HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-08-19, Page 9News
The Huron Expositor • August 19, 2009 Page 9
Huron East sets arena fundraising goal at 50 per cent
Volunteers still needed to Join fundralslng committee for Seaforth arena renovations
Susan Hundertmark
A fundraising goal of 50 per cent
has been set by Huron East council
for renovations at the Seaforth are-
Following an announcement a
month agothat a $696,778 grant
will be received from the federal and
provincial governments towards ren-
ovations at the arena, several meet-
ings were held.
"We've now formed a building
committee and are well on our way
to creating a fundraising commit-
tee," Clerk -Administrator . Jack
McLachlan told council at its Aug. 4
With a municipal share of $348,389,
McLachlan recommended that half
of the cost of renovations be raised
by public fundraising.
He pointed out in his report that
the St. Columban soccer club raised
50 per cent of the cost to purchase
the land for a soccer field and the
Ethel ball park committee raised
50 per cent of the cost for new park
Tuckersmith Coun. Larry McGrath
disagreed with the need for local
ratepayers to do fundraising to reno-
vate the Seaforth arena.
"I'm voting against it. I don't feel
we should have to keep going back
to the ratepayers and getting them
to empty their pockets after they've
already built the building," he said.
Renovations planned include build-
ing two more change rooms, expand-
ing and improving the accessiblity of
the front lobby, repainting the roof,
updating compressors and refrigera-
tion equipment, installing at least
one automatic door opener and in-
stalling energy efficient lighting over
the ice surface.
McKillop Coun. Andrew Flowers,
current chair of the arena board,
said in a phone interview that while
eight people have joined the building
committee, he's hoping more people
will volunteer to join the fundrais-
ing committee with the four or five
people who've signed up so far.
"With fundraising, it's the more the
merrier," he said.
"I think the number is manageable
but the more volunteers we have
the better . it's going to be. With just
a small group, it's going to be time
consuming," said Flowers.
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Barb Warden
He said the building committee
met last Wednesday with a comput-
er program that allowed members
to manipulate renovation plans on a
computer screen.
"We have to get going on the design
and take it to an architect as soon as
possible. The sooner we can get it to
tender, the less expensive it will be,"
said Flowers.
He said the committees will likely
hold once a month meetings. Anyone
interested in joining the fundrais-
ing committee is asked to call arena
manager Tadd Smith at 519-527-
Curfew enforcement could be used more
often by police for children under 16
From Page 1 If it is alleged that the youth com-
usually just get the names tween ages 12 and 17 have � of kids they find out at night and tell matted a criminal offence, they will
be subject to criminal charges and
them to go home. We want Huron of-
ficers to know that this is an option subsequent consequences under the
Youth Criminal Justice Act.
for them and it will likely be happen -
ins more often," says Van Mierlo. I'nv'ents. It is your responsibility
Under the Act, police may appre- to know where your children are at
bend a child without warrant as a all times. If they report that they
"child in need of protection." and are staying with a friend, be sure
that this is cor•Ynunicated between
parents will be contacted to pick up
te child. parents so that you know that to be
the case," says Van . Mierlo.
he B Champion Seaforth Squirt ball team would like
to say a big Thank You to their head coach Steve
Kropf anci coaches Mark MacDonald and Steve Jefferson
for putting up with them all season and teaching them
some baseball.
(eaforth 1 Squirt Team as shown (back row) Monty Hills, Stuart
Perkes, Justin Button, Travis Baer, Brandon Dorssers, (middle
row) Steve Kropf, Jorgie Janes, Russell MacDonald, .tessie
Sangster, Cody Roden, Brett Stackhouse, Mark MacDonald (front
row) Jason Parsons, Ethan Kropf, Cora Taylor, Greg Jefferson.
Absent: Steve Jefferson.