HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2017-05-10, Page 66 Huron Expositor • Wednesday. May 10. 2017
(HURON EAST, Ont.) - Huron
County Ontario Provincial Police
(OPP) officers are investigat-
ing the recent theft of a canoe
and kayak stolen from a prop-
erty located on Kippen Road.
Sometime between 12:00 a.m.
and 5:30 a.m. on April 28, 2017
those responsible stole the
canoe and kayak from the rear
of the property. The kayak is
described as a 12> blue, black
& white Clearwater Designs
Muskoka model valued at $460.
The canoe is described as a
16> red & white H2O Adven-
turer model valued at $2,000.
Any person with informa-
tion regarding this incident
should immediately contact
Huron OPP at 1-888-310-
1122 or (519) 524-8314
Should you wish to remain
anonymous, you may call
Crime Stoppers at 1 -800-
222 -TIPS (8477), where you
may be eligible to receive a
cash reward of up to $2,000.
(HURON COUNTY, Ont.) - Huron
County residents need to be
aware the Mystery Shop-
per scam is currently active. In
fact, in one recent case a
Huron East resident was vic-
timized for nearly $2500.
Getting paid to go shop-
ping? Sounds like a great gig,
making a hefty sum of money
for a relatively small amount
of your time. Before you get
too excited and respond to that
enticing ad or letter that shows
up in your mailbox, please
remember the old adage, "If
it seems too good to be true,
it probably is". Yes, there are
plenty of legitimate mystery
shopping companies, which
hire individuals to drop in unan-
nounced at retailers, hotels,
restaurants and other busi-
nesses to secretly evaluate
customer service. However,
the fraudulent kind typically
works as fake check scams.
Scammers often use free online
classified websites to recruit
potential victims. Consumers
answer tempting online posts,
emails or text message ads to
become a mystery shopper. The
«employer» sends a letter with
shopping tasks to be com-
pleted in a «professional and
expeditious» manner at vari-
ous stores. Enclosed with the
«Congratulatory Letter• is a
cheque that is to be used by the
«employee» with purchasing the
goods and fulfilling the shop-
ping tasks. The «employee» is
told to deposit the cheque and
is instructed to keep a portion
of the money as a payment. The
remaining funds are to be
used to send a wire transfer
of funds to test the company>s
procedure or customer ser-
vice skills. In this instance
the «employee>s» assignment
was to evaluate the «effective-
ness and efficiency of Banks»
Eventually the cheque is
returned as counterfeit and
the «employee» is account-
able to pay for the funds that
were transferred. In this par-
ticular case a 46 -year old
from Huron East deposited
the cheque into her account,
completed her assignments
and then proceeded to deposit
$2480 into the scammers
You are invited to attend these area churches
21 Jarvis St., Seaforth
Church Office
Rev. Shaun Eaton - Priest -in -Charge
Sunday May 14
Mother's Day
PWRDF Sunday in support of Huron Hunger Fund
Worship at 9:30 am followed by coffee hour
Guest Priest: The Rev'd Lynn Mitchell
Everyone Welcome
Deanery Council meets Tues. May 16 at 7 pm
Council meets Wed. May 17 at 2 pm
26 Kippen Road Egmondville
Rev. Christine Hossack
Mothers Day / Christian Family Day
Worship May 14th 10:30
Youth Sunday School 10:30
Please come and join us
Web site: www.egmondvilleunitedchurch.com
Plant &Bake Sale May13th
An Associated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth
Interim Pastor: Rev. Laurie Morris
May 14 - 11 am
"Like a Mother"
Sunday School — 9:45 am
May 21 - 11 am
"Christian Certainties"
Tuesday Evenings:
Youth Group — 6:30 — 9 pm
Men's Bible Study — 7 pm
59 Goderich St. W.
Rev. Dwight Nelson
Lorrie Mann - Organist
Sunday, May 14 11 am
Mother's Day Breakfast
May 14 7:30-10am
• Sunday School
Nursery Provided as Needed
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account. Upon returning
home the victim decided to
go online to do some check-
ing on the company she was
working for and she immedi-
ately noticed she had fallen
for a scam. She immediately
reported the scam to her bank
and police however the dam-
age was already done and
the prospects of getting her
money back are unlikely.
