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HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2009-07-29, Page 5Opinion-
The Huron Exposi1orw ertly`29),/ifecPileie 3 "••"°
Seaforth needs its hospital back to a normal 24-hour
service; it doesn't need any more healthcare buildings
Ib the Editor,
It seems every time we pick up the
Huron Expositor or any local paper,
a new bunch of health people are
wanting another new health build-
ing to be built in Huron East.
Now there is talk of a lecture hall
discussion centre and about further
partnership with Gateway Rural
Health Research.
Huron East does not need any
more buildings for health. What Hu-
ron East really needs is our hospital
back to normal, open allthe time.
This means 8 p.m. at night to 8 a.m.
in the.morning - all the time.
Instead of building (buildings
make no money, they use money)
more buildings, let's start paying
higher wages and bring in a couple
surgeons, an anaesthetist and full
and part time nurses.
I'm sure there is a list of these peo-
ple we can contact some place.
Maureen Agar and Bill Wallace
each had very good letters in the pa-
per a while ago and we the people
better stand up and listen to them
and reclaim what was taken and
never returned to our hospital, but
paid for by the Seaforth public.
Seaforth hospital has the shortest
wait time to get patients in for excel-
• lent treatments, than any other hos-
pital and our doctors are very proud
of this.
A few of our good people left Sea -
forth Hospital for another hospital
to "better" themselves, so they said,
but it was the "pay cheque" that got
better, as the people didn't get ,beter,
they are still doing the same job now
in the other hospital, that they left
Seaforth Hospital for.
Like Maureen says "where" is our'
Local Advisory Committee and what
are they doing about our hospital?
We only donate now to the telethon
from CKNX Wingham to go to our
hospital and we sure hope that's
where it all goes.
Let's hope the LAC has enough
sense to say no to having anymore
buildings built in Huron East for
health, now it's Clinton's turn or
Stratford's turn to get their new
health buildings, not Huron East.
Clara and Bill Brown
What goes around, comes around with the wind turbine issue
To the Editor,
Yes, I'm for green, but not like
some, who seem to be green with
envy or totally saturated with the
"green on green" theme, that they
are ready to compromise with any
salesman including government.
Just remember, "You can't win an
argument with an ignorant man."
On the wind turbine issue, I found
it necessary to write in easy to read
"fine print" on the negative points of
the turbines.
Face's frtflfl th(• 1" L-1
There are five clauses which might
mean the differences of "signing
now, worry later" - a predicament we
could all find ourselves in some day.
1. If the turbine is put on my prop-
erty, I agree to put it as close to my
buildings or dwelling as the setbacks
Frank Phillips photo
Entrants in the 1966 Beauty Contest at the Seaforth Uons Club Camival were from left, Elizabeth Witmer, Wendy
Fry, Joan Sinclair, Joan Coleman, Cheryl Moore, Uz (Smale) Cardno, Linda Kennedy and Nancy Berger.
require, and make sure my neigh-
bours home is at least 1.5 km away
like the ones in Europe require, that
have been studied, and all know the
golden rule - do unto others as you
would have them do unto you.
2. I agree "shadow flickering" from
the blades will be a problem. It will
bother me for about three or four
hours in the evening and same with
my neighbours, plus the flashing
beacon all night long. Maybe dizzi-
ness or irrationability will become a
problem - you're on your own!
3. The noise created by the turbine
is like a thumping base woofer in a
car radio we hear each day at a busy
stop sign, only with the turbine you
hear it 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year - be pr pa•ed to put up with it!
4. If stray' voltage is a problem, no
doubt the company that built them,
and our government would tell us, go
buy yourself a pair of rubber boots.
They are as good an insulator to
electricity that is known. Where do
you think you live? The Bahamas?
5. I realize the money that can be
made from these turbines, but my
land and surrounding neighbours'
land will soon be worth nothing.
Who would want to live in the midst
of these turbines anyway? In the ru-
ral area it's our home and business.
That's your problem says the
"salesman" and our "MPs."
"What goes around comes around"
- sort of like the wind turbines? Yea!
Jim Shea
RR 1, Dublin
All letters must be signed
and include an address and
phone number. Letters will
edited for grammar, =� 4
punctr ttion,
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