HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1924-5-22, Page 5m • `l62e big. ezhevres' use 4 ORED HEM sh)o AFTER the fires under gigantic,. ovens in bakeries have been drawn, the bakers continue for hours to bake bread, pies and cakes. Why? Because the bricks of the oven have retained the "flash' heat of the fire and "stored" it. So, too, once McClary's Electric Oven has become thoroughly heated, the current may be turned "off" and the oven goes merrily along baking for hours. The same principle operates in Tor=Red Protected . Elements, found only on McClary's, Electric Range. 184 9 For Sale by Hydro Shop. 10t '7 ea, a ere pays tause MARTIN ENOU R MARBLE -ITE -FLOOR FIMSH 1."`-,M thing like it far Hardwood Floors It wears like Iron Write Co Head Office. Montreal for Free Booklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY 0"S" PAINT-.. OAR/11514f G. A. Hawkins, Exeter AM- Speeials*kit in"�v t€.oo to Before you buy that roof come in and see us. For the next two weeks we are Offering special prices, either in Asphalt Roofing or B.C. Shingles. .LUMBER In .lumber our stock is .com- plete. Cali and we will estimate y; qu t. requirements, he- .L Zurich Charles F. Hey, formerly of( Zurich, died at Bad Asele„ Mtycb,,,.:at the, age of 54:years,. He aleft here is 1893, and af-• tell' teaching school :inMi<chigain was -a:-:- 4inted 'school inspects:'. His wife, who was Phoebe Kaiercher, daughter of the late Machalel I(aerchertof Zftricb and four grown up children "sp,rvive— Jggha and Qt1sistiram, Hey of Zurich are '}a tilers, and Mie. W, J. klarner of Hay, and Ma's Elie'abieth Geiger of Dasbwood are slaters.. Three sisters also reside im; the Statas. e arms, John Gaster who visited friends at i(itchener, has returned to her home, Mr. Kenneth' Joy',' who ,ihasl been at- tending, T6ronto Untn>'eraity, is holiday - jag with his .patients, ,Mr. and Mrs, C. H Jobn. Mrs. Nloses (Erb.of the Bronston Ligate, wbo has been seriously till, ,has much improved and as alae to be up again( Mr. F. Papi,rtlea(u has gone to De- troit. Mr. Wm Ruby last week attended the. funeral •of alis' ,brotlier'si wife, Mrs, Chris, .Ruby, at Elkton, Mich. Mr. John Schlueter of Cavalier, N. Dakota, is visiting at 41e1 home of W. H. Hoffman. Mr. and (Mrs. 0. Taggart of South Ben, Ind., 'are visiting with : elatrves here. ±' t Mrs. David. Ell'enbaum of Cavalier, N. Dakota, is visiting Fiat Mr. and Mrs, M. Schwteitzer•. Hensall I7:ugIi J. 1\•IacDonaild was taken to Seaforth hospital and operated on for stomach trouble.. He is progressing ,nicely, Mrs. Frank Horton has returned from lover to four (m(onths' trip and vset in the, State of Florida( Je eplr Morrison sof Drayton, N.D., brother of Robert Morrison of Hen,sail died last, we ek following a stroke, A wife and family ?survive.• Deceased visited here a year Or two ago: Mrs. James Sparks has returned from Brantford where she spent ,the winter m.orlths with heir daughter,, \Lasal Beene, and was accompanied home by .her daughter airs. George McIntyre, of Detroit, who ,intends spanning »-ome weeks here with her mother.. oars. W. 5. Johnston tof St. Louis is v!. -it ig rcr mother, Mrs, Rob,ert1Hunt, who is quite ill Of rheumatism, Mrs G. C. Petty has returned from a visit lin Toronto faf ;several weeks. Dr. G. L Smith ,has, disposed of his dental practice here to Dr.' Knapp of Toronto. who will.. take avers the prac- tice in a few days. Dr. Smith is returning to Chicago, Mts. J. L, Meek has returned from a visit in. Tomato. Mr:s G. E. Walker of Guelph is via-• itiing her sister, Mrs. Wm. i\TcKa} Mr. Andrew Boa of McGill College, Montreal, is -';siting his homer here. - Dr. F. A, Sellery and Mrs. Sellery of • Toronto accompanied,- by alr, and 11rs, J. S. 'Case o•ti that city spent a few—days here, 11.rs, Alpine McEeverl is out again after her illness from scarlet "ever. Mr. 'N.. P. Warrener of Pontiac, Mich. and a former resident of our village, was here for a day for two. A. large number of focal and visiting brethren attended the I,O,O.F. service in the Meth adis t church on -Sunday ev- ening. Lucan \'1rs, 12obt, Ashbiuy, who was so dangerously ill, has much emprovea of „lata, D•irs. D. G, Rosi, who was vis't'n; her parents' in Chicago, has returned • \firs, 1)- P.Mar•ks and daughter, Ruth of Detroit were visitors at the home of the Sormer's brother, .