Consistent with most scams
the scam artist requests you to
be «discrete and confidential»
and «act in accordance with
the Employee Code of Business
and Ethics'>. This scam is also
dependent on you responding
immediately. The mystery shop-
per letter states, «Although this
is a training exercise, it should
be considered a job inter-
view. An offer of a permanent
position will be based on the
time it takes you to complete
the assignment». The scam
artist wants you to feel pres-
sured and to act quickly before
the bank or consumer deter-
mines it is a fake cheque.
Be mindful where you post
your resume; scammers
often use legitimate web-
sites to seek out victims
A legitimate employer will
never send funds and request
a portion of it back.
Do your research. A sim-
ple search on the Internet can
save you thousands of dollars.
Beware of unsolicited text
messages and emails offer-
ing employment
If it sounds too good to
be true. it probably is.
(CENTRAL HURON, Ont.) - Huron
County Ontario Provincial Police
(OPP) officers are currently
investigating the theft of a John
Deere front end loader tractor
that was stolen from a construc-
tion site located at a bridge on
Summerhill Road near Wildlife
Line. A construction crew had
left the tractor at the jobsite over
the weekend and it was noticed
on Sunday April 30th that the
tractor had been stolen.
Investigators believe the
theft took place sometime
between 5:00 p.m. on Fri-
day, April 28th and sometime
on Sunday, April 29th, 2017.
The tractor is described as a
2002 green and yellow John
Deere model 5420 front end
loader tractor. The tractor is val-
ued at approximately $30,000.
Any person with information
regarding this incident should
immediately contact Huron OPP
at 1-888-310-1122 or (519)
524-8314. Should you wish to
remain anonymous, you may
call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800-
222 -TIPS (8477), where you
may be eligible to receive a
cash reward of up to $2,000.
(GODERICH, Ont.) - On Wednes-
day, April 26, 2017, the Ontario
Provincial Police (OPP) Commu-
nity Street Crime Unit with the
assistance of the West Region
Emergency Response Team
(ERT) and Huron OPP executed
two Controlled Drugs and Sub-
stances Act (CDSA) search war-
rants at two residences located
on Hamilton Street in the Town of
Goderich, Huron County, Ontario.
As a result of the execution
of the first search warrant,
police seized cannabis mari-
juana, clonazepam and oxyco-
done. The combined street value
of the seized controlled sub-
stances is estimated at $3,900.
Police also seized drug traffick-
ing paraphernalia and a pro-
hibited weapon (firearm).
A 22 -year-old from Goderich
and a 19 -year-old from Goderich
have been charged with: Pos-
session for the Purposes of Traf-
ficking Marihuana and Clon-
azepam, Possession of Oxy-
codone, Unauthorized Posses-
sion of a Firearm and Posses-
sion of a Prohibited Weapon.
Both have been released from
custody with court appear-
ances scheduled for May 15,
2017 at the Ontario Court
of Justice - Goderich.
Police executed the second
search warrant and seized
cocaine, oxycodone and hydro-
morphone. The combined street
value of the seized controlled
substances is estimated at
$550. Police also seized traf-
ficking paraphemalia and recov-
ered two stolen drills, a battery
charger and carrying case.
A 28 -year-old from Goderich
and a 25 -year-old from Goder-
ich have been charged with Pos-
session of Cocaine, Oxycodone
and Hydromorphone and Pos-
session of Property Obtained
by Crime Under $5,000.
Both were released from cus-
tody with court appear-
ances scheduled for June
5, 2017 at the Ontario Court
of Justice - Goderich.
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