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ron-Arucp NDP delegates push for review
Vertiment ag Spending at convention
Dan .Schwab •
Huron -Bruce New Democratic
Party delegates are hoping the
resolutions regarding agriculture
they brought forward during a
convention Aug. 14-16 in. Halifax
will soon become party policy.
Wilhelmina Laurie, an NDP par-
ty member since the late 1980s
who lives in Varna, says two of the
riding association's agricultural
resolutions were forwarded to the
•federal council from the conven-
tion floor.
Twelve -hundred delegates
brought forward 400 resolutions,
which were first• prioritized, and
Laurie says the Huron -Bruce res-
olution was seventh on the list.
They asked for a comprehensive
review of agriculture spending in
Canada to determine how much
of that spending benefits family
farm operations. They also asked
the party to promote a national
food policy that "recognizes the
fundamental importance of family
farmers to primaty food produc-
tion, rural communities, environ-
mental health and the economy,"
Laurie says. •
They also requested that the
NDP. "actively promote the cap-
ping of agricultural program
spending to individual farm cor-
porations through consultations
with farm organizations so as to
drive spending away from large,
transnational farm corporations
and towards family farmers," she
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Federation of Agriculture on the
Huron -Bruce executive board,
there is a feeling that transna-
tional corporations are a "huge
threat" to family farms, Laurie
says. . .
"When federal funding. is an-
nounced, it's not being seen at the
ground level," Laurie says. "A lot
of money is going to big corpora-
Laurie says she's heard from
livestock farmers that during the
mad -cow disease crisis in Canada
several years ago, much of the
government funding ended up
with large meat processing com-
The Huron -Bruce delegation
brought forward a second resolu-
tion that called for restrictions
on captive supply of livestock by
meat processing companies.
She says part of the problem is
that currently, the companies are
allowed keep a captive supply
of livestock at their operations,
which in turn causes the demand
for beef to plummet and leaves
beef market prices low.
U.S. legislators are looking at
limiting the captive supply to two
weeks for meat processihg compa-
nies and Laurie says the Huron -
Bruce delegation is pushing the
NDP to fight for similar measures
in Canada.
The resolution was received and
passed on to federal council and
there's a good chance it'll become
party policy in the future, Laurie
Another problem is that.the ma-
jority of large supermarkets in
Canada are only allowed to sell
federally inspected meat and most
family farms
have their pork
or beef provin-
cially inspected.
"They have
difficulty get-
ting food to the
supermarkets "
Laurie says.
"Now, most
are just sell-
ing their prod-
ucts at farmers'
markets and to
Laurie says
the last three
federal NDP
candidates who
ran in elections
in the Huron -
Bruce riding
have all been
farmers and the
group wants to
ensure agricul-
tural issues are
not neglected
on the national
"Like the
environment, if
we're not very
careful, we
• might lose our
family farms,"
Laurie says.
Four del-
egates from the
Huron -Bruce
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