HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-08-26, Page 7News
Health unit working
with school boards and
professionals to prepare
for H1N1 pandemic
From Page 1
groups for the H1N1 vac
cine but Cameron expects
they will include younger
people who
have no im-
munity . to
the virus and
people with
medical con-
"It -mai not
be older peo-
ple because
they seem to
have immu-
nity based
on earlier
outbreaks in
1957 of a similar virus,"
she. says.
Cameron says health of-
ficials are closely watching
the southern hemisphere
and Australia in 'particular
' as they go through their
winter flu season right now vaccines..
and ; are encouraged that She says the Ministry
while H1N1 is the predom- of Health is developing a.
inant flu strain being seen, communications plan to
send cases'are relativelyend out to households to
mild. get .people thinking about
"Maybe 20 per cent of the flu shots.
people have been ill, much "Many of us don't have
less than the 30-35 per cent an immunity to this one,"
that has been predicted she says.
during pandemic planning
for the last several years,"
she says. "Hopefully, we
have the same thing here.
But, we're certainly con-
tinuing planning
and ` we are
prepared," she
says local hos-
pitals are also
their paudem
is plans and
are in constant
tion with the
health unit.
"We don't
want to be
caught off guard,"
she says.
Cameron says she's hop-
ing to see a, resurgence of
interest in the flu shot this
year, both for the seasonal
influenza and the H1N1
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The Huron Expositor • August 26, 2009 Page 7
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