\Lr, .G, L. Strasser, for a tithe. - We are pleased to report that Mrs Thos Dickins is improving from her. ( recent illness. Z,Lr, George Lewis of 'McG'livray. w'ro has been very ill far some t,m:e, is now :reproving nicely. Lesley eats- and Mrs. join 'Selves attended anniversary . services at Woodham an Sunday last and also :vistterl Mr. •and Mrs. Jaques. Mr John Bolton John Simmons and Wellington IKerslake motored to St, Marys oin Wednesday. last and t - tended the funeral of th4elate Mrs. Mc Lar ty, The funeral took place from the home of her ,son-in-law! M Tea,.. Bolton, jr. with whom ebb'. had resided for a letanber of ,years. Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Lamont of Blake I ape:r,.t, Sunday with Mr. amid. :tarts. • Sttewart q\l: 0ueleni. ( Kirktoti There was a Barge attendaoeeat the telephone meeting held here on Thursday evening last- McCausland Irvinue, M. L, A., occupied . the chats The meeting was called foe • the pur- pose of considering the advisability, of purchasing the I irkton, St. Marys and Mediae telephone line. Addresses were given by Dr. (Campbell., James Graham and Mr. Muir. 'The, price ask- ed by the company is $.68,000. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was passed advising the Township Council of'Blanshard to offer the company 566,000 for the saystern, with all equip- ment, ,on !the ttnderstar%ding that not less than 600 subscribers be secured. If the deal goes ;through: it is the >n - teatime to (have it running as a maraca ,pal lane by July 1st. Mr. and 'Mrs. John G.fillaln, who hates spent the past twq years en, toe Angeles, returned home last week. W'ord was received of the death of Mrs. A. A. Doupet, at thehome of her daughter, near London,. For years Mrs. Doupe( was +a respected resident of our village, ,where ,her hus- band, the late A. A. Doupe, kept a: general stone in the store now occu.- pied by E, N. SRtaerr.: The. Melfort (Sask.) :\loon ,gives ad- ditional particulars of the death ,of the late Robert Paynter, one of the best known, old-timers of Carrot River Val- ley and a brother of Mr, Richard Paynter at St. Marys. ,nd• Mrs. George Kemp of " Kirkton. The deceased res- pired suddenly from heart failure whine on, a ittlip to ►i )neighbor's, Mount Carmel R ev, F. Cororan on Sunday announc- ed the holy bonds tof .atarriage of ,john, Guinan to Miss Loretta Morrison of Detroit, the marriage to take pace early in June. Rei'. F, Tierney of London called ea F. Cordran last Sweek.• Mr, James Quarry of Toronto is spending a few days: at the home of his mother. • Miss Geraldine Harness i:s e ••sitf,na, ,a London (this week. :lir, Peter Doyle is all stales these days at the arrival ori .a baby girl Mister Jerome O'Rourke had the misfortune to spraen, his ankle last week, :lir. and Mrs. Arthur ,Mitchell an- nounce the engagement of • their only dau titer, ala, Belle, theAlvin alo:r, son of lir, and airs. Peter Moir of Lis - borne ; the marriage to take place early Elimville Seven years ago hundreds of peo- ple listened with delight to a Tem- perance Drama presented at Elim- ville, Exeter, Woodham and Fuller- ton by a number of young people from Elimville and Winchelsea en- titled "Dot, The Miner's Daughters." It was the talk of the season and people drove miles to hear it two and three times. WELL,, a number of the salve act- ors, assieted by others, will on the evening of THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 192. AT ELIMVILLE present another Temperance Drama, entitled "THE TURN OF TIU 'TIDE" A drama in throe acts, equal in qual- ity and humor to Dot, the Miner's Daughter. The play will be put on in the church shed with a seating capacity of one thousand., so everybody may come. :Hiss May, Clark will sing A Splendid Orchestra will play • Everybody* will be -happy Proceeds for Repairing Churches Program begins at (8.15) eight fifteen p.m. Admission 35c and 20c. Newton Clark, Manager. For cast of characters see large bills. Greenway Miss Edna Belt-" of .Detroit is visit- ing Miss Dorothy Belling. Miss Emma MacPherson of London and Mr anclakairs', :Roy Pollock of t.er- wcod visaed at' Mr. Ede MacPherson's V1rs J. Wheelock of Boston, Mass., renewed acqueintancesl here last week ae'eeevera' from here attended theW 114. S.. convention, tin (Henson last, 1!:e. ladies of the • Methodist church have organised.: a Ladies' Aid, w'th Mrs, J. Brown as (president, and Mrs, Maples Secretary, Rev. W: J. i•.faities' (,a giving a aeries Of talks on `How tour Church is Gov- erned"' each Sunday in the Sunday School Good-bye to Care and Worries Too! —forgetting all the rest of the world in the glorious fascination of the sea. Torevel in the luxury of beautiful surroundings -- to join in the joyous good -fellowship of the ocean -- to be entertained or to remain quiet, at ' your pleasure—to develop a ravenous appetite and find