HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-6-19, Page 4ARE YOUR NRYES
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Amazing from intonified
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In these streuawt s clays, there is
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stipation, are very rare indeed.
1 his is why time Fruit Treatment,
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blessing to nervous, sleepless, une
strung men and women.
"Fruit-a-tives" is really the inten-
sified juices of apples, oranges, figs
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amain a more active and concentrated
'.'ie rnit.a-rives" vciII always relieve
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rebuilding the nerve cells by means
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the stomach, liver, bowels and skin-.
and by invigorating and re -vitalizing
ti'' whole system',.
ten iault trt. taveat for your
nerr'-.s. Get abox of "Fruit-a-tives"
tole r, Your nrugeist has then -25c.
a.n nen postpaid by
Feet -eel ev• Lim ;te1, ortavva, Ont.
eenee }pr:etore
'"ah„ .s.,ti,n P- i.e -le a hone e. SI 50
per year in e zrad;, 1.100 'n the
Unrte•1 Statee. All .:it',:;erigtions not
treed e edeeet eseeee
TH1CR:+DAY, JUNE 19th, 1924
Local Doings
A weasel, that got away from its
'usual haunts, made its appearance
on Main Street Saturday morning
and caused coiieiderable excitement
among a bunch of juveniles, grown-
ups and dogs. All were after his
zceaselship In hot pursuit, but he
disappeared into Mr. Milo Snell's
-cellar window in eafetse
,eetiee resell who are engaged in
relaying the Leni . track from Lon-
don to the Clinton junction with
1 e•c;v,es rails are nearing Centralia.
It ie exeeeted ',a:t nen. will reach,
Exeter before the fuIi.
'1`te. Exeter r W`'omen's Institute
annual meeting ar:d el ction of oilic-
ers ,or the coining year, 1924-25,
re uat.:d as follows; P csident, Mrs.
G. elansori: i t Viee Pres., Mrs. T.
Harvey: :3ud Vice Pres., Mrs. G.
Cochrane; Sec.- Treas., Mrs. W.
l rn• neaneh nig ens, Mrs. T.
Dinney. eIre.'i'::i M1e;. O'Brien;
Dist. Dir., Miss L. Je kelp; Pianist,
Mrs. Cochrane. The Institute decid-
ed to'change the date of meeting to
the last Tuesday of each month and
for the summer months, the meet-
inge to be held in the Carnegie Lib-
rary. An urgent invituaaon is given
to all I:=:iies to conte to the July
meeting and become a member of
the Women's Institute.
The Ford car owned by Mr. Wm.
Abbott and driven by Louis Cornish
was badly damaged on Friday last by
running into the ditch on Carling St.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Easton arrived
home on Thursday evening last froze.
Detroit, where' they spent their hon-
The play entitled "The Turn of the
Tide" put on in the Opera House on•
Friday evening last under the aus-
pices of the Exeter District Branch
of the Ontario Plowman's" Associa-
tion, was not given the patronage
the play warranted. Those taking.
part rendered their roles admirably
and all in attendance expressed
themselves as being well pleased
'with the entertainment. The sing-
ing by Miss Clark was a pleasing
feature of the affair.
The citizens of Exeter and sur-
rounding country were given a rare
treat by the London No. 1, Salvation
Army Silver band here on Saturday
night and Sunday teat, The Band
consists of thirty-two musicians and
the music rendered by them was all
arranged or composed by army mem-
hers. On arriving Saturday evening
the band former in line and paraded
Main Street playing . Sacred pieces
and the excellent way in which they
handled the program brought forth
many favorable comments At 11 a.m.
Sunday.la, Holiness Service was held in
the Town Hall, conducted•by Adjut-
ant Spooner, with band in. attend-
ance. Tn the afternoon a Sacred
Concert was given in Victoria Park,
Reeve W. -D. Sanders acting as
Chairman. This was a most 'popu-
lar part of their visit aril the park
was crowded to ei parity. In the
evening a .musical festival was con-
ducted in the Dome Rink and a very
large crowd was in attendance. The
affair was most successful from ev-
ery standpoint.
Mr. S. eel, Sanders Manufacturing Co.
has closed its 13ensali branch and the
teusiness will now be confined to Itbe
Exeter plant,.
Thepublic school„ boys of town,
played the Heusall° school .•boys a
game of baseball here on Wednesday
evening, the Exeter team winning by
a score of 29-16.
