1k GLANVILLE Ken Glanville would like to thank his family and friends for the surprise 65th Birthday Event and all the cards and gifts he received. It was a very special day. - Ken 47-36-1 RIVERS The family of the late Barbara (McLellan) Rivers wish to thank the many relatives and friends who sent flower sand gave donations in her memory to the Seaforth Corrtmuntty Hospital and the First Presbyterian Church Seaforth. In particular, thanks to Dr. Rooyakkers and the staff at Seaforth Community Hospital. Thank you to Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home staff;e church ladies 'for provid- ing the luncheon; Deaconess Mary Jane Bisset for presiding over the memorial service; Cindy Clout- ier for the solo; and Suzanne Lyman for being the organist. Many thanks to all those who visited her during her. illness. She will' be missed (for more than her knitting and shortbread). 47-36x1 • STEWART The families of the late Clarissa Stewart wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to family, friends and neighbours for all their support, cards, e-mails, phone calls, beautiful'floral arrangements, plants and all the food brought to the house. A special -thanks to all Home Care workers over the last few years for their kind and caring help. Mom thought a lot of you. Thanks to the nurses and Dr. Dan Rooyakkers at Seaforth Community Hospital for their kind and loving care: to Pastor Steve Hil- debrand for his kind words and prayers at mom's funeral; to John Jewitt for playing the bagpipes at the cemetery; to the ladies of the UCW for their delicious lunch after the funeral; and to the staff at Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home for their care and support throughout. The thoughtfulness and kind- ness shown to us at this time willalways be re- membered. - Bonnie and Rick, Anne and Ralph, Joan and Families 47-36x1 CARNOCHAN-JANMAAT We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our families and friends for their support and gen- erosity during the difficult time of Jared's accident and recovery. The many cards, gifts, food, phone calls and thoughts were so appreciated by both of us We would like to say a special thank you to all those who went out of their way to travel out West in'that time of need, not to mention the guys that are out the for all, they did at the time of the accident and after. We are also so grateful ,to those at home that helped with .many things, from running the store, to booking flights, to all the in- quiries about how things were progressing. Jared received excellent care from,the staff at Victoria General, Clinton Public and at Parkwood Hospital in London. We would like to also thank everyone who visited and provided rides to and from Park - wood for Jared. We can't say enough about how everyone's positive words and encouragement. have helped Jared's recovery. We are also very thankful to Jared's co-workers for all their phone calls and visits while Jared was at home. You guys: have been very supportive and accommodating. Jared is very happy to be back working with a successful recovery! - Jared Carnochan and Kim Janmaat 47-36=1 SI Anions Richard Lobb Auction Calendar. Clinton 482-7898 SAT SEPT 19 at 10 am Antiques, furniture, tractor, old machinery, collectable for the Estate of Altha Welcker. 1 1/4 miles south then 3/4 mile west of Shakespeare. See www.lobbauction.on.ca SAT SEPT 26 at 10:30 am Annual auction sale of snowplow trucks, pick up truoks•ennd related equipment to be held 'at Hural County Highways Garage for Huron County his additios. See www.Iobbauctlon.on.ca. • News Huron Expositor • September 2, 2009 Page 21 Huron East family goes to hospital after tire falls off car and driver loses control, striking a tree A 17 -year-old Huron mately East girl, `her mother and one ki- younger sister were taken 1 o m e - to hospital after the left tre east of rear tire of their car fell off . Hwy 21 on Aug. 26 at ap- and the car struck a tree. proximately 5:45 p.m. The vehicle, which was ` A motorist travelling be- being driven bythe 17 -year- hind the car watched as old, was going eastbound the left rear tire popped off on Blyth Road approxi- the car and bounced into the field. The driver at- • tempted to control the car but was un- able. She entered the ditch and struck a small tree and then she struck a sec and tree nearly wrapping the vehicle 'around the tree. The driver had to be extricated by firefighters. The road was closed dur- ing police investigation. The driver and two pas- sengers were taken to the Goderich hospital for treat- ment. • • Netwo rk C 1 as s 1 fieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the oun1iy! For more information contact Your local newspaper 1111111111111111111111111 SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Clean driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-473- 9207 for a no -obligation quote. Open weekends. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately,< don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehides. REPOSESSED PRE -FAB HOMES!! SAVE 50%++!!! Canadian Manufacturer's USA Downturn Order Cancellations. Brand New 1260 SF Pre -Engineered Package originally $29,950.00, Factory BLOW OUT LIQ UIDATION $14,975.0011! Other sizes - SACRIFICE PRICES! 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