HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-08-12, Page 81
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Par 8 The Huron Expositor • August 12, 2009
This summer,
you pay what we pay.
Now get up to
in price adjustments.
offers vary by model
. >-• •
f. •
2009 Ford Escape XLT
MSRP (Dealer may sell for less)
Employee Price Adjustment
Delivery Allowance
Total Price Adjustment
Your Employee Pri
Offer excludes fre
2009 Ford Ranger SuperCab Sport 4x2 2009 Ford FISO SuperCab
MSRP (Dealer may Sell for IOW 0099
MSRP (Dealer may sell for les.$) $32,799
Employee Price Adjustment $1,680 Employ,. Price Adjustment $3,732
Delivery Allowance
$4,500 Delivery Allowance
Total Price Adjustment
Your Employee Price
Offer excludes freight
Total Price Actiustment 810,232
Or Lease With 4x4 For Onty
$37g 719941
rntsafi fo,r 013 motto with $7,090 tirewn peyroesst
We're inviting you to take the Drive One Challenge.
We believe that once you drive a Ford you won't want to
drive anything else. If we still haven't won you over and you
buy a qualifying competitive vehicle, we'll give you $100t
*Excludes CAW negotiated bonui.
County council decides
to move ahead with
new fire hydrants
for Jacob Memorial
'Fad ErnPlalee Plicing relm to A plan pricing odnadly reliable to ford empbrees and arnudes any (AW negotiated bonuses a other special Incentives that employees may receive from time lo time. Ford Employee Pricing is only in effect from July Is
as August SIst 2009 at padidpating fad of Canada sexersNrs Ford End Pricing is wadable on most new 1009 and 2010 Ford vehicles (excluding 2009 Shelby KR. 2010 Mustang Shelby GT 500 and F-150 Raptor and 2009 and 2010 F -Series Chassis Cate
E•senes (oafs and stripped (hasskt(1,arvi Malum Ruck). The new betide must be delivered or factory ordered from your Ford Dealer between July 1st and August 31st, 2009. Ford Employee Prkin9 dos not iodide height fuel IS charge, tense. (MARI
migration. PPS14, deet adninistration. and all appkable taxes. this offer can be used in conjbnction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of (anada at either the time a faday ceder a dekvery, but not both. Ford Employee Pricing 1
rainchectable. Ford [move Pricing is not amiable on any whide receiving Competithv Price Allowance or Government Price (axession, S&P. (HR Fleet Delivery Allowance, a Daily Rental incentives. Dealer may sell a lease fa less. limited We offers. Offer
may be canceled at art, time without notice. Seeyour Ford Dealer for complete details a cal the Ford Customer Relationship Cadre al 1-800-%5-3673. Purchase a new 2009 Ford Escape XT 14 FWD /Ford Ranger SuperCab Spat 4x2 / Ford F -f50 Super(ab la
4121 2010 Fat Edge sE10146,0$24,499419.199/$9,799/S300orivilb ford Employee Peking for $19,074 /$13.119/ $11.561 / S21.264 alter total Employee Prig Adjustment of S5,425 WO I $10232 I $3235 dabcted (total psdiase prke alustment is i
combination of Erriplosve once adjustment $).9251$1,60) /W32/ $2.23S, and delivery *ware $3,500 /$4,500 S00/ S1,000). Taxes payable on full amount Of PURhaSe price atter Emmet once adiustment. and Dealer( albaante have been *Med Oft
arcbdes (sot ($1,35041,30/$1,35041.100), license, tuel NI thaw, insurance, registratiork PPS/4, administration tees and all applicable taxes. I tease a new 2009 Fordf 150 Super (ab )114x4 and receive 799% tAPR for Pa/nod* payment on approved (Ted
(OA) from Ford Credit Not al tales Wil qualify for blowiest lAPR primed. Additional peahents market down payment of 82,990 a equivalent trade-in. Total lease obligation is 111,10Z optional billfold is $10.381. Some conditions and *ale reSifiction
of WOO krn over *mortis gilt A (barge of ti avits Per km over mileage festddions aPPItes. PluS agfkable taxes. Offers exclude freight of (81350), fuel NI charge, SO security deposit. administration fees, pre -delivery, registration, RSA Tees and weicabli
taxes (alter dekvery allowance of ,500 Wed). Taxes payable an Tull MON 01 lease Mandrill price after any peke adXstment is deducted. t Offer valid from My 1,2009 until August 31, 1039 Otte "Program Period). This otter Is only valid at Pattidriatint