The Exetar members of the Can- •
adieu Press Tour, give their impres-
sions in another column, as they
start out for the land across the'
The Comedy, "Green Stoekirnbs;'
taut on, by the A. Y, P,, A. of the; Triv-
itt Memorial Church, on Wednesday,
evening, June 18, drew a capacity
house, and under ehe able leadership
of Airs, N, J. Dose(, was (certainly a
great success and all that could be
desired. Each took hes and her part
in a most creditable menxmr, ,and
great ,effeetivenese was added by the
beautiful` and becoming costumes worn
byee.he performers„ Between acts
music was furnished by the Exeter
Orchestra which wasenjoyed by all.
We understand that it will be repeated
in Kirkton next Tuesday evening and
STANDING- OF SOFT BALL also again in the 'town later ou,.
The caste of characters ware::-..
Admiral Griice, W. Pomfret; WIn. Far=
Won Lost P. C. aday, W. C. Davits; ;Col. Smith, l3„
3 X 750
James St. A.
Trivitt Mem. 2 ' 1
.Maih St. 2 1
Caven 2 1
Thames Rd.. 1 2
James St, B 0 4
The results of Intercounty league
games played up to and including
that of Monday night, show the
Boundary leading the way with
eight straight wins. A, merry battle
continues for second place between
Farquhar and Cromarty. Great in-
terest has been shown in most of the
games and with good crowds attend-
ing, the league has become a decid-
ed success. The standing gis as fol-
Won Lost P.C.
Boundary 8 0 1.000
Farquhar 4 4 .500
Cromarty 3 3 .500
Staffa 0 8 .000
GRAND BEND, June 13,—Sanford
Parker Lovie. aged 19, son of Mr:
and Mrs. Wm. Lovie, concession 22,
Stephen Township-, about a mile
from, Grand Bend, died about 4.30
oeloek, Friday last, as the result of
injuries received on Wednesday pre-
vinus at the tam of John _Gill, a
neighbor, where he was assisting in
raising a building. The building had
been raised on jacks in the usual
fashion and the young man was
working beneath the structure when
one of, the jacks gave way and he
was pinned beneath a sill, receiving
internal injuries which resulted in
his death at the Gill farm, from
where, on account of the seriousness
of his injuries, it had been impos-
sible to remove him. Six weeks ago
the grandfather of the accident vic-
tim was buried and two weeks the
funeral of an aunt was held.
The pranks of an airdale dog were
indirectly responsible for the drown-
ing of Edward Lloyd Kinder, aged
32, at the mouth of the river at
Port Frank on June 15th, Kinder
was the C.P.R. night operator at the
station 'at Caradoc. and with L. L.
Northcott motored to Port Frank for
the day's outing. With them they
brought an airdale dog, which, was
to be their companion for the day.
The two men secured a canoe and
want paddling in the river, taking
the dog with'them, Near the mouth of
the river, where the water is be-
tween 12 and 15 feet deep, Kinder
began throwing sticks from the can-
oe, which the dog would swim out to
capture. Just as he was throwing
one of these sticks, he lost his bal-
ance and fell from the canoe into
the water, He never came to the
surface after first sinking from
sight. There is a strong undertow
at this point in the river and this is
believed responsible for his failure
to come to the surface, Kinder is
survived by a widow and two child-
ren residing in Strathroy.
Thursday, June 12th
Main St. defeated Thames Road
on Thursday night in a fast and ex-
citing 'game by a score of 9-6. The.
main St. teams were at their best,
while the Thames Road had some
bad err5rs that came at a bad
time but at that it was a good brand
of ball and the big crowd was on
their toes at all times. On the
rules the crowd seems to be up a
tree as the rules are different for
every game and we think it is time
that someone should know the rules.
Friday, June 13th
James St. B. loose again. This
time in a very loosely played game.
It wast a very even score all through
the game but it Lacked pep, •none of
the players had any life at all and
a great many errors were made,
James St. B have lost all three
starts they have made, but are good
losers and have just as much fun
as the winners. They have a good
team, but not hardly as good as the
others, but someone has to be at the
.bottom and the other teams have
decided the James St,, -B should be
the one. Caven by winning this game
tie up. the league in a four corner.
tie and it should be very exciting for
a few games now.
Monday, June 16th .
James St, B. lose another, . this
time to lames St, A, in a well played
game`by a score of 11-6. It was a
much better game than the score
will show.
James. St. B played a, much im-
proved game and in the next series
will make some of them step to the
limit; they appear to be just gettitcg
limbered up and when they do Look
out, .some one will have to take the
"rimes have :changed; , eat ,even) moe:
there are sone, gold Ifashx iced people
who think' 'children should ;obeys
Cunraurghaui; Robt. Tarver, C. H. Mc-
A.voy; H'y. Steele, Jas,. 'Morley; Jas.
