HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-09-02, Page 9News The Huron Expositor • September 2, 2009 Page 9 Gateway receives approval for zoning for new building Neighbours complain about Increased traffic and reduced property values Susan HQndertmarh While there were complaints about - increased traffic flow and reduced property values, a rezoning request by Gateway Rural Health Research ns titute on a 2.36 -acre lot west of the hospital for a new medical build- ingand lecture hall was granted by Huron East council. A handful of neighbours who live in the adjoining subdivision attended the Aug. 25 council meeting to ex- press concerns and letters were re- ceived from neighbour Alf Ross' and the Seaforth Community Hospital Trust. The amendment changing the zon- ing from low density residential to community facility will allow Gate- way to combine 12 lots of a 24 -lot plan of subdivision, donated to Gate- way by the family of the late A.Y. and Winn McLean. Lin Steflier, president of the Gate- way board, explained that the recent donation from the McLean family happened after a successful meeting between Gateway and the University of Waterloo. She said Gateway vice president Gwen 'Devereaux received a phone call from McLean's daugh- ter, Susan White, indicating she was pleased with the direction Gateway was going and wanted to talk' about donating land. "We will do everything we can to meet the needsof the county and this council. We'll do whatever we can to make it work," said Steffler. Ross, along with neighbours Deb Williamson and Carolyn Griffin, said they were concerned about the value and comfort of their properties. "I definitely feel one of the nega- tives of this project is it will lessen the value of my property when all of a sudden a parking lot is attached to my backyard," said Griffin, adding she was worried about the noise of increased traffic travelling to a lec- ture hall. Griffin added that with the old medical clinic currently empty after the new Huron East Health Centre was built, she didn't understand why another building is needed and she worried that if the funding is not re- WaQt Coact kitchens • • And Much More Lt�M • Kitchen • CustomVanities Desisnc "vit u • Entertainment Units • Home Offices 144 sew Desi Consultors Visit Our Showroom! 50 We St. Goderkh 519.440.0352.1-866.440.0352 Gie Hafes & Nelda Chamber afC. are • (Wane ry Ike Year Awwrl ZOO aW: westeasaddliPubletuwee ceived for a new Gateway building, the town could erect a community centre, one of the other allowed uses with.community facility zoning. Brussels Coun. David Blaney point- ed out that the municipality doesn't own or control the empty medical clinic or the land where the research institute will be erected. "I can't imagine a situation when we would want to build another com- munity centre. We're already over community-facilitied, if you will, in " Huron East with three," said Blaney. Steffler added that the municipal- ity is putting no money towards the Gateway building. "It's all Gateway," she said, add- ing that Gateway's corporate char- ter will not allow anything else to be built but a medical building. Ross asked that a buffer zone and greenbelt area be planned between his property and the new develop- ment and the opportunity to review the site plan control before approv- al. Williamson complained about the sidewalks that are currently being installed on the east side of Centen- nial Drive to the hospital. "We have some of the highest taxes with no sidewalks and I've raised two children without any. Who is putting in the sidewalks? The town?" she asked. Deputy -Mayor Bernie MacLellan answered that the sidewalks have FOSTER FAMILIES NEEDED FOR SCHOOL Huron -Perth AGED CHILDREN! Chikbufsodety Help Children from Your Community For Information Cali the Huron -Perth Children's Aid Society Huron County: Deanie Jardine at 519-524-7356 or 1-800-265-5198 Perth County: Vy Waller at 519-271-5290 or 1800-668-5094 - Learn how you can get active this foil at the Town & Country Support Services . Fitness Fair Sept. 9 Betty Cardno Memorial Centre, Clinton 1-,4 p.m. • Fitness demonstrations • Blood pressure checks • Health and wellness delays • Refreshments and door prises For more information, call Cheryl or Nadine at 519-482-9264 The Caring Support People Count On nothing to do with the Gateway de- Blaney also pointed out that the de- velopment. cision to put in traffic lights would be "The hospital has been asking for determined by the Ministry of Trans- these sidewalks for the past 20 years portation, not the municipality. and a lot more people are walking to Huron County planner Carol Leem- the hospital than ever before," added ing said the concerns of neighbours Mayor Joe Seili. - can mostly be addressed through site The letter from- the hospital true"plan control. She said community facility zoning requires that 30 per cent of the lot be landscaped open space, which doesn't include parking and the building can only take up 40 per cent of the lot. Leeming added that the amount of traffic coming into the area to a medical building might not be much different from the traffic coming in to the 12 houses originally planned for the land. Steffler added that Gateway cur- rently has two employees with two more planned to be hired in the next six months. She admitted that the traffic would increase gradually as use of the building increased. "This -is not a factory with three eight-hour shifts and people coming See COUNCIL, Page 10 also expressed concern about in- creased traffic flow and asked for a traffic light at Centennial Drive and Goderich Street, a sidewalk for pe- destrian traffic and a second access road. - Steffler said • there is not enough land to put in a second access but. would be in favour of one. Seili •pointed out that the hospital trust owns the land where a second access would need to be located. "To ask for a second access when you control the land is a conflict," he said, adding that permission would need to be granted from the trust to use their land. MacLellan added that if the hospi- tal trust were willing to give the land to the municipality, he'd be willing to put in a second access. Online courses from Ontarip's Colleges and Universities start here in Exeter. egistration. Advanced technology. High-speed Internet. We support you every step of the way. Go to etearnnetwork.ca/exeter for more information. Drop in or call: 349 Main Street 519-235-1232 Register now for courses. falearnnetwork.ca Funded by the Government of Ontario learn where you live