dealerS. A Salome( who test Man a new Fad veNde during the Program Period and aschases or leases a new quakfyingcorrooditive makp and model *hide and takes dehvery of that vehicle between 2 and 14 (Sends days following the ked test driw wit
be dkible to receive a POO offer. b daim the MO offer Ow antOnver must return to the Foal dealer *ere they took their test drive withi- I calendar days of the original test drive and present the dealer alb proof of purohastilease and deksty in the fom
of a dated and signed Retai Mfrs Agreement. Retail Buyers Ampere must be dated behvera 2 WM calendar days after the date on vi4 hi ' the f ad test drive took place. Iligible customeis will be mailed a chatie from Fad Otto Convany of Canada in th
antlfd 01 $100 alter *ON* is wired MN one (1) 000 offer may be claimed per person during the Prograrn Period. Codifying competitive vehicles vary based on the model of the Fad test We veNde. See dealer for details regarding eligible comPetitist
roiled models. Offer or*/ wattle la use by Canadian residents and ism Canalai Fun& This offer may be cancelled al err time without notice. Ontario FIM P0. Box 1000, Oakville, Ontario 16156
, .. .
Susan Hundertmark hydrants at Huronview
4INEIiMP and the installation of one
Despite concerns that fi- hydrant beside' the pum-
nal engineering costs have phouse to provide water
not been determined, Hu- supply for fire department
ron County council's cora- connection.
mittee of the whole agreed The second phase in 2010
to hire B.M. Ross and As, would include the installa-
sociates for a new fire hy- tion of watermains and hy-
drant system at the Jacob drants to the other build -
Memorial Building site in ings on site.
Clinton. The report said the total
Facilities Manager Sandy estimated cot is $902,000,
McLean asked the COW at including $705,000 for the
its Aug. 5 meeting to tender first year and $197,000 for
for the instal-
lation of the
new system
based on ' the
drawings and
prepared by
B.M. Ross
and Associ-
report said
the fire hy-
drant system,
installed in
1953 when
the building
was constructed, was tak-
en out of service in 2007
"due to uncontrollable wa-
ter loss from the reservoir
and fire pump."
A new supply system is
proposed to be connected to
the existing fire hydrants
and watermains next to
the Huronview building,
since that part of the sys-
the second year.
Coun. Ber-
nie MacLel-
lan (Huron
East) pointed
out that the
final engi-
neering costs
haven't been
"I've got
a problem
$63,000 to get
the tendering
process done
when the en-
gineers haven't
given. us their final cost.
It doesn't seem like good
business," he said.
But, Coun. Deb Shewfelt
said there is some urgency
involved in the situation.
"I sit here everyday wor-
ried about fire over there
so let's get on with it," he
said, adding that going
tem was installed in 1990back to the engineers could
and is still serviceable. • delay the project another
Three new fire hydrants month.
and connecting water- Warden Ken Oke pointed
mains are proposed to -both out that the county isn't
the Health and Library in a position to start over
Building and the Jacob again with a new engineer -
Memorial Building since ing firm.
"the existing hydrant and "If the cost is too high, do
supply equipment had we start over again with
• reached the end of its use- another engineer? We've
ful life and would not be over a barrel here and we
included in the project." have to proceed," he said.
The project is expected to Coun. Joe Seili said that
be done in two phases. The with an additional 25 per
first phase in 2009 would cent added for engineering
install new wat,ermain, costs and any other addi-
reservoir and pumphouse tional costs, he estimated
structural, mechanical and the project's total costs to
electrical work, along with be $1.3 million.
interconnection to existing
sit here
worried about
fire over there
so let's get -on
with it,'
Goderich Mayor
Deb Shewfelt