Raleigh, D. Davis; -Martin, H, West;
Celia Faraday, ,Mrs, N. J. Dore; tit/ledge
Mis; .A Acheson; Evelyn, Miss Wan-
da Von Walscilr skin; Phyllis Faraday,
Iiss Helen Weathy; efrs. Chisholin
Faraday, Miss Florence l)iirui ey,
Thames Road
Those of this, community, who
turned out to hear'•the play "Aaron
Slick, of Pumpkin Crick" certainly
had a splendid evening.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pollen spent
Sunday in Exeter with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. C. Kestle.
Mr,- and Mrs. Ed."Coward and son
Garnet spent Sunday' with 1\ir. and
Mrs. Anson Smale.
Little Miss Vera Pollen spent a few
days with her grandparents, last
Master jack Collings spent Sunday
with Mr. Gleason Gill, of Russeldale.
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended anniversary services at the
Stone Church, Kirkton on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. Pollen receivod word on
Monday morning of the death of her
cousin, Mr. Ed. Oliver, of Port Al-
bert, Ont. The funeral takes place
on Wednesday.
The W.M.S, met at the, home of !AIrs.•
Wm. Pollen 'on Thursday, June 5th,
There was a good attendance. The
meeting was opened with prayer by
the president, Mrs. R. Kydd. A chap-
ter from the text -book, entitled,"The
Task of Canadian,i,zatitan," 'was read by
Miss. A. Turnbull, Miss K Monteath
Mrs. A. Campbell very kindly sang to
-duet. This was followed by some i;n -
terestiiag extracts from Mrs. Walker's
address at the Hamilton (Presbyterial
by .errs, Kydd, Mrs, Fegnwick gave a
very pleasing paper, entitled, "Such
Pity," The fund- .Lor the clothing ,of
the Indian, !girl num our charge was; pp-
ened at tills meeting wethi several gcod
subscriptions. A dainty lunch was
served by the hostess. The meeting
was closed by two of the miembers en-
gaging in senteatee prayers and the
Lord's prayel' in huneson..
There passed away at hits home een the
filth concession (of Usi Dune, on •'1'tues-
day, June 17th another of the old`and
highly esteemed resident of th`,s
town hi.p in the person of lir, James
Harris, aged 75 years. Mr. Harris.
was a victim of rheumatic trouble. (for
a number of years and has 'been con
flncd to his bed for, the pasts two and
a halt years, during which time be has
suffered a great deal. The deceased
was born in the township of Fullerton,
but has beten, a resident of ;this town-
ship for the past 47 years, where he
has been honored and esteemed by u
large circle of friends. He was twice
married, his first wife being Emily
Young and bis second, Mrs. George
Young, by whom he is survived to-
gether with one on and two dauge-
ters by his first ;wife—Arntold of
Frayner, Sask., Mrs.. Chas. Brown: of
Dungannon and iidrs. Nelson Couch .of
Stratford; and by the second wife two
sons, Leonard land Ernest at :home and
one step -daughter, Mrs. 'rhos. Danson
of Munroe; also one- brother and ane
sister, Oliver Harris of Mitchell and
vlrs. Chas. Curtis of • Russeldale. He
was a. )valued member of the Methodist
church and 5n •poli:t;ics a .staunch'Con-
servative. The funeral takes plact Fri-
day to the Munroe Cemetery.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
Place at the parsonage here on Wed-
nesday when Rev. Dreier milted in
marriage Mr, Gordon Matlock and Miss
Alma Hoist, daughter of Mr. and jeers.
Fred Hoist. We (extend c"ngratula-
Mr. Alonzo Hodgins arrived home
from, the Old Country during the
past week, suffering from blood
poisoning in _his right. hand.
' Min and Mrs. D. Finkbeiner and
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel niotor.ed.
to Listowel on Sunday.
The music rendered by the Salva-
tion Army Band on Saturday after-
noon was much enjoyed by the citi-
Mrs.., Swartz, of near Goderich, is
visiting her mother, ; Mrs. Leah
Holtzman for a few days:
Mr. Frank1Benkye, of Detroit, vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wena,„el for
a few days the past. week,
Mr. Chas. Fahner left this, week.
for London, where he has accepted
a position.
Mr. Harold Young, of ',London,
spent the week -end in town:
Mr: and Mrs. Ezra Oestreicher left
this week for Windsor and Detroit.
Fathers Day will be held in the
Methodist church -next Sunday. The
pastor will preach a story sermon,
entitled "The Faith of our Fathers.
Don't fail to hear this spiritual mes-
sage, presented ;in the most original,
clear.; convincing manner: Watch fax
the .series • on. "Pictures : from the
Prophets which will •.follow. Spec-
mal men's choir for Sunday.. Every-
one is cordially invited..