meals of the most satisfying excellence -- to receive thoughtful, court- eous attention and have your desires anticipated a n d gratified such is a voyage by Cana- dian anadian Pacific, Em- press or Monoclass Cabin Ships, to Europe. ash any Agent of the Mrs. English spent the week en.l in London By a changed method of collection. the Ontario Government plans to make the Amusement nt Tax productive a' more revenue for the Province. The Plan which ie is intended; to adopt es to eliminate some 15 tax iset.,ng age:t- ties which have existed at var,it points throughout . the Pricv,nee and to have the theatre managers and other: requiring tar- tickets secure them tt' rectly from the • Provincial Treasutera Department. The Government hopes by this change to save the agenc,es' commiss-ons, totalling upwards 'of 575,000 per year. Chiselhurst - Mr, and 1Irs. John.tMcLean:,had word from lD.etroit that their ,sons Rtoss, .had an operation performed on this, leg, on Thursday, and is not getting along yen,: well, About a 'year ago Ross, 'vh a: the time was farming on the .10th, con- cession of Tuckersmith, had the. :mase fortune to. get hiis leg broken, and al- though he had good medical attend- ance and nursing, the bones did not knit together properly. Mr. and .Mrs. McLean went to Detroit last week, PARKHILL,—Two masked men, en- tered the hone of ,Dave. Walters, La,t .Williams, and said they were, there to• take Mr. Walters to ,Landon,, but tl e ti would accept $35 to let .hint off. Mr Walters took out his ,;purse( contaj n art 5250 to ,pay the (men, and they relieved hint of the purse and entre contents PARKHILL—The late Mr,. Co\'to • attea. dad at her Mone in Parkhill •on Tuesday, May 13th, in her 69th year. She was i11 for.i few months and un- derwent an operation ,n Sarna Hos- . peal but Ler life could not be -saved L}- ri dit'all skis. She w e turn n East Williams on the lath concession, •t daughter a nu„ er of the late. Mrone Mr.s. John Niblock, and she has awed in Parkhill most .of -her married Pie MARYS.—A draught of chits: a - form taken • by John \\' Cou,'t+'a:d, aged 22, :May 15, while -;,n. a peri of , desponency, caused his death w thin a few minutes in spite, of the -; t nets of two doctors. The Young man,: who was the son of air. and ',1 , R 'E Coulthard, had periods of men,al. de - fere .soil ever since a sal gas •;1•ress several years. ago. SEAFORTH.—Ratepaye:•s of Sea_ forth, by substantial major:ties, voted to contiuu,e the present f xed aseess- m•ent for the Robert Be:1 Er ale and i Tiresier Company, the Cartad'scn Fur- (nitu_e "thnufactarers and- tae Hur.ni 1Floar Mills,.Limited. They -also vases ,to guarantee the bonds -'o' the 'last f named company to the extent, of $20,-. 000. • MITCHELL.—Death at to early hour flay- 14, :removed a. (prom ' : of the town in the perso '.t t'am Lester, at the age of 74 .. The late :Lr, Lester .had bee, e n, ;or about two years and underwent au- op, eras ion in the Stratford 1 'pi1al about .a year ago. Sunday- he .vas taken seriously ,ill, death l'o'-low'n; en Wednesday morning, McGILLIVERY,—Walter Bloomfield and Mrs, Lillian. Heaman were arrested late last week in West McGSl:livery Township ; by 13Bgh Constable A. •j, \Wh.a•rtol on a , charge Of imrriiaral•ty. The. accused appeared before Masi(-' trate Graydon in county poll';ce •court. and ,remanded to jail Co: a week. The beauties and advert cages of On- tario. are stress:ed iii the special_ Tourist June tis,sitie. of 'Rod and Glut in Canada, In addition AO a deserve tion of O.nitari:o',s a.ttractlaiis a,rud various .points of beauty in, the pro- vince, with suggestions for ' setniner camps and 'tri'ps, the stores in the rea•gaaine. deal with fishing 'and camp- ing in .Algonquin Pars, w°th timhei; surveying in Northlern. Ontario and. hunting and out-of-door stones in other .parts of the • province. •Of special interest this, month wall be t1ae. story of ,the Ise ,Pas 'Dog Derby. The June number of Rod and Guri nn t;aa- ode contains eighty -eight -pages bran-- ful of storie;s and articles, dealing with, actically every phase 'of ;sportsmen's itgerest as ,R,od and Gunn iii„,(.. vada( a.• publishet3by. W. J. Taylor Ltd., Vtida .' istoak Ont (eaaaaeaa 641, ':�,t'Y r.%,"•?;j `:' veyir.',`%�::c>y:4?5�`�;;':;�;.cit::.:a>:�:» iiia:: •; .;ZU`��a..;.....•.,�'o-kAr.�J+.2V,�'c'.Sf�.Y!> .:'L.... ,�'`.. , BIITti EMPIRE EXHIBITION AT WEMBLEY. + anada Aus a" The,Orn 1St bf�cltt),'Y'he�ttadi>tiim,"Csi�idjci9c �;�ui�dtii�� C . ,t itr�ali ; . . n�entat:>>l�ald,e 1PaaAceof,Eut�3i�t'3ai�,siad in. the fore�couud' • `111Pe't:�t1Cg t0 Palace O�:)(IIt�']ta..