HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-08-19, Page 6t�s�..+...-«-.. s..r+..�.... �..........— ...u.._,..,..-r...r.-Yom.--.t.r _ .r'.�^1.e+.s:. .—.w— 4r,r .Ir.N.a+A�^.�. •-'.'.r f.y • Page 6 The Huron Expositor • August 19, 2009 News 14 4. Corn crop at serious risk if weather doesn't stay warm Cool summer nights have slowed the growth of corn and soybeans in Huron County Dan Schwab ®1. A significant amount of Huron County's corn crop is in trouble and farmers will need a clear message from the weather forecast if they are to be saved. "I need to hear from the weather man that the heat is on," says Wayne Black, president of the Huron Coun- ty Federation of Agriculture. "With the current conditions of the crops in Huron County, we will need a lot of great weather this fall to carry .the. crop to maturity." Ten to 20 per cent of the area's corn crop, which is part of the province's $1 billion crop, is at serious . risk of not reaching maturity _before the frost arrives in fall. Peter Johnson, cereals specialist for the Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture, Food and Rural Affairs, says the corn crop will need temperatures to remain around 30 degrees in the daytime and 20 degrees at night. "Corn needs warmer night temper- atures more than anything," John- son says. "We've had nights cooler than we'd like and we haven't had any 20 degree nights. But it can happen." Johnson says in 2005, farmers were facing a similar situation. But after Sept. 1 of that year, the weather im- proved and farmers were able to get suc- cessful yields of about 145 bushels per acre. But Johnson also adds that in 1992, af- ter a summer of mild temperatures, a mid- September frost caused major problems and destroyed much of the corn crop. "We just don't know how it'll end .up," John- sonsays. "It's definitely a significant concern." Soybeans are also coming in late, he says. "We're very concerned about the fact that some pods are not com- ing in well," he says. adding that You are invited to attend these area churches ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH, A Congregation of the Parish of The Holy Spkft' Sunday, August 23 Worship at 9:30 am Guest Ofiiciant: Vicki Williamson Fri. Aug 21 °1licar of Dbiey/" W night at 7 pm Pork Chop BarbeaieWed. Aug 26, 5 - 7 pm Everyone Welcome BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH An Associated Gospel Church 126 Main St. Seaforth 519-527-0982 Sunday Worship 10am Youth Group Wednesday 7 pm Pastor Mark Kennedy EVERYONE WELCOME NORTHSIDE UNITED Welcomes you Sunday, August 23 @ 11 a.m. Guest Speaker Kathy Douglas N.P. Youth Minister Ice Cold Lemonade served before Church begins 54 Goderich St. W., Seaforth 722 S.ca91 nosmsideuun_�ed. ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 14 Victoria Street Seaforth 519-345-2972 Sunday Mass 11 a.m. ST. PATRICK'S, DUBLIN Saturday Mass 5 p.m. Sunday Mass 9 a.m. FR. CHRIS GILLESPIE EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Pastor: Steve Hildebrand Worship August 23:10:30 AM Sunday School to resume in September Come and worship with us. Elevator and ear buds available. Everyone Is most welcome. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 59 Goderich St. W Seaforth 519-527- 0170 Sunday Aug 23rd, 11:15 a.m. Heather Vandersteft Sunday School & Nursery Provided. e is invited to attend. soybeans grow best in temperatures hovering around 25-28 degrees. Diseases such as fusarium root rot and downy mildew have also affected the soy- bean crop and some of the edible bean crop is suffering from bacterial blight. However, prices on soybeans are holding up reasonably well, Johnson says, while corn has backed off and wheat is drop- ping. Normally, the three crops trend together in the market and John- son says he's concerned farmers will be reluc- tant to plant wheat next season. Making dry hay has also been difficult for local farmers this sum- mer, Johnson says. "We've finally made a decent quality of dry hay," he says. "It's been a real struggle this year." Black says forage crops already harvested are lower in quality due to 'With the current conditions 01 the crops in Huron Count we will need a lot of great Weather this fall to carry the crops to maturity,' -. Huron Federation of Agriculture president Wayne Black market Plan to attend EzisiiiA no* REACH's AricuItura1 CENTRE ()i HURON GRAND OPENING Saturday, September 12, 2009 169 Beech Street, just north of Clinton Raceway Doors open from 10 am to 6 pm Admission is FREE Just some of the demonstrations include: • KingLyn Stables Precision Riding Team • The Effective Rider from Head to Toe with Lindsay Grice • Friesian 4 -in -hand driving Standardbred Sulky driving Western Gaming Prince Philip Cup Games Barrel Racing . • Activities are scheduled throughout the day. Programs will be available soon at www.reachhuron.ca We still have outdoor spaces available for participant displays. If your group would like to be involved, please contact REACH at 519 482 3998 poor heat and consistent moisture, which will have an impact in numer- ous ways. He says this will cause higher har- vesting charges due to drying costs and prolonged harvest times and higher expenses for livestock farm- ers in additional supplements to im- prove feed quality. He also says lower yields will re- sult in a higher cost of production per unit. Writing a wedding speech requires sentimental approach From Page 4 mysterious disappearance of air- planes. So preparation is key. And while making jokes and trying to be funny might be all right for a laugh, I think I'll be going for a more sentimental approach. Habitat looking for applicants for Seaforth build in 2010 From Page 5 tion form, please have them call 519-612-1612 or visit our web site at www habitathuroncounty.ca Thank you for this opportunity to inform our community of this well worth while program. Sincerely, Melita Cronin Family Selection Committee Member Linda Recants Design Cuntultnnt lob Spy,* Datiipt Cont:ulta nt • Wut Cout kitchens . . . And Much More • Kitchens • CtistomVanities • Entertainment Units • Home Offices iiiiiiiimil .:.,.... Visit Our Showroom! 50 West St. Goderich 519-440-0352. 1-866-440-0352 Gouienscis & District Ck.aber of ComaMerre Bwdness of the Yeer Arent 2006 �tt�aih weatcosalkit*cahietv.on.ca -