The .annual S. S. and community
picnc at Grand Bjend on Saturday
was well attended and a pleasant .da.;i'
Mr, and ;hlrs. A„ C. Wilson iandi Mr,
'and Mrs. W. 1, Wilson of 'Spring-
field, Ill., were ,guests with A, 1I.
Wilson and . renewed acquaintances
hei+e. , . .
Mr. and Mrs. Wareham of Sarnia•
v,,isieed her parents!, Mr..arud Mrs. E.
Airs. A• flotsam is visaing her .rose
John, flor -a few weeks.
Mrs. Reeder and Mrs, Brinker of
Parkhill visited Mrs, Thos: Bullock on
Rev, 3i', J, Maines has returned hoine
from conference and will continue as
the pastor of the t&fe±thodiis't church
here for another year,
The s•ervices. in the Methodist and
.Anglican churches were withdrawn .on
Sunday afternoon owing to the fun-
eral of the late S. Lovie :of Grano.
Messrs, L. Pollack, .Root, Eagleson,
E Stewerdson and E. Eggert motored
to Venda last week.
Don't forget the lawn siacial. at the
Zethod:st ' church on . June 24t1i,
Strawberries and cream! I and a -good
program by the Chelsea. Concert party
o;E London. '
•• The following is -the result of the
local -Bowling Tournament held on
Friday evening last: W. Sanders, H,
Speakman, C. B, Snell, Skip; win-
The Scotch Doubles Tourney held
on the local green on Wednesday of
last week was quite successful there
being 30 contesting minks. With the
exception of an hour's light rain, the
weather was all that could be desir-
ed for an event' of that kind. Fol-
lowing are the results: --
Wins, Plus or Minus
Ross & Gerry, 'Brussels, 2— 7
Kompas & Kilburn, Lon Eleni 2— 5
Seldon & Taman, Exeter 4X 28
Talbot & Coleman, St. Marls..
Co. 2X 2
Dr. Hoskin & Rev. Beverley
St. Marks Co. 1-11
Stewart & Woods, Exeter 3X 16
Brazer & Cornelius, McClarys
Co. 1— 1
'Anderson & Rivers, Exeter 4X 24
Snell & Snell, Exeter 1— 9
Christie & Pryde, Exeter 2— 4
McLaren & Goodwin, Hensall 1— 6
Heaman & Sanders, Exeter 1-15
McDougall & Turnbull L.R.C. 4X 24
Wilson & Part, L. Thistles 2— 9
Hunt & Part, Goderich, 2— 8
Stockdale & Geliathy, St.
Marys 1-14
White & Stauneh,'Brussels 3X 12
Bright & Willis, Seaforth 0-21
Hillger & Hilfiger, L. Thistles -=-1
Beachley &_ Sproat, Seaforth 4X 19
Brophy & Part, Goderich 1— 6
Powell & Part, Goderich 1- 5
Gregory & Part, L. Elem. 2-13
Cash & Frebig, Stratford 4X 38
Young & Part; L. A.11 Saints 2-112
Rath & Ross, L. Thistles 3X 10
Down 8,1 fart, Stratford, 0-29
Cochrane & Spackman, Ex. 2X 5
Trumper & Roulston, Exeter 0-27
Two high winners play for 1st and
and 2nd; next two high, played for
3rd and 4th.
let Seldon & Taman—lst
2nd Cash & Feibig, Stratford -2nd
3rd Turnbull & McDougall, London
Rowing Club, -3rd.
4tli Anderson & Rivers -4th
\1W\\Um,!`•\\\\\ a\ V W\`visV. \\U\\\\\\\\\WA\\\\'
iifClli�WiY" ..1
Deposit YouurSaviings in
CAPITAL - 54,004,0,00
RESERVE - • $5,000,000
Payments of household accounts are often hard
to keep track of, but when paid by cheque there
Pay is an accurate record and receipt for each trans-
by There is a conveniently located branch of The
Molsons Bank where you or your wife could
Cheque transact this business and' be assured of of
ficcient service.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Big Bargains in Furniture
At Gardiner's
Director of Funeral Services
Day and Night Service.
Business Phone 74w
Motor and Horse Equipment.
Opera Ilousie Block.
Night Call 74j
Economical .Purchase
Economical Upkeep
No other •tri of cooking equipment compares with &celery's. Florence Oil
Stove in first cost and fuel consumption. The results in baking and cooking
are entirety satiisfactory.
Mcelary's Plosence Oil Cook ,Stove
enables Tau to have comfort in the kitchen this summer. No tires to build.`..
No ashes to carry. Just touch the asbestos kindler and in a moment there
is an intense blue flame directly under` the cooling vessel. Sold with or with-
out McClary'.s Success Oven.
Let us send a Florence to your summer home.
Sold and guaranteed by
G. A. Hawkins