HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-08-19, Page 5To the Editor, I have recently become involved with Habitat for Humanity -- Huron County. I am so excited about this project coming to Seaforth. I always thought this was such a wonderful program when I would see it on the news or read about it in the newspa- pers and now that it is here in Sea - forth, I have decided to jump right in. The lot that has been bought for the Seaforth 2010 Build is justwest of the water tower. Although we are always looking for volunteers to help with every aspect Opinion The Huron Expositor • August 19, 2009 Page 5 Old fashioned medical service coming behind hew buildings 'VD the Editor; This morning, Aug. 10, I called the new Seaforth Clinicto see about an appointment with Dr. Shepherd's office. I was told that she was on holidays and would not be back .un- til Aug. 18, to recall then to talk to them for an appointment. Being there is sup- posed to be "a Family Health Team" at the clinic, I was not told that there is some .other doctor coveririg while Dr. Shepherd was on holidays, or of- fered any alternatives to seek medi- cal aid. So much money is continually spent on upgrades and "new build- ings" and .possibly a lecture hall, but the "whole reason Too bad for good old fashioned med- for all this being there, "the_ client ical client service. Guess it has gone seeking medical aid" seems to be be- by the wayside as has our hospital's coming the last consideration, of our 24-hour emergency care. Bob Litt new Family Health Team. As far as I can see, it is all a "big Seaforth, Ont. joke" at our etpense. Voluntee.r excited to 'jumprightht . with in' Seaforth Habitat project Lightning strikes twice at Winthrop farm in 1984 August 8,1884 patronized. Many other veterans A good many of the people in drove down on Saturday . or Sun - and around the village of Wrox- day. August 14, 1959 eter were attracted to a field of fall g'u wheat belonging to Robt. Gibson Seaforth firemen .were called to which he was cutting with a - self Egmondville school Monday morn - binding reaper last week, many be- ing to extinguish a fire in the roof of ing anxious to see how it worked the building. The school was being g before risking investment in one. shingled at the time with work be - Mr. Wm. Cudmore of Kippen a ing in progress on the north side. very enterprising and energetic Smoke was noticed on the south dealer has six carloads of most ex- by Grant Finnigan who called fire- cellent cattle which he proposes men. Damage was estimated at shipping to the old country. $500 by fire chief John F. Scott. We understand that Mr. Michael The petition circulated during re - McQuade has received the agen- cent weeks calling for a vote for re- cy for Tuckersmith for the Globe peal of the Canada Temperance Act Lightning Rod. Company of Lon- will be on file at the County Regis - don. try Office in Goderich for 10 days August 13, 1909 from Aug, 13. The Huron Citizens The third annual celebration Legal Control Committee reports under the auspices of Lady .Nairn that approximately 10,500 eligible Camp, Sons of Scotland will be held voters signed the petition. in Seaforth on Wednesday, August August 15,1984 25. The release of the draft copy of Quite a number from Hensall the Seaforth Zoning Bylaw . last and vicinity took in the circus at week resulted in concerns being London on Tuesday last. raised about the flood plain within Mr. T.J. Berry, Hensall's well the town. known and enterprising horse Seaforth real estate agent, Larry buyer leaves this week for the Old Dillon is concerned that property Country accompanied by his own in the flood plain as shown in the Master Wilson and intends bring- zoning bylaw is being regulated to ing over some heavy draught stal- the point where property owners lions and fillies. are losing rights and in some cases August 10, 1934 may see decreases in property val- During Thursday's electrical ues. storm lightning struck the home The recent dry weather a . of Patrick Reynolds, Hullett Town- caused higher than average out - ship. The bolt followed down the puts of water in Seaforth, PUC chimney and pipes into the kitchen manager Tom Philips told the o stove bursting with a loud crash mission at their Aug. 8 mtin . into a ball of flames. One man's OnAug. 1, the outputwas 507,00 arm was paralyzed and a woman gallons a day and the pumping rate fainted. Paper was stripped from has been averaging 375,000 gallons the walls as if by magic, but fire a day for the past month. did not break out. There were eight It has been said that lightning people in the kitchen at the time of never strikes twice but ymay the crash as some highway workers have a hard time convincing he had taken refuge from the storm. Hunt family of Winthrop of that. Seaforth veterans of the Great Wednesday night lightning struck War were in'Ibronto over the, week- twice at their farm literally send- end attending the Corps Reunion. ing tingles down everyone's spines A special train going through town and leaving them, in the dark. early Saturday morning was well 4 • of the build from mail -outs, cooking, typing a{id even the actual build it- self, I am more involved with the ap- plicants that this home will go to. The home owner is chosen based on: • Their need for affordable housing • Their willingness to partner with HFH • Their, ability to pay back a no -in- terest mortgage The application deadline for the 2010 build is the end of September 2009. If you know anyone who would like more information or an applica- See HABITAT, Page 6 Your job Promotion starts here in Exeter. —µms • \•i at 2; to leave ome to broaden your horizons. We can help you access the online courses of Ontario's Colleges and Universities. Go to eleamnetwork.ca/exeter for more information. Drop in or call: 349 Main Street 519-235-1232 Register now for courses. . .10 Leamnetwork .ca Leam where you live •